12 Henry Fielding, Joseph Andrews (1742).
13 R. W. Chapman (ed.), Jane Austen’s Letters (1932), 467.
14 A. Bell, 105.
15 Ibid., 124.
16 Skinner, 274, 283.
17 Ibid., 191–2.
18 Turner, 182.
19 Porter, 185.
20 Ibid., 191.
21 Ibid., 195.
22 Trevelyan, 295.
23 Quot. Porter, 287.
24 Ibid., 187.
25 A. Bell, 85.
26 Henry Fielding, Amelia (1751), Book 1, ch. 2.
27 Trevelyan, 206.
28 Mingay (English Landed Society), 54.
29 Henry Fielding, Tom Jones (1749).
30 Ashley (Life in Stuart England), 42.
31 Ibid., 44.
32 Quot. Porter, 84,
33 Ibid.
34 Quot. A. Briggs, op. cit., 172.
35 Ibid.
29 Country Houses and Gardens
1 Quot. Girouard (Life in the English Country House), 150.
2 Ibid.
3 Ibid., 160.
4 Moritz, 35.
5 Kalm, 13.
6 Girouard, op. cit., 203–4, 208, 272.
7 Jarrett, 165.
8 Rochefoucauld, 219.
9 Moritz, 127.
10 Girouard, op. cit., 214–20; John Summerson, The Life and Work of John Nash (1980), 94–5.
11 Hunt and Willis, 7–8.
12 Joseph Addison, The Spectator No. 477, 6 September 1712, quot. Hunt and Willis, 145–7.
13 Quot. Hunt and Willis, 274.
14 Ibid., 19.
15 John Harris, Sir William Chambers (1970), 32–9.
16 Hunt and Willis, 31.
17 Jane Austen, Mansfield Park (1814), ch. 6.
18 William Shenstone, ‘Unconnected Thoughts on Gardening’ (1764), quot. Hunt and Willis, 289–97.
19 Samuel Richardson, The History of Sir Charles Grandison (1753–4).
20 Girouard, op. cit. 218.
30 Interiors
1 Robert Southey, The Doctor (1834–7).
2 Isaac Ware, A Complete Body of Architecture (1756), 469–70.
3 Porter, 240.
4 Oliver Brackett, ‘The Interior of the House’, in Turberville (Johnson’s England), vol. 2, 148.
5 J. Fleming and H. Honour, The Penguin Dictionary of Decorative Arts (1977), 184, 374–5, 931; John Gloag, A Short Dictionary of Furniture (1969), 229, 389, 606.
6 Eland, vol. 1, 53–60; Jarrett, 158.
7 Matthew Brettingham, The Plans, Elevations, and Sections of Holkham in Norfolk, vol. 1, quot. Brackett, 139.
8 Passages from the Diary of Mrs Lybbe Powys, 1756–1808, 116.
9 Saussure, 157.
10 Quot. Brackett, op. cit., 134.
11 Kalm, 12–13.
12 Porter, 237.
13 Jarrett, 152.
14 Marshall (English People), 8; Jarrett, 153.
31 Manners and Dress
1 Saussure, 111.
2 Moritz, 59.
3 P. Quennell, 208.
4 Porter, 321,323, 325.
5 Farington, vol. 2, 24.
6 Quot. Porter, 326.
7 Thomas Bowdler (ed.), Gibbon’s History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, for the Use of Families and Young Persons, 6 vols (1826).
8 Quot. Porter, 326.
9 Wraxall, vol. 1, 99.
10 Moritz, 88.
11 Talbot Hughes, ‘Costume’ in Turberville (Johnson’s England), vol. 1, 394.
12 James Boswell, Life of Johnson, 2 vols (1791), 29 March 1776.
13 Forster (Life of Landor), quot. Sydney, vol. 1,110–11.
14 Quot. Buck, 169.
15 Sydney, vol. 1, 90.
16 Ibid., 92.
17 Ibid.
18 Roche, 5.
19 Buck, 21.
20 Ibid., 11–13.
21 Sydney, vol. 1, 95.
22 John Macdonald (Life and Travels), 382–3.
23 Talbot Hughes, op. cit., note 11, 393.
24 Sydney, vol. 1,115.
25 Gunn, 114–15.
26 Chesterfield, vol. 1, 249–50.
27 Ibid.
28 Buck, 92.
29 Quot. Porter, 277.
30 Moritz, 92.
31 Quot. Trevelyan, 389.
32 Buck, 130.
33 Ibid., 131.
34 Ibid., 125–6.
35 J. H. Jesse, George Selwyn and his Contemporaries (1843), quot. Buck, 138.
32 Travellers, Postmen and Innkeepers
1 Moritz, 128–30.
2 Sydney, vol. 2, 6, 7, 10, 24; A. Young (A Tour through the North of England), 430–1.
3 Patrick Pringle, Stand and Deliver: The Story of the Highwaymen (1951); Charles Harper, Half-Hours with the Highwaymen, 2 vols (1908).
4 H. L. Beales, ‘Travel and Communications’ in Turberville (Johnson’s England), vol. 1,131; ‘Turnpikes’, London Encyclopaedia, 895.
5 Wraxall, vol. a, 473.
6 Mark Searle, Turnpikes and Toll-Bars, 2 vols (n.d.); ‘Turnpikes’, London Encyclopaedia, 895.
7 Beales, op. cit., note 4,141.
8 Ibid., 140–41; Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 506; Joyce, History of the Post Office (1893).
9 Anthony Trollope, Framley Parsonage (1861), ch. 9.
10 Quot. Mitchell and Leys, 530.
11 Quot. Beales, op. cit., note 4, 140.
12 Moritz, 124.
13 John Taylor, Wanderings in the West (1870), 16–17.
14 Mitchell and Leys, 520.
15 Ibid., 522.
16 A. Young (A Tour through the Southern Counties), 197.
17 George Coleman, Random Recollections (1795), vol. 1, 215.
18 An Irish Gentleman, Journey through England (1752), 12; quot. Beales, op. cit., note 4, 148.
19 Richardson and Eberlein, 22.
20 Thomas Hughes, Tom Brown’s Schooldays (1857), ch. 4.
33 Hunters, Poachers and Smugglers
1 Robert Surtees, Mr Sponge’s Sporting Tour (1853), ch. 24.
2 G.M. Hughes, A History of Windsor Forest (1890), 73.
3 Ingram Cobbih, Georgiana (1820), 25.
4 E. D. Cuming, ‘Sports and Games’ in Turberville (Johnson’s England), vol. 1, 366–7; G. M. Hughes, op. cit., 70.
5 Trevelyan, 407.
6 Cuming, op. cit.; note 4, 369.
7 Ibid., 371.
8 E. P. Thompson (Whigs and Hunters), 27.
9 Radzinowicz, vol. 1, 77.
10 E. P. Thompson, op. cit., 195.
11 Peter B. Munsche, Gentlemen and Poachers: The English Game Laws, 1671–1831 (1981), quot. Malcolmson, 148.
12 Porter, 153.
13 Gentleman’s Magazine (1748), quot. Jarrett, 54.
14 The Autobiography of Elizabeth M. Sewell (1907), quot. Mitchell and Leys (A History of the English People), 719.
15 Woodforde (29 March 1787).
16 H. N. Shore, Smuggling Days and Smuggling Ways (1929); Mitchell and Leys, op. cit., 715.
34 Pastimes and Pleasures
1 Jacob Larwood, The Story of the London Parks (n.d.); E. Beresford Chancellor, The Pleasure Haunts of London (1925); London Encyclopaedia, Hole (A Dictionary).
2 Altick (The Shows of London); London Encyclopaedia, 805–6.
3 Ireland and Nichols, vol. 1, 161–84.
4 E. D. Cuming, ‘Sports and Games’ in Turberville (Johnson’s England), vol. 1, 378.
5 Memoirs of the Life of Daniel Mendoza, ed. Paul Magriel (1951), 65–6.
6 Saussure, 277–80.
7 Memoirs of William Hickey, ed. P. Quennell, 48–9.
8 Sydney, vol. 1,177.
9 Cuming, op. cit., note 4, 372.
10 Saussure, 281–2.
11 Malcolmson, 102.
12 Saussure, 291.
13 John Lawrence, History and Delineation of the Horse (1809), quot. Cuming, op. cit., 364.
14 Gilbey and Cuming, George Morland: His Life and Works (19
07), 46–7.
15 Christopher Hibbert, George IV (1972), vol. 1,109–10; Roger Mortimer, Jockey Club, 44–6.
16 Saussure, 294–5.
17 Ibid., 295–6.
18 Altham and Swanton, 70.
19 Cuming, op. cit., note 4, 378–9.
20 Trevelyan, 408; London Encyclopaedia, 484, 500–1,953; John Arlott (ed.), From Hambledon to Lords (1948); Altham and Swanton.
21 Mrs Hurst Dancing, ed. G. E. Mingay (1981), 32.
22 E. V. Lucas (ed.), The Hambledon Men: Being a new edition of John Nyren’s Young Cricketer’s Tutor and The Cricketers of my Time (1954), 121.
23 Ibid., 136.
24 Walpole, vol. 7, 334.
25 Percy Colson, White’s, 1693–1950 (1951).
26 Walpole, vol. 14, 292.
27 Passages from the Diary of Mrs Lybbe Powys, 1756–1808,186.
28 Sydney, vol. 1, 229.
29 Ibid., 228.
30 Quot. Porter, 35.
31 Trevelyan, 315.
32 P. Clark, 39.
33 Ibid., 43.
34 Ibid., 39, 59, 109, 158.
35 Saussure, 158.
36 P. Clark, 66–9, 83,149.
37 Ibid., 187–95, 199.
38 Ibid., 239.
39 George (London Life), 32.
40 Ibid., 35.
41 Cadogan, 25.
42 Ibid., 20.
43 Henry Fielding, An Enquiry into the Causes of the Late Increase of Robbers (1751).
44 George, op. cit., 28.
45 Ibid., 38.
46 Ibid., 39.
35 Marriage and Divorce
1 Laslett (The World We Have Lost), 152.
2 Stone (The Family, Sex and Marriage), 30–31.
3 Ibid., 33.
4 Ibid., 32.
5 Quot. Laslett, op. cit., 101.
6 Stone, op. cit., 223.
7 Fraser, 26.
8 Ibid.
9 Ibid., 269.
10 Ibid.
11 Ibid., 275.
12 Stone, op. cit., 195.
13 Ibid., 39–40.
14 Fraser, 12; Laslett, op. cit. 84.
15 Laslett, op. cit., 85.
16 Stone, op. cit., 44; Laslett, op. cit., 86.
17 Laslett, op. cit., 87.
18 Stone, op. cit., 46.
19 Laslett, op. cit., 105.
20 Ibid., 104; Stone, op. cit., 46.
21 Stone, op. cit., 52, 54; Laslett, op. cit., 107.
22 Quot. Stone, op. cit., 136–8.
23 Fraser, 4.
24 Ibid., 43, 44–8, 181–2, 185, 201.
25 Ibid., 244–5.
26 Jarrett, 118, 128.
27 Stone, op. cit., 35.
28 Thomas Hardy, The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), ch. 1.
29 Fraser, 291–2.
30 Stone, op. cit., 212.
31 Ibid., 193.
32 Ibid., 203.
33 Rochefoucauld, 217.
34 Ibid., 219.
35 Stone, op. cit., 87.
36 Ibid., 122.
37 Quot. Stone, op. cit., 122.
38 Recollections of the Early Years of the Present Century by the Hon Amelia Murray (1868).
39 Stanhope Memoirs: Memoirs of the Lady Hester Stanhope as related by herself in conversation with her physician, vol. 2, 234.
40 Loren Reid, Charles James Fox (1969), 10.
41 George (London Life), 42–9; London Encyclopaedia, 291–2.
36 Sex
1 Boswell (London Journal), 76
2 Boswell, 250–358; Frederick A. Pottle, James Boswell: The Earlier Years, 1740–1769 (1966), 96–120.
3 Stone (The Family, Sex and Marriage), 226, 341; Reay Tannahill, Sex in History (1980), 336; Fraser, 66–7.
4 Fraser, 67.
5 Ibid., 66.
6 Stone, op. cit., 320.
7 Ibid., 324.
8 Ibid., 325; Fraser, 233.
9 Thomas (Man and the Natural World), 39.
10 Ibid., 135.
11 Bray, passim.
12 James Prior, Life of Burke (1826), quot. Sydney, vol. 2, 304.
13 Fraser, 52.
14 Ibid., 51.
15 Porter, 278.
16 Fraser, 51.
17 Stone, op. cit., 325–6.
18 Ibid., 325.
19 Pepys, vol. 8, 389–90.
20 Ibid., vol. 5, 351; vol. 4,417; vol. 1, 220; vol. 4, 203, 317; vol. 5,17, 219, 242; vol. 9, 337, 366–7, 367–8.
21 Memoirs of William Hickey, ed, P. Quennell, 8.
22 An Answer to a… libel, entitled a Discovery of the Conduct of receivers and thieftakers… written by C——s H——n wherein is prov’d… who is originally the Grand Thieftaker, etc. (1718).
23 Stone, op. cit., 279.
24 Pepys, vol. 9, 21–2, 58–9.
25 Stone, op. cit., 336.
26 Sophie in London 1786, 133.
27 Casanova, Memoirs, vol. 2, 163–4; Jarrett, 137.
28 Hickey, op. cit., note 21, 23.
37 Theatres and Shows
1 Pepys, vol. 10, 431–3.
2 Colley Cibber. Apology. ed. R.W. Lowe (1889), vol. 1, 132–3.
3 Nicoll (Restoration Drama), 12.
4 Pepys, vol. 10, 443.
5 Nicoll, op. cit., 14.
6 Pepys, vol. g, 425.
7 Ibid., vol. 10, 444.
8 Ibid., vol. 9, 54.
9 Ibid., 183.
10 Life and Times of Frederick Reynolds, vol. 1, 90–91.
11 Quot. Summers, 37.
12 Dobbs, 34.
13 Quot. Pedicord, 41–2.
14 Summers, 90–91.
15 Pedicord, 2.
16 Nicoll (A History of English Drama), vol. 2, 10–11.
17 Ibid., 254.
18 W. J. Lawrence, ‘The Drama and the Theatre’ in Turberville (Johnson’s England), 175.
19 Nicoll, op. cit., vol. 2, 257.
20 Pedicord, 48–9, 52; Daily Courant, 14 December 1702.
21 Quot. Pedicord, 48.
22 Malcolm, vol. 2,408–9.
23 Lawrence, op. cit., note 18, vol. 2, 187.
24 Kelly, 55.
25 Nicoll, op. cit., vol. 2,14.
26 Ibid., vol. 3, 6.
27 Quot. Alwin Thaler, Shakespeare to Sheridan (1922), 145.
28 Boswell (London Journal), 98.
29 Boswell, Journal of ‘a Tour to the Hebrides, ed. Frederick A. Pottle and Charles Bennett (1963), 119.
30 Kelly, 150–51.
31 Ibid., 55.
32 Ibid., 72.
33 Ibid., 54, 55, 66.
34 Hartnoll, 122; W. J. Lawrence, op. cit., note 18, 186–7; Carola Oman, David Garrick (1958).
35 George Parker, A View of Society and Manners, vol. 1, 189.
36 Rosenfeld (Strolling Players), 2.
37 Ibid., 5,28, 112.
38 Ibid., 23.
39 Parker, op. cit., 222.
40 John Bernard, Retrospections of the Stage (1830), quot. Rosenfeld, op. cit., 22.
41 Quot. Rosenfeld, op. cit., 16.
42 Speaight (Punch and Judy), 42.
43 Rosenfeld (The Theatres of the London Fairs), 7, 144.
44 Ward, 10.
45 Rosenfeld, op. cit., 2, 60, 40, 150, 158.
46 Ibid., 63, 74.
47 Pepys, vol. 3, 80.
48 Speaight, op. cit. 39.
49 Ibid., 62.
50 Ibid., 113.
51 P. Quennell (Mayhew’s London), 432.
52 Speaight (A History of the Circus), 24–8.
53 Charles Dickens, The Old Curiosity Shop (1841), ch. 39.
38 Quacks, Diseases and Cures
1 Samuel Curwen, Journal, 317.
2 Quot. Menzies Campbell, 190.
3 Sydney, vol. 1, 312.
4 Jarrett, 69.
5 Ibid., 221.
6 Brian Fothergill, Sir William Hamilton (1969), 198; James Graham, A Sketch … of Dr Graham’s Medical Apparatus (1780); Sydney, vol. 1, 317–23.
7 Dainton, 141.
; 8 Ibid., 152.
9 Ida MacAlpine and Richard Hunter, George III and the Mad Business (1970), 54, 78, 79.
10 Saussure, 93.
11 Dainton, 145.
12 Kilvert, 4 July 1871.
13 Charles Dickens, Martin Chuzzlewit (1844), vol. 2, ch. 21.
14 Simond, 109.
15 Dainton, 163–5.
16 Quot. Jarrett, 210.
17 Ibid., 220.
18 Cartwright, 75; J. D. Rolleston, 25.
19 Cartwright, 78–9.
20 Rolleston, 15.
21 Creighton, vol. 2, 544.
22 Evelyn, vol. 4, 468.
23 Cartwright, 81.
24 Ibid., 82.
25 Creighton, vol. 2, 512.
26 Cartwright, 83.
27 Ibid., 84.
28 Ibid., 85; Dorothy Fisk, Dr Jenner of Berkeley (1959).
29 Catalogue of Personal and Political Satires, British Museum 9924, 12 June 1802.
30 Ibid., BM 11093, 20 June 1808.
31 Rolleston, 18; Cartwright, 90; Gale, 139.
32 Creighton, vol. 2,13.
33 Gale, 131–6.
34 Walter Jackson Bate, John Keats (1967). 559.
35 Pepys, vol. 5, 76.
36 Creighton, vol. 2,122; Gale, 124.
37 Creighton, vol. 2, 122–4.
38 Gale, 124.
39 Cartwright, 123.
40 Winifred Gérin, Emily Brontë (1971).
41 Creighton, vol. 2, 793, 841; Cartwright, 105–6.
42 John Snow, On Cholera (new ed., 1965).
39 Operators and Tooth-drawers
1 Quot. Menzies Campbell, 237.
2 Ibid., 260–61.
3 Kilvert, 37–9.
4 Ibid., 148–9.
5 Thomas Vicary, The English Man’s Trasure (1613), quot. Laver, (Taste and Fashion from the French Revolution to the Present Day), 20.
6 Menzies Campbell, 191.
7 Laver, op. cit., 42–3.
8 Bremner, 396.
9 Menzies Campbell, 53–6.
10 M. D. George, Catahgue of Personal and Political Satires, vi, 745, BM 7766.
11 Bremner, 395.
12 Menzies Campbell, 238.
13 Ibid., 189.
14 Horatio Pass, Artificial Teeth and Palates (1840), quot. Laver, op. cit., 4.
15 Compton Mackenzie, Octave Six, 179.
16 Laver, op. cit., 56.
17 Christopher Hibbert, George IV (1972), vol. 1, 174.
18 Menzies Campbell, 252.
19 Ibid., 237–8.
40 ‘Youth are Expeditiously Instructed’
1 Quot. Neuburg, 48.
2 Ibid., 40.
3 Ibid.
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