racing, 369
Royal Lodge, 326
George V, King (1865–1936), 700
George VI, King (1895–1952), 438
Gerard, John (1545–1612), 199
Gibbon, Edward (1737–94), 429, 459
Gibbs, James (1682–1754), 327
Giddy, Davies, 450
Gideon, (formerly Abudiente), Rowland (d. 1720), 317–18
Gideon, Sampson (1699–1762), 318
Gideon, Sir Sampson (1744–1824), 318
Gilbert of Sempringham, St (1083–1189), 45
Gilbert, Sir William S. (1836–1911), 631
Gillray, James (1757–1815), 435
Giraldus de Barri, called Cambrensis (1146?–1220), 26, 46
Gisborne, Thomas (d.1806), 389
Gladstone, Herbert, (1854–1930), 669
Gladstone, William Ewart (1809–98), 657
Gloucester, William, Duke of (1689–1700), 359
Glyn, Elinor (d.1943), 546
Godbolt, John (d.1648), 262
Godric, St (1065?–1170), 122
Goldsmith, Oliver (1728–74), 427
Goodwin, Thomas (1600–1680), 282
Gordon, Lord George (1751–93), 478
Gower, John (1325?–1408), 216
Grace, W. G. (1848–1915), 624
Graham, James (1745–94), 429–30
Grant, Roger (d.1724), 429
Granville, Augustus Bozzi (1783–1872), 682
Greene, Robert (1560?–92), 179, 218
Greenway, Thomas, 280
Gresham, Sir Thomas (1519?–79), 232, 278
Grey, Charles Grey, 2nd Earl (1764–1845), 375
Grey, Lady Jane (1537–54), 112–13, 273
Grey, Lady Mary, 217
Griffiths, Sir Henry, 196
Grimaldi, Joseph (1779–1837), 424
Grindal, Edmund (1519?–83), 198
Grosseteste, Robert (c.1175–1253), 12, 90, 136
Grosvenor, Sir Thomas, 308
Gutenberg, Johannes (1400–1468), 215
Gwynne, Nell (1650–87), 287, 409
Gyles, Nathaniel, 245
Hakluyt, Richard (1552?–1616), 218, 278
Hale, Sir Matthew (1609–76), 263
Hales, Sir Robert (d.1381), 37
Hall, Henry, 678
Hamilton, Emma, Lady (1761?–1815), 430
Hancock, John, 428
Handel, George Frederick (1685–1759), 363
Hansom,. Joseph Aloysius (1803–82), 656
Hanway, Jonas (1712–86), 343, 469, 493, 507
Hardwicke, Philip Yorke, 1st Earl of (1690–1764), 309, 382
Hardy, Thomas (1840–1928), 307, 390
Hare, Sir John (1844–1921), 631
Hargreaves, James (d.1778), 468, 481
Harman, Thomas (fl. 1567), 179, 180–81
Harold II Godwinson, King (c. 1022–66), prologue
Harold III Hardrada, King of Norway (1015–66), prologue
Harrington, Sir John (1561–1612), 200
Harriott, Thomas (1560–1621), 278
Harris, Jack, 407
Harrison, John (1579–1656), 209
Harrison, William (1553–1621), 177, 179, 192–3, 202–3, 206
Hatton, Sir Christopher (1540–91), 208
Hawksmoor, Nicholas (1661–1736), 378
Hawthorne, Nathaniel (1804–64), 682
Heenan, John C. (1835–73), 623
Helena, Princess (1846–1923), 553
Henrietta Maria, Queen (1609–69), 295
Henry of Battenberg, Prince (1858–96), 553
Henry I, King (1068–1135), 62, 94, 121
Henry II, King (1133–89), 61, 141
Henry III, King (1207–72), 50, 84, 129, 138
Henry IV, King (1367–1413), 160
Henry V, King (1387–1422), 88–9
Henry VI, King (1421–71), 115, 121
Henry VII, King (1457–1509), 65, 211, 437, 438
Henry VIII, King (1491–1547), Bible, 216–17;
Bridewell, 161
Dissolution, 187
masque, 220
palaces, 230
St James’s Palace, 158
scent, 224
shape of country houses, 195
syphilis, 165
tennis, 211
Trinity College, Cambridge, 187
Henry Stuart, Prince of Wales (1594–1612), 250
Henslowe, Philip (d.1616), 243
Hentzner, Paul (1558–1623), 199
Hepplewhite, George (d.1786), 333
Hervey, John Hervey, Baron (1696–1743), 445
Heywood, John, 197
Hibbert, Sir John Tomlinson (1824–1908), 661
Hickes, George (1642–1715), 469–70
Hickey, William (1787?–1875), 366, 405, 407
Hicks, Elizabeth (d.1716), 263
Hicks, Mary (d.1716), 263
Higden, Ranulph (c.1299–1364), 216
Hill, Sir Rowland (1795–1879), 353, 619
Hilliard, Nicholas (1537–1619), 218
Hoby, Lady, 237–8
Hoby, Sir Thomas Posthumus, 237, 238
Hogarth, William (1697–1764), 335, 367, 420, 509
Four Stages of Cruelty, 337
Gin Lane, 378
Laughing Audience, Night, 441
Sleeping Congregation, 316
Southward Fair, 364, 426
Holcroft, Thomas (1745–1809), 448
Holland, Henry Fox, 1st Baron (1705–74), 395
Holt, Sir John (1642–1710), 261
Hooker, Richard (1554?–1600), 176, 278
Hopkins, Matthew (d.1647), 262, 263
Hore, William, 448
Horsfall, William, 485, 486
Horton, Thomas, 100
Houblon, James, 383–4
Howard, John (1726?–90), 344, 375, 580, 666
Hudson, George (1800–1871), 646
Hugh, Abbot of Bury St Edmunds, 68
Hugh of Lincoln, St (c.1135–1200), 26
Hughes, Charles, 425
Hughes, Thomas (1822–96), 356
Hulbert, William, 442
Humphreys, Richard, 365
Hunt, Henry (1773–1835), 495
Hunter, John (1728–93), 434, 444
Huntingdon, Lucy, Countess of, 274
Hutton, Catherine, 325
Hutton, William (1723–1815), 468
Ingham, Walter, 73
Irving, Sir Henry (1838–1905), 631
Isabella of France, Queen (1292–1358), 50
Jack of Newbury, 174
Jacob, Giles (1686–1744), 496
James I, King (1566–1625), 210, 220–21, 273, 437
James II, King (1633–1701), 258, 408
James, Robert (1705–76), 427–8
James, Robert (d.1772), 400
Jeffries, Richard (1848–87), 567
Jenner, Edward (1749–1823), 434–5
Jenner, Sir William (1815–98), 610
Jenyns, Soame (1704–87), 469
Jewel, John (1522–71), 187, 278
Jex-Blake, Sophia Louisa (1840–1912), 703
John of Aderne, 150, 152
John of Gaddesden, 151, 167
John of Gaunt, Duke of Lancaster (1340–99), 36, 50
John, King (1167–1216), 15, 61, 72–3, 306
John XXII, Pope (r.1316–34), 85
Johnson, Samuel (1709–84), arranged marriages, 392
cat-lover, 209
cleanliness, 335
clothes, 339
dines at home, 524
discusses his kitchen, 523–4
at eating-houses and taverns, 523
Garrick and, 418
Grand Tour, 465
inequality, 470
King’s Evil, 437–8
and Robert James, 427, 428
Jolly, George, (fl. 1640–73), 408
Jones, Inigo (1573–1662), 220, 221–2, 322
Jones, Mary, 705
Jones, William (1762–1846), 508
Jonson, Ben (1573?–1637), 220, 221, 244
Joseph of Arimathea, St (fl. 1st. cent.), 80
Kalm, Peter (1715–79), 468, 471
Kay, Annie, 312
Kay, John (fl. 1733–64), 468
Kay, Richard, 463
Keats, John (1795–1821), 437
Kelly, Hugh (1739–77), 415
Kemble, Fanny (1809–93), 506
Kempis, Thomas à (1379–1471), 216
Kent, William (1684–1748), 327
Kettell, Ralph (1563–1643), 281
Killigrew, Thomas, the elder (1612–83), 408, 409
Kilvert, Francis (1793–1863), 431, 562, 652, 681
King, Gregory (1648–1712), 255, 256, 257, 289
Kipling, Rudyard (1865–1936), 673
Kitchener, Horatio Herbert Kitchener, 1st Earl (1850–1916), 688
Kitson, Sir Thomas, 219
Knapp, Elizabeth (fl. 1670), 403, 409
Labarge, Margaret Wade, 8
Lackington, James (1746–1815), 449, 519
Lambarde, William (1536–1601), 226
Landor, Walter Savage (1775–1864), 340
Lane, Sir Allen (1902–70), 678
Lane, Sir Thomas, 263
Langland, William (c.1332–c.1400), 53–4, 214
Large, Robert, 215
La Rochefoucauld-Liancourt, François de (1747–1827), 325
Lassels, Richard (1603?–68), 464
Latimer, Hugh (1485?–1555), 177
Laud, William (1573–1645), 210, 280–81
Lawrence, John (1753–1839), 369
Lee, William (d.1610?), 174–5
Legge, John (d.1381), 37
Leicester, Eleanor de Montfort, Countess of, 8, 9, 68, 70
Leicester, Robert Dudley, 1st Earl of (1532?–88), 197, 210.
Leicester, Thomas Coke, 1st Earl of (1754–1843), 321, 359, 497
Leland, John (1506?–52), 171, 194
Leno, Dan (1860–1904), 631
Levi, Lewis, 352
Linacre, Thomas (1460?–1524), 155, 198
Lincoln, Henry de Lacy, 3rd Earl of (1249?–1311), 137
Lind, John, 344
Lisle, John Dudley, Lord (d.1554), 208
Lister, Joseph Lister, 1st Baron (1827–1912), 707
Litlington, Nicholas (1316?–86), 61
Liverpool, Robert Jenkinson, 2nd Earl of (1770–1828), 664
Locke, John (1632–1704), 393, 394, 438
Lodge, Thomas (1558?–1625), 218
Londesborough, William Henry Forester Denison, Earl of (1834–1900), 436
Lopez, Rodridgo, 161
Lord, Thomas, 371
Lovett, William (1800–1877), 449, 494
Lowes, John, 262
Ludd, Ned, 483
Lydgate, John (1370–1451?), 216
Lyminge, Robert, 199
Lyttelton, George Lyttelton, 1st Baron (1709–73), 373
McAdam, John (1756–1836), 352
Macaulay, Thomas Babington Macaulay, Baron (1800–1859), 551
Macclesfield, Thomas Parker, 1st Earl of (1666?–1732), 309
Macdonald, John, 343, 507, 509
MacDonald, Ramsay (1866–1937), 696
Macready, William Charles (1793–1873), 626
Madden, Catherine, 442
Mainauduc, Dr de, 429
Makin, Basua, 274
Malmesbury, James Harris, 1st Earl of (1746–1820), 460
Malory of Studley and Sutton, Thomas, 83
Malory, Sir Thomas (fl. 1470), 83, 216
Malthus, Thomas (1766–1834), 470, 472
Mandeville, Sir John, 214, 216
Mann, Sir Horace (1701–86), 466
Manning, Robert, 90
Mannings, Maria and Frederick (d.1849), 661
Mapp, Sarah, 429
Margaret, Queen (1282?–1318), 50
Marlborough, Charles Richard Churchill, 9th Duke of (1871–1934), 542
Marlborough, Consuelo Vanderbilt Churchill,
Duchess of, 544–6
Marlowe, Christopher (1564–93), 278
Marshal, Benjamin, 458
Marshall, James, 311
Martindale, Adam (1623–86), 269
Mary, Queen (1867–1953), 700
Mary, Queen of Scots (1543–87), 191
Mary I Tudor, Queen (1516–58), 177, 187, 191, 217, 219
Mary II, Queen (1662–94), 258, 273, 307
Mathews, Charles (1776–1835), 631
Matilda, Queen (1080–1118), 95
Matthew, Thomas (fl. 16th cent.), 216
Mayhew, Henry (1812–87), 655
quoted, 526–31
Meager, Leonard (1624?–1704?), 256
Melbourne, William Lamb, 2nd Viscount (1779–1848), 316, 554
Melville, Sir James (1535–1617), 219
Mendoza, Daniel (1764–1836), 365
Mercer, Samuel, 462
Merton, Walter de (d.1277), 131
Metcalfe, John, 352
Michaux, Ernest and Pierre, 658
Middleton, Thomas (c.1570–1627), 88
Milbrowe, Mary, 389
Miller, James (1706–44), 415
Miller, Sanderson, 496
Mirfield, Johannes (fl.1393), 153
Mitford, Mary Russell (1787–1855), 345
Mohun, Michael (1620?–84), 408
Moira, Francis Rawdon-Hastings, 2nd Earl of (1754–1826), 555
Moleyns, Robert Hungerford, Baron (1431–64), 140
Montagu, Lady Mary Wortley (1689–1762), 335, 433
Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de (1533–92), 392
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de (1689–1755), 316, 432
Montfort, Simon de, Earl of Leicester (1208?–65), 138
Moore, John, 428
Mordaunt, John, 503
More, Hannah (1745–1833), 338, 393–4, 450, 470, 511
More, Sir Thomas (1478–1535), 133, 197
Moreton, William, 195
Morice, Sir William (1602–76), 384
Moritz, Carl Philip (1757–93), 345, 347, 354
Morland, George (1763–1804), 369
Morley, Thomas (1557–1604?), 218
Mornington, Lady, 373
Morris, William (1834–96), 618
Morris, William, 1st Viscount Nuffield (1877–1963), 660
Mortimer, Guy, 147–8
Morton, Charles (1819–1904), 629
Moryson, Fynes (1566–1630), 203, 210
Moseley, Sir Oswald, 6th Baronet (1896–1980), 697
Mudie, Charles Edward (1818–90), 628
Mulcaster, Richard (1530?–1611), 213, 268, 271, 274
Mullins, Tom, 558, 559, 658
Mulready, William (1786–1863), 619
Murray, George (1784–1860), 554
Napier, Alexander, 503
Nash, John (1772–1835), 326, 521
Nash, Richard, ‘Beau’ (1674–1761), 294, 374
Naylor, James, 260–61
Nelson, Horatio Nelson, Viscount (1758–1805), 310
Nelson, James (1710–94), 394
Neville, George, Archbishop of York (1433?–76), 10
Newcastle, Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of (c.1624–74), 388
Newcomen, Thomas (1663–1729), 468
Newdigate, Lady, 272
Nicolson, Hon. Sir Harold (1886–1968), 545
Nightingale, Florence (1820–1910), 639, 704, 705, 706
Norden, John (1548–1625?), 172, 173
North, Brownlow (1741–1820), 310
North, Dudley North, 3rd Baron (1581–1666), 295
North, Francis, 1st Baron Guilford (1637–85), 261
North, Frederick, 2nd Earl of Guilford, better known as Lord North (1732–92), 349
Northbrooke, John, 248
Northcliffe, Alfred Hannsworth, 1st Viscount (1865–1922), 679
Northumberland, Henry Percy, 5th Earl of (1477–1527), 7
Nuffield, William Morris, 1st Viscount (1877–1963), 660
Nyren, John (1764–1837), 372
O’Connor, Fergus (1794–1855
), 495
Ogle, Sir Thomas, 411
Orwell, George (pseud, of Eric Blair; 1903–50), 687
Osborn, Ruth, 264
Osborne, Dorothy, afterwards Lady Temple (1627–95), 283
Otway, Thomas (1652–85), 409
Owen, George (1552–1613), 212
Owen, Nicholas (d.1606), 190–91
Owen, Robert (1771–1858), 475, 518, 520, 521
Oxford, Edward de Vere, 17th Earl of (1550–1604), 207, 278
Oxford, Jane Elizabeth Harley, Countess of (1772–1824), 405
Oxinden, Elizabeth, 391
Oxinden, Tom, 391
Paine, Tom (1737–1809), 362, 481
Palmer, John, 309, 352, 354
Palmerston, Henry Temple, 3rd Viscount (1784–1865), 445, 579
Paré, Ambrose, 442
Parker, Barry, 676
Parker, George (1732–1800), 420
Paston, Agnes, 112, 391
Paston, Elizabeth, 107–8, 391
Paston, John (1421–66), 110, 140
Paston, Sir John (1442–79), 108, 214
Paston, Margaret (d.1484), 74, 108, 109–11
Paston, Margery, 16, 108–9
Paterson, Sir Alexander (1884–1947), 670
Paxton, Sir Joseph (1801–65), 627
Payne, Jack, 678
Peace, Francis (1771–1854), 318, 449, 470
Peacham, Henry (1576?–1643?), 277
Pearson, Charles, 657
Peckham, John (d.1292), 41
Peel, Sir Robert, 1st baronet (1750–1830), 467
Peel, Sir Robert, and baronet (1788–1850), 663, 664
Pembroke, Henry Herbert, 10th Earl of (1734–94), 391–3
Pembroke, Philip Herbert, 4th Earl of (1584–1649), 323
Pepys, Elizabeth, 404, 409, 410
Pepys, Samuel (1633–1703), destruction of tobacco, 291–2
dinner parties, 285
drinking habits, 288
fruit, 287–8
patronizes cookshop, 523
pornography, 406
puppet shows, 422–3
relieves himself, 335
salary, 285
sexual dalliances, 402–4
table silver and linen, 285
theatre, 408, 410
vegetables, 287
venison, 286
Pepys, Thomas (1634–64), 438
Perceval, Spencer (1762–1812), 486
Peter of Blois (1135–post 1204), 11
Petre, Sir William, 204, 207, 219
Philip II, King of Spain (1527–98), 177
Philip V, King of Spain (1683–1746), 348
Philippa of Hainault, Queen (1314?–69), 50, 65
Philippe, William, 66
Piccini the puppeteer (b.1745), 423
Pitt, William, the younger, (1759–1806), 340, 351. 375, 394. 458
Pius V, Pope and Saint (1504–72), 191
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