Book Read Free

Spotted Her First

Page 3

by Emma Dean

“Excuse me?” she asked, not able keep the disbelief from her voice. “I don’t even know these men and you want them in my house?”

  Her dad grimaced and adjusted the collar of his police uniform. “Sweetheart, I can’t watch you twenty-four seven. If you want to be able to still go to work and live your life you’ll let them stay nearby until we figure this out. Otherwise you’re coming home with me and riding on my patrols. Maybe you’ll even become my partner.”

  She crossed her arms over her chest. “You’re really okay with this?” Piper glanced over her shoulder and none of the guys looked uncomfortable or even apologetic. The taller one with the green eyes and blond-brown hair crossed his arms over his chest too and frowned at her, but he didn’t try to rush them.

  Her dad heaved a huge sigh and glanced at the suspiciously silent men behind her. “They can turn into leopards. Caleb did it right in front of me. Apparently a witch sent them to help you because you’re their mate.”

  Piper’s mouth popped open in shock. She wouldn’t believe it if it hadn’t come from her father’s own mouth. Her cop father who didn’t believe anything he couldn’t see, hear, or touch. “Yeah, the demon said something about mates,” she whispered, turning to inspect the three men a little closer.

  “I can’t do anything about a teleporting demon. So far they all have clean records, medals of honor, and can protect you against demons in a privately owned place. I don’t really like the idea of whatever this mate thing is, but I told them I’d let you decide what you wanted to do.” Her dad glanced around the penthouse and then dismissed it “I trust you, Piper. I’ll support whatever you want to do.”

  They shared a look and Piper knew her father didn’t like it, but there wasn’t much else they could do when they’d been thrown into the deep end. It was sink or swim now. Her dad shrugged and she knew they didn’t have many options. Her father was the most practical, logical man she knew. If he thought this was the best choice it probably was.

  “Okay, I’ll let them stay in the guest room,” she murmured.

  Piper also wanted to know more about this ‘mate’ thing. What exactly did that entail? Why did they even want to protect her? She glanced over her shoulder as they left the penthouse and tried not to make it obvious she was scrutinizing them.

  They were incredibly gorgeous and all three oozed a sexual energy she could feel against her skin like phantom hands. Piper shivered and licked her lips. “I don’t understand how I can have three…mates.”

  The green-eyed one gave her a feral sort of grin and then the other’s brown eyes twinkled at her as though he were trying not to laugh.

  Her dad sighed. “I don’t want to talk about it. Let’s go. I’ll escort you all back to your apartment Piper.”

  The attitude Dad had about the boys made her smile a little. Whatever they told him on the way to the penthouse – whatever they’d shown him had been enough to convince him demons and witches and…shapeshifters? Were real.

  Piper felt hyperaware of the guys. She could feel them behind her even though they didn’t touch her. Knowing they were her mates made Piper feel a bit sheepish about her reaction in the library. They hadn’t been trying to hurt her, but she also didn’t think she really cared for the term ‘mate.’

  Whatever it was supposed to be, they didn’t just automatically ‘get her.’ If they wanted Piper they were going to have to work for it.

  Dad pointed at all three of them as they got into the elevator. “She calls me and she’s not happy, I will shoot every one of you in the face.”

  “Don’t worry sir, we’ll make sure she’s happy.”

  That voice rumbled over her and she shivered again.

  Damn she was in trouble.

  Chapter Four


  Piper’s apartment wasn’t far from the university. It was about twenty minutes with the way Caleb was driving – like he was terrified to hurt their human mate. Niko watched her out of the corner of his eye even though he faced the window and Xavier was in the front.

  They’d figured she would feel more comfortable with him since he wasn’t quite so intimidating. Sometimes being the beta had its moments. It hadn’t always been easy though with his brothers. All of them thought they were tough alphas and liked to try and prove it.

  Then one day they were sent off to deal with the crocs and never came back. Suddenly it was just him and his younger sister. Until she’d been murdered. Niko would never forget the look on his parents’ faces when they got that knock on the door.

  Niko glanced at Piper again and felt that strange pull. The one he never thought he’d get. The crocs had been picking them off one by one and targeting the females especially. But here was a female of his very own.

  Piper glanced at him again and then looked away, adjusting her skirt. Niko couldn’t help but watch her elegant fingers and he sniffed the air, breathing in her natural scent of lotus flowers. Laced among that was the sharp tang of her fear that was beginning to edge into something closer to anxiety which he could handle better. There was also that strange sulphur smell he assumed was from the demon.

  No one had said a word since they’d all piled into Caleb’s spacious truck, but they really needed to address a few issues. Her cop dad led the way and it was nice to have the escort…just in case. Humans were unpredictable, but they did listen to cops. They couldn’t have had better luck.

  But it did make the father more suspicious. He didn’t want to trust them, but after what Caleb had shown him? It was kind of hard to deny the truth.

  “What happened with the demon?” Niko asked, turning to face her and lounging against the door so he looked smaller. His arm went along the back of the bench and he waited patiently. He felt Caleb and Xavier’s attention like a weight, but neither of them turned around.

  “He gave me this,” she said in that husky voice that promised to fulfill all kinds of sexual fantasies. Piper gave him a business card and their fingers brushed against each other. Her flinch confirmed she felt the electricity between them as well.

  Niko cleared his throat as he inspected the card, trying to ignore how his dick twitched in his pants. “Jessica James?” he read aloud. “I’ve heard of her. But she’s a demon hunter. Why would the demon give you this?”

  Piper shrugged and licked her lips again. Niko cracked his neck and tried not to stare at those full lips of hers. She was making this fucking difficult.

  “He said he was contracted but didn’t want to be,” she explained. “Eisheth told me to call Jessica and find a way to break his contract in two weeks or he’d have to take me to Florida. Apparently there are specifics that were left out, like taking me to them right away and not offering me help.”

  Niko smiled. Clever demon. He’d studied up on them after Morgan had first called. They weren’t inherently evil, but followed rules like the rest of the supernatural world. If they broke those rules Jessica took care of them.

  But through the grapevine he’d heard she hunted all kinds, not only demons. She just liked how dramatic ‘demon hunter’ sounded. Gave the mortal humans who found her website a bit of relief.

  Niko shook his head and punched in the number to call later. “What else did Eisheth tell you?”

  “Eisheth?” Caleb cut in, his voice sharp. “The Eisheth?”

  Piper nodded and then realized Caleb couldn’t see her. “Yes, he said history hated the gays. Why, do you know him?”

  Caleb let out another bark of laughter. The dude was so uptight it was unreal, but Niko would be too if he’d gone through what Caleb had. “No, I don’t know him personally. But I do know of him. I’m Jewish after all.”

  Their mate cocked her head to the side to inspect Caleb and Niko felt a shiver go down his spine. There was this strange sense of recognition – like he knew her even though they’d never met before.

  “Here,” Niko said before he did something too forward. He needed to touch her, to take care of her somehow, but she was still so skittish. “You’ve still got
some blood on your face.” He pulled a handkerchief out of his back pocket and dabbed at her chin without physically touching her.

  Piper’s eyes widened as she watched him, but she didn’t move away like Niko thought she might. Once he was done Niko pulled back, feeling a bit dizzy at her close proximity. Her scent was strong and heady. Piper watched him and then opened her mouth as though she were going to say something.

  But Xavier interrupted. “Is this the place?” he asked.

  Piper broke her gaze from Niko’s and turned to look out the window.

  Damn, this mate crap was no joke. Niko had no idea what he’d expected but it wasn’t this. It wasn’t the breathless feeling he felt in her presence or the magnetic attraction. Since the moment he caught her scent she’d become his Earth and he was the moon, forever orbiting her.

  It had only gotten worse when he’d finally set his eyes on her.

  “Yes this is the place. Are any of you allergic to cats?”

  Niko burst out laughing. Her wide-eyed look of surprise only made him laugh harder.

  Xavier glanced back at her with a smile. “No, we’re not allergic. We uh, can turn into cats.”

  “Oh, right. I forgot about that.”

  Niko had to put his hand over his mouth. It shouldn’t be so fucking funny, but after the stress of losing her and then finding her again, it was a much needed release. Though Niko could think of other ways to find a release. Too bad it would probably be a while.

  “Niko,” Caleb warned. “Get it together.”

  The dominant tone in Caleb’s voice was the rock to the face he needed. Niko was just so damn nervous. Their pride had taken a beating the last few years. A mate was rare and precious and somehow…here she was.

  “What kind of cats do you turn into again?” Piper asked. She placed the full weight of her gaze on Niko and he literally felt his heart stutter for a moment while he tried to think of a reply.

  Caleb parked the car and the jolt brought him back to his senses a bit. “We turn into leopards.”

  Piper frowned and Xavier opened her car door for her. Then he held out a hand which she took without even thinking twice. Niko gritted his teeth and hopped out of the truck. Lucky bastard.

  Caleb grabbed their bags from the back of the truck and tossed them at Niko. He caught them without looking and watched Xavier and Piper head to her father’s cop car. She stuck her head in the window and Niko turned away so it wasn’t obvious he was listening in.

  Xavier gave them a bit of space, but it was clear he was listening to the whispers as well. They all were.

  “Are you going to stay in the area?” she asked.

  “Yeah, I’ll tell them I need to be in this area while I’m on duty. I won’t be far. I’ll finish my shift, but I’ll be here in a few hours like always.” Then there was a pause. “You still have that gun I gave you?”

  “Yes, of course Dad, but you know it’s locked up. That’s the law.”

  “Well unlock it and keep it close, just in case. I trust they’re telling the truth and they’re going to keep you safe, but they’ll stay respectful or you shoot them, you hear?”

  “Yes of course, Dad.”

  “I trust you, sweetie. You’ve learned everything I could teach you, and you have common sense. Use it, even if the situation is different.” Niko could hear her dad sigh and then a kiss on his daughter’s cheek. “Text me and keep me updated. Everything will be all right.” Then he pulled off and Piper turned back around to face Xavier with a determined look on her face.

  “Don’t do anything to piss her off,” Niko muttered, knowing the other two could hear him. “Think a book to the face sucks? Imagine a bullet.”

  This mate thing was way more complicated than he’d thought it would be. When they first got the news, Niko hadn’t really considered all the extra shit having a human mate would entail – like distrust. Other shifters knew what to look for – they could feel it and smell it. But a human?

  “As long as it’s not in the face we’ll heal,” Caleb countered. “But be respectful and everyone keep their fucking hands to themselves unless she makes the first move.”

  Xavier gave them a nod and then followed Piper to her apartment after she waved good-bye to her father. The girl was so strange. Sure, she was gorgeous, but there was this odd aura she had about her. Niko could fall into her eyes and listen to her voice forever. He wondered what she would sound like if she sang.

  “Take these bags upstairs and get whatever information from her you can. Then get her to relax and calm down. It’s going to be a long two weeks if she can barely talk to us,” Caleb ordered. He ran his hand violently through his light brown hair hard enough Niko was surprised there was still hair on his head at all. “I’m going to check the neighborhood and get a feel for the area.”

  Niko sighed and shouldered the bags. “You should talk to her. She’s your mate too.”

  “We both know I make her uncomfortable.” Caleb glared at him like it was his fault. Out of all of them their Alpha had it the roughest.

  “At some point you’re going to have to talk to her,” Niko called after him. Caleb ignored him and disappeared down the street.

  Niko followed that intoxicating scent of lotus blossom and took a good look at the apartment building. It was nice, but generic in that way all apartment buildings were. The scent took him up to the second floor and down the hall to a corner apartment.

  He could hear Xavier inside and tried the knob. It was unlocked and Niko looked around as he stepped in. The moment he crossed the threshold a black and white cat attacked his leg with a shriek.

  “Christ on a cracker!” Niko tried not to kick the animal off him. It was not easy to juggle the bags and close the door so the cat couldn’t get out. Damn those claws were sharp. “Can someone help me out?” he asked loudly, throwing a glare at Xavier.

  The asshole was grinning at him with Piper giggling next to him. Yeah, well, he couldn’t exactly blame him for not wanting to leave her side. Niko tossed the bags to the floor and snatched the back of the cat’s neck like he would any one of the naughty kits in the pride.

  The housecat snarled and hissed at him but Niko hissed back and let a rumble escape his throat. He was more dominant than a domestic animal for chrissakes. The cat arched back and tried to take a swipe at him anyways.

  Niko sighed and inspected the markings on the cat before setting him down on the highest surface he could find. They were invading his territory after all. “Your white cat has black fur that looks like a vest,” he noted.

  Piper was smiling when he turned around and nodded. “Yes, that’s why I named him Cat Solo.”

  “Cat Solo?” Xavier asked, going through every single cupboard in the kitchen.

  Niko rolled his eyes and then winked at Piper. “Star Wars you dimwit.”

  “Never saw it.”

  Piper gasped as though the statement offended her personally. “I can’t believe you’ve never seen it.” Then she watched Xavier open the fridge. “Are you hungry?”

  There was that cute little head tilt again. She was going to fucking kill him. Niko picked up the bag of weapons and tossed it on the table, wincing at the loud sound.

  “Well we’re all going to have to eat. Thought I’d cook something,” Xavier told her. “But I don’t see all the ingredients I need. When Caleb gets back I’ll head to the store.”

  “So you all really plan to stay here for two weeks?” Piper squeaked.

  Niko watched her face go pale and how she glanced between the two of them nervously. He nodded slowly. She really thought it wouldn’t be a permanent situation. They had so much to explain in two weeks. Not to mention the issue of where the pride was located.

  “You turn into cats and three of you are supposedly my mates, whatever that means exactly?” Piper tried to clarify.

  She was starting to lose it.

  Xavier barely noticed as he pulled out his phone to start typing out a list. “Technically we turn into leopards and
until you’re safe you can’t be alone. We have to figure out a way to break the contract I guess.” Wisely he didn’t comment on the mate thing.

  “And then you’ll leave?” she pressed.

  “If that’s what you want.” Niko put away the ball of witch doom Morgan had given him the recipe for and pulled out the sage instead. Piper was close to breaking and he had to make sure that didn’t happen. “Why don’t we get some air?” he asked.

  She tore her eyes from Xavier and then looked at Niko. Her eyes flicked to the bundle of sage in his hand and Piper blinked as though she suddenly remembered she was the hostess. “Sure, I’ll show you the balcony.”

  Niko shared a look with Xavier and tossed him the sage. “Demon proof the house. I’ll…try to explain.”

  They knew when Morgan had told them their mate was a human that this wasn’t going to be easy. And now a demon was in the mix? Niko only hoped that Piper was as practical as her father. No doubt a lifetime of weird, unexplained things he’d seen on the streets had made their stories credible along with Caleb’s little trick right in fucking public.

  After all Sacramento wasn’t even their territory. They were only there with the permission of another freaking wolf pack. Niko couldn’t wait to get back home and show Piper Crescent City. You know, if she didn’t run off first.

  Chapter Five


  At least it wasn’t that hot. May could get so brutal sometimes. A cool night breeze ruffled Piper’s disheveled hair. She didn’t even care that she looked like a mess around three of the hottest guys she’d ever seen in her life. Like Niko – had she ever seen anyone with eyes as blue as his?

  His blond hair was almost white and longer than Caleb’s dirty blond, brownish hair. The two didn’t look anything alike, but they were all leopards? How did that work exactly? Piper sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. It had been a very long day.

  Niko closed the door behind them and she could hear him stop, probably to look around at the space she’d set up with the twinkling lights, but Piper didn’t bother to look. His steps across the wood floor warned her. Niko stopped with very little space left between them, but he didn’t touch her.


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