and Elizabeth I, 273
Le Morte d’Arthur, 214
respect for learning, 273
Toxophilus, 58, 216
Walsingham shrine, 80
Ashford, Daisy, 602, 603
Astley, Philip (1742–1814), 424
Astor, Nancy Witcher Astor, Viscountess (d.1964), 703
Attlee, Clement Attlee, 1st Earl (1883–1967), 710
Aubrey, John (1626–97), 275, 281–2
Auckland, Robert John Eden, 3rd Baron (1799–1870), 608
Augustine, St (d.604), 45
Austen, Jane (1775–1817), 328, 680
Austin, William (1802–49), 394, 395
Awdeley, John (fl. 1559–77), 180
Bacon, Francis, Viscount St Albans (1561–1626), 197–8, 278
Bacon, Sir Nicholas (1509–79), 207
Bacon, Roger (1214?–94), 136
Bagford, John, 268
Baker, John, 497
Baldwin, Stanley Baldwin, 1st Earl (1867–1947), 696
Balfour, Arthur Balfour, 1st Earl of (1848–1930), 545
Ball, John (d.1381), 35–6, 38, 97
Bancroft, Sir Squire (1841–1926), 631
Barry, Spranger (1719–77), 419
Barrymore, Richard Barry, 7th Earl of (1769–93), 655
Beatrice, Princess (1857–1944), 553
Beauclerk, Topham (1739–80), 335
Beaumont, Francis (1584–1616), 278
Beckford, William (1759–1844), 405
Bedford, Anne Russell, Countess of (1615–84), 292
Bedford, Francis Russell, 5th Duke of (1765–1802), 341
Bedford, Francis Russell, 9th Duke of (1819–91), 542
Bedford, John Russell, 4th Duke of (1710–71), 497
Bedford, William Russell, 5th Earl and 1st Duke of (1613–1700), cost of visits to Cambridge, Tunbridge Wells and Bath, 292–4
drainage of Fens, 257
expenditure, 289–90
tobacco, 291, 554
Beeton, Mrs Isabella Mary (1836–65), 513, 609, 616
Bellamy, George Anne (c. 1731–88), 418
Bellingham, John (d.1812), 486
Benedict, St (c.750–821), 47
Bennett, Arnold (1867–1931), 689
Bentham, Jeremy (1748–1832), 667
Bentinck, Lord George (1802–48), 369
Berkeley, George (1685–1753), 428
Bernard de Gourdon, 157
Bernard, John (1756–1828), 420
Berners, Dame Juliana, 211
Berney, Philip, 74
Bernhardt, Sarah (1844–1923), 550, 631
Berry, Mary (1763–1852), 497
Bertie, Lord Albemarle, 367
Besant, Sir Walter (1836–1901), 601
Bess of Hardwick, see Shrewsbury, Countess of
Betterton, Thomas (1635?–1710), 408
Betts, George, 496
Beveridge, Sir William Beverage, Baron (1879–1963), 710
Bibbin, Tim (prop. John Collier), 449
Bignell, Richard, 391
Bishop, John, 260
Black Prince, see Edward, Prince of Wales Blackstone, Sir William (1723–80), 389
Bland, Sir John (d.1775), 373
Blondel de Nesle (fl. late 12th cent.), 94
Blondin (1824–97), 631
Bloomer, Amelia Jenks (1818–94), 550
Blouet, Paul, 602, 605
Blundell, William, 392–3
Boddington, George, 439
Boileau, Sir John (1794–1869), 554
Bolingbroke, Henry St John, 1st Viscount (1678–1751), 374–5
Bologna, Signor, 423
Bondfield, Margaret (1873–1953), 703–4
Boorde, Andrew (1490?–1549), 154, 195, 200
Booth, Charles (1840–1916), 641, 684
his study of poverty, 570–5
Booth, John (d.1812), 485
Boswell, James (1740–95), 702
on Grand Tour, 465
and Johnson, 523
personal cleanliness, 335
sexual adventures, 397–8, 404–5
at the theatre, 416
Bourne, Aleck, 702
Bowdler, Thomas (1754–1825), 335
Bowler, John, 552
Bradgate, Justice, 317
Bradley, Richard (d.1732), 321
Bramah, Joseph (1748–1814), 335
Brassey, Thomas (1805–70), 646
Brayne, John, 243
Brettingham, Matthew the Younger (1725–1803), 334
Bridgeman, Charles, (d.1738), 327
Brodrick, Cuthbert, 579
Brontë, Charlotte (1816–55), 438–9
Brontë, Emily (1818–48), 438–9
Brougham, Henry, 1st Baron Brougham and Vaux (1778–1868), 551
Broughton, Jack (1705–89), 366
Brown, Lancelot, ‘Capability Brown’ (1715–83), 310, 327–8
Browne, Sir Thomas (1605–82), 263
Brunei, Marc, 658
Buccleuch, William Henry Montagu-Douglas-Scott, 6th Duke of (1831–1914), 541
Buck, Robert, 120
Buckingham, Duchess of, 309
Buckingham, George Villiers, 1st Duke of (1592–1628), 289
Budd, William (1811–80), 440
Bunyan, John (1628–88), 259, 270, 438
Burbage, Cuthbert, 243
Burbage, James (d.1597), 243, 244
Burbage, Richard (1567?–1619), 243, 245
Burges, William (1827–81), 556
Burghley, William Cecil, 1st Baron (1520–98), 207–8, 223, 231, 278, 324
Burke, Edmund (1729–97), 474
Burlington, Richard Boyle, 3rd Earl of (1695–1753), 465
Burney, Fanny (1752–1840), 364
Burton, Sir James, 680
Businor, Orazio, 221
Bute, John Crichton-Stuart, 3rd Marquess of (1847–1900), 556
Butler, Josephine (1828–1906), 640
Butler, Samuel (1774–1839), 623
Butlin, Sir William (1899–1980), 686
Buxton, Sir Thomas Fowell (1786–1845), 662
Byrd, William (1540–1623), 188, 218
Calle, Richard, 108
Cambrensis, Giraldus, see Giraldus
Camden, Charles Pratt, 1st Earl (1714–94), 309
Camden, William (1551–1623), 172, 174, 278
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry (1836–1908), 543–4
Campion, St Edmund (1540–81), 190
Canynges, William (1399?–1474), 100
Cardigan, James Brudenell, 7th Earl of (1797–1868), 557
Cardwell, Edward Cardwell, Viscount (1813–86), 673
Carême, Antonin (1784–1833), 499
Carew, Sir Peter (1514–75), 239
Carlisle, Frederick Howard, 5th Earl of (1748–1825), 373
Carlyle, Jane Welsh (1801–66), 505, 506, 626, 682
Carlyle, Thomas (1795–1881), 505–6
Caroline of Anspach, Queen (1683–1737), 341
Caroline of Brunswick, Princess, later Queen (1768–1821), 394, 679
Carrington, Charles Wynn-Carrington, 3rd Baron (1843–1928), 317
Cartwright, Edmund (1743–1823), 468
Cartwright, William, 485
Casanova, Jac de Seingalt (1725–98), 407
Caxton, William (c.1422–c.1491), 82–3, 215
Cavell, Edith (1865–1915), 690
Cavendish, Lord George, 521
Cecil, Robert, 1st Earl of Salisbury (1563?–1612), 199
Cecil, William, see Burghley, 1st Baron
Chadwick, Sir Edwin (1800–1890), 580
Chamberlain, Neville (1869–1940), 707
Chambers, Sir William (1723–96), 328
Chandos, James Brydges, 1st Duke of (1673–1744), 289
Chandos, Sir John (d.1370), 82
Chanteloup, Walter de (d.1266), 90
Charke, Charlotte (d.1760?), 420
Charles V, Holy Roman Emperor (1500–1558), 165
Charles I, King (1600–1649), 220–21, 250, 252
> Charles II, King (1630–85), 369, 408, 423, 437
Charlotte, Princess (1796–1817), 679
Charlotte, Queen (1744–1818), 341
Chater, David (d.1748), 361
Chaucer, Geoffrey (c.1345–1400), 214, 216
Cheddleton, Nicholas, 74
Chesterfield, George Philip Stanhope, 7th Earl of (1831–71), 436
Chesterfield, Philip Dormer Stanhope, 4th Earl of (1694–1773), 344, 371, 429
Cheyne, George (1671–1743), 428
Chiffney, Samuel (1753?–1807), 369
Chippendale, Thomas (1718–79), 333
Chocke, Lady Margaret, 134
Christian of Schleswig-Holstein, Prince (1831–1917), 553
Churchill, Charles (1731–64), 344
Cibber, Colley (1630–1700), 409, 415
Cibber, Susannah Maria (1714–66), 418
Clare, Bogo de, 69
Cleland, John (1709–89), 407
Clitherow, Margaret (d.1586), 191
Clive, Kitty (1711–85), 418, 419
Clive, Robert Clive, Baron (1725–74), 309–10
Clowes, William (1540? –1604), 166
Cobbett, William (1762–1835), 488–90, 671, 672
Cobden, Richard (1804–65), 557
Coke, Thomas, see Leicester, 1st Earl of
Colbrand, Lucy, 132
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor (1772–1834), 451–2
Collier, John (pseud. Tim Bobbin; 1708–86), 449, 451
Congreve, William (1670–1729), 409
Conopios, Nathaniel, 291
Cook, Arthur James (1883–1931), 696
Cook, Eliza, 450
Cook, James (1728–79), 310
Cook, Thomas, 683
Cooper, Lady Diana (d. 1986), 501
Coote, Edmund, 239
Coram, Thomas (1668?–1751), 395–6
Corbet, Richard (1582–1635), 282
Cornelys, Theresa (1723–97), 364
Cornwall, Richard, Earl of (1209–72), 50
Cornwallis, Frederick (1713–83), 310
Cornwallis, Thomas, 185
Cort, Henry (1740–1800), 468
Coryate, Thomas (1577?–1617), 202, 218
Courtenay, Henry Reginald (1741–1803), 310
Coverdale, Miles (1488–1568), 216
Crabbe, George (1778–1851), 448
Cranfield, Sir Lionel, 1st Earl of Middlesex (1575–1645), 289
Craven, Sir William (1548?–1618), 231
Crompton, Samuel (1753–1827), 468
Cromwell, Oliver (1599–1658), 253, 254, 317, 370
Cromwell, Thomas, Earl of Essex (1485?–1540), 161, 216, 230
Crosfield, Thomas, 279–80
Cross, Richard, 414
Crowley, Ambrose, 467
Crowne, John (d.1703?), 409
Cruikshank, Isaac (1756?–1811?), 435
Cubitt, Thomas (1788–1855), 521, 553
Cumberland, Richard (1732–1811), 461
Cumberland, William Augustus, Duke of (1721–65), 364
Cumming, Alexander (1733–1814), 335
Curwen, Samuel, 426
Daggerwood, Sylvester, 420
Darby, Abraham, the younger (1711–63), 467, 468
Dark, Sydney, 446
Darwin, Erasmus (1731–1802), 401, 405
D’Avenant, Sir William (1606–68), 221–2, 408, 409
Davies, David (d.1819), 481
Davies, John (1565?–1618), 241
Davies, Sir John (1569–1626), 209
Davison, Emily Wilding (d.1913), 693
Davy, Sir Humphry (1778–1829), 468
Defoe, Daniel (1661?–1731), 305–6, 473, 518
Tours thro’ … Great Britain, 299–307
Dekker, Thomas (1570?–1641?), 180, 235, 246
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 1st Duke of (1640–1707), 323
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 4th duke of (1720–64), 309
Devonshire, William Cavendish, 7th Duke of (1808–91), 680
D’Ewes, Sir Simonds (1602–50), 253
Dibdin, Charles (1745–1814), 425
Dickens, Charles (1812–70), Astley’s circus, 424
on the brickmaker, 590
carriages and houses of, 611
Christmas, 626–7
clothes of, 552
in Covent Garden Market, 532
describes Lancashire industrial town, 568–9
earnings, 628
his grandmother, 498
Mannings’ execution, 661
old clothes dealers, 522
railways, 647, 649
solicitor’s clerk, 606
Disraeli, Benjamin, Earl of Beaconsfield (1804–81), 544, 551, 587, 657
Dockwra, William (d.1716), 353
Dodd, William, 578
Dodsley, Robert (1703–64), 310
Donne, John (1573–1631), 278
Dowland, John (1563?–1626?), 218, 278
Drake, Sir Francis (1540?–96), 220
Drummond, Robert Hay (1711–76), 310
Dryden, John (1631–1700), 409, 411
Dumergue, Charles, 446
Dundas, Henry, 1st Viscount Melville (1742–1811), 351
Dunlop, John Boyd, 659
Duns, Joannes Scotus (1265?–1308?), 136
Eckardstein, Baron von, 547
Eden, Sir Frederick Morton (1766–1809), 470
Edward of Caernarvon, 1st Prince of Wales, see Edward II
Edward the Confessor, King and Saint (1003–1066), prologue, 437
Edward I, King (1239–1307), archers, 58
battle of Falkirk, 87
corruption, 144
and Earl of Lincoln, 137
expels Jews, 317
generosity to Dominicans and Carmelites, 50
orders to Oxford town, 129
Edward II of Caernarvon, King (1284–1327), 70
generosity to Dominicans, 50
minstrels, 95
peripatetic household, 75
smallpox, 166–7
sumpter-horses, 69
Edward III, King (1312–77), 66
archers, 58
birth of Black Prince, 68
buys a carriage, 69;
English language, 121
King’s Evil, 437
minstrels, 95
Order of the Garter, 86
road improvement, 64
tournament, 86
transport of military equipment, 69
Edward IV, King (1442–83), 215
Caxton’s patron, 215
grammar master in household of, 119
ordinances of household of, 76
minstrels, 95
Edward V, King (1470–83), 121
Edward VI, King (1537–53), 187, 217, 119, 438
Edward VII, King (1841–1910), appetite, 542–3
church sermons, 259
influence on fashion, 552–3
Jewish friends, 317
motoring, 660
smoking, 542, 553
typhoid, 436
Edward, Prince of Wales, the Black Prince (1330–76), 68
Egerton, Sir Thomas, 1st Baron Ellesmere (1540?–1617), 207
Eldon, John Scott, 1st Earl of (1751–1838), 309, 310, 461
Eliot, George (pseud, of Mary Ann Cross; 1819–80), 628
Elizabeth I, Queen (1533–1603), chess, 15
Geneva Bible, 217
hunting, 208, 210–11
King’s Evil, 437
learning, 273
music, 219
presents of fruit, 198
religion, 187, 188, 192
royal progresses, 207–8
scent, 224
shape of country houses, 195
smallpox, 167
travel by carriage, 68
watercloset, 200
wigs, 224
Elizabeth Woodville, Queen (1437?–92), 88
Ellenborough, Edward Law, 1st Baron (1750–1818), 661
Elsing, William de, 160
Elyot, Sir Thom
as (1490?–1546), 114, 120
Engels, Friedrich (1820–95), 569–70. 584, 585, 597
Erasmus, Desiderius (c.1466–1536), 5, 163, 186, 402
Erdeswicke, Sampson (d.1603), 227
Essex, Robert Devereux, 2nd Earl of (1567–1601), 278, 279
Ethelstan, ealdorman of East Anglia (fl.946), 142
Ethelwold, St (c.908–84), 89, 90
Evelyn, Elizabeth, 393
Evelyn, George (1526–1603), 175
Evelyn, John (1620–76), 265, 291, 401, 432–3
Exeter, Gertrude, Marchioness of, 227
Fabyan, Robert (c.1450–1513), 216
Fairbairn, Sir William (1789–1874), 577
Fairclough, Samuel (1594–1677), 262
Farrant, Richard, 244
Fastolf, Sir John (1378?–1459), 122, 214
Fayrfax, Robert (d.1529), 218
Fenton, Roger, 627
Ferrers, Walkelin de, 4
Fielding, Henry (1707–54), attitude to poverty, 469
magistrate, 379, 663
plays, 412
on public schools, 457
Ward treats, 429
Fielding, Sir John (d. 1780), 663
Fiennes, Celia, 301, 334
Figg, James (d.1734), 364
Fisher, H.A.L. (1865–1940), 694
Fisher, Kitty (d.1767), 407
Fitzailwyn, Henry (d.1212), 100
Fitzherbert, Sir Anthony (1470–1538), 237
Fitzherbert, Nicholas (1550–1612), 216
FitzStephen, William (d.c.1190), 55
Fletewood, William (1535?–94), 184–5
Fleming, Sir Daniel (1633–1701), 279
Foote, Samuel (1720–77), 413
Fordyce, George (1736–1802), 470
Forster, John (1812–76), 626
Fortescue, Sir John (1394?–1476?), 137
Fortnum, William, 509
Fox, Charles James (1749–1806), 373, 375, 395
Fox, George (1624–91), 259
Foxe, John (1516–87), 217, 278
Frampton, Mary (1773–1846), 340
Frampton, Tregonwell (1641–1727), 306
Frith, William Powell (1819–1909), Ramsgate Sands, 680, 681
Fry, Elizabeth (1780–1845), 314, 666
Fuseli, Johann Heinrich (1741–1825), 466
Galley, William (d.1748), 361
Garrick, David (1717–79), 341, 418–19, 631
Gaskell, Elizabeth (1810–65), 437
Gaule, John (fl. 1660), 263
Gaveston, Piers, Earl of Cornwall (d.1312), 50
Gay, John (1685–1732), 342, 413
George, David Lloyd, 1st Earl Lloyd-George (1863–1945), 694, 700
George II, King (1683–1760), 369
George III, King (1738–1820), 359, 369, 430, 679
George IV, King (1762–1830), Brighton, 679
his chef, 499
hair, 340
Marine Pavilion, 555
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