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Dryad's Touch

Page 32

by A. W. Graybill

  Not far from the pass in the mountains, he heard the calls of the Were and incubi again. Hathus was not stupid. He had anticipated every move Karasim would make.

  Cursing under his breath, Karasim threw his rucksack over his shoulder and ran. Thanis’s beautiful glow shone just downhill and filled him with hope.

  Seeing the lights blazing below the moon for the Festival of Thena, the music of many carrying over the hills, he sent a silent prayer to Thena, hoping she would allow him into her beautiful home. Hoping she ignored only his mother and not her children.

  He would make it, and, despite the guards, he could disappear into the festival crowd.

  The sound of flesh ripping and pain rushed through his arm. Pierced in the arm by an arrow, he cried out but had little time to worry. He sprinted towards the closing gates and wrenched the arrow from his arm at the same time.

  Hathus dropped from the sky and landed before him. His wide, cruel smile matched their father’s in every way. Stumbling backwards, Karasim was met with one of the demons. The demon’s lips curled upwards, monstrous features showing beneath a handsome facade.

  “Where are you going, dear brother?” Hathus asked, spreading his arms wide. “Did you not hear Father when he said that if you informed Mother I would have free rein over your fate?” Hathus stepped forward, his voice rising with sick satisfaction. “And believe me, I have been waiting for this day.”

  “Where are you going, dear brother?” Hathus asked, spreading his arms wide. “Did you not hear Father when he said that if you informed Mother I would have free rein over your fate?” Hathus stepped forward, his voice rising with sick satisfaction.

  “I’ve not told her a thing, Hathus. I swear,” Karasim replied, stepping away from the incubi king, soon finding he was surrounded by a small party of Thaos’s followers. Fallen angels, demons, and the Were hissed at him, ready to rip him apart.

  “No, but you plan to,” Hathus said, taking another step. “We cannot let you find Arisa. She may know more than we want her to, and, of course, Father will not touch The Chosen.”

  Karasim narrowed his eyes. “Father never planned on rescuing her.”

  “And now, you will have gone missing trying to find her.” Hathus gasped. “Thena has her angels use the sword after all! What more would Elona the whore need to convince her that Father’s words are true? We’ve been deflecting Arisa’s prayers, and soon you will be taken under.” Hathus took another step towards him. “Although I want nothing more than to tie you up and dismantle you, I will give you a chance to come home now. Trust me, brother, there are far greater things at work than you want to touch. Choose the right side.”

  “Arisa has her mark to prove you wrong,” Karasim snapped, drawing his sword. “As long as she has her mark, Elona knows she’s alive.” He was outnumbered and outmatched against the horde facing him, and desperation made him reach out to Thena. He opened his mind to her as he did Arisa. If she would only help him against his brother, he swore he would be under her charge forever.

  “The thing about that mark,” Hathus whispered as he stepped forward and placed his bare chest against the tip of the sword. “Elona and so many others are led to believe that power cannot be undone by anyone or anything but her. But it can. You see, the longer Arisa sits in that city, the more her mark will fade if Thena so chooses. It is Thena’s healing and forgiving power that can undo such a thing.” Hathus pushed against the sword, piercing the center of his chest. Ichor caked in black and gold around the tip of the sword as he grinned. “As I said, we cannot allow you to take her back. Better that she die and weaken Elona’s forces.”

  A snarl vibrated behind Karasim, and he jumped out of the way as one of the Were dashed at him, its jaws barely missing his arm. Gaining his feet, Karasim feigned left and dodged between Hathus and another gnashing Were before he took a deep breath and spun to find his brother flying at him. After tackling Karasim to the ground, Hathus howled as Karasim’s sword pierced his shoulder. Droplets of hot, golden liquid fell on Karasim’s face.

  Leaving his sword, Karasim kicked Hathus away and ran towards the city, ignoring his brother’s cries to have him pursued. In the distance, the guards ran forward, and, just as quickly as they had sprinted forward, they darted away. The sounds of wings beating behind Karasim caused his heart to skip a beat. Feeling a presence growing closer, he dove onto the ground hoping to avoid its assault. Thankfully, fingertips brushed his shoulder as the being passed over him.

  “Fool of a boy!” a woman cried out, armored feet settling in front of Karasim. Behind him, the Were whimpered and the Watchers, incubi, and succubae screeched.

  He gazed up, eyes wide. Before him stood Sera, Thena’s first made Seraph, bright golden eyes intent on Karasim.

  “Stand up, stupid boy,” she hissed, grabbing him by the shoulder. Looking behind him as he stood, he saw Thaos’s demons fighting against Thena’s angels. The agility and flight given to Thena’s angels were enough to drive the others back.

  Of course Hathus won’t give up, he thought. His brother flew at them with such ferocity that Karasim knew he would be knocked from his feet and perhaps defeated.

  Before Karasim could move, Sera grabbed him under the arms and flew upwards, wings beating furiously. The ground rushed below them, and Hathus was not fast enough to catch her. Sera had been given more strength than even a lower god. The seraph moved as fast as the falling stars he had seen countless times in his life.

  “Why?” he asked. Sera flew higher and dug her nails into his skin, causing him to silence. Though she was a weapon of Thena, a great deal of peace radiated from her and across his mind. It was something Karasim was not accustomed to, having lived through much adversity for so long. But he welcomed it as he welcomed the love and peace of Arisa.

  “Thena heard your cries,” Sera finally replied, not looking away from the temple and the castle at the water’s edge of the river of Thanis. “Tell me now that you meant you would be hers forever, and you will find protection, strength, and your lover. We will tell Valia to take you in, and you will be free of Thaos.”

  “I am hers,” he breathed, feeling the weight of anger, fear, and hurt lift off him. The elder goddess was able to command so much. Was she also able to remove the mental burdens of a lesser god?

  “You will convince your lover to leave the path of Elona, and we will have you both,” Sera remarked as they descended onto the raised dais of the temple. Priestesses and priests surrounded the queen who smiled out over her people. The people of Thanis lit white lanterns before they lifted them into the air from all throughout the city, all of which Sera avoided with a beautiful grace. They were soon apparent in the eyes of the citizens, fingers pointing upwards to them, some covering their mouths, while others shouted out in amazement.

  Landing before the queen, Sera released Karasim who found it difficult to regain his stance. Immediately his eyes fell on the white haired beauty that was his, a matching gown trimmed in gold making her glow. He hurried towards her and took her into his arms. Her own elation matched his when they kissed, hands exploring one another to make sure the other was real and intact. Though he rarely slept to dream, he wondered if this could be one. He did not want to risk that it was, holding tightly to her so that she would go nowhere. Even when the queen’s Maidens eyed him warily, hands resting on the hilts of their blades, he held her.

  “Karasim,” Sera said as she stepped closer. “Until the day comes for Valia to join our ranks and her daughter is to rule, you will serve her here. We ask that you learn to summon things from different realms or from this world. Unless you can temper the imps to your will, which you have not shown you can do. Also, whatever Thaos and Elona have planned you are to stay away from. While Thena understands Thaos leads Elona down an evil path, we will have no part in her rescue. She has succumbed to her own will.”

  “I’ve said that my mistress wished no harm; she wants to serve Thena,” Arisa said desperately, her hands holding Karasim’s when s
he stepped towards the seraph. Karasim felt her heart racing when she gazed up at Sera, still showing much devotion to the goddess that bore her into the life of an immortal.

  “Thena has no care for Elona,” Sera replied simply. “Perhaps she did or did not intend harm. But the matter has stood for years; we have no room in our ranks for one who is traitorous time and time again. No matter who she betrayed, traitors are a dangerous thing to deal with.”

  “Then what would you call us for leaving Elona and Thaos,” Arisa said, her voice pitching.

  “Lovers whose place was never beside them.” Sera pointed at Arisa. Stepping forward, her great wings dragged across the ground. “You were in pain when you decided to join their force, still a child. Karasim has always been just, tending to his flock of imps and ignoring the battles of his father. If either of you deny that, then we will call you traitors.” Arisa looked down. When nothing further was said, Sera nodded. “Would you like to stay in the light of Thena, bloodmage?”

  Arisa took a slow breath in and entered Karasim’s thoughts; I love Elona as a child would their mother. Karasim swallowed, the pain of her words not meant to inflict him but they did. As Elona’s son, he never stood at her side. Despite how much love she showered upon him, he had always chosen the path of Thaos. And now he had sworn fealty to another, again abandoning his mother.

  Karasim looked at Sera and asked, “Would we be able to speak to Elona if we choose? Thena has to understand Arisa’s pain in being torn. Elona has always been there for her like…a mother.”

  Sera closed her eyes with hands clasped before her and, moments later, she opened them and nodded. “Thena will permit her to communicate with her siblings and Elona if we are allowed to remove her mark. Swear allegiance to Thena and be bound to her. A war is coming. Thena thinks you will serve your goddess much better from our ranks than amongst your own people. Forgiveness will come to Elona one day.”

  Arisa looked up at Karasim, her voice drifting into his mind like the wind. Should I, my love?

  Karasim stared hard into her eyes when he answered, feeling wise for once. If you are to ever prove that not all dark magic is wielded by dark people, yes. Forgiveness of all could come through us.

  Arisa stared into his eyes, mouth parting before, at long last, she nodded. “I will swear my life to Thena, if the mark of Elona can be removed. For now I will not speak with Elona.”

  Karasim’s arms grasped Arisa’s shoulders more tightly while she buried tight into his side. He could feel the fear of his immortal lover, a slight trembling in her legs.

  At that moment, Sera stepped towards them as a light engulfed her. Fingertips touched the face of Arisa before settling against the hand mark on her chest. When the light engulfed Arisa, Karasim reluctantly released her, watching as her face bent backwards in awe, her skin turning a bright pink while her hair floated outwards on an invisible breeze.

  Sera’s wings trailed across Arisa’s arms, and, in that instant, Elona’s mark faded from her chest. Instead, white marks like feathers etched themselves across Arisa’s arms. The new mark thrummed into life, syncing with her heartbeat until it stopped and the glow lessened. Each god’s mark was different. While Karasim knew of no other that Thena marked as her own, giving a mortal immortality, he knew now what to look for.

  Sera pulled away with the fading light. The usual hardness around her eyes had softened as Arisa collapsed into Karasim’s arms. Tears streamed down Arisa’s delicate, pale skin as he held her.

  “The binding to Elona is gone, as it would have been either way.” Sera’s voice radiated warmth and love. “In its place, Thena granted me power to give her the same gift of life. We will still need you to prove yourself. If you fail, both of you will be taken.”

  The queen of Thanis stepped forward, head crowned in a glory of gold feathers, hand resting lightly on the child that stood behind her. “What is it that I should do with the prisoner now?”

  Sera nodded to her. “They are now to be treated as guests, not prestigious prisoners. We are certain that in the future a situation will present itself to these two that will make it so they can prove their worth to us, mortals, and gods alike.” Pushing off the dais, Sera beat her wings again, bidding her farewell before she dashed from their sights.

  Karasim held Arisa tightly, eyes gazing over all who watched the exchange. Uncertainty shone across each of them, agitation with the two would-be demons placed before them.

  Save for one destined to be at Thena’s side within the Aether Realm when her reign over Thanis ended.

  Queen Valia looked warmly at the two of them, and Karasim was perplexed to see such a thing from a once declared enemy.


  Thaos had truly fallen into madness.

  Elona gazed upon the bedchamber she was given stay to until they had provisions enough for the journey home. When they had first ventured to Nudomri after her rebirth, Thaos had built the foundation of Talamnar and forced the land to grow fertile. The process had taken years, but everything he built for them had been beautiful as he’d wanted to tend to his lover’s needs. He had built her a palace to remind her of home.

  Looking at the blackened stone room void of anything save the depressed and sharp furniture, she saw what his mind had become since their separation. Her bare feet padded across the cold stone as she crossed the room. Stopping at the window, she peered out to see the Blighted Portal below with its dark energy constantly churning. Even now it pulled at Elona as though calling her into it.

  No, she screamed in her heart and moved away from the window, knowing it could not touch her completely. However, she knew her subjects, even The Chosen, were having a difficult time with its allure. Before the ascension Thaos had asked her to help him open it. He had shown her the cracks in the world that could only be seen by the gods, and only if they were looking for it.

  It was much smaller than it had been when he’d first opened it. She never understood his motivation. Even though she dealt with the dead, the power that resided through that portal scared her more than anything. She knew its effects were not just contained to the area. Stories circulated back to her of night terrors and wraiths that roamed the lands, seeking victims of any kind. None were under Thaos’s control.

  Elona moved away from the window, fingers trailing down her gown. The shock of what happened still resounded, and now she could only think of taking a hot bath, not knowing how to do so in a city where she trusted no one. Those who served the Shadow Kingdom had once been hers as well as The Chosen’s. It distressed her to see such noble people, who at one time kept strength in family and home, turn to such wickedness. They allowed themselves to be consumed with the power and demons so much that most became mad. Through all this, they still feared their master.

  When they had entered Choráis, she had seen that the citizens had no care for their fellow man. They performed dark magic in the streets. Dark magic that even Elona would never touch, nor would she allow those who followed her to do so. Though she occasionally willed a curse, such magic as calling upon demons and giving in to carnal desires to cast certain spells was not of her creed, and so it was never given in consent to those who followed her.

  She wondered how a city that had become so dangerous could thrive. While it did not appear to be overrun with lawlessness, the dark magic hung heavy around them. She cringed when she remembered passing by a bloodmage who had pulled the blood through the pores of another man. Circumstances unknown, Thaos had not flinched at the scene, nor did her children reach a hand out to take order.

  Sighing, she started to pull the lacing free on her bodice. The power she emitted against Thanis, and the subsequent wound, had fatigued her. Elona wondered, then, what it might be like in the Celestial Realm with the elder gods watching over those who belonged to them, plotting their next moves.

  Of the elder gods, only Thaos had decided to stay in the Mortal Realm. Though he created nothing, he was able to corrupt the things the others had made or bring the spi
rits of mortals who had passed back from the other realms. He was able to see those spirits passing along the edges of the realms more clearly than she. All this seemed to have always been an uncontrollable talent of his.

  “Are you in need of service, My Lady?” Thaos whispered in her ear as she struggled to pull the lace free. She stumbled away and turned while throwing him a cynical look.

  “I will need assistance with privacy only,” she murmured, the anger from the battle rising in her again. The memory playing out in her head, she stepped towards him, her tone just as cool as it was when he had appeared to her in Talamnar. “What are you getting at, Thaos? I refuse to be a pawn for you. I refuse to let my people be threatened and harmed by you again.”

  “Then why do you stay yet?”

  She bit her tongue, confused by her own actions. Yes, she had plans, but she was leading her people back down a dangerous path. With no light to show her the way, it was as though she had to beat out her own path at times. Thus far, there were many casualties. Sick, she wondered how much longer The Chosen would continue to want to stay near her of their own fruition.

  “You are right,” she spat, hands rising in the air. “Why am I still here? How did I get here? I knew, without doubt, that you were lying. Yet I still led my people into death. Do you know why?”

  When he spoke, his lips curved. “Oh, why, Elona? Please tell me why.”

  “Because my hope for you still beats loud in my heart.” Her voice started soft and ended in a shout. Taking a step towards him, her face burned. “You lied. To me and so many others, time and again. This time was no different, and I do not know why I expected it to be.”

  “I bore no falsehood,” Thaos retorted stoically. She could not believe how strongly he held by his convictions.

  Eyes narrowed she said, “Then what? Thena begins battles without reason now?”

  He shook his head. “To smear us even further, it seems.” She dug her nails into her arms, feeling the pain to keep her in check. Thaos continued. “They are making the first moves, Elona. Day by day, prophecies are coming true. They want this war more than anything. I am just as you are; I thought I was given another chance. But my sister, all my kin, do not appear to want that.”


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