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Fallin' for a Boss 3

Page 2

by Lucinda John

  I was breastfeeding Amire, when Ralph finally decided to show up. I could see the stressed look on his face and my heart began to beat out of my chest. I burped the baby and laid him down in the bassinet next to Amiracle and braced myself for what I was about to hear. Ralph had his head in his hands and when I heard him sniffle, it confirmed my worst nightmare.

  “How is he?” I asked, I had to hear him say it.

  He looked up at me with his blood shot, red eyes as the tears continue to pour out of them.

  “Is he going to be ok?”

  “Lala he….”

  “HE WHAT?!”

  “He didn’t make it.”

  “How??!!!” I yelled and tried to swallow the big lump that had now formed in my throat. “He was breathing.” I began to hysterically cry.

  “The ambulance caught on fire on the way to the hospital.”


  “The ambulance, it went up in flames, by the time I was able to make it down that street, it was up in flames.”

  “But I don’t get it.

  “A male body was confirmed being found.”

  “This is too much.” I began to hyperventilate, the room started spinning again, and then everything began to blur. I could hear Ralph calling my name, but I was unable to respond.

  I could see figures as they rushed to my bedside. The doctor was now calling my name, I wanted to respond, but it was as if someone stole my voice box. Ralph’s words played in my head over and over again like a broken record before my body finally gave up and then everything went black.

  “Lala, you have a phone call on line one,” Shelly said snapping me out of my thoughts.

  “Thank you,” I said into the intercom before answering the phone. “Hello.”

  “Hey, bestie what’s up?” Lisa chimed into the phone

  “Same shit different day.”

  “How’s my god babies?”

  “They’re doing fine, I’m at the clinic right now, so they’re home with Anna.”

  “Did you see that lame ass nigga today?” she asked referring to Ralph.

  “You so childish,” I laughed.

  “Why I gotta be all that?”

  “Why you checking for my co-workers?” I joked.

  “Oh, whatever! Was he with that bitch?”

  “No, Lisa, he was not with Kandi.”

  “So, you did see him?”

  “Girl, bye I got work to do. I am not about to sit here and entertain you, matter fact, hold on.” I put her on hold, dialed Ralph’s number, and then transferred the call. Laughing to myself, I logged into my inventory system and placed the orders for all of the items my clinics needed. I called into my other two locations and had the secretary email me all of the orders that needed to be put in the system.

  When I finally finished, it was around dinnertime, so I decided to go home to my kids. Even though I was a drug dealer and business owner, I was a mother first, so I made it my priority to make it home by six in the evening every night, on the days I chose to work.

  The aroma of Chili rushed me as soon as I opened the door causing my stomach to rumble. I entered the security code in the alarm and made my way to the kitchen. The kids were both sitting in their chairs with a bottle in their mouth as Anna moved around the kitchen cooking up a storm. She was a Godsend to me. Ever since Stacks’ death, she had been nothing but help, every week I showed her just as much I appreciated her with a nice, hefty check every week.

  I also paid her grandkids’ college tuition and made sure that all of her utilities were paid on time. All she had to do was save up for her retirement. I was going to be the last family whose kids she looked after.

  “Oh, Ms. Lala, you scared me,” she jumped once she noticed me.

  “I’m sorry, Anna, did the kids behave for you today?”

  “Yes, very good. I have no problems with my babies.” She smiled and kissed both of them on the cheeks.

  “Good babies,” I giggled and tickled them both. Although their father wasn’t here to enjoy, I knew he would have been a great father.

  “Sit and eat,” Anna said placing a plate of Chili over a bed of white rice in front of me. This is what had me so thick; I came home to a nice, southern home cooked meal every day.

  “Oh, Anna, I don’t think you should be feeding the babies that.”

  “Oh, hush Chile, and let me feed these babies. I hope you don’t think that breast milk you been pumping for them is the only thing that has them this chunky. I feed my babies.” She made sure the spoon of chili was nice and cool before putting it in Amire’s mouth.

  After dinner, Anna cleaned up the kitchen and left for the night. I gave her two weeks of pay and informed her that I was going to be spending the following week home with the kids. She started to fuss until I gave her an all inclusive cruise trip to Jamaica for the week. Thanking me, she kissed the babies and left. I made sure that the alarm was activated before taking the kids upstairs for a bath.

  One by one, I fed and burped the babies then put them to bed. I sat in the nursery with them until I was sure that they both were asleep. The stars I decorated the ceiling with lit up the room and displayed farm animals on the wall. I looked at the portrait size photo that I hung on the wall, even though Stacks was not with us in flesh, he would always be with us in spirit.

  Kissing both my babies, I left their room and went to go sit in Stacks’ man cave. Everything was left the same way. For some reason, being in this room brought me so much comfort. Laying down on the sofa bed, I pulled the sheets over my body and cuddled against the fabric. I could still smell his scent lingering around in the room. Praying a prayer of comfort, I asked God to allow me to dream of Stacks before I drifted off to sleep.

  “Why are you crying?” a woman’s voice asked.

  “He’s gone,” I said crying over Stacks grave.

  “He’s not dead,” she replied. I looked up and the woman looked really familiar, as she continued to walk closer to me I was able to see that it was Stacks’ grandma standing next to her husband and Stacks’ mother.

  “Don’t cry, my dear, he is not dead.”

  “Where is he?” I asked, but they started to fade away. “Where is he?” I yelled trying to run after them, but they were gone.

  I woke up in a cold sweat trying to put together what I just dreamed. A strong felling came over me and my heart began to beat really fast. I got up and walked to the bathroom to splash water on my face. As I looked up in the mirror, I saw Stacks’ face, but then it vanished.

  My mind was really starting to play these fucked up tricks on me. I went downstairs and grabbed me a bottle of water. I swallowed down two pain pills and went to go check on the babies. After I changed their diapers, I laid on the daybed that was in their room and decided to do some online shopping.

  I bought the kids more stuff that they didn’t need then I decided to browse Amazon for some good reads. After purchasing one hundred dollars’ worth of books, I decided to catch up on the Rozalyn series by Myss Shan before the finale was released December 23rd. Tamar finding out that Rozalyn fucked Brandon was the last thing I read before I fell asleep.

  Chapter 2


  “Down, set, hut, hut!” I yelled passing the ball to one of my twins as he began to run with the ball. My other twin son ran after him in an attempt to tackle him down for the ball.

  “Touch down!!” Justin said doing a little dance.

  “No fair,” Justice said with a frown. “Daddy, he cheated.”

  “I did not!” Justin shoved Justice.

  “Hey, stop with all that, y’all brothers,” I said picking Justice up. “Now, let’s go get ready for bed.”

  We walked inside of the house and Donna was nowhere in sight. I brought the boys to the bathroom, plugged the tub, and filled it with warm water and bubbles. I sat on the edge of the tub and helped them undress before picking them up one by one and putting them in the water.

  I smiled at my boys; they were everything
I ever dreamed of and more. My mind wondered to Lala for a minute and my heart began to ache. Although God gave me a second chance to be with Donna and they boys, I still missed her and our twins that I never got to hold.

  I still remembered that day like it was yesterday, I dreamt it every night. I was supposed to protect her and I let her down once again. I was supposed to be there to help her raise my babies, but I left her on her own to be a single mother. I was torn.

  A part of me wanted to be here with Donna and the boys, but I also wanted to be with Lala. I was madly in love with Lala, she was the blood that pumped my heart.

  After giving the boys their baths, I dried them off and dressed them each in a pair of Spider Man PJ’s. I tucked them in bed, gave them a kiss, and read them a bedtime story until they were sound asleep. I stood there and stared at them before closing the door and walking to the bedroom I shared with Donna.

  Donna was sitting there with her head in her hands while sobbing.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked as I sat next to her.

  “It’s time for you to go back,” she sobbed.

  “What do you mean?”

  “Look at the portal?”

  I looked to where she was pointing and I swear it felt like I was in a supernatural movie.

  “So, why don’t you and the boys come with me ma?”

  “We can’t, look at our skin, it’s pale, we’re dead. But yours still has color, it isn’t your time yet.”

  The more she talked about this shit the more spooked a nigga became. I just sat there and held her in my arms, She continued to sob uncontrollably until she finally fell asleep. I was happy that I wasn’t really dead and I had another chance of life, but I couldn’t celebrate knowing that I would have to part with Donna and the twins again. I got up and went to kiss my boys goodbye, then did the same with Donna. Before I could go, my mother pulled me aside.

  “Anthony, I am really proud of the man you’ve become.” She smiled with tears in her eyes. “You blessed me with four wonderful grandchildren. Go be with your other two, it is not your time yet. I’ll be here to take care of Donna and the boys.”

  “Thanks ma,” I said holding on tightly to her. I felt her tears, which only made me bawl like a little bitch.

  “It’s time to go,” she said as she walked me to the door. I hugged her one more time until I felt my body lift and then drop.

  Opening my eyes wasn’t easy to do because the light shinning from the window kept burning them. When I was finally able to adjust my eyes, I noticed that I wasn’t in my house nor was I was in the hospital. My eyes wandered around the unfamiliar room taking in the scenery, there were pictures of Lala and I around the room as well as pictures of twin girls.

  That threw me off a bit because I was sure as hell that I heard Lala tell me that our surprise baby was a boy. I tried to get out of the bed, but my body ached. I looked around for any sign of Lala or the babies, but there wasn’t any. I heard the door open and close, feeling an uneasiness; I closed my eyes and decided to fake sleep.

  Chapter 3


  “Shit!” I yelled as I dropped the baby bag while trying to carry the twins inside the house. Motherhood was a bitch I wasn’t ready for. If it wasn’t for me wanting to be with Stacks so bad, I wouldn’t even be in this predicament. As soon as I closed the front door, Anita started to cry. I rushed and tried to get her a bottle before she woke Amita. It was a domino affect with twins, once one started to cry then the other began. Sparingly, that was not the case this time; Amita laid peacefully in her car seat as I tended to Anita.

  My phone started to ring and I looked at the screen before I placed it back in my pocket. It was my cousin Tazz calling for the rest of the money I owed him for getting me the twins. His ass was out of his mind if he thought he was going to get another red cent out of me. Instead of the fool bringing me a newborn boy and girl, he brought me two girls that looked nothing like Stacks. I was just hoping whenever he did wake up out of his medically induced coma that he would be too out of it to notice.

  Getting the babies settled in their crib, I walked inside of the master bedroom I shared with Stacks and began to undress. The doctor I hired to look after Stacks was here earlier and she basically told me that his vital were nice and strong, so it was basically up to him to wake up whenever his body was ready to. He looked at peace sleeping and I bent down to give him a kiss before going in the bathroom to take a shower.

  I made sure the water was steamy hot before I got inside the shower. I allowed the water beads to soothe my skin as I thought back on the day I decided to make Stacks mine once and for all…

  My cousin Tazz was already working with Bear and some other niggas in Flint trying to kill Stacks. I gave them the perfect day, which was the day of their baby shower. I basically orchestrated the whole thing. I had some of the men dressed up as men from a moving company that went back to Stacks’ house to help them with the things from the baby shower. The plan was to run up in the house while they were sleeping, but Lala ended up going in labor.

  I was on pins and needles hoping Stacks didn’t die as they shot up his car. I watched from afar as they tried to resuscitate him. When they were able to do so, we highjacked the ambulance that was supposed to be bringing him to the hospital.

  We removed Stacks’ body and put him in my car. I set the ambulance on fire and had him airlifted to our new house in Atlanta, Georgia. He had slipped into a coma due to all the loss of blood he suffered and I was kind of happy because I had time to prepare for him when he awoke.

  I hired some of the hospital’s staff and had them care for him while I was out and about trying to impersonate Lala. I was able to go inside the house they once shared together and study her. I mimicked all the products she used, the scent she wore; I even stole suitcases full of her clothes and shoes.

  I made Loye, Ashley’s gay friend hook me up so that I resembled her. If you took a quick glance, I could pass as Lala. I just hoped Stacks was dumb enough to buy it.

  The cries of the babies cut my shower short. I took a deep breath before turning the dial and grabbing my robe. I wrapped a towel around my hair and was prepared to go deal with these damn babies. UGHHHH! One was ok, but two was too much!

  My heart almost stopped when I walked in the nursery and saw Stacks feeding Anita. I sat there with a lump formed in my throat; I couldn’t form any words to say. I watched for a few seconds and decided to walk out of the room and allow him to bond with the babies.

  Dropping my robe, I grabbed the warm, lavender body butter and began to rub it into my skin. I was a very beautiful girl, with such ugly scars due to a nasty habit. Looking in the full-length mirror, I began to inspect every scar I had due to me cutting my skin. Every scar that stained my body told a story.

  “Where did all of those scars come from?” Stacks asked scaring me.

  “The accident,” I spoke quickly pulling on a pair of stretched pants and a baby tee.

  “How old are the babies?”

  “Six months.”

  “Man, I missed six months of my kids’ life,” he said to no one in particular.

  “Should you be out of bed? Do you need me to call a nurse?” I asked trying to change the subject.

  “Nah. I’m good.” He sat on the bed looking at me “Why we ain’t in Miami?”

  “It was too dangerous for the kids.”

  “I see.”

  “You hungry?”

  Nah. You can roll me a blunt though.”

  I couldn’t have walked out of that room fast enough. This was too much. I wasn’t expecting him to wake up so soon, and I sure as hell wasn’t prepared for his line of questioning. How the fuck did he wake up so damn alert?! I silently cursed myself for not having the doctor keeping him under his medically induced coma. Now, I was forced to put on my game face and deal with this bullshit. I thought of lacing his weed with some sleeping pills, but decided against it. After numerous attempts of trying to roll the blunt, I finally ended u
p with a mediocre blunt that I brought to him.

  “Here you go, I’m going to go start on dinner,” I said handing him the blunt. I watched him as he twirled the blunt between his fingers and looked at it in disapproval.

  “Bring me the wrap in the weed,” was he reply. I went downstairs and gathered all the items he would need to roll his blunt and brought it back up to him with a cup and bottle of Jack Daniels. With any luck, he’d get fucked up tonight and I could avoid being interrogated.

  I started seasoning the chicken for the stirfry I was going to make. In the middle of cutting the veggies, my phone started to ring again. I sent Tazz a text letting him know that I would hit him back up later and continued prepping for dinner.

  Making sure everything was well seasoned; I made sure I put my foot in this meal, ten toes and all. I made a quick garden salad and a pitcher of grape Kool-Aid to go with our meal. I made him a nice, hearty plate, added ice to his glass, and put the Kool-Aid on a tray before carrying it up to him.

  “Why don’t I have any clothes?” he asked as he stood in front of me naked with the blunt hanging from his mouth. He hot boxed the fuck out of the room that I was about to get high just by standing in there.

  “We left in such a hurry, I really didn’t have time to pack anything?”

  “Word,” he said laying back on the bed, dick touching the ceiling and all. My mouth began to water, so I climbed on top of him and put his dick in my mouth. I was hesitant to suck on it at first because I wasn’t too sure if he was going to push me off or not.

  When I felt his muscles relax, I continued to deep throat him. I was sucking my frustrations out on his dick and his light moans let me know that he was enjoying it. I used my throat and tightened it around his dick, causing him to grab the back of my head for mercy.

  I licked his shaft, kissed the tip of his dick, and continued to bless him with the best head I had ever given. Curling my lips, I made sure my teeth made no contact as I assaulted his dick with my vicious mouth. After swallowing a set of his twins, I climbed on top of him, pulled off my shorts, and began to ride him. I bent down and tried to give him a kiss, however, he wouldn’t kiss me back. Instead, he bit and sucked on my neck as he pumped in and out of me.


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