Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7)

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Unstoppable: Haven Falls (Book 7) Page 20

by Sheridan Anne

  “Just you wait until you discover all the other things I’ve been doing to keep myself busy over these past few months.”

  A horrified expression cuts across his handsome face before he shakes it off and begins on the questions that I have no doubt have been plaguing his mind over the last seven months. We talk about everything. I tell him step by step how the pregnancy has been, I fill him in on the Spencer and Lacey situation, give him an update on his mom, and share all the juicy gossip on Henley and Noah, though, there really hasn’t been much.

  He tells me about his mission and while some of it seems downright terrifying, all he manages to do is get me hot. I mean, I’m a woman with needs and after thinking about my badass, soldier boyfriend absolutely killing it out there, I seem to be unable to control myself.

  “Come on,” I tell him, lacing my fingers through his before pulling myself up off the couch and dragging Rivers along with me “It’s getting late. We should go to bed and then we can see everyone in the morning. Candice can cover me, Noah’s on a late shift, and I’m sure Henley can go in late. It’d be great to have just the four of us together again.”

  “Whatever you want, you got, Tullz,” he tells me as he follows me down to my bedroom. “But you’re right. I should probably head over and see mom after that. I’m sure she’s been worried this whole time.

  I roll my eyes, thinking about just how understated that comment was. “You have no freaking idea.”

  “Oh, no,” he groans. “I hope she hasn’t been bugging you.”

  “No, not in the least,” I tell him. “She’s been great. She’s so excited about being a grandmother.”

  A fondness creeps onto his face as his eyes fill with love. “Yeah,” he says. “She’s going to absolutely love it.”

  I push open the door of my bedroom and the conversation takes a dive, making me wonder what the hell is going on. I turn back to Rivers and take in his face, only to find it staring at my bedspread with a strange look that has his raging, jealous, alpha side coming out.

  Rivers shakes his head before dropping my hand and muttering to himself. “You’ve got to be fucking kidding me.” Not a second later, Rivers storms straight back up the hallway and into the kitchen while I hear him opening and closing drawers until he’s striding back down with a pair of scissors.

  I realize what his intentions are way too late and before I know it, he’s cutting up my Jason Momoa bedspread until there’s nothing left and looking down at it with a proud grin for a job well done.

  Not a second later, he takes my hand and tugs me towards my bed, being careful not to let me fall. “From now on, I’m the only man you’ll ever need in your bed. Got it?”

  Well, damn.

  Heat floods me. What can I say? There’s something incredibly sexy about this man’s possessiveness over me. I crawl across the bed until I’m straddled in his lap with his hands at my waist. “You know, I think you might just need to remind me why you’re the only man I’ll ever need. I seem to have forgotten.”

  “It would be my fucking pleasure.”

  With that, he curls his hand up my back until it’s circles the back of my neck and he slowly lays me down on the bed. His lips move to my neck and he doesn’t stop until the neighbors know his name.

  Chapter 19


  Tully grins down at me from where she straddles my morning wood, though morning probably isn’t the right word for it. I’ve slept half the day away out of pure exhaustion from the past seven months.

  Tully rocks her hips forward and briefly closes her eyes at the contact of my hard dick against her pussy, but it’s the handcuffs dangling from her fingers that makes me groan.

  I don’t know about other chicks during pregnancy, but Tully was on fire all night. It’s as though she physically couldn’t get enough. She was a she-devil and I fucking loved it. But it could also have something to do with the fact that we haven’t seen each other in seven months.

  Most men would think it’s that, but truth be told, it’s most likely the hormones making her want it more than usual. But damn, the handcuffs? I mean, if she’s down for a little wildness this morning, then I’m right there with her. Whatever she wants, my girl gets. Hell, I don’t even care about Henley and Noah coming over shortly, this is a much better way to start to my day.

  Tully’s hand runs over the top of her baby bump and I can’t help but lower my gaze. I still can’t fucking believe it.

  It almost seems surreal. The last time I saw Tully, she was perfect in every way, and then BAM, she’s seven months pregnant. I guess when you’re so far away, it’s hard to keep track of time, especially when it comes to things like pregnancy. In my head, I was expecting to walk in and see her just the way I left her, but apparently, I left her with a little more than just my heart.

  I’ve never been so happy though.

  All my adult life, I’ve had this fear of finding out that I’ve knocked up some chick and have to father some woman’s baby, but it’s Tully and the thought of starting our family now instead of later has me more excited than I’ve ever been.

  We’re bringing a child into this world and to be honest, I’m a little scared of fucking it up, but I know with Tully by my side, we’re going to be ok. I wasn’t lying when I told her that she’s going to make an incredible mom. Hell, one day she’s also going to make an incredible wife, but one thing at a time, right?

  All I know is that she’s fucking radiant. She has this beaming glow about her which makes me lose my breath every time I look her way, even in the dark of night, that glow was still radiating out of her. She’s beautiful and knowing that my child is growing inside of her is an even better feeling.

  I’m going to be a daddy and what’s more, I’m going to do everything in my power to make sure that I’m nothing like my father. I’m going to give my child a great life and he or she is going to be the happiest kid in the world.

  Tully rocks forward once again and draws me out of my mind. I can’t help but reach around and take her perfectly plump ass in my hands. “Do you want to play a game?” she grins, letting the handcuffs swing back and forth on her finger.

  I can’t resist running my fingers down her side and fall in love with the way goosebumps rise on her skin. “You fucking bet I do.”

  “Ok,” she says with overwhelming enjoyment in her eyes. “You need to sit up.”

  I raise a brow, wondering where the hell this is going but if I‘m about to have crazy, wild sex with my pregnant girl, then there’s no way in hell I’m about to stop to ask questions.

  She’s running the game and quite frankly, I absolutely love it when she takes charge like this. It’s sexy as hell, especially with her breasts that seem to be spilling out of her too small bra.

  Have I mentioned how fucking good pregnancy looks on her?

  I sit up and watch as her eyes darken with excitement. She holds out a hand, indicating for me to place mine in hers and without a second thought, I play along. She grins wickedly and my morning wood becomes morning fucking steel.

  This is going to be fun.

  Tully cuffs my wrists and I watch her with intrigued excitement, wondering where she’s going with this and how it's going to play out. “Alright,” she says, scooting off my lap until I’m sitting alone in her bed. “Now, I need you to step your feet over the top of your hands.”

  My brows crease as I look up at her. “What?”

  “Just do it,” she pleads, giving me those big puppy dog eyes that I can’t seem to resist.

  I let out a confused huff and do what she says. After all, I’ve heard the stories about what could come from disappointing a pregnant woman and that’s something I’m not so inclined to do.

  I watch her, as she kneels forward and pushes me back. “I need you to lay down.”

  Again, like a good little boy; I follow orders.

  With my hands cuffed under the back of my legs, I start to wonder what’s actually going on, but all trace of thought leaves
me as she slides off the bed and looks down at me like a hungry lioness, ready to pounce.

  I mean, I can’t say that I’ve ever been handcuffed before, but in my head, my hands would be cuffed to the bedposts or something like that, not cuffed together where I can still move around.

  Her grin widens. “Put your feet up.”

  “I’m sorry…what?”

  “Just do it.”

  I think this through…if my feet are up in the air and I’m handcuffed, then that leaves my ass extremely vulnerable and I know Tully likes to get a little wild in the bedroom, but I’m not quite sure I’m down for that. “You’re not planning on sticking something in my ass, are you?”

  “What?” she balks out laughing. “No. I mean, not unless you want me to?”

  “No thanks.”

  “I’m glad we got that sorted, now put your feet up in the air.”

  “Why though?”

  “Just do it already,” she laughs.

  I let out a groan as I quickly realize that maybe I’ve been a little misled. I don’t think she’s in here to get down and dirty and something tells me that maybe I’ve been playing right into her game, but hell, I’m curious and I’m certainly not one to disappoint.

  With a groan, I lift my feet off the bed and watch her carefully, trying to work out her plan. She dips down beside the bed until I can’t see her and emerges a second later with a bucket of water. “What the hell are you doing?”

  “You’ll see,” she says with that mischievous sparkle in her eye that I love so damn much.

  “You better not be about to pour that on me.”

  She gasps, feigning horror as she steps up to the end of the bed. “Would I do that?”

  “Yeah, actually. You would.”

  Her response is a devilish smirk that has me wanting nothing more than to jump off this bed and run the fuck away, but in this position, it won’t be that easy. Tully raises the bucket and places it on the bottom of my feet. “Make it balance,” she instructs me as I shake my head.

  “Don’t tell me that you’re leaving that fucking bucket there.”

  “You know,” she says, slowly stepping away from me while making sure the bucket is safely balanced above me. “I've spent the last seven months picturing you on a tropical beach, having the time of your life while I’ve been at home missing you, and you know what? I think a little payback is in order.”

  With that, she pulls the keys for the handcuffs out of the side of her bra, drops them in the bucket and walks over to me. “Don’t you dare leave,” I warn her.

  Tully kneels on the side of the bed and dips her face before pressing a feather-soft kiss on my lips. “I love you,” she murmurs. “Don’t spill any of that water on my bed.”

  With that, she walks out of the room, laughing the whole way down the hallway.

  “Tully?” I yell. “Get that fine ass back here and take this damn bucket off me.”

  “Sorry,” she calls back with laughter strong in her voice. "I can’t hear you.”

  That little…

  I find myself laughing. If anyone walked in here right now, what they’d see…fuck. I look like a fool, which is exactly what I am. I should have known she was going to hold me accountable for the past seven months, which I deserve. I just didn’t know it was going to be in the form of playing pranks.

  But…she should know me better than that and after the training I’ve had over the past four years, this isn’t exactly a situation that I’m unable to get myself out.

  I mean, it’s not exactly going to be easy. I’m not the most flexible mother fucker around, but I can make it work without spilling even a drop of water because I plan to turn this game right around. No one, not even Tully Cage, will get the best of me.

  I pull my knees right down to my chest and shimmy my cuffed hands up the back of my legs, watching the bucket in fear as one wrong move will have that bastard falling on my face and that’s not exactly how I plan on waking up.

  I get my hands over my feet and catch the bucket as I go, feeling so fucking proud of myself. I get up off the bed and place the bucket down on Tully’s bedside table before fishing through the freezing water for the key and freeing my wrists.

  I do it as quickly and as quietly as I can before taking the handcuffs and the bucket before sneaking out of the room with the kind of stealth that I’d use on one of my missions.

  I stop at the end of the hallway and listen out. She must be in the kitchen.

  Peeking around the corner, I find Tully with her back to me and way too much of a skip in her step. She’s proud of herself and that has me the happiest mother fucker who ever lived. She thinks I’m still lying in bed with my feet in the air and a bucket of water dangling dangerously over my face.

  If only she knew that I have her cornered.

  With the bucket under my arm, I step into the kitchen behind her and place the bucket down before creeping into her back. The moment she realizes that I’m free, her back stiffens, but with her bump in front and me at her back, she’s got nowhere to go.

  I take her wrists and she sucks in a breath as I cuff her hands behind her back. “Oh…” she laughs. “You’re free.”

  “Mmhmm,” I grumble, leaning forward and pressing my lips to her neck. “That wasn’t a very nice game. I think you need to be punished.”

  She sucks in another breath. “Really, now?”


  I grin to myself as I pull her a step away from the counter before leaning her over it and making sure the bump is as safe as can be. I run my fingers up the inside of her thigh, loving the way a groan slips from between her lips and with my hand remaining on her back, I reach across and grab hold of the bucket.

  I step in behind her, letting her feel my erection against her ass and hold back a groan of my own as she pushes back into me, wanting more, but that’s going to have to wait.

  I place the bucket on the top of her ass and watch as her body stiffens. “What are you doing?” she demands with her hands flailing around, trying to grab hold of the bucket that’s just out of her reach.

  “You didn’t think I was really going to let you get away with that, did you?”

  “You’re an ass.”

  “Damn straight, babe,” I tell her grabbing hold of her ass and squeezing it, loving how despite the bucket on her back and the fury radiating out of her eyes, she’s still incredibly turned on.

  As soon as she gets herself free of this mess, I’m going to have to do something about that. After all, I can’t have my pregnant girlfriend running around with an itch that needs to be scratched.

  I stand back and watch the show as she huffs and grumbles all sorts of curses under her breath before she waddles towards the sink and somehow manages to throw the bucket off while making it tip towards the sink. Water goes everywhere, but for the most part, it heads for the drain. The kitchen is going to need a few towels though.

  Tully straightens herself out and turns on me with a ferocious glare as she pulls on her cuffed wrists. “You’re dead, you know that, right?”

  “Whatever you’ve got for me, babe, just remember that I’ll outdo you every single time.” With the water on the floor, pooling at her feet, I step into her with the key and turn her around to free her wrist. I lean into her and nuzzle into her neck. “Bring it on, Tullz. I’m ready for you.”

  Her body sags into mine and my arm curls around her waist. Her ass is pushed back into me and not a moment later, I bend her over the counter and give her exactly what we’ve both been needing.


  I scoot around the kitchen with a towel beneath my feet as Tully works on cleaning all the spilled water off the counter. She did a fucking good job of making sure that it went everywhere.

  I finish off on the floor and throw the wet towels into the laundry room before going and helping Tully with the counter. Naturally, I can't keep my hands off her or her bump. Every time I look at her, she takes my fucking breath away. I can't believe this
is happening, but more so, I can't wait to show her the surprise that I have for her.

  Tully’s surprise was fucking huge, so there's no way I'll be able to outdo a child, but I've got something up my sleeve that I'm hoping was the right move. Otherwise...I don't know. I hope I don't screw things up before we've even had a real chance of getting started.

  Just as we finish putting the kitchen back together and get some proper clothes on, there's a knock at the door that has a wide smile spreading across my face.

  My fucking pack is here.

  Tully skips out of the bedroom while pulling a shirt over her head and makes her way to the door as I trail behind her, keeping my eyes on her perfect ass.

  We get to the door to find Henley and Noah standing before us. Henley is barely able to control her excitement and barges past her best friend before throwing her arms around me. "You're home," she squeals.

  "Damn straight, I'm home," I grin, spinning her around before helping her find her feet.

  She moves aside as Noah comes in and takes her place, pulling me into his arms and clapping his hand against my back. "It's good to see you," he chimes. "How the fuck have you been?"

  "Who cares about that?" Henley laughs, looking up at me. "You're having a baby. I'm going to be an aunt!"

  I look across to Tully who can't wipe the grin off her face as she pushes her brother and me out of the doorway so she can close the door. "Would you all stop crowding my door?" she says. "The neighbors are bound to complain about the noise."

  "What are you talking about?" Henley says, scrunching her face at Tully. "You have great neighbors."

  Tully's face flames. "Yeah, that was until Rivers and I kind of kept them up all night."

  Noah shakes his head and walks towards Tully's couch, dropping down and pulling a stick figure cushion out from behind his back. "I can't unhear that," he says. "I liked it better when you were with Spencer and kept all that shit to yourself."

  "What can I say?" Tully laughs, practically skipping towards her brother and dropping down beside him. "I'm happy and when I'm happy the whole fucking world needs to hear about it."


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