Book Read Free


Page 26

by Shanora Williams

  Blinking rapidly, I toss the candy his way then open the door, stepping out of the car. Stuffing the gummy bears in his front pocket, Krane walks to my side of the car, pointing the gun at my chest.

  “Jonah was smart, I’ll give him that,” he says. “Diamonds in a pack of candy… never would’ve done it. He ate so much candy. Last place anyone that knew him ever would’ve looked. Would’ve been too obvious. But you found it. Little sis found it.” He flashes a demonic smirk.

  I quiver as he brings the gun to my chest. Gripping my shoulder, he demands that I open the back door and get inside. I pull the door open without hesitation and slide inside, fighting my tears. He slams the door shut behind me then walks around the back of the car. He’s back on the passenger side where Ace’s body is. He chuckles as he points his gun down at him. I’m scared out of my damn mind, but if there’s one thing I know, it’s that I don’t want to die, and I don’t want Ace dead either.

  So I do what I must.

  I slide to the opposite back door and shove it open. The door hits Krane and knocks him forward, causing his gun to slide across the concrete. He grunts as he lands on top of Ace.

  Ace’s eyes pop wide open, and Krane looks down at him, narrowing his glare. Bringing his hands to Ace’s throat, he grips it tight and chokes him. Ace’s mind is obviously still in another place. He struggles to break free of Krane’s grip. I stumble out of the car, rush for the gun, and point it at Krane’s head. He immediately pauses, staring up at me.

  “Get off of him,” I order. “Now.”

  Releasing his chokehold around Ace’s neck, Krane stumbles to his feet, hands in the air. Ace groans. I bend at his side, the gun still pointed at Krane, and use one hand to help him up.

  “Back the hell up, Krane,” I snap.

  “Gonna kill me?” he asks, lifting his shoulders. He sniffles. “But I was so nice.”

  Ace rubs his throat, turning in Krane’s direction. “The hell are you doing this shit for, man?”

  Krane releases a sarcastic laugh. “Are you really asking me that?”

  I swallow hard, keeping the gun pointed his way.

  “Shouldn’t be that hard to figure out. You fired me. I don’t have much money. I’ve been watching you ever since I found out about Jonah. Listening. See, I stopped trusting you too, boss. I stopped trusting everybody. You lied to your men. To me. I asked you who took my shit, and you told me you didn’t know. What kind of fucking leader are you?” His face is bright red, his lips pinched tight.

  “I was keeping him safe,” Ace rasps. “You as well.”

  “Fuck him. You’ve known me longer. I fucking trusted you. You should’ve told me.”

  “You’re on drugs, Krane. I warned you, but you let those drugs and your anger get the best of you.”

  “Fuck you!” he spits

  Sighing, Ace takes the gun out of my hand rapidly and points it at Krane’s forehead. Shakily, Krane lifts his hands in the air, swallowing hard.

  “Tried to kill me,” Ace grumbles. Then he pistol-whips him. The gun hammers into Krane’s skull, causing a loud crackling noise almost like the sound of bones breaking, and just like that, Krane is on the ground. Blood pools around his head, but he’s still breathing.

  “Let’s go,” Ace says, forcing me into the passenger seat. “He won’t be out for long.”

  “Wait.” I rush around him, digging in Krane’s front pocket for the diamonds. I then hurry to the passenger side, clipping my seatbelt. “Can you drive?” I ask as he climbs in the driver’s seat.

  “Fine.” He pulls out his phone and dials a number. “Rev up the jet, Trent,” he says into the phone. “I need to be out of New York within the next hour. I’ll fill you in when I see you.”

  “Wait… we’re leaving today?” I ask, frowning.

  “Greece,” he says.

  “This soon?”

  “Can’t stick around, London. There’ll be time to go and see your friends later. I promise. Atlanta will be the first place he looks. Can’t risk it.”

  I nod, zipping my lips. If there’s one thing I know about him, it’s that he keeps his promises. After some time has passed, I quietly ask, “Why didn’t you kill him?”


  “Why not?”

  He glances at me then focuses on the road ahead. “Grew up with him, London. He was like blood to me. He saved my life so many times.”

  “But… he tried to kill you, Ace.”

  “The business, London. The drugs he was on. It turns everyone cold. Everyone. I’ve told you this.”

  “I thought you said he was good… that he didn’t fake his kindness.”

  He shrugs. “I guess I was wrong. He’s obviously been watching this entire time. He probably knows everything. We have to go. You already have a bag packed, right?” he asks as we pull into the parking deck of my condo building.

  I nod. “Yes. From yesterday.”

  “Good. Go grab it. I’ll call Gerrick and let him know what’s going on.” He puts the car in park then slams his hands on wheel. The horn goes off, but he slams his hand into it again. And again until I place a hand on his arm.

  “Ace,” I whisper.

  He looks at me, nostrils flared. Then he lowers his gaze. He climbs out of the car without a word, hurrying to my side. “I’ll walk up with you.”

  When we make it up to my condo, Ace gives Gerrick a call. As I grab my suitcase, I hear him telling Gerrick everything. Where we’re going and why. About Krane, and the reason Krane is after us. He even tells Gerrick the reason Jonah is dead. It’s so much, yet he fills him in so quickly.

  “I know,” Ace says as I enter the living room. “I fucked up. Just make sure Wes and Tye are aware of Krane. Don’t trust anything he says.” He pauses. “I appreciate that. Just be on the lookout. I’m at London’s now. About to head to my place.” He hangs up and sighs, running his fingers through his hair. “Ready?” he asks.

  “Yes,” I whisper.

  “Here.” He digs in his front pockets for the diamonds. “Put these in your suitcase.”

  I nod, taking them from him, unzipping my suitcase, and stuffing them inside.

  Ace heads for the front door, and I follow after him. Before I can step out, he pulls me into him, kissing my forehead and then my lips. After our tongues have collided and my body has heated up with much needed pleasure, he tells me, “It’ll all be over soon, London. I promise it won’t be like this when we get away. You have my word.” With another kiss on my cheek, he smiles down at me and shuts my condo door behind me. Then, he takes my hand and we march for the elevator to get to his place, let him pack some things, and hopefully get the hell out of New York unharmed.

  That was some unexpected shit.

  I thought I could trust Krane. I never thought he’d turn on me of all people. I’ve known him since I was eighteen—just as long as I’ve known Gerrick. Tye and Wes I’ve known since I was twenty-two, but I knew I could trust them since day one.

  But Krane?

  It’s crazy.

  We went out on double dates together. We egged houses and broke into cars. We were ruthless, but we didn’t care. We were good friends. We’ve been so close.

  After witnessing the anger in his eyes and feeling his wrath, I know I have to get out of here. I can’t turn into him. I almost did. I almost killed him in the parking deck, but I stayed strong. I can’t let Crow change me. It’s already changed so much in my life. Killing someone that’s been there for me for so long would be the last straw. If I were to kill Krane, I would know my sanity is nowhere to be found.

  Another reason I need to get away is because I know Krane isn’t working alone. I’m not sure who’s with him, but I won’t stick around to find out. Krane isn’t an idiot. He wouldn’t go into this without a plan.

  I yank down a suitcase from my closet and stuff it with whatever I see first. From the bed, London asks, “What if he hurts your other guys?”

  “I’m sure they’ll hurt him before he can hu
rt any of them,” I mutter, dragging my suitcase from the closet to the bedroom. I toss it on the bed then head for the bathroom to grab a few things.

  Silence fills the room as I quickly fill my suitcase. When I step into the bedroom again, London is swiping at her tears. I drop my things and bend in front of her, looking her over. “What’s wrong?”

  She shakes her head but doesn’t say anything.

  “Second thoughts?” I ask.

  “No.” She wipes her eyes. “I just… wanted to take this slow, you know? I wanted to leave on good terms… not like this. Not running away… Again.”

  I inhale then exhale deeply. “I know. I’m sorry. But I have to get you out of here. It’s not safe.”

  She sniffles. “Will it ever be?”

  I lower my head and keep my lips sealed.

  The truth is, I don’t know. I feel like— even if I am to run away—there will still be someone after me. He might go to extremes to find her and me. He’d do anything. I know Krane. When he wants something to go his way, he’ll do whatever the hell he can to make it happen, especially if he’s on drugs.

  I hate seeing the fear in her eyes. I want her happy. But most of all, I want her safe. I want her to be secure. I don’t want her worrying every second of her life. She doesn’t deserve that. She’s already been through so much.

  Perhaps I’m a burden… maybe I’m just holding her back. Maybe, even though we’ve been through all of this, I don’t deserve her after all. Maybe her constant fear and the fact that she’ll never have peace when I’m around is karma for all the bad things I’ve done. Giving her up would be like giving up my world. My peace of mind. My happiness.

  Giving her up would mean going back to darkness. Going back to being lonely. Going back to being selfish and greedy and dangerous. I don’t want that. I’d do anything to see her happy, but perhaps the only way that’ll happen is if we aren’t together.

  Damn. I never thought of it this way.

  Just as I’m about to ask her if she truly wants this, she says, “I don’t care what we go through. I want you with me.” She takes my hands in hers, squeezes them, and then kisses the back of them.

  I look up at her as a small smile appears on her lips. “I’ll do whatever I can to make you happy, Red.” I flip my hands over and kiss the back of hers. “That’s a promise.”

  A full smile spreads across that beautiful face of hers. I tell her to let me finish packing, and after I’ve thrown in a few things here and there, I zip up the suitcase, and we head for the front door.

  Just as we make it out to my car, my cell phone goes off.

  “Yeah?” I answer.

  “Just saw Krane coming up the freeway. Looks like he’s on the way to your place,” Gerrick says.

  “Okay. Meet him here. I’m just leaving. He won’t catch me.”

  “Make sure you take the alley. Safest way. Someone else could be working with him and watching on the streets.”

  “Someone else is. Stay alert.” I hang up, sliding my phone into my pocket.

  “Who was it?” London asks, peering over the hood of the car.

  “Gerrick. Said Krane was making his way here. We’ve gotta go.”

  She nods and climbs into the car without a word. I toss my suitcase in the backseat, turn on the ignition, and screech out of the parking deck as quickly as I can.

  I take the back way out, meeting the alley. The alley is bordered with brick walls, which makes it look a lot darker than it is. London lowers in her seat as I drive cautiously. The space is tight, but big enough for a small car to get through.

  To calm her down, I reach over and squeeze her hand. She looks at me, and some of her tension fades. She forces a smile, then turns to look ahead. But it’s when she looks ahead that I realize something’s gone horribly wrong.

  I look forward, spotting headlights.

  They’re bright, and their high beams are obviously on. Whoever they are, they don’t want us to see their faces. I block the light with my hand, grimacing at the sight. I put the car in reverse, but I’m rear-ended.

  Through the rearview I see its Krane.

  Fucking Krane!

  And if that’s Krane, then who the hell is this in front of us?

  Shit. Gerrick was right. He isn’t working alone.

  “Oh, God… Ace,” London breathes, eyes bugging out of her head.

  “Stay calm, babe. Please.”

  She shakes her head, cupping her mouth. I reach for my waistband, drawing my gun.

  We both stare ahead as someone steps into the light of the high beams. I don’t know who it is at first, but the tattoo on his wrist lets me know right away who he works for.

  It’s a snake that starts at the wrist and trails down to the middle finger. It has fangs, and it’s angry. And it’s the same tattoo all of Pablo’s men have.

  And I think, “Wow.”

  I can’t believe this shit.

  Krane has been working with Pablo’s men this entire time.

  And, as I look through the windshield and then through my rearview, I realize he was a smart motherfucker. He knew what he was doing by coming to Jonah’s place. He knew that, instead of killing him, that I’d only hurt him. He knew I’d never put a trigger to his heart. He knew I’d try and run with London and the diamonds. He knew, if he brought Pablo’s men into it without warning, that I’d be shit out of luck. He was the one that went back for those bodies. He was there from the beginning.

  And he knew just how to catch me.

  In this alley, where no one ever comes—where there are no witnesses and nowhere for me to run.

  And though I hate to admit it, I don’t know how the hell I’m going to get London and I out of this one.

  Wow. I never thought I’d see the day…

  The day I truly faced my death.

  The pounding in my chest is like nothing I’ve ever felt before. My body has never shaken with so much fear. My mind has never gone this blank.

  I turn to look at Ace, and he’s staring ahead with wide, blank eyes. I realize he’s never been in a situation like this. Hunted down. Trapped. This alley is too small, and Krane was wise. He knew just how to trap us. The doors of this car would touch the wall nearest if we were to open them.

  “Ace,” I whisper.

  “Yeah?” he responds, voice low.

  “Who are they?” My voice is just as low, and ragged.

  “Men of Pablo’s.”

  “Shit,” I hiss. “Krane was working with them?”

  “I’m sure they don’t want the diamonds. They just want me dead. Explains why they gave up so easily on finding you. He must’ve made a deal with them.”

  I place a shaky hand over my mouth. “What are we going to do?”

  “You stay here. I’ll go out—”

  “No!” I hiss, grabbing his wrist. “You’re fucking insane! I’m not letting you go out there.”

  “London,” he sighs. “…I’m shit out of luck. There’s nothing I can do but go out there and hope they let you go.”

  “They’ll kill you as soon as you set foot out there,” I snap. “That’s what they’re waiting on. You to give up. And you know it.”

  He swallows hard then reaches over to cup my face. “I’d rather give up and have you run free than stay in here and have us both killed.”

  Tears prick my eyes. “I’m not letting you go out there, Ace. You can’t,” I whisper.

  He presses his forehead to mine. “Have to.”

  “Even if you do go out there, they can still catch me. I’m not letting you do it, Ace. I’m not going to watch you die. I’ve seen too many people die around me! I’m tired of it!” The words are stumbling out of me. I’m hurting. I hate this. Why does every good thing in my life have to end badly? Why can’t I just have something to myself for once?

  Bringing my lips to his, Ace kisses me deeply.


  It’s a long, sincere kiss. His goodbye kiss. Warm, sweet… everything I’ve ever wanted
to feel from him. So much is packed into this one kiss that I don’t know how to take it. I love it, but I hate it.

  I hate knowing what this kiss represents, but I don’t pull away. I indulge, locking my fingers in his hair, groaning and sniffling as I kiss him harder and harder. With his hands still clasped around my face, he breaks our kiss to place his lips on my cheek, and then my chin. He kisses my tears away. I shut my eyes and whimper because I want this for the rest of my life.

  His touch.

  His smell.



  We can make this work.

  I know it.

  He knows it.

  All we need is a chance.

  But in the heat of our moment, a gun goes off. Twice.

  The sound makes my ears pop, and I gasp as Ace ducks down, bringing me with him. Some of the men yell and holler, and Ace sits up to see what’s going on. I follow suit.

  The man that was standing in the front of the car is now on the ground, blood leaking from his forehead. Ace and I look back to see that Krane is no longer standing either.

  “Shit! Krane! Stay here,” he demands. Before I can get a word in, he shoves the door open, ducks down, and rushes towards Krane’s car. My gasp is sharp as I look back, but when I see Gerrick, Tye, and Wes coming in my direction, relief swirls through my entire body.

  Gerrick runs to the driver’s side, looking me hard in the eyes. “You need to get the hell out of here.”

  “I’m not leaving without Ace,” I tell him.

  “You don’t leave, you die. Let’s go.” He reaches for my hand. I take it hesitantly as Tye pulls the passenger door open, ducks down, and he and Wes shoot at Pablo’s men. “Duck,” Gerrick says.

  I follow after him in a crouched position. We pass Krane’s car, and to my surprise, Krane is on the ground, a pool of blood surrounding him. It’s worse than the first time. He’s not breathing. His eyes are wide open. He’s dead. I cover my eyes at the sight of the blood, hurrying after Gerrick.

  We make it to a truck parked behind Krane’s car. It obviously couldn’t fit in the alley because it’s at the edge of the parking deck. Gerrick forces me in the driver’s seat, tells me to wait a second, and then hurries away. As I wait, though, I can’t help but wonder where Ace is. I see Tye and Wes crouching behind the passenger door. And Gerrick is now running back with my suitcase. But I don’t see Ace.


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