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Wolf's Mate_werewolf romance

Page 5

by Katie Reus

  Abigail’s eyes widened slightly before she snorted. “I wouldn’t worry about telling him.”

  Yeah, Erica wasn’t so sure about that.

  “If you want, tell him here before you head out. Just get it over with and you’ll feel a lot better. I was planning to hit up the party for a bit anyway so go ahead and tell him. You’ll have privacy.”

  “You’re sure?”

  “I promise.”

  “Okay, thank you.” Even as tension built inside her, she was ready to just get it out.

  After Abigail had left the house, Hudson shut the front door behind her and swiveled to face Erica, full-blown panic in his expression. “Is everything okay?”

  Seeing him nervous put her even more off kilter. “Yes, but let’s sit. And please lock the door.” She didn’t want any more damn interruptions.

  He did as she asked then sat on the large leather couch in the living room, surprising her by pulling her into his lap. Somehow it made this harder, but she was getting it out no matter what. “I need to tell you something.”

  He stared at her expectantly, concern bright in his gaze.

  She was so damn nervous. Better to just get it all out at once so she wasn’t dropping two bombs. “I’m…pregnant. With twins.”

  Hudson sat there, staring at her for a long moment. So very long. She wasn’t sure if time just seemed to stretch out because of her own nerves but holy crap, why wasn’t he saying anything?

  His grip tightened ever so slightly around her as he finally spoke. “Are you healthy? Are the babies?”

  “Yes and yes.”

  “Good.” He shoved out a harsh breath, all tension seeming to leave his shoulders. “You can move into my cabin as soon as possible. We’ll add onto it if we need more space. Or just move into another, bigger one if that’s easier.” His words were coming out like machine gun fire, as if he was afraid to even breathe. “After we’re officially mated, we’ll—”

  “Hudson! Breathe, please.” She tried to wiggle out of his hold, but he just tightened his grip. “We’re not getting mated.” She paused as she realized he was actually growling and that his beautiful blue eyes were now pure wolf. “Are you seriously growling at me?”

  “We are getting mated,” he rasped out.

  Annoyance flared inside her but she pushed it back down. She’d just dropped a huge, life-changing thing on him and he was trying to do the right thing. Or what he probably viewed as the right thing. “Look. We can have pups together and not be mated.” It was pretty damn rare for that to happen but she wasn’t going to get mated simply because she was pregnant.

  “Our pups will have mated parents.” He did that growling thing again.

  It was weirdly adorable even if he was frustrating her with this nonsense. The idea of getting mated simply because she was pregnant was stupid, and insulting. If she ever did get mated, it would be for far different reasons. “Hudson—”

  “Don’t argue with me.”

  Taking a deep breath, she said, “Will you please let me stand? I need some space.”

  It very clearly took some willpower but he released his hold.

  When she stood, she felt the loss of his touch, but was able to think clearer without his big, sexy hands on her. “Okay. Look. I came back here to tell you in person that we’re having twins. But I didn’t expect you to start talking about mating.”

  He stood now, so many emotions on his handsome face she had no idea how to filter through any of them. “What’s so wrong with being mated to me!”

  “Nothing!” She found herself shouting right back. “But I’m not getting mated because you feel some sort of responsibility because I’m pregnant. And don’t deny it, because if you’d wanted to get mated before, you’d have asked me!” Crap, now she couldn’t stop shouting, all her emotions tumbling out like an avalanche.

  “I asked you to stay here.” Again with the growling.

  Gah, this man was driving her crazy. “So what? You didn’t ask me to mate you. You never said you had feelings for me. And you never offered to move to my home with me. You asked me to stay…for well, for what? More sex? And I’m not angry! I had a fun month with you. I’m just very clearly telling you that we’re not getting mated. But that doesn’t mean we can’t be co-parents.” Damn it, they had to get back on track. She didn’t want to argue with him.

  He clenched his jaw, watching her very carefully. “I did not ask you to stay. For. Just. Sex.”

  She didn’t respond.

  He pushed out a long breath, his expression annoyed. “You’re from a different generation… I didn’t want to scare you off.”

  A snort escaped before she could rein it in. “Did that sound better in your head?” Because it sounded pretty lame to her. And she’d expected more from him. Not this…garbage.

  “It’s the truth.”

  “So you’re saying you wanted to mate me but…what, you didn’t want to scare me off?” Now she laughed, but there was no humor in it. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. When you decide to stop spouting off lies, come find me.” She took a step toward the door and when he went to block her, she let out a growl. “Not tonight. We can talk tomorrow because I’m completely done with this stupid conversation. You’re like a billion years old, if you’d wanted to mate you’d have done exactly what a wolf your age does! You’d have locked me down so fast. So do not come at me with more garbage like this. We can talk tomorrow.” As more anger bubbled up inside her, her claws unleashed and she was pretty certain her wolf was in her eyes.

  Not that she could ever actually scare him. But he stepped away from the door all the same.

  Sure, he followed her all the way back to her cabin, but he kept his distance and didn’t try to follow her inside. And he didn’t break in, which he could have done. She felt a little bad ditching the party like that but really, the wolves probably wouldn’t miss her much. A party was a party for a wolf.

  Her heart was still racing as she stripped out of her clothes and got into the shower. “Didn’t want to scare me off, what a bunch of bullshit,” she muttered to herself as she angrily worked her hair into a lather.

  Complete and utter garbage. And it was that particular lie that pissed her off more than anything. Why not just own the truth? Own that he was trying to get mated now because of the babies. Because he thought it was the right thing to do. Hurt lanced deep as she continued washing her hair. She’d hoped for…well, more than this tonight. Not lies.

  She hadn’t actually scented a lie coming off him, but she hadn’t scented anything other than the turbulence of his emotions. Her own too. She’d been so worried about telling him the truth that her normal scent had been wild and tart.

  What she needed now was some hot tea and sleep. Then she could talk to his dumb ass in the morning. If he spouted any more garbage off to her, she would not be liable for what she said or did.

  Especially if she throat-punched him. She was hurting so badly right now, that it was a very real possibility.

  As she let the hot water run down her body, some of her tension eased. Not much, but some. Because the disappointment that this was where she and Hudson now were…sucked. And as she stood there under the pulsing jets she couldn’t help but think of the first time she’d known she’d fallen for Hudson. Truly and utterly.

  Erica jumped up on the fence and sat next to Chelsea and a couple more of Hudson’s packmates. “Is it always like this when the warriors spar?” For the most part she only had experience with her own pack and usually they sparred and practiced in their private gym. Mainly because they couldn’t very well fight each other on the beach. Humans would definitely take exception to that.

  “Sometimes we use the gym but with the weather being nice, everyone’s outside today.”

  Erica found that she really liked being in Montana. Even if it was a whole lot colder than Alabama. She liked being outdoors and feeling as if she was a little more disconnected from humans. Not that she didn’t like them, she di
d. A lot. One of her best friends was human but being surrounded solely by wolves, she could let her guard down more often.

  “Is the whole pack here?” She glanced around to see wolves sitting on the surrounding fence like they were, while some were standing around and others looked as if they were…oh sweet flying puppies, were they placing bets?

  “Nah, but Hudson told everyone that he could best anyone who challenged him today. He pretty much threw down the gauntlet.”

  As second-in-command he was strong, but that was a pretty bold statement to make. Not that she doubted he could take on anyone he so chose to fight. The man was built like a linebacker and the power that rolled off of him was palpable. Not to mention he had experience—he’d been in some of the former vampire-werewolf wars over a century ago. “Is that normal?”

  Chelsea snorted as she shook her head. Then she tilted her chin to the left of them. Erica followed the direction and saw Hudson striding into the makeshift ring—aka, the horse training area—with another shifter not far behind. Hudson looked at her and winked, and she felt it all the way to her toes.

  “I swear to God I have never seen him like this. If he was a freaking peacock, his feathers would be on display for you right now. Seriously, he normally fights and spars with a lot more clothing—and he doesn’t wink at people like a freaking pup,” the female said to her.

  “I’m not complaining,” Erica murmured as her gaze tracked over all of his exposed skin, enjoying the way his arm muscles and chest flexed as he strode forward. Yeah, her friend was right. Hudson was most definitely showing off for her.

  And that was incredibly hot. Sure, she’d dated a few wolves in college and it wasn’t as if she was a virgin, but Hudson made her feel special. He made her feel as if she was the only she-wolf that existed. And she loved that the big bad two-hundred-year-old second-in-command was putting on a show for her. “I feel like I should have gotten popcorn to watch this,” she murmured.

  Chelsea giggled. “I’m going to place a bet on Hudson. You want in on this action?”

  Laughing, Erica shook her head. She wasn’t going to bet on him. It felt wrong somehow even if she had no doubt that he was going to win.

  “That’s all right, I’ll grab you a beer.”

  Erica nodded as her new friend headed off to take care of business.

  Immediately her gaze was drawn back to Hudson and his powerful body. All she could think about was how he’d pinned her up against the wall of his bedroom not two hours ago, how he’d made her come twice, made her moan out his name each time. The man had wicked, long fingers. Not to mention his mouth. That very wicked mouth.

  She was vaguely aware that Chelsea returned and placed a beer in her hand, but all her focus was on Hudson now that the first sparring session had started. He got the guy pinned and tapping out in less than sixty seconds. Then the next wolf jumped in. Then the next. Soon he was facing off with four of his packmates and for a brief moment she felt worried for him even though she knew this was a sparring session. No one would die, but he could still get hurt.

  A moment later she realized that she had nothing to be worried about because the man was magic. He was all lethal efficiency, his moves perfectly executed as he knocked back wolf after wolf with incredible force. And she was under the impression that he was actually holding back a little.

  She couldn’t believe she was getting turned on as she watched him fight. She wasn’t a warrior and though she wasn’t squeamish about fighting and bloodshed, not like humans were, sometimes the brutality of her kind could get to her. Not so now. Watching him had her heart rate skyrocketing and other parts getting…warmer.

  “Oh my gosh, I can smell your pheromones from here,” Chelsea whispered. “You better give that man the prize he deserves after this session.” Chelsea’s voice was light and teasing as she laughed into her beer.

  Erica might have responded, she wasn’t sure. It was hard to be sure of anything when she couldn’t tear her gaze away from Hudson.

  In that moment, she realized that she’d completely fallen for him. Head over heels. And she wasn’t sure what the hell to do about it. She’d be going home soon. They agreed that this was fun and casual.

  Now… She wanted more than casual. So much more.

  Erica shook herself out of the memory, forcing herself to remain in the present. She’d come here with no expectations. Or at least that was what she’d told herself. But maybe she’d been lying to herself? Maybe she wanted everything, including his heart.

  Chapter Ten

  Hudson knocked on the door to the guest cabin, his heart rate jacked up at the thought of seeing Erica. He had to keep it together this morning—even if he wanted to insist that they get mated right the hell now. But that would be the wrong move.


  Especially after the argument last night. Damn it, he should have just been honest with her last month and made it clear that he wanted her forever.

  A moment later, Erica opened the door wearing pajamas but she was wide awake. She eyed him warily.

  He held up a bag of treats he’d snagged from Leah. “I’ve got muffins, pastries and cookies.”

  She sniffed the air slightly, took the bag and stepped back to let him in.

  “How are you feeling this morning? Any sickness?” He wished he’d been able to talk to her more last night, to tell her how damn happy he was that they were having children. As in plural. Instead he’d lost his mind because he’d been consumed with the need to make things official, to mate with her.

  “I’m okay. No nausea—it seems to come whenever it pleases and with no warning. But I’ve had some crackers this morning and they’ve stayed down.”

  “There are some plain muffins in the bag—I didn’t tell Leah you’re pregnant. But I asked for something simple. She said she’d give you anything you wanted after the manicure you gave her.” He was absolutely certain she’d charmed his entire pack. Just as she’d charmed him.

  “Thank you. So, you want some coffee? I’m not drinking any but I can make you a pot.”

  “I’m good.” He shoved his hands in his pockets, feeling awkward. “Can we sit down and talk?”

  “Oh, yeah, of course. Ah, kitchen okay? I was just about to make some raspberry tea.”

  He nodded and followed her into the kitchen. He was silent as she moved around the kitchen, her hands shaking slightly. Part of him wanted to offer to help but he could tell she wanted to keep her hands busy. He was desperate to put her at ease, to tell her exactly how he felt and that he wanted to start their life together.

  “So…twins? How do you know that so soon?” God, the thought of her growing bigger with his kids had him all twisted up inside. In the best way possible.

  “The healer I saw back home was certain. She could tell. Said it was one of her gifts. Abigail guessed I was pregnant before I told her.” She snorted softly as she set the kettle on the stove. “She was so certain I thought she might be psychic.”

  Even though his instinct was to pace right now, he forced himself to sit at the rectangular table by the window. “Is there anything we need to be worried about? Like… I don’t know. I know nothing about pregnancies.” Sure, his packmates had pups but he’d never been involved in any of their pregnancies.

  “No. Or my healer didn’t think so. And I’m about two months along. Which means…”

  “Wow.” That meant they had five months to prepare because shifter pregnancies were shorter than human ones. It didn’t seem like a long time either. Soon she’d be showing, probably in another month or so. When shifters ‘popped’, it was sudden, almost overnight. At least they had another month before announcing anything if she wanted to wait. He kind of wanted to beat his chest and tell the whole fucking pack that his woman was pregnant. With twins. Which, yeah, made him feel even more uncivilized. But he didn’t much care.

  “Yeah, right? I’m feeling a little overwhelmed.”

  Screw it. He wasn’t just going to sit here. Moving acros
s the kitchen, he leaned against the counter next to her, taking one of her hands in his. “I’m going to be there for you for everything.”

  She sighed slightly. “I know. Last night I feel like things got a little out of hand.”

  “I shouldn’t have started talking about mating right away. For the record, I want to get mated. Not because you’re pregnant but because I love you. I want a family with you.”

  She blinked.

  But he kept going. “I won’t pressure you. Not now anyway. But I’m putting it out there so you know how I feel. No lies. Just the truth. I also know we have a lot of stuff to worry about, like where we’re going to raise our kids. And a bunch of other kid and pregnancy stuff I’ve never thought of.”

  A minute dragged out as she stared at him, the scents rolling off her wild and untamed. Fuck. Just like that he was hard. No, scratch that. He was generally turned on around Erica. Of course, it was completely inappropriate timing right now.

  “You just dropped a lot on me. Can we…” She turned back to the stove as the kettle whistled.

  Moving quickly, he took it off the burner even as he switched off the stovetop. “Can we what?”

  “Maybe not talk about anything us-related today? Just… I don’t know how to respond to what you just said.”

  He gritted his teeth while his back was to her, trying not to be so damn hurt that she hadn’t responded to the fact that he loved her. He wasn’t lying. She had to scent it. And she hadn’t reciprocated.

  “Okay, I lied. I guess I do still want to talk about us. Can I ask you something else?” Erica sat at the kitchen table as he poured her drink. Though only a few feet separated them, he felt as if the Grand Canyon did.

  The way they were acting around each other wasn’t exactly like strangers, but there was a wall between them. And he wanted to tear it down. “Of course.”

  “So…you say you love me—”

  “I do,” he growled. “I should have told you sooner. Should have done a lot of things sooner.”

  She nodded slowly as she continued. “Once, after you’d been dealing with the teenagers over something, you made a comment about not wanting to bring pups into this world. And you sounded really serious. I…assumed you were serious.”


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