Razzle Dazzle

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Razzle Dazzle Page 13

by Morticia Knight

  He had finally been able to talk to Trixie the next morning in her dressing room, and set her straight. Between their film schedules, him being with Roman so much, and her with Marvin, there hadn’t been many opportunities to catch up. She’d told him that she was happy for him, and that Jack was the luckiest fella on the earth. He’d had to agree.

  That night, he and Roman had taken advantage of the opportunity to get together a little earlier, and Jack had wanted to surprise Roman with his fancy new cologne. He had been surprised all right, but not in the way Jack had hoped. As soon as he’d slid into the back seat of Roman’s car, he’d leaned in for a quick kiss, but Roman had abruptly halted before his lips could reach Jack.

  “What in God’s name is that smell?”

  Jack had been mortified. It had not been the reaction that he’d hoped for at all. He hadn’t been unable to understand what the problem was, since Roman wore a fragrance that drove Jack wild, and he had only wanted to do the same for Roman.

  “You don’t like it?” Jack had said.

  It had probably been the look on his face, because Roman had immediately grabbed Jack by the back of his head, and kissed him hard on the mouth. When he’d broken contact, he’d whispered to him, “I love your natural scent, Jack. There is nothing you could do that could possibly add to your appeal to me.”

  Jack had wanted to run back upstairs and wash the cologne off, but Roman had assured him that it was fine for the evening, and that he couldn’t bear to be apart from Jack for even that short a time.

  Jack continued to dress for his big day with Roman. They were going to take a drive up to Santa Barbara, a sleepy beachside community a couple of hours up the coast from Los Angeles. Roman had said that he was anxious to take Jack to one of his favourite places, El Encanto—The Enchanted. It was an exclusive restaurant and hotel in the hills close to the local mission. It overlooked the Riviera below, and they could dine on the terrace and gaze at the sailboats floating on the pristine waters of the Santa Barbara coastline. Being with Roman was like an endless fantasy. Any reservations that he’d had about Roman just wanting him for sex were quickly dissipating. Every movement, every look, every word, every small touch indicated to Jack that he was something special to Roman. With a bit of guilt, he admitted to himself that this was the type of adoration he’d always wanted from Nick. Maybe not as extreme, but something that showed Jack how much he had meant to him.

  Obviously, not very much.

  Jack shook off his melancholy, and stepped out of the bathroom.


  Trixie pushed past him and shut the door. He heard the flush a few minutes later, and she stumbled back into the bedroom. Jack sat at her vanity table, trying to pluck his eyebrows.

  “Be careful with those things, honey. You want me ta do it?”

  Jack turned to her sheepishly. “Yeah, I don’t think I know what I’m doin’.”

  She snorted. “I know ya don’t know what you’re doin’. Gimme them before ya stab your eye out. I don’t think lover boy would be too happy about that.”

  She yanked him up by the collar and started to drag him over to the bed.

  “Hey!” he protested. “Watch the shirt. I just got it pressed.”

  She let go, but roared with laughter, grabbing her belly at the same time. “Listen to you, Mr Fashion Plate! I see Roman’s havin’ quite the effect on you.”

  Jack frowned. “So? You’re the one who’s been after me to be more high-falutin’ and stuff.”

  “Okay. Guilty. I’m just so glad you’re finally realisin’ that you’re somethin’ special, and should act like it.”

  “Aw, Trixie. You’re makin’ me embarrassed.”

  “Just sit down, and let me do this.”

  She sat next to him on the end of the bed, held his head up with one hand and squinted at his face. She moved in with the tweezers and gave a quick tug.

  “Ow!” Jack lurched back.

  “Wouldya hold still? How’m I supposed ta do this with you jumpin’ around like that?”


  She kept up with her searching and plucking. Jack tried not to wiggle too much, but he’d never had anyone yank hairs out of his face before. It wasn’t easy being a screen idol’s boyfriend.


  The thought had just popped into his head before he’d been able to stop it. They hadn’t even done anything more than share some steamy kisses with one another. And Roman had never said that there was anything official between them, even if he had wanted to spend every available minute with Jack. Even on the set, Roman always wanted Jack with him when they weren’t filming. They were the worst kept secret on the lot.

  Jack was uncomfortable with the stares of the crew and background actors. They knew he and Roman had something going on between them, and owing to Roman’s reputation, likely assumed that it was all about sex. That Jack was an insignificant plaything. It was too reminiscent of the time when he’d been with the other workers, and they’d known about Nick, but he hadn’t. He was proud to be Roman’s chosen one, but then his fear would creep in, and he’d be certain Roman was just pretending he cared.

  Roman had been able to tell that something was bothering Jack the day before when they’d been resting between takes in Roman’s dressing room.

  “What is it, my dearest Jack? Have I said something to upset you?”

  “No, Roman,” Jack had said. “Not at all. I just…”

  He hadn’t known how to explain it. He hadn’t wanted Roman to assume that Jack was ashamed to be with him. And he hadn’t been ready to tell him about the whole incident with Nick and Wilson either. Or any of the other things that had happened.

  But Roman had known what was bothering Jack. He seemed to be so in tune with Jack, that sometimes it was eerie. They’d only really been around each other for a few days, but their connection was already very strong.

  “I know you have concerns about my past,” Roman had said, “And I will do everything within my power to reassure you that you are all that I need from now on. Time will tell, but in the meanwhile, don’t let the petty jealousies of others sully what I feel for you.”

  Roman had squeezed his hand, and it was at that point that Jack had realised they had never held one another. The closest they ever got to each other was when they would share their glorious goodnight kisses, but they never embraced. Jack didn’t need Roman to explain that to him. If Roman had taken Jack into his arms, he would have given into him completely, and he was sure Roman knew that. And he had promised Jack that he would be the one to let Roman know when it was time to take things further.

  “There. You’re all done.”

  Trixie’s voice brought him back to the present.

  “Thanks Trix. Hey, what time is it?”

  He needed a watch, but didn’t want to spend any money on that either. Maybe if they kept him on a few more weeks, he would feel comfortable enough to get one. Trixie checked the little clock she kept next to her nightstand.


  Jack startled. “What’s wrong? Is it late?”

  “Late? It’s not even ten o’clock in the mornin’! I had no idea it was that early. I assumed you was gettin’ ready for dinner. No wonder I feel like shit. Whatchya doin’ up at the crack a dawn? Oh wait, let me guess.” She placed the back of her hand across her forehead dramatically and sighed. “Roman can’t survive the day without his precious Jack. How will he live? What will become of him if Jack isn’t there for him to stare at all day?”

  She howled with laughter, and Jack pushed her shoulder.

  “Aw, Trixie, knock it off. He don’t do that.”

  “Ha! Only when you’re not doin’ it to him. The two a yas. I swear, I ain’t never seen Roman behave like this before. It’s sorta freaky.”

  Jack’s heart thudded. “Really? You’re not pullin’ my leg, are you? You really think he likes me?”

  Trixie slapped her forehead. “Oh, my God, you’re killin’ me over here.
When will ya get it through that thick skull a yours that Roman is head over heels for ya? I’m sure he’s told ya plenty a times when he’s fuckin’ the livin’ daylights outta ya.”

  Jack gasped. “Trixie! That’s not true!”

  “I’m sorry, honey. He ain’t said nice things to ya when you’re in bed?”

  Jack’s face was heated as usual. He needed to figure out a way to make that stop. “No. I meant we haven’t done that together yet. But he’s said plenty of nice things to me anyway.”

  “As I live and breathe. You don’t wanna do that with Roman?”

  “No. I mean, yes I do. I mean… Jesus, Trixie, I’m just waiting for it to be right.”

  “Huh. He looks pretty right to me. And Roman’s okay with that? I gotta tell ya, it’s like he’s a different guy all of a sudden.”

  “He said he wanted to do whatever made me happy.”

  “I ain’t never been stunned speechless, but this might be the one that does it. One thing’s obvious to me, Jack Stone. You are one extraordinary fella.”

  The entire day. I have him for the entire day.

  More significantly, Roman wanted Jack for the entire night, and every night after that. Roman had amazed even himself at what a gentleman he’d been for the past few days. He had been careful not to go too far, and to always allow Jack to lead in any intimate contact. It had been more significant to Roman what Jack had not done. It was obvious to him that Jack was terrified to be too close to Roman, and that he’d been holding himself back as much—if not more—than Roman. He sensed how badly Jack was battling his own lust.

  He’ll be losing that fight soon enough. I’ll make sure of it.

  Juan pulled up to Trixie’s building, and Roman eyed the apartments. If all went well with them that day, perhaps this would be the very last time he would ever have to pick up Jack there. Perhaps Jack would be with him from then on. Roman smiled.

  What a lovely thought.

  Jack rushed through the apartment doors towards the waiting car, adding to Roman’s satisfaction. Gone was the fearful boy of just a few days before, and in his place was the happy-go-lucky young man with a wide grin on his face. Juan had given up on trying to open the car door for Jack for the most part—it was pointless. Jack was filled with enthusiasm, and never seemed to be interested in any formalities. And he only had eyes for Roman. If only they could be this way forever—combined with passionate couplings—it would be all that Roman would ever need or want.

  “Hi, Roman!”

  Jack pulled on the latch and scooted in. He had on a soft grey suit, matching waistcoat, with a pale pink silk shirt. He plucked a grey and black herringbone bowler off his head, and set it on the seat next to him. Jack had appeared to specifically set it on his other side, so that it didn’t come between him and Roman. Looking at Jack’s open and smiling face, Roman considered that it might have been a bit rash to spend the whole day with Jack like this. As usual, all he would be thinking about was how his dick would feel buried in Jack’s tight, hot ass. That was torture enough in a short evening, but for several long hours—he wasn’t sure he would survive.

  Perhaps Jack will feel the same way, thus hastening our joining.

  “My dear Jack. It is a delight to see you.”

  Jack leaned in for their customary welcoming kiss, then stopped himself. Juan was pulling away from the kerb, and Roman followed Jack’s gaze to a couple walking down the street. Roman sighed. He grabbed the back of Jack’s neck, and pulled Jack gently to him.

  “Just a taste.”

  Roman’s tongue darted through Jack’s parted lips, and he swept the inside of Jack’s mouth. As he pulled out, he sucked Jack’s top lip in briefly before letting him go. Roman settled back in the seat, angled towards Jack.

  “There. Much better.”

  Jack seemed pleased and concerned at the same time.

  “Are we going somewhere where we have to be more careful?”

  Roman nodded. “Yes. But if you are very nice to me, I might let you hold my hand on the drive up.”

  Jack giggled. “I know how to be nice.”

  Roman raised his eyebrows. “I shall be looking forward to that.”

  There was an electricity between them that was more palpable than ever. Roman attributed it to them meeting up when they were well rested, as opposed to after long days on the set. Roman reached down to a small paper container he had on the floorboard. He picked it up, and lifted the top flap. From it he pulled a white rosebud—identical to the one he wore in his lapel—and handed it to Jack.

  Jack took it from him shyly.

  “Oh, thank you, Roman. I feel so sophisticated.”

  Jack took the wrapped stem, and pushed it through the lapel hole. He squinted at the flower, trying to adjust it.

  “Here. Let me fix it for you.”

  Roman moved closer to Jack, and fiddled with the boutonnière, his knuckles scraping across Jack’s chest under the suit’s fabric, and against the silk shirt. Jack inhaled sharply. His breathing sped up, and he held very still.

  Roman glanced up, using only his eyes.

  “Are you all right, Jack?”


  Roman resisted the urge to smile. He would have to tread very carefully. Jack was ready for him, he could sense it. Jack’s need was now a tangible thing.

  Roman finished with the rose, and regretfully let go of him. Roman looked out of the window, otherwise he would only be able to leer at Jack. If they were to be together that night the way Roman dreamt of, Jack would need to be the one to come to him. Jack was no longer scared of him, and Roman meant to keep it that way.

  “Can I?”

  Roman turned to Jack. “Can you what?”

  “Can I hold your hand?”

  Roman’s heart did something that unsettled him. There was a pull, a warmth towards Jack. It was a different sensation from any he could remember ever experiencing before.

  “I would like that very much, Jack Stone.”

  Jack’s fingers were intertwined with Roman’s. It was like being in his own personal fairy tale. The day was beautiful. It was one of the few times since Jack had arrived in California when it wasn’t completely sweltering outside. Yet, the skies were still a clear blue, and they were enjoying a nice drive on the highway along the coast. Jack couldn’t take his eyes off the waves cresting as they sped by in the car. He leaned closer to the side of the car where the ocean was, to see better, and his arm pressed against Roman’s.

  “You may sit in my lap if you’d like, or we can switch places. I’m fine either way.”

  Jack’s face heated, and he pulled back. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be silly. I wanted you to see this. Here—climb over me, and I’ll scoot over.”

  Jack moved across Roman as the car hit a small bump in the road. He lost his balance, and Roman grabbed him by the waist. Jack closed his eyes.

  His touch. Oh God, I want his touch.

  “You had better sit down before we lose you out the window.”

  Once Roman had released him, Jack couldn’t bear to meet Roman’s eyes. It would be too obvious what Jack was thinking. Their hands were no longer locked together, and Jack missed the contact. He had to admit that Roman had been true to his word, and had not tried to pressure Jack into anything. It was driving him crazy. If something didn’t happen between them soon, Jack was going to be the one to do the pressuring.

  “We should be there soon. Are you hungry?”

  If you only knew… Jack turned back to Roman, and took his hand again.

  “Oh good,” said Roman, “I was afraid that you had found the ocean more captivating than me.”

  “That could never be possible,” said Jack softly. “I…”

  He didn’t dare say any more. Not there. Juan was in the front seat, and they were about to eat lunch. Not yet.


  “I was just going to say that yes, I am hungry.”

  Roman cocked his head. “Were you now? Hmm.”r />
  Roman squeezed Jack’s hand, and disentangled them from one another.

  “I regret that we are pulling off the highway and into town. It’s best that we go back to our friendly pretence.”

  Jack nodded, but felt the loss of their physical connection. He focused on the sights of this new town. It was nestled against a range of hills—more like mountains—much larger than the ones in Hollywood. They drove up a long street that was obviously the downtown area. There were an abundance of palm trees, and all the buildings had a distinctly Spanish flavour with white stucco, archways and terracotta tile rooftops. They headed towards the hills, and on the left they passed the grandest building Jack had seen in the town so far. It had a large marquee that declared it to be The Granada Theatre.

  Jack turned to Roman who watched him with much interest.

  “We can go there sometime if you’d like. It opened recently, but I’ve already been invited twice to premieres there. I imagine it would be much more relaxing than the normal herds of people at the Egyptian or the RKO.”

  “Really? That would be wonderful, Roman.”

  Soon they were winding around and around a road that took them higher into the hills. It was exhilarating and a little scary to be taken up and up, the tyres of their car so close to the edge. They reached a crest in the road, and stopped at the intersection of another large street. They waited for some passing cars. Jack must have had his mouth agape.

  “It’s the Santa Barbara Mission. Quite impressive, isn’t it?”

  “It’s like a castle,” said Jack, barely above a whisper.

  Two large Spanish-style bell towers reached towards the sky, as tall as the highest buildings Jack had ever seen since arriving in California. The towers framed a pointed arch, and a simple cross rose above the middle. Statues of figures were interspersed along the top. To the left was a long building with a red-tiled roof that stretched for a long way and looked to house several rooms. Six Greek-styled pillars surrounded the arched entrance, three on each side. A large courtyard area extended out in the front, and flowers and foliage clustered in various groupings.

  At last, they drove past the Mission, and continued up another smaller winding road to the right of it. Tightly gathered trees shaded their drive, and soon they pulled up to an elegant low structure amidst a lovely wooded setting, intermingled with quaint little bungalow houses, and an expanse of green grass and flower beds. Jack couldn’t see beyond the building they had stopped in front of, and he craned his neck to try for a better view.


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