Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7)

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Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7) Page 3

by Sheridan Anne

  I tune all three boys out and keep my gaze on Ari. She looks gorgeous. She’s ten years old and is quickly turning into a beautiful young woman with amazing qualities and morals. She’s going to be nothing like Henley and I were. She’s going places much further than we are and I’m so glad she’s been able to learn from our mistakes.

  I take my place beside her and turn my gaze to the end of the aisle as the guests stand for the bride.

  Henley walks down with her arm looped through her father’s and tears in her eyes. My heart swells, finally for all the right reasons. I couldn’t be happier for the two of them. They’re so crazy in love that it’s nauseating.

  Noah was heading down a bad road dating girls like bitchy high school cheerleaders. He nearly learned that lesson in a life-changing way which is when Henley came along and changed the game, setting the bar for the rest of us.

  I hope one day that I can have something like that. Well really, I’ve been with Spencer for three years and I’m doing my best but sometimes the feelings aren’t quite there. Don’t get me wrong, I really like the guy and I certainly have love for him. He’s sweet and caring and always puts my needs first. He’s the perfect boyfriend and every day I fall for him just a little bit more, but it’s been a long road and given enough time, maybe another few years, we might just make it over the finish line

  Henley takes Noah’s hands at the end of the aisle and the rest is history. I forget about Rivers and I forget about Spencer despite both their eyes remaining solely on me.

  I watch the ceremony and tear up as they say their vows. I don’t think I have ever witnessed anything quite so beautiful, but then it all comes to an end and they start making their way back up the aisle as husband and wife, making my world come crashing down around me once again.

  I hesitantly walk forward. If Rivers is Noah’s best man, then that means…shit. I am not ready for this.

  Rivers offers me his arm and I look down at it knowing that this one touch is going to destroy me. I let out a breath. It’s just walking up to the end of the aisle and then that’s it, I can hurry away after that.

  I can do this.

  Wait. I’m going to have to dance with him at the reception.

  Fuck me, this shit is too much.

  My hand curls around his elbow and I ignore the way my skin burns against his strong arm. He’s wearing his suit jacket so it’s not as though my skin is even against his, but it’s more than enough.

  We start making our way up the aisle and it doesn’t go unnoticed that Spencer walks behind us, accompanying one of Henley’s college friends while his eyes shoot daggers into our backs.

  Poor Spencer. He doesn’t deserve this.

  We get halfway up the aisle when River’s low, murmured voice cuts right through to my soul. “Can we talk?”

  I shake my head ever so slightly while still trying my hardest to maintain my fake smile for the guests. “We have nothing to talk about. You left four years ago and never came back. You and me…whatever we had is long gone,” I tell him as I pull my hand free from his arm while taking the final step up the aisle. “I’ve moved on and you should too.”

  With that, I walk away, willing the tears to stay at bay.

  Chapter 3


  The music sounds around us, drinks are flowing, and the guest are having an incredible time. All but one. The maid of honor has spent more time at the bar than any other guest, drowning herself in alcohol.

  I watch her time and time again, get up from the bridal table, head across the room, and order herself another drink. I can’t take it anymore, but just as she pointed out, I left years ago and now she’s moved on.

  Yeah fucking right. I’ve never heard a bigger lie in my life.

  If she had moved on, she’d be sitting right here next to me with a smile, asking all about my time in the military and catching up. Instead, she’s fucking miserable and it’s absolutely killing me.

  I should have just stayed away, I should have watched from afar and given her the night to enjoy herself, then maybe tomorrow have let her know I was back and given her space before showing up on her doorstep. But then, standing up there beside my best friend as he married his girl meant the fucking world to me and despite my very presence making things hard for Tully, I wouldn’t have changed it for anything.

  She’s strong. She’ll get past the ceremony. She needs to as I have a feeling things are only going to get harder from here on out as now that I’ve seen her again, I’ll never be taking my eyes off her.

  I did it all ass up and now she’s a mess and not only has she got me to worry about, but it’s clear that my being here is causing some sort of issues between her and Spencer.

  But seriously? What the fuck is she doing with that guy? Spencer fucking Jones. He was nothing but a fuckwit in high school, constantly running his mouth and seeing how much pussy he could get. She’s so much better than him, but then, I guess I’m not that much better.

  Tully returns to her seat with a drink in hand and I scowl across at Spencer. If he’s her man then he should be doing something about this. He should be taking care of her, keeping her from this reckless behavior, and treating her like his queen, but he’s too fucking busy thinking about himself. The need to knock the fucker out has never been so strong.

  Don’t fucking tell me this is the bullshit she’s been dealing with since I’ve been gone. Thank fuck for Noah and Henley keeping her grounded. I don’t even want to begin to think where she’d be without them.

  Noah and Henley are pulled away by the photographer who want to take a million pictures of them doing the same boring shit over and over again and it leaves me, Tully, and Spencer at the table, each one of us looking down at our hands. I mean, this is awkward as fuck. If Spencer would just piss off, I could move in beside Tully and try to talk things through, but something tells me the bastard isn’t letting her out of his sight for the rest of the night.

  Fuck this. The second I saw her, the decision was made. I’m moving back home. There’s no way in hell that I’ll be going back to live at the base, especially while things are so fucked up here. I don’t need to be there all the time, besides I’m on reserve now. I’ve just come home from a mission and have a feeling it will be a while before I’m deployed again, it ever over the next four years. At least I fucking hope so.

  I’m twenty-three years old and fell in love with Tully cage at eleven and that feeling didn’t go anywhere while being away and if that kind of time doesn’t do anything to fade what’s in my heart, then nothing will.

  I’m getting my fucking girl back if it’s the last thing I do.

  Tonight isn’t the night though. I need to give her space to wrap her head around this and figure out what’s going on inside her. She’s always been so fiery. Noah calls Henley ‘Spitfire’ but I always thought the name was more appropriate for Tully, but the fucker stole that one and locked it up. Don’t get me wrong; the name definitely suits Henley as well.

  I get up from the table and head across the room. There are a lot of people here who I haven’t seen in a very long time and catching up with them should be a good distraction from the drunken, emotional wreck across the room.

  I start with Eddison and Violet, they’ve both been a massive part of my life since I was a kid. They took me in when they didn’t even realize they were doing it and I’ll be forever grateful for their hospitality.

  I spend a good hour going from table to table, saying ‘hey’ to all the guys I used to hang out with at school. It’s funny how whenever you see someone from another time in your life, stories from the past are always brought up and laughed about, especially when everyone has had a few drinks and are slightly buzzed. Next up, the Broken Hill crew.

  Before I know it, the emcee is calling everyone back to their seats and main meals are served. I let out a sigh of relief. At least now Tully will have some food in her stomach to soak up all that alcohol, though, that’s assuming she actually has an appetite and
eats it. A lot could have changed in four years, but something tells me she’s still just as stubborn when it comes to looking out for herself.

  Speeches are had and I even get myself up there, telling as many embarrassing stories about my best friend as I can think of on short notice. Though, it’s not hard. When you're deployed and all alone with your unit, sometimes your stories are all you have.

  The boys I was out there with know all about my pack. They know them just as close as I do just as I know their families and loved ones without having ever met them.

  As I talk about my fond memories growing up with the kid addicted to ink, I can’t help but mention Tully over and over again as for a long time, it was just the three of us. As her name slips from between my lips, I look over at her, loving how her eyes are glued on me with a fond smile playing on her lips as she listens to what I have to say. It’s clear she’s fallen into the past, reliving those incredible moments right along with me.

  I finish my speech and move my ass along. I could stand up here and talk for hours about Noah and Henley which I guess is a stark contrast from the dark, silent type that I used to be.

  Desserts are served and then Noah and Henley are finally invited to the dancefloor for their first official dance as husband and wife. This usually isn’t my favorite part of weddings, I’m usually the one in Tully’s position; silently drinking in a dark corner, but this dance means one step closer to the bridal party being asked to join them.

  I’m no dancer, but as Noah’s best man I have to dance with the maid of honor and I’ve never been so fucking thrilled to be able to put my hands on her.

  Their first dance seems to go on forever, but when the emcee announces the rest of the bridal party to join them, I get up from my seat like a smug asshole.

  There’s nothing better than seeing the scowl on Spencer’s face as he walks across to offer his hand to Henley’s friend from college and I place myself before his girl and offer her my hand.

  Tully gets up, ignoring my hand while also avoiding looking at me. We walk out onto the dancefloor side by side and the fire burns within me as I place my hand at her lower back and she flinches from the touch. I ignore it as best as I can and hate how it fucking cut as I lead her around to stand before me.

  She reluctantly places her hands around my neck and I curl mine around her, pulling her in close, but not being as much of a dick to crush her body against mine despite how badly I want to.

  Tully keeps her eyes locked over my shoulder, still refusing to look at me, but for now, I’m content just to stay here in her arms. That is until her body tenses and she looks as though she’s going to bolt.

  I can’t resist it any longer. “Hey,” I murmur as I release a hand from around her waist and run my thumb over the heated skin of her wrist. “It’s me.”

  Her eyes rise to come to mine and I break at the devastation within them. “I…I don’t know what to say to you.”

  “You don’t need to say anything. There’s plenty of time for that. Just be here with me and enjoy your night.”

  She shakes her head ever so slightly, trying not to draw attention to us, but she’s overthinking it. She needs to relax and if I was to ask, she’d tell me no, so I make my move, not giving her the option.

  My arms curl tighter around her waist and I pull her in, sliding one hand up her back and holding her close to me by the back of her neck. She resists for a second, but it doesn’t take long before she’s sinking into me and resting her head against my chest right where it fucking belongs.


  Tully’s hand comes down and sits over my heart as the other remains around my neck. I don’t even know if she realizes that she’s doing it, but her fingers curl into the back of my hair, just like they used to.

  The music wraps around us as our bodies sway from side to side, neither one of us giving a shit about actually putting effort into our dance. At this moment, all that exists is us. My mind tunes out Henley and Noah who both continue looking over here, making sure Tully hasn’t broken down into tears, and I sure as hell tune out Spencer whose sharp glare hasn’t left my back since I rose from the table.

  The way she melts into me and the way she seems to relax for the first time all day tells me that she’s still mine. The way she looked at me while walking down the aisle and the way she can’t seem to catch her breath around me. She’s affected by my very presence and I fucking love it.

  Tully might be with Spencer, and I’ll do my fucking best to respect that, but she doesn’t love him, not like the way she loves me. She doesn’t even need to say it for me to know it. It’s in her actions, but more than that, it’s in those beautiful eyes.

  The question is; how do I go about making it up to her for all the shit I’ve put her through and earning her trust back to the point that she’d even consider being with me?

  The announcement is made for the rest of the wedding guests to join the dancefloor and if only now just realizing what’s happening, Tully pulls back from me and looks up in horror.

  Wordlessly, she pulls out of my arms and walks away, snatching her drink off the table in the process before walking straight out the back door.

  I want nothing more than to go after her, but from the corner of my eye, I notice Spencer already on his way, and the tense hold of his shoulders tells me they’re about to have it out. Maybe I should be backing off and giving them a little privacy to sort out whatever the fuck they’ve got going on.

  I go and order myself a beer before heading out the front exit for some air. Tully and Spencer went out the back so they should have plenty of space to sort themselves out. I walk around the gardens of the nicest manor house in Broken Hill. This place is huge and is the top-rated venue for wedding receptions and big events in the area, and it shows by how incredible the night has been.

  I sit down on a stone bench and sip my beer. It’s been a long fucking day and even longer since I slept last. In fact, I haven’t slept since the moment I realized I was coming home.

  It was a long flight in shitty weather and all I could think about was what I was going to say to her and what I could possibly do to make this all ok. I didn’t have the intention of staying, but now that I’ve seen her and felt her in my arms again, I won’t be letting go. I was a fool at nineteen and wasn’t ready to let someone into my life, but all that darkness is in the past and I’m home, ready and willing to make it happen.

  My beer runs dry and I decide that I’ve wasted enough time out here. I should be inside enjoying this night that will never come around again.

  I’m just about to push my way inside when yelling from somewhere on this huge property is carried over the night. There’s loud music coming from inside, but it doesn’t mask the sound that’s so damn familiar to me. After all, I’ve been on the receiving end of that particular tone many, many times and it’s not somewhere anyone wants to be.

  I try to ignore it. All I have to do is push open the door and head back inside.

  She’s not a teenager who needs me to come and rescue her anymore. She’s a grown-ass woman who, hopefully, has her shit together. I’ve been dying to know what happened with her business degree and if she ended up with that store, but I didn’t want to ask. I think if I found out that it didn’t happen for her, I would have been searching for a way to come home and make it happen despite it being important that she achieve it on her own.

  Tully’s voice tears through the serenity of the gardens and has my hand falling off the door handle. I’ll just check on her real quick, make sure she’s safe, and then back off. I know Spencer had followed her out, but you never know what’s going on. Perhaps she shooed him away and she’s yelling at someone else, now in need of help.

  I start heading around to the back of the property. They have lights all around, but being nearly midnight, it’s not particularly easy to see. Though, navigating this shit is like a walk in the park compared to the things I’ve been through over the past four years.

  The back p
art of the manor has endless manicured lawns with one of those ridiculous hedge mazes that you only ever see in movies or when people have way too much money to figure out what to do with it.

  I find Tully almost immediately. The lights from the manor glisten against her golden dress, showcasing exactly where she is on the property. She sits on a bench, similar to the one I’d been on earlier with Spencer standing before her. Though, maybe pacing is a better word for it.

  I stand in the shadows and I make my way towards them, ready to jump in and help her out if she needs it, but something tells me that she can handle herself pretty damn well. I know she could in high school and now she’s had a few extra years to perfect it.

  “Just…FUCK!” Spencer roars, instantly putting me on edge as he stops pacing to stare down at her. “Did you know he was coming? Have you been hiding this from me?”

  Tully throws herself to her feet while crossing her arms over her chest and trying to keep warm on this chilly night. “Are you kidding me? How would I have known that? He literally just showed up out of nowhere this morning. Trust me, I’m just as surprised as you were. But what does it matter anyway? I’m with you now.”

  “Really? You could have fooled me,” Spencer scoffs, only managing to piss me off a little more with the way he neglects to realize his woman is shivering. I mean, is it that fucking hard to offer the girl standing two feet in front of you your jacket? “You looked like you had no idea who you were with on that dance floor and you’ve been a mess since you arrived at the ceremony.”

  “Seriously?” she yells, throwing her hands up. “What were you expecting? Rivers was a huge part of my life for a very long time and he just showed up after four years. Please, tell me how I’m supposed to be feeling right now and I’ll magically make it happen for you.”

  “There’s no need for the sarcasm.”

  “Give me a break, Spence. It’s not like this is easy for me.”


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