Book Read Free

Razzle Dazzle

Page 14

by Morticia Knight

  “I shall take you for a walk on the grounds after we eat. It is better than any park we could ever visit. Unless I should take you to the gardens at Versailles, that is.”

  Jack refused to even ask about the place called Ver-sigh. He planned to become more cultured, but in the meantime, he didn’t want to constantly appear unsophisticated to Roman.

  This time, Jack didn’t need to be prevented from exiting the car, he was so consumed with taking in all that surrounded him that he forgot to try to jump out of the vehicle as usual.

  Once they were both out of Roman’s white Hudson touring car, they were guided by a tuxedoed man who had greeted them upon their arrival. It was as if they were royalty being escorted past the commoners. As they passed through the luxuriously appointed dining area—complete with crystal lighting, plush Oriental carpets and dark mahogany accents—Jack noticed the other diners whispering and staring. If he could possibly make it to their destination without stumbling or passing out from not breathing, he would be just fine.

  They were led through open glass doors onto a large terrace filled with white cloth-covered tables adorned with lush arrangements of fresh flowers. A panoramic view stretched out before them. Wrought iron railings edged the area, and deco inspired lamp posts were interspersed amongst the eating area—likely there to facilitate evening dining. Several open umbrellas stood anchored to the ground, to protect the chosen few who were enjoying their meals outside.

  Jack unbuttoned his suit coat before he sat, the same way he had seen Roman do before. As soon as they were seated, Jack exhaled. He knew Roman was eyeing him with curiosity, but he needed to gather his wits about him first. It had become clear to him that Roman wanted to dazzle him. To show Jack what life would be like with Roman if Jack gave in to their desires. Finally Jack looked at Roman, who had a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth. Jack had no words to express how overwhelmed he was. At last Roman spoke.

  “I phoned ahead. This area is reserved for the elite of the elite.” Roman glanced around. “Ah, I see Mary is here today. But I don’t see Doug. Curious.”

  Jack tried not to appear to be a gawker, but absolutely had to take a peek at one of his favourite stars. Even though he’d once cut her out of a picture with Douglas Fairbanks, she was one of the greats, and he thought her very beautiful. She had her trademark curls pulled up in an elegant style and was covered in a floral chiffon dress with two lovely rhinestone clips at the corners of the square neckline. The identical accents were shaped like arrows pointing out. Jack assumed the clips were rhinestone. But the other jewels she wore on her arms, ears and fingers were no doubt genuine stones.


  Jack wasn’t sure how he was coming across, so he tried to school his expression a little so that he didn’t embarrass Roman. Being in broad daylight and dining amongst the exclusive patrons left him feeling exposed and vulnerable.

  “This is…” Jack whirled his head around, trying to control his excitement, as well as find the right words to thank Roman at the same time.

  Roman edged closer and whispered, “If you are too uncomfortable being here, we can go somewhere else.”

  “Oh, God no, Roman, it’s incredible. I want to be here with you more than anything. You were right. It is enchanted.”

  “I’m delighted it is to your liking. I wanted to share this with you.” Roman paused. “And I want to be here with you more than anything as well.”

  Jack lowered his head. He knew that Roman couldn’t reach for him out in the open like this, and he didn’t want him to see that his cheeks were reddening again. Instead, Roman nudged Jack’s toe.

  “Let me see your face, Jack.” He continued to keep his voice low. “I want to share in your wonderment.”

  “Oh, Roman…”

  “Gentlemen, shall I bring you spring water, Les Bouillens, Perrier?”

  The waiter handed each of them a thick piece of natural coloured parchment. Gold foil outlined the black writing, stating the menu choices.

  “Yes. That would be fine.”

  Jack stared at the menu, most of it written in a fancy language of which he had absolutely no knowledge.

  “Have you been satisfied with the selections I have chosen for us thus far?”

  Roman was always there for him when he needed it. Even if it were for something as simple as ordering food.

  “Very satisfied.”

  “Excellent.” Roman paused. “Would it be that I am able to satisfy you in all areas.”

  Roman locked his gaze on him, and Jack’s cock twitched.

  Oh Jesus, Oh God.

  Jack was sure that Roman knew the sort of effect he was having on him. There didn’t seem to be any possible way that Jack could resist Roman any longer. In the past few days, his only thoughts had been of Roman, and most of them had centred on how it would feel to be caressed and kissed all over by him, be underneath him, be fucked by him.

  “Do you need to remove your suit coat, Jack? You seem to be breaking out into a sweat.”

  Roman settled back into his chair, the picture of relaxation.

  How does he do it?

  “I’m fine,” Jack managed to choke out.

  He was more than fine. He was overcome by the magnificence of the day, and the magic of their surroundings. Jack couldn’t help but wonder how it was even possible that he was sitting there amongst the privileged ones. He could never thank Roman enough for sharing this with him.

  The rest of their meal progressed with little conversation, but many secretive smiles and glances, and a peaceful enjoyment of being together in such a beautiful setting.

  The day was perfect. Even if Roman had bargained with the Devil himself to create a more glorious outing, it couldn’t have matched the one he was currently having with his precious Jack. But as much as he delighted in making Jack happy, and sharing the splendour of the incomparable El Encanto, the night was all he could think about. And that was still a long way off.

  This is the last time I’ll have to exercise undue patience with him—I can feel it.

  Jack’s inability to mask his feelings assured Roman that he would be welcoming Jack to his bed that very evening. The long day would help draw it out to the point where Jack would insist that they be together, as Roman had wished for all along.

  “Did you enjoy the sweetbreads?”

  Roman lit up a smoke then handed one to Jack.

  “They were amazing. But I still don’t know what kind of animal a veal is.”

  “Yes, well. Soon you will know all about every culinary delight. As well as a few others, I imagine.”

  Roman took a long drag on his cigarette, purposefully drawing it out, never taking his eyes off Jack. Jack swallowed, but didn’t drop his gaze.


  Things were at the point between them that Roman didn’t even have to pretend to behave himself. At least with his words. The rest would fall easily into place later on.

  The waiter came by. “Shall I bring the dessert menu?”

  Roman shook his head, whilst still staring at Jack.

  “Two Floating Islands please, and two café au lait.”

  Roman had become aware that Jack’s favourite part of every meal was the dessert. He gladly encouraged the young man, as he had been concerned at how thin he was from the first time he’d sat near him at Musso & Frank’s. Whilst his delicate frame had its own appeal to Roman, he didn’t want him to waste away. The uncomfortable tug at his heart came over him, and he knew it arose from the thought that Jack had been enduring close to starving conditions less than six months before.

  The bowls with meringue floating in a sweetened cream were placed before them. Jack stared at it in wonder. Roman added sugar to his coffee and stirred it, disrupting the carefully etched milk leaf.

  I would give anything to be able to taste his mouth after he takes his first bite.

  As had been the case all day, Roman hardened, making it impossible for him to do anything but stay seated throu
ghout their entire meal. He would have to rectify that quickly. Because the sooner they left and got onto the next phase of their day, the sooner they would reach the conclusion. And end his extreme discomfort.

  Chapter Eleven

  After lunch, Roman had led Jack on a stroll under the wisteria covered arbours and a walk through the shaded gardens of the El Encanto grounds. Roman had promised that they would come back someday and stay in the private craftsman styled bungalows for a whole week. He had assured Jack that they would rent two, of course. Then they had taken a drive down to the beach, where Roman had been shocked when Jack had taken off his shoes and socks, rolled up his cuffed pants and run across the sand to put his toes in the water. Jack had tried to coax Roman over to him, but he had stayed on the edges of the beach and sent Juan over with Jack’s hat.

  “Mr Pasquale requests you keep the sun off your face.”

  He’d wanted to stay longer in the water, but hadn’t wanted to be rude by leaving Roman to stand by the car. He had spied a sand dollar being lazily dragged back and forth through the water lapping at his feet. Trixie had shown them to Jack the day they had spent at Venice beach, but they hadn’t been able to find one that was whole. This one hadn’t been cracked open by the seagulls, so Jack had plucked it from the cool water to give to Roman. Jack had handed it to him, but Roman had requested that Jack keep it as a souvenir of their day together.

  “Let it always remind you of this day.”

  After that, Roman had instructed Juan to use a cloth from the trunk to try to get all the sand off Jack’s feet.

  “I’m sorry, Roman.”

  He’d felt terrible for acting so childishly, but he just loved the beach so much. And that beach was by far the loveliest he had ever seen.

  “Don’t be silly, my dear Jack. I revel in your joy.”

  After that, they’d driven back down the coast, Roman making sure to allow Jack to have the seat closest to the ocean side. At one point, they had stopped at a roadside stand, and Roman had sent Juan out to purchase a bag of dates. Jack had never even heard of such a thing, let alone seen such a dark wrinkly fruit, but Roman had assured him that they were God’s candy. They had a thick, slightly sweet taste, and Roman had said they would take the rest back and soak them in honey. During the last part of their journey, Jack had become drowsy, and Roman had scooted closer to him so that Jack could rest his head on Roman’s shoulder.


  There was no longer any fear with Roman. All of the doubts and insecurities had been washed away by Roman’s kindness and care. Jack ached for Roman’s embrace, and vowed to let him know before their day ended. His sleepy thoughts roused him awake. Maybe their day was already ending. Maybe Roman was taking him back to Trixie’s right now.

  He sat up straight, his heart pounding.

  I don’t want to go back there. I want to be with Roman.

  “Awake, I see. Although I must confess that I shall miss having you so close.”

  Jack grinned at Roman and took his hand.

  Maybe he’ll understand, and I won’t have to say anything.

  Jack still didn’t trust the words that might come out of his mouth. Roman was so well-spoken. Roman raised Jack’s hand to his lips and kissed it. Jack’s heart slammed in his chest. Neither one of them pulled away, their fingers remaining intertwined as Roman rested them on his thigh. Jack watched as Roman openly considered him.

  What is he thinking?

  The air seemed to smother Jack. It was hard to catch his breath. Roman broke the silence.

  “It’s going on seven o’clock…”

  Please don’t say you’re taking me back to Trixie’s…

  “And I was hoping that you could tolerate my company a while longer, and accompany me to dinner?”

  Oh, thank God.

  “That would be swell, Roman.”

  “Musso & Frank’s?”

  “Do I have to eat mint jelly?”

  Roman laughed heartily, squeezing Jack’s hand.

  “God, no. You may have whatever you wish. In all things.”

  Jack had to look away. “Thank you.”

  “You’re most welcome.”

  Without releasing Jack, Roman leant forward and instructed Juan where to go. The silence stretched out between them, and Jack prayed they would get to the restaurant soon. He feared he would say something stupid to Roman. At least if they were in a public place he wouldn’t have the same pressure to come up with something witty to say. Like every other time they’d spent together, there would be a menu, talk of food, Roman’s commentary on this person and that person also dining at whichever spot they were in and sharing stories of their pasts. He wouldn’t feel the need to blurt out to Roman how much he wanted Roman to be buried deep inside him, or that he wanted to swallow Roman’s cock, and feel the salty warmth of his cum shooting down Jack’s throat.

  Jack squirmed. He had been struggling with constant erections all day and didn’t want to humiliate himself getting out of the car, or entering the restaurant. Fortunately, his suit coat was long enough that if he kept it buttoned, he would likely be able to hide it.

  “You must be quite hungry, Jack. You can’t seem to sit still.”

  He knows. He has to.

  “Oh, I…uh…um…” Jack was babbling and he knew it. He just couldn’t knock it off.

  “Are you going to be able to stand when we arrive?”

  Jack could feel the strongest flush on his face that he could ever remember, and tried to hide it from Roman by turning to the side as far as he could. Roman kept a hold of Jack but used his other hand to grasp Jack’s chin and bring it to face him. They were barely a few inches apart.

  “You can say anything you want to me, Jack. Anything.”

  It was difficult to think straight. “Okay.”

  He’d said it barely above a whisper, but it was all that he could manage. At that moment, Juan pulled into the driveway of Musso & Frank’s, and Jack was instantly thrown back to the first time he’d been there. Was it just a few weeks ago? It seemed more like a lifetime.

  This time, Jack had no problem waiting for Juan. He was focused on breathing and willing his hard-on to disappear. He accomplished it in part by disentangling himself from Roman’s grip.

  Roman had stepped out already, but leaned his head back in. “Shall you be joining me?”

  “Yeah. Sure.”

  Jack used the open door to steady himself as he exited the car.

  Roman allowed him room to step out, but moved in close to whisper in his ear.

  “I would give anything to be able to give you my arm to hold onto right now.”

  The warmth of Roman’s breath tickled his ear and tantalised his skin. Every nerve in his body seemed to be alert to, and craving, Roman’s touch.

  “You smell divine, Jack.”

  Roman moved away, and gestured for Jack to proceed. Trying to keep from stumbling on his shaky legs, he entered the very first place he had ever spoken to Roman. Whereas Roman had been the last person he’d wanted to be near that day, now Roman was all that he wanted. He wasn’t sure he’d last the meal without begging Roman to take him right there on one of the tables.

  Wouldn’t that be a sight?

  Jack giggled as they approached the hosting station.

  “Something amuses you?”

  Jack looked at Roman. Roman’s eyes were filled with a good-natured mirth. “Just a thought I had.”

  “Really? You must give me all the details.”

  “After dinner.”

  Roman raised his eyebrows. “I look forward to it with great anticipation.”

  Why are we even here?

  Jack had reached the point where if Roman made one more statement with sexual overtones, he was going to come in his pants. He had never been through something this excruciating before.

  They were seated in the same back area they had been in before. It was fairly crowded as it was a Saturday night, but Roman had made sure that they were able to get a boot
h. It seemed that Roman was able to get whatever he wanted.

  Don’t I know it?

  Jack didn’t even bother taking the menu. He knew Roman would order and, truthfully, he didn’t care one bit what they ate anyway. Even if he had to beg Roman to make love to him, it was going to happen that night. There was a sense of freedom as soon as the thought hit him. It was okay. He could be with Roman, and it would all be wonderful. He could feel it.

  He watched Roman’s lips, which showed a slight tint of red, move as he gave the waiter their order. The thin moustache that adorned his upper lip distracted from the two strong points that shaped the top part of his mouth. A fuller bottom lip promised a complete sensual experience. Jack was already familiar with their feel from Roman’s kisses, but he longed to experience their touch somewhere else.

  “They are bringing us both Crab Louie salads. I thought we might not want to eat anything too heavy this evening.”

  Roman paused, seeming to gauge Jack’s reaction.

  “I agree.”

  Roman’s mouth curled into a seductive smile and Jack knew it wouldn’t be long.

  “I asked them to add avocado to yours. I know how you like it.”

  “Thank you, Roman. You always seem to know what I want.”

  “Do I? Hmm. I wonder what it is that you might be wanting right now.”

  Jack swallowed. “You.”

  Roman adjusted himself in the booth. He gave Jack another smile, and waved his hand in the air. The waiter appeared immediately.

  “Cheque, please.”

  That seemed to confuse the server. “Sir?”

  “The cheque. Now. You may box up the salads and give them to my driver.”

  The waiter left, shaking his head.

  Roman moved in closer to Jack. “Shall we?”


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