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Fallin' for a Boss 3

Page 6

by Lucinda John

  “Now, you can come,” he said playing with my clit as he pumped in and out of me. He didn’t have to repeat himself because I was near my peak. He held onto my waist as we both came together.

  “Next time when daddy speaks, you listen,” he whispered to my pussy before planting soft kisses on it.

  We laid on the couch for a few more minutes before showering and sitting at the table as a family to have dinner. At this point, I was really happy with how life was turning out and I was determined to kill the bitch my man was fucking with. I wasn’t a dumb bitch. The way he came home and fucked me, I knew there had to be another bitch. I just hoped she was ready for the heat I was about to bring her way.

  Chapter 10


  Stacks kept asking me questions that I was running out of lies to answer with. This was becoming harder than I thought. I wasn’t expecting him to have such a full recovery; even the doctors were shocked at how well he was able to remember things.

  To avoid him, I started leaving the house earlier and coming in later. I told him that I had a job at the hospital that was five miles away. I even went as far as to leaving the house wearing scrubs and shit. If I would have known my plan would fail so miserably, I would have just killed Lala like I originally wanted to.

  “So, what you want to do?” Tazz asked me as we sat in my car trying to figure out how I was going to keep everything running smoothly.

  “To be honest, I don’t even know.”

  “Do you think he knows?”

  “Nah. I think he’s just getting restless since we’re not in Miami and I’m not giving him a valid reason as to why.”

  “Why don’t you just off ol’ girl and go back to Miami?”

  “It’s not that easy. I would have to kill her best friend, Ralph, and everyone else who’s closely associated with him.”


  Damn was right. I was now in a fucked up situation that I didn’t know how to get out of. I grabbed the blunt from Tazz’s hand and took a long pull, I held it in until my eyes began to water. The instant buzz felt good, so I decided to do it a few more times anticipating the high.

  “Chill out ma this ain’t no regular weed.”

  “Roll up another one,” I replied finishing up this blunt.

  My shift was scheduled to end in three hours. I could come up with some bullshit excuse telling him I had to pick up an extra shift and that would cover up for me coming home late. I didn’t have to worry about him popping up or calling because he was home with the twins, he had no car, and I made sure not to leave any phones around. I didn’t want to chance him remembering someone’s number and blowing my cover.

  We sat in the car and smoked some more until it was time for Tazz to leave. After I dropped him off to his car, I got me a small hotel room and a few bottles of Patron. Sitting on the dirty dingy ground, I felt myself having another panic attack.

  I was finally supposed to live the life I wanted with the man I loved and it was all going down the drain. Drowning the bottle of Patron, I banged it against the tile floor until it shattered. Picking up a sharp peace of glass, I located an area on my thigh and began cutting.

  The first slice hurt since it had been a while since I’d done it. But once I was able to get through the initial shock, my body began to ride the waves. With every slice I made into my skin, I could feel myself becoming relaxed. I made another slice and I was dancing on cloud nine. Laying with my head back as if I was in a drug coma, my tongue hung out the side of my mouth as I sat there with a blank expression on my face.

  Wiping the blood off my thigh with the stained comforter, I held down some pressure on the cuts to stop the bleeding. Getting up and walking to the bathroom, I doused a washcloth with alcohol and began wiping my cuts clean. I discarded my clothes and lay on the musty smelling bed. I had no intentions on going home tonight, so this would have to do.


  The following morning, I woke up with a horrible headache. Brushing my teeth, I washed my face and dressed myself in the cotton candy pink scrubs I brought along with me. After checking out of the hotel, I decided to stop by IHOP to buy some breakfast.

  Once I arrived home, I sucked in a deep breath before walking in. The house was quiet as I placed my keys on the key ring that was located by the door. I began to panic as I walked though all of the rooms and was not able to locate Stacks or the girls. I was about to call 911, until I heard some voices and water splashing coming from the bathroom.

  Through the crack of the door, I watched as Stacks gave the girls their bath. It was a sweet moment that warmed my heart. As he lathered their little bodies with the baby wash, he made small talk with them. As if the girls understood what he was saying, they would babble and giggle.

  “Girl, your mother finally decided to come home,” he said to the girls never turning around to acknowledge my presence. The way he said it had chills running up and down my spine.

  “I had to work a double.”

  “Yeah, right.”

  “What’s that suppose to mean?”

  “It means this makes no fucking sense! You have access to all my fucking money and you’re trying to tell me you have to break your back and work? Explain that shit to me LALA!” he yelled adding emphasis on “my name”.

  “How many times do I have to tell you that I had to up and leave every fucking thing?”

  “So, you mean to tell me you have no access to my bank accounts? Or that my father would intentionally let me sit up here in this fucking hellhole while my girl struggles? Something ain’t adding the fuck up!”

  “I had to move fast, I thought you were dead. ALL I WAS TRYING TO DO WAS PROTECT MY FAMILY!” I cried. “And if that meant us going into hiding and broke while depending on my career to pay bills then so be it. I was willing to sacrifice all that shit in order for us to be together. It’s not always about the money!”

  “Man, get out of here with that shit. I’m trying to bond with my daughters, if they’re even mine anyways.”

  “You know what, fuck you!”

  “I been stop doing that after you tried to give me some bap shit.”

  His words stung me deep in the heart. At that moment, I wanted to grab a gun, shoot him, the twins, and then end my life. I took off running with blurry vision due to the tears that were building up in my eyes. I needed a release and I needed one fast.

  Grabbing a knife, I snatched my keys off the key ring, and ran to my car. I pulled off and sped to the nearest secluded area. Tearing a whole in the pants of my scrubs, I used the knife to do what I knew how to do best.

  Chapter 11


  I was trying to call the number that Stacks called me from to check on him to see if everything was good, but I was not getting a response. I couldn’t wait until he came so he can nip that shit that Lala had going on with that nigga in the bud. I wasn’t no hater, but something about the kid wasn’t right. He smelt like he was a fucking pig.

  I honked my horn again, waiting on my baby mama to bring my son out. She knew I was on my way; so I didn’t know why she ain’t have him ready. Pulling out my phone, I called to let her know I was outside, but she kept forwarding my calls. Pissed off, I got out my car and went to go knock on the door.

  “What?!” Amber yelled as she snatched the door open.

  “Is Jr. ready?”

  “If he was he would have been out here waiting on you!”

  “Amber, I ain’t got time to play these games with you today man I just want to take my son and that’s all.”

  “Do you have my money?” She smacked her lips, placing a hand filled with long, colorful, fake nails on her hips.

  “I gave you fifteen hundred dollars last week, plus I bought you a house, paid all of your utilities, put groceries in the refrigerator, and bought Jr. a whole new wardrobe. WHAT MORE DO YOU FUCKING WANT!?”

  “Well, I have to pay Jr. football registration fees and he needs tutoring.”

  Not wanting to argue with
her basic ass, I reached in my pockets and handed her a stack of money not even counting it. She ran her fingers through the band and her face lit up like a kid on Christmas morning. Stuffing the money in her bra, she smiled and yelled for my son to finish packing his bags. I was sick of looking at her dumb ass, so I went to the car to wait on my son. I then texted Lisa to let her know that I was on my way over in an hour and to be ready.

  “Hey dad!” Jr. said as soon as he opened the car door.

  “What’s up boy?”

  “Nothing just tryna keep the ladies off me.”

  “What you know about the ladies?” I laughed.

  “Man dad they be all on me at recess. I be having these chicks going ham for me.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  “Yeah, ya boy nice.”

  “Well, how them grades looking?”

  “On point as always dad, I’m not tryna have moms on me.”

  “Good looking, check me out, we about to go pick up Riley then go pick up Lisa so we can chill.”

  “Ms. Lisa so cute.”

  “Yeah, but she off limits, so just chill.”

  “We’ll see,” he said before turning on the DVD player.

  When we arrived at Laurie’s house, I had no problem picking up my daughter. She was ready and waiting by the door like always. I went to the door to greet her mother and to made sure she was good on money.

  “Daddy, where are my flowers?” Ry asked me as soon as I made it to the door.

  “Aww, shit! I forgot. We’ll go pick you up some.”

  “No, daddy you’re supposed to bring me some flowers every time you come pick me up,” she pouted.

  “I know I won’t forget anymore. Go get in the car, Jr. is in there. Let me talk to your mom for a little bit.”

  “You good?” I asked Laurie once Riley was in the car.

  “Yes, Ralph, we’re fine, but watch your mouth when you’re speaking to our daughter.”

  “Yeah, my bad.”

  “When are you bringing her home?”

  “You can just pick her up from school Monday afternoon.”

  “Ok, well, have a good time and tell Jr. I said hi.”


  That was what I loved about Laurie, it was always so peaceful between us. I bet if I would have came over there with Riley, Amber would have started a scene and I probably wouldn’t have been able to get Jr. for the weekend. My phone beeped letting me know that I had a text, punching in my lock code, I swiped the text icon to read the message.

  MY FUTURE: I’m ready, hurry up!

  ME: Chill I’m on my way I had to go pick up the kids.

  MY FUTURE: Ok, well I’m ready.

  I put my phone back in my pocket and stopped at Rosey’s Flower Shop. I got Riley some yellow and white daisies, and bought Lisa some blue and white roses. Jr. surprised me when he bought Lisa a bouquet of roses then pulled out his wallet and paid for it on his own. I had to shake my head at his little ass.

  “Thank you daddy,” Riley smiled smelling the flowers.

  “Anything for you princess.”

  When we got to Lisa’s house, we got out the car and knocked on the door. She opened the door wearing a pink and grey Juicy Couture jogging suit, with a pair of pink and grey Jordans on her feet.

  “You look very pretty Ms. Lisa, these are for you,” Jr. said handing her the roses he brought her.

  “Thank you baby, you look real handsome yourself,” she replied bending down and giving him a kiss. He blushed then turned around and gave me a thumbs up.

  “Hey Ry.”

  “Hey, Lisa, I missed you.”

  “I missed you too doll. How have you been?”

  “I’ve been doing great.”

  “That’s good.”

  “Damn, I can’t get no love?” I interrupted.

  “Hey, Ralph,” Lisa rolled her eyes

  “Lose the attitude, here you go ma.” I said handing her the flowers. “You done packing?”

  “What am I packing for?”

  “Weekend at my house.”

  “I ain’t agree to that, Ralph.”

  “Please, Lisa, it’ll be fun,” Riley begged.

  “Ok, let me go grab my bags.”

  “Yay!!” the kids cheered as Lisa rolled her eyes at me again. I watched her ass jiggle in them sweats and I made plans on getting me some of that tonight once the kids was asleep.

  We spent the whole day at the mall shopping and watching movies, and then we ended up at the Dade County fair. I tested out my hoop skills trying to win my girls some teddy bears while Lisa rode every single roller coaster with the kids. I ended up winning them each big Dalmatian dogs. It was getting real late, so we grabbed dinner to go and headed to my house.

  “Go in your room and wash up for dinner,” I directed the kids as soon as we walked inside the house. While the kids were taking their baths, Lisa and I were in the kitchen making the plates.

  “Where am I sleeping tonight?” Lisa asked and grabbed the fruit Punch Twister juice and poured some in each of the cups.

  “In the king’s castle,” I answered as I sat down and ate my food.

  “I ain’t sleeping on that bed you been fucking that bitch on,” she replied and took a seat across from me.

  “You the only bitch I’mma be fucking in that bed.”

  “Oh, I got you bitch,” she said throwing her cup of juice in my face. That’s what I loved about her thug ass, she ain’t take shit from no nigga and that shit was sexy as fuck.

  The kids were back so we sat at the table and ate dinner like a family. It felt good to have my kids and the woman that I loved in my presence. It was time that I quit playing and make Lisa my wife, hell I might even put a baby in her ass just to keep that pussy on lock.

  When we finished dinner, Lisa popped some popcorn and we sat in the family room watching scary movies. After the second movie, the kids were fast asleep, so I carried them to their rooms. Turning off the TV, then cleaning up the room, I headed upstairs where I heard the shower running.

  Lisa was in the shower attempting to sing K. Michelle’s VSOP when I walked in. Taking my clothes off, I pulled the door back and got in the shower with her.

  “What the fuck you doing?” she asked and hit me with the sponge.

  “I came to take a shower.”

  “You have five fucking bathrooms!”

  “Ever heard of saving water,” I said pushing her up against the shower wall. I covered her lips with mine so that she couldn’t protest. Lifting her legs, I wrapped them around my waist and used my dick to play with her clit.

  I could feel the vibrations of her moans coming from her throat as I continued to assault her tongue with my mouth. Even though we were in the shower, I could still feel the warmth of her wetness dripping down my legs. Her pussy was so hot that it was begging me to put it out of its misery. I rubbed on my dick until it was so hard that the veins began to appear.

  Shoving my dick in her pussy, I held it there. It had been a minute since I been in her pussy and I forgot how good it was. She started rotating her hips and grinding on me causing me to bitch up a little bit. I held her up against the wall by her waist and started deep stroking her pussy. I knew she was missing the kid by the way her pussy was crying out in pleasure. I still held her tongue captive in my mouth while she hummed for mercy.

  I felt her pussy start to contract around my dick, so I pumped harder and faster. I freed myself from her lips so that I could grab one of her breasts in my mouth.

  “Oh fuuuuuuuuk!” she moaned when I bit down hard on her shoulder blade causing her to shutter.

  “Oh, shit don’t stop,” she demanded. “Beat this pussssssssssy up!!!”

  I was really good at following directions, so I kept fucking her until she creamed all over my wood. Lifting her above my head, I used my mouth to suck her dry. She started grinding on my mouth, so I bit her clit and latched onto it, sucking until she cursed me. I rolled my tongue over her now swollen pearl before using it to bri
ng her to another nut. She collapsed in my arms, so I adjusted the showerhead so that I could rinse her body off. Stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel and dried her body off.

  Laying her on my bed, I wasn’t done with her ass yet. I quickly went to go check on the kids and made sure that they were still asleep before closing my bedroom door.

  I grabbed the pineapple, edible body oil and rubbed her down with it before licking it clean off her body. That alone had her already busting her third nut. Flipping her over, I fucked her until she lost her voice then fell asleep.

  Chapter 12


  Temperature’s rising

  And your body’s yearnin’ for me

  So, come here baby

  Girl, lay it on me

  I place no one above thee

  Oh, take me to your ecstasy

  It seems like you’re ready

  (Seems like you’re ready)

  Seems like you’re ready

  (Girl, are you ready)

  To go all the way, all the way…..

  R. Kelly’s voice sweetly sung through my stereo system as I slowly grinded in front of the mirror. I was getting ready for my date with Joey and if he played his cards right, tonight could be the night. Slipping on my sexy black lace Victoria’s Secret thong set, I sexily propped my legs and gently rubbed my body down with body butter while still grinding to the music.

  I fingered the many different scents that I had on my vanity and decided that my Heat by Beyoncé perfume was perfect. After spraying down the sexual parts of my body, I slipped my body in the white, silk Donna Karen wrap around dress that I just purchased.

  The two slits on the sides came up to my mid thigh showing of my sexy, smooth toned legs. I rubbed on the tattoo I had on my leg and for a minute guilt started to settle in. I had to remind myself that Stacks was dead and that it was ok for me to move on.

  Taking the large flexi rods out of my hair, I fingered my curls and allowed them to loosely drop down my back. The gate bell started to ring and I hit the button on the wall. I saw the guards checking Joey before letting him in. I was kind of hesitant on letting him come pick me up at my house, so I decided that I would meet him at the guesthouse that was around back from my house.


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