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The English: A Social History, 1066–1945 (Text Only)

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by Christopher Hibbert

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  Wraxall, Sir Nathaniel, Historical Memoirs of My Own Time (1815)

  Wright, Lawrence, Clean and Decent (1960)

  Wright, Thomas, The Homes of Other Days: A History of Domestic Manners and Sent
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  Wrightson, Keith, English Society, 1380–1680 (1982)

  Youings, Joyce, Sixteenth-Century England (1984)

  Young, G. M., Early Victorian England, 1830–1865 (a vols, 1932)

  Young, Arthur, The Farmer’s Tour through the East of England 1770–1 (1771)

  Six Months’ Tour Through the North of England (1771)

  A Six Weeks’ Tour Through the Southern Counties (1768)

  Ziegler, Philip, The Black Death (1969)

  Index of Names

  The pagination of this electronic edition does not match the edition from which it was created. To locate a specific passage, please use the search feature of your e-book reader.

  Abington, Frances (1737–1815), 418

  Acton, William (d.1875), 633, 634

  Adam, James (d.1794), 332

  Adam, Robert (1728–92), 332

  Addison, Joseph (1672–1719), 316, 326, 342, 517

  Albemarle, George Monck, 1st Duke of (1608–70), 554

  Albert, Prince Consort (1819–61), 436, 553, 555, 650

  Allen, Charles, 444

  Allen, William (1532–94), 190, 191

  Alleyn, Edward (1566–1626), 243, 245, 246

  Allington, Richard, 432

  Anderson, Elizabeth Garrett (1836–1917), 703

  Anne, Queen (1665–1714), 295

  drives to hounds, 359

  interests and personality, 273–4

  King’s Evil, 437

  pregnancies, 386

  racegoer, 369

  Samuel Johnson and, 437–8

  Anne Boleyn, Queen (1507–36), 208

  Anne of Denmark, Queen (1574–1619), 220

  Apsley, Lucy, 273

  Arch, Joseph (1826–1919), 564, 641

  Archenholz, Johann Wilhelm von (1743–1812), 509

  Arkwright, Sir Richard (1732–92), 474

  Armstrong, Sir Thomas (1624?–84), 411

  Armstrong, William Henry Armstrong, 1st Baron (1863–1941), 554

  Arne, Thomas (1710–78), 319

  Arnold, Thomas (1795–1842), 493, 640, 645

  Arthur Tudor, Prince of Wales (1486–1502), 438

  Arundel, Sir Henry, 318

  Arundel, John (d.1477), 133

  Arundel, Sir Matthew, 195

  Ascham, Roger (1515–68), corporal punishment, 114


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