Razzle Dazzle

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Razzle Dazzle Page 12

by Morticia Knight

  What am I thinking? That’s a very bad idea.

  “However, if it is not to your liking, then just leave it.”

  “No, it tastes good. I was just surprised, that’s all.” Jack paused. “And thank you, Roman. For not making fun of me.”

  Roman smiled. “I would never do that to you, dear Jack.”

  Roman’s expression darkened, and Jack could see that he was gazing on the other side of where Jack was sitting. Roman was at a ninety degree angle from Jack, so he looked directly at whatever it was. Jack started to turn his head, but Roman kicked his foot a little under the table.

  “No. Keep looking straight ahead.”

  Roman gritted it through his teeth, his hands clasped together in front of his mouth as he leaned on the table. An older, darkly handsome man approached them and stood directly in Jack’s view. He was impeccably dressed in a black tuxedo, with what appeared to be large diamonds adorning his cuffs. There was also a golden jewelled pinkie ring, similarly styled. He was tall, like Roman, and Jack wondered if he might be Roman’s father.

  The man stood staring at Jack for a few moments, then turned to Roman.

  “How delightful to see you here, Roman! I’m surprised you’re not slaving away on one of your little pictures.”

  Their uninvited guest smirked in what seemed to Jack to be a fruitless attempt at smiling. He also spoke in the same affected manner that Roman did. Jack glanced at Roman, and could tell how tense he was. It was obvious that he was trying to maintain his nonchalant demeanour, but for once, Jack saw a vulnerability in Roman he’d never known existed. Whoever this person was, it seemed there was something horrible that had happened between the two of them, and he must be gloating about it by coming over to their table.

  “Fernando. Just as charming as ever. Is there something I can help you with?”

  “My, my. I just wanted to say hello to an old friend.”

  Jack wanted to slap the nasty grin off this Fernando’s face.

  “Friend? I never knew you had such a marvellous sense of humour. Pity.”

  Jack watched the two men continue to stare each other down.

  “Are you going to introduce me to your luscious date, or shall I have to introduce myself? At the very least, I thought I had taught you some manners.”

  Roman sneered. “All you taught me was that some people aren’t worth my time or consideration.”

  Fernando laughed derisively. “Now that’s not very nice. And here I was extending the olive branch. I suppose he’s just another little toy from one of your silly pictures that you brought out to play with tonight. Do you even know his name?”

  Roman slapped the table with both hands, and for a second, Jack could swear he was going to jump up and deck the guy. They continued to glare at each other. Roman’s clenched jaw twitched, and he breathed heavily through his nostrils.

  “Better than you ever knew mine,” Roman said with a ferocity that surprised Jack. Then Roman relaxed his voice, as if he were wrapping himself in his usual indifferent manner. “And anyway, I wouldn’t want to sully him with such filth.” Roman flicked an invisible speck of dust off his suit coat.

  “Oh really, Roman, you are being quite overdramatic. But I suppose that was the only way you could take care of yourself once I stopped doing it for you.”

  Roman leant back in his chair and crossed his legs, one arm resting lazily on the table, the other resting in his lap.

  “Yes, it’s just dreadful being so rich and famous. It’s too bad you couldn’t have saved me from all the love and admiration I’m drowning in every day. How odd that I never even think of you amidst all of that.”

  Good one, Roman.

  “Hm.” Fernando turned his gaze to Jack, and extended his hand. “My name is Fernando Rodriguez. And you are?”

  “Not interested in meeting you.”

  Fernando gasped, and Roman laughed heartily. Fernando yanked his hand back as if Jack had bitten him.

  “I can see I’m not welcome here with the peasants. I shall just have to go back and make more millions with my oil rigs in the harbour.”

  “Splendid idea. Such a dirty profession suits you quite well.”

  Fernando gave Roman one last glare, and pretending that Jack didn’t even exist, strode haughtily away. There was a pause, and Roman exhaled loudly. He said nothing, and not even looking Jack’s way, he reached for his cigarette case and scooted back into the table. The waiter appeared at that moment with their seafood cocktails, and set them down. Roman acknowledged the server and opened the case. Without comment or glancing Jack’s way, he held it towards him.

  “No, thank you.”

  Roman didn’t respond. He lit his smoke and gazed about the room as if nothing had just happened. But Jack had seen Roman’s hands tremble as he’d lit the cigarette. He reached under the hanging cloth and clasped Roman’s fingers. Roman bowed his head and squeezed back in return. After a moment in silence together, Roman spoke. “Dear, sweet Jack.”

  “Are you okay, Roman?”

  Roman put his cigarette down in the tray, reached under the table, and put his other hand on top of Jack’s. “I do apologise for that ghastly display. What you must think.”

  Roman gave Jack one more squeeze, pulled his hands away and picked up his smoke. He stared out into nothing, inhaled tobacco and ignored the appetiser before him. Jack squirmed around in his chair, and considered the pink and green lumps arranged in a stemmed goblet before him.

  “Roman, would you rather go somewhere else? We don’t have to stay here. I don’t mind.”

  Roman turned towards him, and cocked his head. Then he frowned a little, and shook it.

  “Jack Stone, you are a wonder to me.” Roman angled his body closer to Jack. “There is no artifice in you whatsoever. How is it that I am so blessed?”

  “Um… I don’t know.”

  Roman laughed lightly. Jack had no idea what Roman was talking about, but he could tell that Roman was lightening up a little.

  “I feel that I owe you an explanation.”

  “No you don’t. It’s none of my business. He just made me so mad the way he was talkin’ to you, I couldn’t help sayin’ that to him.”

  “Ah yes,” Roman chuckled. “You were perfect. The look on his face. But I should illuminate you on what that was all about.”

  “Roman, you don’t have to—”

  “I know I don’t have to, but that’s not the point. We’re to get better acquainted, are we not?”

  Jack nodded.

  “Eat your cocktail, Jack, our filet will be here momentarily.”

  Jack took a small two-pronged fork that rested in the dish that the goblet of food had been served on. He hesitantly pierced one of each lump, and put it in his mouth. At first the smushy consistency of the avocado threw him off, but as he chewed, the almost nutty flavour of the green fruit and the rich sweetness of the crab combined into a glorious and tasty mixture. He could tell that Roman was waiting for his reaction to the food.

  Jack swallowed. “I’ve never had anything like that before. I could just eat a bunch of these for my whole dinner.”

  “Shall I order more?”

  Roman’s smile lit up his eyes, and Jack didn’t want him to talk about Fernando. He’d rather see Roman happy. “No, that’s okay. But I’ll have to remember this for another time.”

  “I shall make sure you have all that you want.” Roman’s expression changed. “Back to the other subject. I’m sure you can figure out that Fernando was once my lover, and that it ended badly. But that was a long time ago Jack, and I don’t want you worrying about him.”

  Jack grunted. “I’m not worried about him. He’s a snake. I’m sorry he was so mean to you. If we weren’t in such a nice place, I woulda punched him.”

  Roman laughed out loud. “Ah, Jack. That I wish I could have seen.” His tone turned more seductive, and he rested his chin in the heel of his palm. “Mmm. It’s quite nice for you to champion me like this. I feel cherished.”r />
  Jack’s face flushed, the heat rising before he could try to stop it. Fortunately, the arrival of their steaks saved Jack from further embarrassment. They focused back on their dinners, and while they ate, Roman asked Jack more questions about his early years and Jack told him of being an orphan. Jack wasn’t sure, but it seemed that Roman teared up a little when Jack spoke of not knowing his family. Then Jack told him about the incident with Stanley, getting kicked out and heading to New York. It was next to impossible not to mention Nick, but he tried to keep it to a minimum. Roman seemed genuinely interested, and didn’t stop him, so he kept on going.

  But he noticed that Roman carefully avoided any discussion of his own youth, only sharing with Jack such topics as his rise to stardom. Nothing needed to be said about Roman’s childhood. After all that had transpired that evening, Jack suspected it may have been worse than even his own.

  That prick.

  If Roman had made a list of all the worst possible scenarios that could have occurred on his first date with Jack, being confronted by Fernando wouldn’t have even been a consideration. Because Roman would never have believed it to be possible. The last time he’d spoken to him was five years earlier when Roman was still at the beginnings of his rise to fame. He hadn’t sought Fernando out then either. Fernando had come to him, begged for Roman to take him back, and to forget all about the movie business. Roman’s lip curled a bit at the thought.

  I told him to go fuck himself, because no one else would.

  He’d still loved him then, and it had taken a great amount of fortitude to do that. But his pride had been on the line, and Fernando had been so vicious when he’d cast Roman aside the prior year.

  “But Roman, can’t you see? I love only you. The others are just temporary distractions. I’ll always come back. Just give me one more chance.”

  Who gave a fuck about him? He had Jack now. He was sure of it. The way Jack had instinctively come to his defence had been unexpected, but comforting. God, he wanted him so bad. Fernando had looked at Jack as if he was a ten carat diamond, and that had given Roman a smug satisfaction.

  Go make love to your goddamn oil wells. I’ll have my young lover—a man who knows how to care and feel real emotions.

  The waiter brought their dessert, and with regret, Roman knew their time for that night would soon come to an end. If they weren’t expected at the studios in just a few hours, Roman would have taken Jack to a speakeasy for some music and champagne.


  It was quite a novelty to Roman being this patient. He tried to view it the same way he did when he drew out an orgasm. The result was worth the wait.

  Roman watched in fascination as Jack devoured his chocolate mousse. He enjoyed everything with such gusto. It would be so glorious to watch him come. Roman shifted in his chair.

  Christ. Now I’m hard.

  Unable to help himself, Roman whispered very close to Jack’s ear, “If we were alone right now, I would feed you that dessert off of my fingers.”

  Jack looked shocked for a moment, then smiled. “Roman, you are being bad.”

  “Am I?”

  Jack licked some chocolate off his lips.



  “Thank God. I wouldn’t want to disappoint.”

  Jack laughed, and scraped the last bit of his mousse with the long-handled spoon from the bottom of his glass, and put it in his mouth. He pulled it out slowly, staring into Roman’s eyes the entire time.

  “You naughty boy. You are begging to be spanked.”

  Jack raised his eyebrows as if it had suddenly occurred to him that he might be going too far. He put down his spoon and looked away. Roman reached under the table to gently take his hand, and whispered close to him again.

  “I’m just teasing you. It will be up to you when we take the next step. I made a promise. And unlike many others, I keep mine—all right?”

  Jack sucked on his lower lip, and Roman was sure the boy was trying to drive him mad. Jack rubbed his thumb across Roman’s fingers and nodded. “You know I really like you, right, Roman?”

  “I’m sensing that. But I appreciate your words.”

  They sat in silence, hands still joined under the cover of the tablecloth, and gazed at one another. The moment was broken when their server brought the cheque. Out of habit, Roman reached for it, but Jack was quicker, and snatched it back.

  He frowned at Roman. “I meant what I said too. This is my gift to you.”

  No, Jack. You are my gift.

  “Thank you, my dear Jack.”

  Roman sighed. His night with Jack was closing, and even though he would have still loved to completely ravish him, he found that he was actually satisfied to just be with Jack. From the very first time he had seen him, Roman’s life had taken many unexpected turns.

  Chapter Ten

  Wrestling with the big floor pillows in Trixie’s living room, Jack vainly tried to get some sleep. He couldn’t get comfortable no matter what he did. If he’d gone home with Roman, he would probably be sleeping in some luxurious bed. When he considered that, he realised that there probably wouldn’t have been much in the way of sleeping.

  And anyway, he didn’t ask me.

  Based on his previous interactions with Roman, he’d been convinced that Roman would have tried something when they’d reached Trixie’s place. But Roman had been a perfect gentleman. Jack sighed. It had been so romantic. They had laughed together on the way back from the restaurant about one of Roman’s early mishaps on the set, and Jack had been sorry that their night was almost over. He had considered trying to hold Roman’s hand in the car—it had been so nice at The Grove—but hadn’t been sure if it was the right thing to do. Even that little bit of contact at the restaurant had been enough to remind Jack how much he missed being touched by another.

  They had pulled up to the apartment building, and the driver had kept the motor running. Jack had fidgeted a bit, suddenly too aware of himself, when Roman had scooted close to him. Jack had been sure that Roman was going to invite Jack to go home with him. There had been a brief moment where Jack had thought he would accept if Roman asked. Instead, Roman had surprised him.

  “May I kiss you goodnight? Just a taste. That’s all.”

  Jack had almost stopped breathing. He’d leant forward, but then had looked nervously towards the front of the car where the driver sat. Roman had immediately known what was worrying Jack.

  “My dear Jack,” he’d said, “Juan has seen many more titillating activities in this car besides a simple kiss.”


  Roman had waved at Juan. “Would you leave us briefly?”

  Jack hadn’t wanted anyone else to share in the moment of their first kiss. Once Juan had exited the vehicle, Roman had taken Jack’s face in both hands, placed his lips on Jack’s and softly explored his mouth. Jack had opened himself up to Roman, and let him have his way. Roman had taken control of their exchange, and Jack had answered back with his tongue, revelling in the intimacy of tasting one another. Abruptly, Roman had stopped and let go of Jack completely. They had looked at one another through hooded eyes, and the windows had already begun to steam from their heated breathing.

  “Goodnight, Jack Stone.”

  Jack had been unable to utter one word, but had somehow managed to tear himself away from Roman’s intense gaze in order to get out of the car. Suddenly, he had been frightened. He hadn’t looked back, but had run into the building, charging up the stairs. When he’d finally reached the door to Trixie’s apartment, he had needed to stop outside, and lean against the wall to catch his breath. He’d held his side and mentally kicked himself for behaving so childishly. He’d been certain that Roman must think him silly for acting that way.

  That was part of what had Jack rolling around the pillows on Trixie’s floor in the middle of the night. But not all of it. When he’d run from Roman, what he’d felt had been almost identical to the night he’d returned with him from the sp
eakeasy. Jack had assumed that he was scared by someone trying to take advantage of him. But that hadn’t been it at all. Jack was scared because he wanted Roman just as badly as Roman wanted him.

  * * * *

  It was hard to concentrate lately. Jack needed to stay focused. So much was riding on this film for him. If he didn’t prove that he had what it took to be a good actor, then Global wouldn’t want him to be in any more of its pictures. Trixie had told him to quit worrying because he had a contract, but Jack had no idea what was even in that agreement. He had just gone along with what Charlie had said. Jack resolved not to spend another penny on anything except food and rent from that moment on, and to save the rest. Just in case.

  Although, he hadn’t needed to spend much on food ever since the other night at The Grove. Roman had taken him out to eat at elegant restaurants the past two nights, and since it was now Saturday, he’d invited Jack to lunch, and told him that he would be honoured if they could spend the day together.

  “You may even take me to a park or a beach if you’d like,” he’d said.

  Jack wiped the remaining soap lather off his face. He inspected himself in the bathroom mirror, and saw that he had removed every whisker. He considered the bottle of 4711 cologne on the shelf above the toilet, wondering if he should just chuck it. He had bought the pricey scent the day after his first date with Roman, and had hoped Roman would be delighted with it. It had elicited the opposite effect.

  Jack had only had a little over an hour before he was to meet Roman their second night together. Marvin had let him and Roman go early so that Trixie could film some crucial scenes for her character. Trixie hadn’t been too happy about that. Besides staying late, she had wanted to know all the details about what had happened the night before, especially in light of the big bouquet of roses that had been delivered to Jack in his dressing room from Roman. She had kept accusing Jack of lying when he’d said nothing had gone on between them.

  “No one gives roses to no one who ain’t been extra nice, if yas know what I mean.”


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