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Simple Arrangement

Page 4

by McKenna Jeffries

  “I know. If you’re coming from your apartment at Deyon’s, it’ll take you a little over an hour to get here. I’ll see you in a little while.” Iona hung up.

  Jackson put the cell into his pocket and looked out at the beautiful view outside the window without actually registering.

  “Either you find the new rock garden I had put in fascinating or you’re stalling to go to Iona.” Chandler walked up to join him.

  “Eavesdropping isn’t nice.”

  “I’m not nice.” Chandler laughed. “Hell, if you wanted privacy you should have used the door to the left of the windows to go outside to call her.”

  “I forgot it was there,” Jackson said.

  “For the amount of times you’ve been here and we’ve used the door to go outside and sit on the porch, how could you forget?” Chandler sounded amused.

  “Bastard. Yes, Iona has me befuddled.” Jackson rubbed his hand along the back of his neck.

  “Buddy, it’s only getting started.” Chandler slapped him on the shoulder. “Now go on and have your talk with her. I’ve heard sex called many things but this is the first time I’ve heard it called talking.”

  “Shut up.” Jackson turned and strode toward the entrance to the living room.

  “Jackson,” Chandler called.

  “What?” Jackson stopped in the doorway and glanced at him.

  “I’ve grown fond of both you and Iona.” Chandler’s expression held a warning. “Don’t make me have to hurt you if you hurt her.”

  “For God’s sake, I knew I’d get that from the Wrights or her family, but not you.”

  “Also protect yourself, because you’re my friend and I wouldn’t like it if you got hurt.” Chandler shrugged.

  “We’re not in a relationship. Just having some fun. No one will get hurt.” Jackson turned to leave.

  “Keep telling yourself that lie.”

  “It’s not a lie.” Jackson went to the front door and yanked it open before going out and closing it behind him.

  He quickly headed down the three stairs and to his truck. In moments, he was inside and on his way. He drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. Jackson stopped briefly to turn on the CD he had been playing when he’d last driven. He listened and hummed under his breath along with the smooth jazz. The time seemed to crawl as he headed toward the main part of McKingley then to Griffin Street. As he drove down the street, he passed the hospital then the bookstore he enjoyed visiting that was in walking distance. After another ten minutes, he spotted Sensations, which he hadn’t known was on the same street. Then twenty minutes later, he turned into the parking area for Edge Design Group.

  Jackson parked and exited the truck. He stood in the open doorway, taking in the structure. He knew Iona and her partners did great work, having seen some of their designs like Deyon’s house and business, Chandler’s house and some of the other businesses in town. But the structure that housed their company was inspiring. From outside, he couldn’t tell how many floors there were. The building gleamed in the sun, showing off the windows and the stone-faced façade. The pattern of the stones made him want to keep looking. Although it was an office, there wasn’t that sort of feeling to the building. Instead it was more comfortable and welcoming.

  Jackson closed the truck door and strode across the parking area, noting that there were a few vehicles in the large lot. Soon at the entrance, Jackson opened the door with the stylized logo for Edge Design Group and went inside. In the lobby, he approached the front desk, taking in the reception area, which continued with the welcoming feeling as the outer structure had. He was quickly told to go on up, where to go and given a pass. In seconds, he was in the elevator and he tapped the pass on his leg. He thought of what he would tell Iona. When the doors slid open, he went out and down the hall, passing the empty receptionist desk and a few offices—some occupied and others not. Finally at the end of the hall, he paused before the closed door then knocked.

  “Come in,” Iona called.

  Jackson entered then closed the door behind him. Iona lifted her head. Jackson frowned when he saw the cold mask of business on her face. He strode across the spacious office but stopped at the drafting table, looking at the drawing there.

  “This is lovely.” He touched the edge of the table.

  “Thanks,” Iona said right behind him.

  He hadn’t heard her approach. Jackson turned, glancing down, and noted that she was barefoot except for some really colorful socks. He looked up and met her gaze. “I like the socks.”

  “Knee socks. I have a place I go to buy them from over on York Avenue. They design and make them custom. I had them use the logo for my company and make me some.” Iona put one leg forward. “Today I felt like hawks.”

  Jackson squatted by her foot and recognized the hawks. The depiction of them made them look like they were alive and would fly off the sock at any moment. He put his hand on the back of her calf. Iona placed her hands on his shoulder to brace herself. Jackson glanced up at her and Iona’s gaze still was cool.

  “Why are you acting so cold?”

  “Seems like you had a problem with me working on Sunday. I do work on weekends sometimes. Although I prefer to take my work home so I can do it in the comfort of my home.” Iona studied him then said firmly, “If you agree to this arrangement, sometimes I will have to work while you are there, or if we are at your place. If that is a problem for you then we’d better not do this. I don’t need the drama of you pouting because I can’t cater to you every moment.”

  “Pout?” Jackson stroked his hands up the back of her calf. “I don’t pout. And we already established we are both busy and this is not a relationship. Even if it was, I don’t need any woman catering to me every moment. It would bore me and make me want to leave. I only asked if you were working because I was surprised. You looked a little tired at the restaurant so I thought you would go home to get some rest.”

  “Most women, especially one who wants to have sex with a man, don’t like to hear that they look tired. Makes it sound like they are unattractive.” Iona smirked.

  “It’s a good thing you’re not like most women.” Jackson squeezed her calf gently then rose, leaving a minuscule space between them. “Can you do your work from home?”

  “Sure. Why?”

  “Do you mind getting it together and doing that?” Jackson rubbed his finger along her cheek. “I want to spend some time with you. Preferably somewhere where we can relax. I’ll make you dinner.”

  “You cook?”

  “I do. Don’t sound so surprised,” Jackson whispered. “Don’t tell Chandler. He thinks I can’t and I let him so he can feed me.”

  “Why do you do that?”

  “It’s fun watching him cook. He gets so intense about it and swears a lot.”


  “Yep. He doesn’t even know he is doing it. He’s a perfectionist and when he thinks his cooking isn’t going how he wants to, he gets agitated. It always tastes delicious when he is done. But the performance as he cooks is the most fun part.”

  “Hmmm…I’ll have to see him do it.” Iona lifted an eyebrow. “About Chandler, he called me a little while after I spoke with you about coming here. It started out friendly enough until he threatened me if I hurt you.”

  “He what?”

  “Warned me if I hurt you, he will make my life hell. Well, he didn’t say that in so many words but the threat was there.” Iona chuckled. “I never knew his voice could get so arctic. And that is what it was—I couldn’t even call it cold since it was so much more. He cares about you.”

  “Damn man. He did the same to me about you.” Jackson scowled. “You do know there will be many of our friends and family who will butt in if we do this.”

  “It’s no one’s business but our own. Since it is in the bedroom, not many people would know anyway.” Iona shrugged.

  “It’s going to be beyond the bedroom.”

  “What do you mean?” Iona looked leery.
  “I don’t share. If we do this, I’d want to go out together, spend time together and wouldn’t want to act in public like you are not mine.”

  “I’m not yours.”

  “While we are in this arrangement, you will be. Just as I will be yours.” Jackson stared at her. “Unless you want to share me with some other woman who will come with me for events I can’t get out of for the hospital, or other social functions.”

  “Hell no,” Iona said emphatically then lifted an eyebrow again. “Smart bastard, you played on my possessive streak. Fine, while we have this arrangement, we will do as you said. Spend time together and so on. I’ll be your date for whatever events you have.”

  “And I’ll do the same for you. You won’t need a friend to take you to anything you have. Like the event Chandler was supposed to escort you to.”

  “Supposed to?” Iona was amused.


  “I’ll let him know I have an escort for it then.” Iona stared at him. “You don’t even know when it is. Suppose you have to work.”

  “Then you can go solo or, since I trust Chandler, Tarak or any of the Wrights, they could take you. Maybe even James—that is, if you can convince him to don a tux to take you.”

  “James as in Shannon’s cousin? When did you all get so friendly?”

  “It’s amazing how you bond after movie night when you’re trying to catch a rooster who doesn’t want to leave.” Jackson grinned.


  “I’ll tell you later.” Jackson turned her gently. “So do you mind working from home for the rest of the day?”

  “I can do that.” Iona looked over her shoulder. “From the additions you are making to what I proposed for our arrangement, I’m going to assume that you agree. But what you want us to do sounds like a relationship.”

  “Yes, I agree. What we are doing is defined by us. So no, it is not a relationship. It is what we want it to be. I think of it as an arrangement with the benefits of a built-in companion to hang out with and escort when needed.” Jackson winked. “Think of it as building anticipation for seduction.”

  “I don’t need seduction.”

  “Well I do.” He leaned close to her ear. “Seduction is all part of what we will do.”

  Iona shivered at the sensual promise in his words. She walked away, thankful that her legs were steady enough for her to. At her desk, she picked up her messenger bag and started to pack up her things to take with her to work at home. She couldn’t help glancing at Jackson. He was slightly turned, studying the design she was working on. Even in profile, his craggy features drew her to him. Soon she would have him in her bed. She clenched, her pussy getting wet as she thought about him being deep inside her. Iona looked back to what she was doing, packing up the rest of the things she needed with shaky hands. She stopped briefly to open and close her hands to get rid of this unaccustomed shakiness. She lifted her bag and turned.

  “I’m ready.”

  Jackson came over and took her messenger bag from her. Iona put the strap of her purse over her shoulder. He placed his hand on the small of her back and led her out of the room then down the hall to the elevator.

  “What did you mean about the rooster and bonding?” Iona pressed the button for the elevator.

  “James came by yesterday for movie night with Chandler and I. James brought Sigmund with him, saying something about the rooster needing to broaden its horizon beyond his house.” Jackson chuckled. “I could swear the bird wanted to teach James a lesson for making him come. He refused to go with James when he was leaving. James was all for leaving Sigmund at Chandler’s, but Chandler wasn’t having it.” The doors opened and Jackson escorted her into the elevator. “Imagine three grown men chasing after one rooster. The damn bird is smarter than we are. Took us hours to catch him. I swear he was laughing at us too. Hell, James was laughing too. Eventually Chandler and I also saw how funny it was. It’s a good thing no one was there to tape or see us. He’s a few bricks shy of a load.”

  “James or the bird?”

  “Both. The two of them suit each other.” Jackson laughed. “A man and his bird.”

  “They looked cute at the wedding. With Sigmund in his little vest and tie.” Iona laughed. She’d heard about James and his bird from the Kincaids, and had seen how they had acted at the wedding.

  “Chandler is still grumbling about how James convinced him to make the damn bird something for the wedding.” Jackson snorted. “The two of them bicker like brothers.”

  “Does he bicker with the bird or James?” Iona asked curiously as they exited the elevator and crossed the lobby. She waved at the guard then waited as Jackson opened the door for them to exit.

  He answered when they were outside. “Both. But only James answers back.” Jackson chortled. “It’s amusing watching them.”

  “I bet.” Iona gestured to her black Chevy Traverse. “I’m over there.”

  “And I’m there.” Jackson led her to her vehicle.

  She pressed her clicker to open the car and disarm the alarm. Jackson opened the door and set her bag on the passenger seat before he turned to her. Iona stepped closer, unable to resist the need to be near him.

  “I’ll meet you at your house.” Jackson touched her waist, rubbing his finger along her side. “Where do you live?

  Distracted by his touch it took a moment for Iona to register what he’d said. “Toller Street…” She gave him the directions. “See you there.”

  “It might take me a while. I’m stopping at the grocery store to pick up some things.”


  “Dinner. I’m making you dinner.” Jackson released her and stepped away.

  “What ingredients do you need? I could have it.” Iona didn’t want him to take too long to come to her place.

  “Next time I’ll check to see if you have what I need.” Jackson smiled. “I’ll get the groceries and be at your place as soon as I can.”

  Iona watched him walk away, wanting to call him back. She shook it off and got in her SUV then started it. Iona pulled out of her space and headed for home. On the drive, she wondered about getting involved with Jackson. In business, she went with her instincts, and with Jackson, she’d used that same technique when she had approached him. She knew in her gut that they would enjoy each other and be able to walk away when the time came. Iona pushed the play button on her radio and the CD she had been listening to earlier came on. She sang along with Mary J. Blige’s song Alone. By the time she had pulled into her driveway, she had belted lyrics along with Mary for four of her songs. Still saying the words under her breath, Iona turned off the car, grabbed her messenger bag and purse before getting out and going to her house. Inside, she disarmed the alarm then went across the foyer to the living room. Since she had to wait for him, she decided to get some work done. First, she went and changed into something more comfortable. After, she set herself up at the center table in the living room, which faced the bay windows where she could see outside.

  Getting to work, Iona kept checking to see if he’d pulled up to her house. Finally, she pushed away thoughts of him then focused on work. The doorbell sounded, making her jump, startled. She glanced out of the bay windows and saw his truck beside her own vehicle. Iona rose and hurried to the door. She pulled it open then reached for some of the bags he held. Jackson turned, giving her a look to tell her not to touch. Iona held up her hands and stepped back to let him in.

  “Where is your kitchen?” Jackson entered before closing the door with his hip.

  Iona locked it behind him then led the way. Jackson put down the bag on the kitchen island closest to the stove. Iona sat on the high-backed stool by the counter. She put her bare feet on the rungs of the stool then her elbow on the counter, sliding her fingers together then propping her chin on them.

  “What are you planning to make?”

  “Rosemary lemon chicken with rice and carrots. Dessert will be a surprise. I’ll get started as soon as you tell me where
to find pots and pans.”

  “Pots under the counter, baking as well as cooking, then any utensils you need on either side of the stove.” Iona made a humming sound. “What you are making sounds good.”

  “Hopefully it tastes good.” Jackson glanced at her. “Go and continue the work you were doing.”

  “Sounds like I am being told to get out of the kitchen.” Iona smiled. “Do you swear and mutter like Chandler when your cooking is aggravating you?”

  “Nope.” Jackson pointed a finger. “Now go and let me cook.”

  “Ahhh… So you’re one of those who doesn’t like others to watch them cook.”

  “Yes.” Jackson grunted then said, “Why are you still here?” He smiled to show he was teasing.

  “I’m going.” Iona stood and turned to leave.


  She paused and looked at him.

  “I was looking forward to seeing how the knee socks looked against your skin.” Jackson glanced down her body then met her gaze. “But now I’m wondering what you have on under your housedress.”

  Iona drew in a breath then ran her hands down the tie-dyed, short-sleeved sundress from her shoulder to almost the hem, where it rested just above her knee. She gripped the cloth then started to slowly lift it while looking at him. Jackson took a step toward her.

  “You’ll just have to wait and see.” Iona pivoted then sauntered out of the room.

  “Such a tease.”

  “You know it, buddy,” Iona called, laughing.

  Jackson’s laughter followed her as she left. Iona went back into the living room and sat again on the floor at the center table. She stretched before she got back to work. Iona rubbed her eyes then blinked as tiredness filled her. She yawned then leaned back against the couch. I’ll rest just a second then get back to it. She put her arm over her eyes and relaxed.

  Iona woke, not sure how long she’d been asleep. She frowned as she felt the softness against her back. Touching by her side, she realized that she was lying on the couch.

  “I took you off the floor.” Jackson spoke from the direction of her feet. “You didn’t look very comfortable as you were. You didn’t wake when I put you on the couch.”


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