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Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7)

Page 18

by Sheridan Anne

  I hate that she’s forcing herself to be strong. She’s spent the last few years holding back her true feelings and I won’t stand for that shit anymore.

  With a final hug to everyone in our group, I pick up my bag from the floor and lace Tully’s hands through mine.

  Together we join the end of the line so we can have just a slither of privacy as I try to find the words to say goodbye. I turn into her and look down at her beautiful face as she lets out a heavy breath and kills me inside.

  I take hold of her shoulders with both hands and hate the way they seem to have been slumped in defeat since the second I received that call. I pull her shoulders back, forcing her to stand tall. “Look at me, Tully.”

  Her head rises slowly and I find the same red-rimmed eyes that have been watching me all day long. “I was up all night, trying to figure out what I can possibly say to you that will make this all ok, but I don’t think such words exist.”

  “I don’t think they do,” she agrees, her eyes growing more and more watery by the second.

  “This is the life I signed up for. I never thought I’d be able to reach this point where I’d have you standing by my side, but I have and for the first time in four years, I don’t want to go.”

  “Then stay,” she whispers, her voice breaking with the turmoil she’s feeling within.

  Fuck. Why does this have to be so goddamn hard?

  I pull her into my arms and press a kiss to her forehead. “You know that I can’t,” I tell her. “I’d give anything to be able to stay here with you and start building our lives together, but know that the second I can, I’ll be coming home to you. I fucking love you so goddamn much, Tully Cage.”

  Her tears spill over and run down her cheeks before dropping and splashing onto my arm as I step up in the line. She raises her chin, flashing those broken eyes while looking into mine. “I love you too,” she cries. “Don’t be gone for too long because I don’t want to wait to start my life with you.”

  I take her face in my hands and look her in the eyes, feeling myself breaking inside. “I won’t,” I promise her. “I swear to you, Tullz. The second I get home, it’s you and me. I’m going to give you the whole fucking world. You’re my queen and don’t you ever forget that, ok? I know it’s going to be hard and you’re going to curse me out because you miss me, but just know that no matter what, every time you find yourself thinking about me, I’ll already be thinking about you. You’re the sun in my sky, Tullz, and when you’re not there, it’s only darkness for me. I don’t exist without you. I have no choice but to come back to you because, without you, I’m not living.”

  Tully pushes up onto her tippy toes, pressing her forehead against mine. “Why does it have to be so hard?”

  “Because that’s what happens when you love someone.”

  Her eyes close and I can’t help but press my lips against hers. I wrap my arms around her waist and crush her body against mine as I kiss her with every last piece of me. I give her everything she needs to get through the next few months and in return, she does exactly the same for me.

  As Tully pulls back and looks up at me, she places her hand against my chest. “Don’t look back, ok?” she begs. “When you step through that gate, don’t turn around. I need you to be the one to walk away because I’m not strong enough to do it.”

  “Babe,” I breathe, not knowing if I’ll be strong enough either.

  “Please. I just…if you look back, I’m going to run for you and I’ll never be able to let go. Please, just do this one thing for me.”

  “Ok,” I tell her as the lady at the gate clears her throat. I glance over to her to find her hand outstretched, waiting to check my boarding pass. I reluctantly hand it over while looking down at Tully. “Be good, ok? Don’t you go falling in love with somebody else.”

  She smiles up at me and that one little smile is all I need to get me through the next few months. “It’s not possible,” she whispers, pressing up to her tippy toes once again and gently brushing her lips over mine. “I love you, Rivers.”

  My boarding pass is returned and the woman indicates for me to pass, but I find myself hesitating, not ready to let go of my girl. “I love you too, Tullz. Just think of it as a vacation. I’m not at war, I’m not facing down the enemy, I’m on a tropical beach, living it up, and deep down, you’re just pissed and jealous because I didn’t take you with me, alright?”

  “You’re an idiot,” she laughs.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I try, but promise me, ok? I don’t want you thinking about the bad stuff.”

  “I promise.”

  With a smile, I look up over her shoulder and take in my friends and family all standing back and giving us the time we need to say goodbye. I give them all a wave and most wave back apart from Henley who wipes a tear and falls into Noah’s arms, right where she belongs.

  I look back down at my girl, trying to convince myself to let her go. “I’ll miss you, Tullz.”

  “I’ll miss you, too.”

  With that, I lean in and press a lingering kiss to her lips. “Goodbye.”

  As I pull away, I let her hand fall to her side and I take a step back. She goes to walk forward with me but Noah steps in behind her, holding her to him as she struggle to free herself from his grasp.

  Everything inside of me shatters, but I suck it up knowing that she’ll be ok and with every last bit of willpower that I possess, I turn around and walk through the gate, not once looking back.

  Chapter 17

  One Week Deployed


  I don’t know how I’ve managed to survive this past week. It’s honestly been the hardest thing I’ve ever suffered through. The second I got home from the airport, I sat down to start writing this letter, but I forced myself to put it off and wait, otherwise, the time is going to pass so slowly.

  I don’t know where you are or what kind of things you’re facing. I don’t even know if you’re going to get this, but just know that I haven’t stopped thinking about you. I miss you so much already and I’m scared because it could only get worse from here. I promise you, the second you get home I’m probably going to attach myself to you, but that’s the risk you take when you play games with my heart.

  I’ve spent the last week thinking about what I actually want to put in this letter and to be honest, I can’t figure it out, so I’m winging it. But it has had me thinking about the differences between you going away now and when you went before.

  I think the first time you left; I wasn’t sure where I stood with you. There was still that question of if you were truly mine or if you were just with me because you knew it was your last chance. I hated you when you left because I didn’t know if I was ever going to see you again.

  But this time it’s different. I know you’re coming home to me and for some reason that makes it so much harder. I’m not sad despite feeling empty, yet my heart is so damn full knowing that you’re coming home to me. I don’t know how to separate my emotions and understand them, but I’m sure as the time passes, I’m going to figure it out.

  I guess all that matters is that I’m not broken. When you came home, you healed something inside of me. I was so stupid to give so much of myself to you before. You took my heart with you and I wasn’t able to heal without it, but things are different now. You gave it back to me and fixed it while making it so much stronger in the process. And now, I think I’ve learned to love you in a much healthier way.

  I’ve never been so happy despite wanting to hate you for going to a tropical beach without me. I hope you’re getting sunburned!

  I really hope you get this letter despite the fact that I was just rambling on about complete bullshit the whole time. I know you hate writing and I know how much you would have hated writing the last few letters you sent, but if you get this, put me out of my misery and write back.

  And just know, that if you do get this and don’t write back…well, that just makes you an ass and I’ll make you pay. Maybe I’ll f
ind a voodoo doll or something like that!

  I love you so freaking much!

  I can’t wait until you come home so I can screw your brains out!



  One Month Deployed


  Really? You’re going to get a voodoo doll to make me pay for being an ass? I’d like to see you figure out how to do that shit. Though I better not push my luck and just write back because a scorned Tully is someone to be very afraid of!

  I fucking miss you, babe. I got your letter late last night and I swear, seeing that little envelope with your handwriting on the front was enough to make everything right in the world.

  I don’t really know what to tell you. This tropical beach sucks. The sand is hot and the waves are reckless. Your wish came true! I actually am getting sunburned! But don’t stress, babe, we have plenty of shit here to handle it. I should have been better about protecting myself. The sun is pretty unforgiving over here!

  I haven’t stopped thinking about you. Every chance I get, you’re on my mind. It’s actually kind of annoying. That squawky voice of yours that’s usually yelling at me about something, but then, I’ve always kind of liked it when you put me in my place. I love that fire within you. It’s hot as hell.

  It’s never long before I start picturing your smile, and fuck me, Tullz, it’s enough to keep me going. That is until I start thinking about the night you pulled out that can of whipped cream, and I end up walking around a bunch of dudes with a fucking hard-on.

  You have to know how sorry I am for putting you through all that pain for the last four years. I hate that I did that to you and that your heart was hurting so damn bad. I swear to you, Tullz, I’m going to do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Hell, I’ll make this time away up to you as well.

  You’re right, I hate writing, but if it means having some sort of communication with you, then I’ll do it.

  When will you learn that I’ll do absolutely anything to make you smile?

  You’re my fucking world, babe.


  P.S - Send nudes!

  Two and a Half Months Deployed

  Send nudes? What do you think this is?

  You know, just because of your crass behavior, I’m not even going to address this letter to you properly so you can spend the rest of your time away wondering if this letter was actually meant for you. Who knows, maybe I’m writing to some other poor soul who needs a little of my shining personality and squawky voice in his life!

  But…because my man asked and I’d do anything he needs, then he better check the pictures stapled to the back of this letter.

  Do you like my new lingerie? I bought it just for you.

  How is it already two and a half months? It seems like the postal system is purposely taking their time just to fuck with me. I miss you so much and I don’t think you’ll ever truly understand just how happy it made me when I saw your letter in my mailbox. To be honest with you, I cried like a baby! I had a shitty day at the store and getting your letter made everything better again.

  I can’t wait until it’s your warm arms I get to come home to and not a letter with the nastiest handwriting I’ve ever seen. I mean, damn boy! You need to see someone about that or at least take some classes.

  You know, you’re so damn lucky to have me. I must be the funniest person you know!

  So…I don’t mean to bring up a touchy topic, but I wanted to let you know that Spencer and Lacey have officially started dating and she’s already moving in. I know you probably don’t give a shit about what’s going on in their lives…or well, maybe you do for Lacey’s sake, but the reason I’m bringing this up is to let you know that I’m doing perfectly fine.

  I met up with him last week and talked it all though and I think he gave me what I needed to be able to forgive myself for holding onto him the way I did, especially when I’ve always known that you’re the only man I’ll ever love. I never should have done that to him, but seeing that he’s happy with Lacey just makes it all better. I’m truly happy for them and I hope that one day you’ll be able to build some sort of friendship with him. He really is a good guy.

  I had Henley pop over yesterday thinking I needed some cheering up and to be honest, I didn’t need it. If anything, it’s her sorry ass that needs the cheering up for being married to my jackass brother!

  You wouldn’t believe how annoying he’s being, constantly checking up on me as though I’m about to go insane without you. That stupid boy. Next time he spontaneously pops on over here, I’m going to give him something to worry about and trust me, it’s not going to be me! Though, something tells me that I have you to thank for that bullshit.

  Anyway, I better go. The delivery man just arrived with tonight's feast and I don’t want my food to get cold. You know how I get when I don’t get what I want!

  I love you to the freaking moon and back. I hope you’re being safe and not being an asshole to your unit. I know you can get a bit…cranky when you’re missing me.



  P.S – I have a pretty epic surprise for you!!!

  Four Months Deployed


  You certainly are the funniest person I know, but unfortunately for you, it’s not in the ‘haha’ kind of way!

  I don’t know this other guy that you’re supposedly sending your last letter to, but just know, I’m already fucking jealous of him.

  Good thing I was able to intercept the letter and hide that picture away before he was able to see what’s mine, otherwise I’d be more than just jealous of him, the fucker would be dead! Actually, did you delete those pictures off your phone? I don’t want anyone else getting their slimy hands on that! That sexy body is all mine.

  Wait…don’t tell me you went to the store to get it printed? Please tell me you printed it at home? Shit. I shouldn’t even ask. I already know the answer to this and trust me, you’ll be getting a piece of my mind on the matter when I get home.

  In other news; I fucking love your new lingerie. I can’t wait to get home and rip it off your body. These pictures have me getting around like a walking hard-on and there’s nothing I can do to get rid of it, and before you say the one thing I know you’re going to say, I’ve fucking tried, but there’s nothing quite like the real thing.

  That photo, though! Fuck me, babe! I can’t wait to get home and taste that sweet pussy of yours. I’m going to give it to you until you’re screaming my name and neither of us remembers what fucking day it is!

  I feel as though I should be returning the favor in some kind of way, but I don’t exactly have a camera to be capturing anything, so in the meantime, you’re going to have to make do with a drawing. Flip over the letter and check it out! Does it do me justice?

  What am I doing? I’m opening myself up to some kind of cheap shot from you. Besides, you can’t lie. It does me incredible justice!

  I’m happy for you that you seem to be able to put Spencer behind you. I was worried about you. I knew after first hearing that they were getting close that it could hurt you, but you’ve overcome it like some kind of goddess. Besides, together, we’ve got so much more than anything you could have possibly had with him, even being apart from each other now.

  What’s this surprise you’re talking about? You know I don’t like surprises. I can never handle them very well. I like to know what’s going on at all fucking times. I expect an explanation in your response, otherwise there’s going to be big fucking trouble!

  I love you, Tullz.


  (I really hope these letters aren’t checked before getting sent out, otherwise I’m really going to come across as a fucking perve!)

  Five Months Deployed


  My eyes!!!!! How dare you send me such drawings! Though, don’t you think you’re being just a little too kind to yourself? That drawing, though. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a stick figure with such a big dick before, and don’t for
one second think that I didn’t miss the fact that the stick figure version of yourself was doing unspeakable things to himself!

  But seeing as though you asked, it does you more than enough justice. In fact, a little too much justice. I wouldn’t be surprised if you turned into one of those guys who lives by the motto ‘It’s not the size that counts, but how you use it.’

  It’s ok, Rivers. Don’t be hard on yourself. We all have our downfalls!

  Speaking of your nether regions...we really need to book you an appointment to reinstate that mighty piercing of yours. I NEED it back!!!!!!

  You know, I didn’t think you could have me blushing while you're so far away, but what can I say? I love your dirty talk…or well, dirty writing? I’ve been thinking about you every night and damn it, I try to resist, but thinking about all the things you’re going to do to me when you get home has me so damn desperate.

  I heard that you can get molds of your partner's junk made into dildos for when they’re not around…I think we’re going to have to look into that for the next time you decide to get deployed and leave me behind all wanting and needy.

  Moving on from my horn dog desires and onto this surprise, It’s a fucking good one. At least, I hope you think it’s a good surprise. Otherwise…tough shit! I think you’re going to love it. I’m so excited about it!

  How much longer are you going to be gone? This whole waiting to get you home thing is getting annoying. At the start, I was coping pretty well, but now it’s like playing a game of monopoly when you’re losing against Noah – It sucks and I want it to end, but no matter what I do, nothing will change. I just have to wait it out.


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