Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7)

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Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7) Page 2

by Sheridan Anne

  “Are you sure? I’d happily stand here and let you give it everything you’ve got if it will make you feel better.”

  Henley considers me a moment before shaking her head and smiling once again. “I’m really glad you’re back, Rivers, but now I have to go and check that my makeup is still in place. So no, no ass-kicking for you today, but you better come prepared tomorrow.”

  With that, Henley heads off down towards Tully’s bedroom and I’m left with Violet asking every question under the sun about life in the military and checking up that I’ve been doing ok. It takes all of two seconds for her to pull me down onto the couch and dive into all the heavy stuff which has me cringing. I love Violet, but I look to her as a mother and there are some things a mother shouldn’t know about a son’s endless days in the military.

  We’re hardly two minutes into the conversation when the front door flies open and my best friend comes storming in. “Where the hell is he?” he demands.

  Noah’s eyes scan the room as I fly up off the couch and face him, standing tall and ready to accept any punishment he deems fit. He strides towards me with a firm set of his jaw, looking more intimidating than I’ve ever seen before. Either he’s perfected it over the past four years or he’s just grown into a man who’s had to face down things no man should ever have to face.

  His hands ball into fists at his side and it’s clear that some things don’t change because one thing is for sure; Noah Cage is still run by his emotions.

  A vision in white appears in the hallway and Noah's eye flick her way as though he physically can’t help it and within the blink of an eye, everything changes.

  Noah comes to a startling stop in the middle of the living room. His fists relax and he sucks in a long, deep breath, allowing the anger to fade as he takes in his bride for the very first time. “Fuck,” he murmurs as she walks slowly towards him, beaming up at him as though she’s never been happier.

  Henley comes to a stop right in front of Noah. “Hi,” she whispers as her eyes roam all over his face.

  Noah glides the back of his knuckles down her bare arm and goosebumps rise on her skin. “You’re beautiful,” he tells her, making her smile reach right up into her eyes until they’re glistening with love.

  I can’t help but feel as though I’m intruding on this moment but I don’t dare move a muscle. Noah is a fucking bomb and despite the moment he’s having with his future wife, he could detonate in the blink of an eye.

  Henley takes his hands in hers and raises her chin before gently brushing her lips over his and making violet sigh with joy. “Ok,” Violet says, stepping forward to physically break them apart. "Break it up. I’m not about to let you kiss the bride before the ceremony. You need to save it for later.”

  Noah smiles and reluctantly releases her hands which is when he turns on me.

  We stand in a silent stare off for what feels like the longest moment and all I can think about is how much I’ve missed my best friend. I'll never admit it to him, but he’s been my rock since the day I met him at just eleven years old. He was there for me without even knowing and opened his world to me, and because of that, I was able to see what being part of a family truly meant. I was able to feel love for the first time, acceptance, and happiness.

  Everything positive in my life has come because of Noah, and I owe him more than he could ever know, so whatever he needs right now to make himself feel better, I’m prepared to give even if it means one hell of a beating.

  He makes his move and my whole body tenses in preparation, only the hand that I expect to come flying towards my face never quite makes it. It detours and comes around my back until Noah’s arms are around me, clapping my back with pride. “It’s so fucking good to see you, man.”

  Joy like I've never known tears through me and my arms fly up around him, pulling him in tight as he welcomes me home. My hand comes down on his back just as he does the same to mine. "I've missed you, brother."

  "You know," Noah says, pulling back and looking at me with his heart on his sleeve. "It wouldn't be right if you weren't standing up there beside me today. What do you say? Will you be my best man?"

  I can't stop the grin that tears across my face. "I thought you'd never fucking ask."

  Henley steps into our sides, taking both our hands as she looks up at us with pride. "Well, now that your cycles are back in sync, can we go and get married?"

  "Do I even want to know what that means?"

  "Trust me, you don't," Noah grins before looking down at his bride. He pauses a moment and that love-sick, starry-eyed look comes over him once again. He reaches around her and slowly sets the vale back over her face. "Yeah," he murmurs. "Let's make you my wife."

  Chapter 2


  I choked.

  Four long years. 1,567 days to be exact, which adds up to four years, three months and fifteen days, but who's counting?

  I still can't believe it. Every day for the past 1,567 days I've thought of what I would say to Rivers if he was to ever show up on my doorstep. I was going to give him a piece of my mind and I was going to make it count. I was going to let him know exactly what kind of hell he has put me through and I was going to put him right in his place. The way he hurt me, the way I suffered, it's something I'm never going to forget and he was going to know it. I've pictured making him hurt just as he did to me, but when it came down to it; I choked.

  Four long years of waiting for him and I choked.

  Fuck. What the hell is wrong with me?

  Why did I allow him to affect me like that? I stood there like a fool, gaping at the man before me, wondering why I was struggling to breathe. My heart took off at inhuman speeds to the point where I was terrified it was about to beat right out of my chest.

  I had to get out of there, and like the little bitch that I am, I ran.

  I should have stayed and laid his ass out just like he deserves. I mean, four fucking years of nothing? Not one letter. Not one text. No phone calls? I thought I meant more than that. I thought that we shared something special that was worth fighting for and I know that he had his demons, but I always figured he'd work through them and come around.

  How wrong was I? I got nothing for four fucking years.

  And now this? How could he just show up like that without any warning? If he intended to destroy me, then he's doing a pretty good job so far. I don’t know how much more of that I could handle. I wonder how long he's staying or if he's staying at all. Maybe he was just here to say congratulations and then left straight away. Maybe I just screwed up my one and only chance to let him know what he did to me.

  If that’s true and he is gone…shit. I don’t even want to think about that.

  What am I going to do? I'm a fucking mess.

  Out of all the days for this to happen, why did he have to come back today? My brother is marrying my best friend and it's supposed to be one of the happiest days of my life. Yet here I am, sitting in my car willing myself to hold it together as I stare out at all the people gathered here at the Haven Falls parklands where an incredible wedding ceremony has been set up.

  I should be out there, welcoming everyone and double checking that the flowers are exactly where they need to be. If anything, I should be back with Henley, making sure she's having the time of her life and not about to bail on the best thing to ever happen to her. Though, she wouldn’t. If anyone was going to bail today, it’d be me.

  If everything had gone to plan, we'd be halfway through the ceremony by now, but instead, people are standing around, sipping on champagne while the bride and groom are...who the hell knows, and I'm here freaking out in my car.

  Real nice, Tully. Very mature.

  I guess it's time to pull it together. Spencer and Jared have been out there holding down the fort for the past twenty minutes when I should have been out there helping.

  I pull the sun visor down and check my reflection only to find a crazed stranger staring back at me.

fires through me. I looked so nice before. I had my makeup done by a makeup artist and now I look like I've just come off a three day bender with Aiden.

  I try my best to fix up my makeup, but it's a lost cause. There's not a lot I can do about it now.

  I double check my dress, take a few slow, deep breaths, and prepare myself to put on the show of a lifetime. I can do this. I just need to smile until the early hours of the morning and then I can go home and try to forget.

  I step out of my car and start making my way towards the guests when I decide that a glass of champagne would be in my best interest. Maybe two. Hell, I better make it three just for good measure.

  The rim of the champagne flute is only just brushing my lips when Spencer appears at my side, sliding his arm around my waist and drawing me into his strong body. "You look gorgeous," he murmurs, dipping his head and pressing a kiss to my shoulder.

  I give him a tight smile, feeling like absolute shit for being this messed up over a guy who hasn’t been in my life for over four years. Especially when Spencer was so patient with me, giving me the time I needed to be at peace and allow me to move on at my own pace. He's been incredible, despite the four rejected proposals and the moving box which has remained in my apartment for six months. At some point, that box will turn into boxes and I’ll move out, but something keeps holding me back.

  I swallow back the lump in my throat and give him my full attention. "Thanks. Henley picked well," I tell him, running a hand down my dress before checking him out. "You don't look too bad yourself."

  Spencer grins down at me but it quickly fades from his face. "What's wrong? You look upset."

  "No, no. I'm fine. Just emotional, I guess. You know, it's going to be a big day and these are two of my favorite people," I explain, feeling even worse. I mean, am I a liar now? Am I really not going to tell him what's up? That the one person who could change it all showed up on my doorstep not twenty minutes ago and has been messing with my head ever since?

  Spencer holds me a little tighter. “Don’t start being a girl on me now.”

  I roll my eyes and let out a sigh. “You’re right. I’m just being silly. I’m fine,”

  Spencer gives me an encouraging smile before looking up at the parking lot and quickly scanning the cars and people. “Where’s Henley? I thought you were supposed to be coming with her?”

  “I was, but there was a slight…change of plans. She’ll be here soon and then it can get started,” I explain, desperately needing to remember that this day is about Henley and Noah, not me and my crazed emotions. “But, I um…I should go mingle and say hi to the guests. You know, apologize for the delay and let them know that everything is on track.”

  He slowly nods his head as I step out of his arms and I do my best to put it all to the back of my mind.

  I make my way around the guests. Aria is here with her dad, who has his new wife, Jackie, on his arm and her other son hovering close by her side. They’re so sweet together to the point that I’m actually kind of jealous. All my extended family are here, family friends, all of the guys Noah works with at the fire department, and of course, all of our friends from Broken Hill. So, despite how I’m currently feeling, I’m sure it’s still going to be an incredible day.

  The black limo pulls up and Spencer, Jared, and I jump into action, gathering the guests to take their seats and make sure everything is as it’s supposed to be.

  Harrison starts making his way up the aisle so he can walk his baby girl back up it and I follow behind, ignoring the gasps of the guests as they no doubt take in the guy who they never expected to see.

  Noah starts making his way down to stand by the alter and shakes hands with Harrison as he passes before stepping in front of me and forcing me to a stop. “Are you ok?” he murmurs low, searching my eyes and already seeing my truth.

  I give him a bright smile despite the hollowness inside that’s eating away at my happiness. “It’s your day, Noah. Don’t worry about me.”

  He shakes his head, not accepting that for one second. “I don’t want you hurting, especially not today.”

  I push up onto my tippy toes and press a kiss to his cheek. “I love you,” I tell him before stepping around him and continuing up the aisle.

  I feel his heavy gaze on my back, but it’s nothing compared to the other intense stare I feel resting on my face. I don’t know where he is, nor do I want to, but Rivers is here somewhere and I don’t doubt that the next hour is going to be the hardest one of my life.

  I shake it off and join Harrison at the back of the limo just in time to watch him offering Henley his hand and helping her out. She’s simply stunning. I know I’ve been with her all morning and watched her transform from Rockstar into a blushing bride, but it doesn’t change the fact that she’s easily the most beautiful woman I know. Noah is one hell of a lucky guy.

  I’m about to remind her of this when Aria comes racing up and crashes into her sister, giving her the warmest hug and holding on with everything she’s got.

  Henley’s eyes come to mine over Aria’s shoulder and I see the question on her lips and groan to myself. “Are you ok?” she asks, eying me with concern.

  “You know, you and Noah really were made for each other.” Henley grins back at me, instantly catching on to my meaning. “Come on,” I tell her, looping my arm through hers once Aria releases her from her death grip “Let’s get you married.”

  We stay hidden behind the limo until it’s time to go and I have to admit, not having Rivers eyes on me for this brief moment is refreshing and gives me the time I need to catch my breath.

  The music starts and the guest all turn in their seats to watch the show and I suck it up. All I have to do is walk down there and keep my eyes on Noah and Henley. It’s really not that hard.

  We grab our bouquets and a second later, Aria takes off down the aisle looking radiant, and before I know it, I have to get my ass moving. My feet don’t want to take me, but I’m not about to ruin this for Henley and make it all about me. This is her big day and as far as she’s concerned, I’m absolutely fine.

  I start walking and it’s not long before I’m walking down the aisle and under the canopy of flowers and fairy lights that I’ve spent the last week busting my ass on. It’s beautiful, but it was hard work. It covers the whole wedding and is hung from the surrounding trees. It’s by far my best work and it pisses me off that I’m having a really hard time enjoying it, especially when I look up at Rivers standing right between the two men in my life; Noah and Spencer.

  Damn it. What’s he doing there?

  I should have known. Why didn’t I prepare myself for this? Of course, Noah was going to ask him to be his best man.

  Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

  I’d always imagined that one day I’d be walking down the aisle to him. Who would have known that it’d be like this?

  Rivers’ eyes bore into mine and my heart races. I shouldn’t be feeling like this. I should be hating on him and cursing him out yet all I want to do is run to him and throw myself into his arms while he tells me that it’s all going to be ok. I’ve missed him so fucking much.

  My soul has cried out for him every day for the past 1,567 days and I want nothing more than to be completely consumed by him.

  My eyes have a hard time moving from his as my chest rises and falls with my wild emotions. He stands before me in his formal military dress suit just as he was wearing earlier and my heart screams for him.

  He’s not the teenage boy that I once knew. He’s a man now and despite him being larger than life at nineteen, he seems to be so much more now. He’s just as much a mystery, but something tells me he’s a completely different mystery than the one he was before.

  He looks taller, bigger, and broader, and damn, does it look good on him. My knees are weak and I’m struggling to make it down the aisle.

  Just a few more steps to go.

  Those wicked eyes of his remain on mine, silently begging for forgiveness and it’s too much.
Way too much. I tear my eyes away, unable to cope with the emotional trauma. My eyes come to a stop on Noah, hoping he’ll be able to offer me something to help me down the rest of this aisle, but when they get to him, all I see is pity.

  It’s then I glance across at Spencer. In fact, it’s then I remember Spencer.

  Shit. I must be an awful person. Here we are at this moment and all Spencer would ever want is to watch me watching him as I walk down the aisle, instead, he’s just watched me with my eyes glued to another man, that man being Rivers of all people.

  Spencer’s whole body is tense, his jaw clenched, and his hands balled into fits. As my eyes meet his, I see accusation after accusation. He had assumed something was wrong earlier and instead of being open and honest about Rivers being back, I kept it quiet. I should have told him, but instead he was most likely blindsided just as I was. I was too busy thinking about myself and the hurt in his eye tells me that he’s not too impressed with me right now.

  My heart breaks for him and I send a silent apology his way. The look on my face has Rivers whipping his gaze around to Spencer. He looks between us both for a brief moment and it takes him all of three seconds to figure out that I didn’t spend the past four years waiting for him. I moved on and I swear, I have never seen another human look so crushed in my life.

  Great. Now they’re both hurt, but only one of them has the right to be. Rivers told me to move on so he can’t be pissed off that I did.

  Having Rivers know that I’ve been with someone else all this time is almost like having your boyfriend discover you’ve been cheating. The thought of him being hurt over this cuts me, but it shouldn’t. I’ve done absolutely nothing wrong and it’s not like Rivers was ever mine in the first place.

  This freaking sucks. I can’t wait for the reception. I’m going to clean the bar out and drown in my sorrows, hopefully avoiding anyone with a penis, including Noah.

  How fucking long is this aisle? It’s only a handful of steps from the top to the bottom, but it feels like it’s been a lifetime.


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