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Razzle Dazzle

Page 18

by Morticia Knight

  I’m sure he doesn’t mean Trixie.

  The door to the bathroom opened, the light shining into the darkness of the bedroom. Roman emerged, wearing his sheer pyjama bottoms and nothing else. The dark patch of hair at his crotch and his semi-erect penis were clearly visible through the thin fabric. A heady mixture of enticing scents wafted into the room. He knew how much Roman liked perfumed oils. Until he’d spent the night with Roman, he’d had no idea that he used them. All that he’d ever smelt on Roman was his Louis Vuitton cologne. Jack loved that.

  It turned out that the oils were for their private use only. Roman said the natural aromas would add to the sensuality of the atmosphere. Jack agreed. His only complaint was when he was tasting Roman’s body and he would lap up too much of the perfume. It left a funny taste in his mouth, and he could smell it through the inside of his nostrils.

  The other thing that Roman did to set their scene was to light many candles. He had four bronze sconces on his walls that mimicked the art deco décor that permeated as much of the house as Jack had seen so far, and they were always lit in the evening. Roman also left the terrace doors open when they made love, so that the night air would blow through to help cool them down after a heated session. Everything was precisely to Roman’s liking.

  Roman stood next to the bed and extended his hand to Jack’s. Wordlessly, Jack accepted and allowed Roman to lead him into the bathroom where Jack could see steam rising from the spacious sunken tub at the farthest end.

  “I’ve already had mine, now it’s your turn. I’ll scrub your back until our dinner arrives, and afterwards, I want to rinse your hair out in the sink.”

  That was another thing that Roman insisted on. He had explained to Jack that whilst he loved the way his hair looked styled back, he preferred the sight and feel of it sans pomade in the bedroom. He told Jack that his soft golden locks positively drove him mad with desire.

  And there was so much desire between them. Even though Jack was overwhelmed at times with sensation, he couldn’t deny that being with Roman was the ultimate sexual thrill.

  There was knocking from the bedroom door, and Roman went to answer it. Another thing Jack struggled to adjust to was the way that Roman was so unconcerned with wandering about nude, or semi-nude. All the servants, and even an unexpected acquaintance who briefly dropped by, were treated to Roman’s superb body in all its glory. So far, Jack had only ever seen Roman wear pyjamas and a smoking jacket in the house—if he wore anything at all. And Roman couldn’t understand Jack’s modesty every time someone came in, and he grabbed something to cover himself with.

  “Good Lord, Jack. You have a wonderful body. Let them all see what they can never have.”

  Roman returned to the bathroom with Hector in tow. Roman’s valet carried a large silver tray bearing the evening’s meal. Jack spied the tall goblets with the chocolate mousse. Against his will, his cock began to swell, and he moved to cover himself with his hands. Hector never looked directly at him, but Jack wasn’t taking any chances. He glanced up and saw Roman watching him with disapproval. As soon as Hector had balanced the tray on one end of the wide marbled edge of the tub, he turned to leave.

  “Someday, we shall rid you of your shyness. In the meantime, we are quite alone, so let’s enjoy one another freely.”

  “I’m sorry, Roman.”

  Roman grunted. “Don’t be ridiculous. You have no reason to be sorry. You will eventually become relaxed with me here.”

  “But I am, Roman, I’m very relaxed. With you.”

  Roman’s nostrils flared, and Jack was worried that he had said something wrong.

  “Has someone mistreated you here? Out with it. I shall see them removed immediately.”

  “No, Roman, I don’t mean that. I just want you to know that I’m okay with you now.” Jack lowered his head. “I’m not like I was before when you’re near me.”

  “And for that, I am supremely grateful. All right then, let’s eat. Do as you’re told, and keep your hands at your sides. You are to take every morsel of your food off of my fingers, understand?”

  Oh yes. I understand.

  Roman had several fluffy towels folded on the edge of the bath so that he could comfortably enjoy feeding his love. But as Jack accepted the bits of crab meat and avocado that Roman offered, his dick hardened, and he was anything but comfortable. But he wanted to draw it out, the way he had their first night together.

  After the seafood cocktail had been eaten that had been sent over from the Cocoanut Grove at Roman’s request, he plucked bits of roasted duck that fell easily off the bone, and placed them on Jack’s tongue. Roman sucked his fingers clean of the grease, and noted with satisfaction that Jack couldn’t keep his eyes off Roman’s lips, even as he ate. Roman poured some champagne—they had been drinking it for days like water—and handed a glass to Jack.

  “Have a swallow to wash that down, Jack. It’s time for your dessert.”

  The water in the tub was cooling, and Roman didn’t want to chill his lover. But judging from the fullness of Jack’s erection, Roman didn’t see it as being a problem just yet. Jack took a swig of the champagne, and handed the glass to Roman. Roman knocked the rest of it back and set it out of the way. Unable to keep from smiling broadly, Roman dipped two fingers in the frothy concoction, and held them out to Jack. He leaned in with his mouth open, and Roman teased him by pulling back.

  Jack pouted.

  Roman chuckled. “Come to me again, but with your mouth closed.”

  Jack did as he was told, and this time, Roman spread the dessert all around Jack’s lips.

  “Mmm. Lick it off, Jack. Slow. Yes, like that.” Roman’s balls ached with his need. “You missed a spot in the corner. Right there. Oh, Jesus.”

  Roman had an idea that there would be quite a lot of chocolate mousse in their future. He dug into the goblet for more, using his thumb. After he’d scooped up a generous dollop, he offered it to Jack.

  “I want you to take it from me this time, and suck it off.”

  Jack’s chest rose and fell quickly as he leaned in to obey Roman’s command. Jack accepted Roman’s thumb into his mouth, latched onto it and drew him farther in. His tongue rasped against the sensitive pad, and Roman responded by sweeping it around Jack’s teeth, under his top lip, and stroking the inside of his cheek. The chocolate was long gone, but Jack continued to suckle Roman.

  They both moaned, and Roman gently extricated himself from Jack’s enthusiastic feeding.

  “One bite left, my dear Jack. I think we should share it.”

  Roman scooped up what remained of the decadent dessert, stuck his tongue out, and wiped the glob of sweetness on the end. Jack seemed to watch Roman’s movements in a trance. Roman reached for Jack, and slid him through the tepid water to bring him closer. Jack tilted his head back, and parted his lips. Roman plunged in, and they tasted one another mixed with the flavour of the mousse. Roman delved deeper, forcing Jack’s mouth wider with each thrust. Roman clutched him tightly, his craving for Jack impossible to satisfy.

  Roman broke the kiss so that they could breathe. But he wouldn’t let go. He would never let go.

  “Let me say it, Jack. Please.”

  Roman could see the moisture in Jack’s eyes, and he tensed. He wasn’t sure how to interpret it.

  “Yes, Roman.” Jack paused. “Say it.”

  Roman smiled. “I love you, Jack.”

  “I love you too, Roman.”

  Roman gasped. “Jack?”

  Jack threw his arms around Roman’s neck and pressed his cheek against his chest. Roman’s heart was free, lighter than it had ever been. A sob rose in his throat, but Roman caught it. He would never let Jack know of it. This was Roman’s sacred moment to keep for himself. He cradled Jack to him, his dick no longer Roman’s first consideration.

  They stayed that way in silence for a few minutes, then Roman whispered to Jack, “Come out of that bath before you shrivel up.”

  Jack giggled.

soon as Jack stood, Roman could see that there was nothing shrivelled about him.

  “Mmm. I see your point, my dear boy. Quite literally.”

  Roman helped Jack from the water, and once he was on the mat at the base of the tub, Roman wrapped him in one of the large plush towels and dried him off. Roman painstakingly wiped every crevice and limb. He even swiped in between Jack’s toes. As Roman knelt before him taking care of Jack’s feet, he gazed up at Jack’s swollen shaft. He placed one small kiss on the end and chuckled as it twitched of its own accord. Roman stood.

  “Come with me. I want to watch us together.”

  Jack seemed puzzled, and Roman was almost giddy with anticipation. Roman grabbed Jack’s hand and pulled him into the bedroom. The candles were lit, but it wasn’t enough light for what he had planned.

  “Stay there.”

  Roman indicated to the drinks cart, and Jack stood next to it. Roman wanted to set the scene perfectly. He unplugged the pink lamps and brought them to the wall next to the closets. There was an outlet there, and he made use of it. The light was diffused enough that it didn’t glare in the mirror, but did allow Roman to see better. And there would be so much to see. He stiffened painfully. The soft fabric of his pyjamas irritated the sensitive head of his penis, so he quickly discarded them.

  Next, he dragged the chaise longue over and positioned it so that it was parallel to the closet doors, with the foot of the chair closest to where they would be standing, the back to the rest of the room. Lastly, Roman went to the nightstand and brought out the jar he had used to moisten Jack a few days prior, and placed it on the seat.

  Satisfied with the set–up, he held out his hand to Jack. He appeared nervous, but Roman knew how to ease Jack’s fears. There hadn’t been anything between them yet that Roman hadn’t been able to coax from him. Jack gave in to every demand, touch or request that Roman made. Roman just had to lead him there, and Jack always followed.

  Jack stepped into Roman’s embrace, and Roman gathered him close. Skin to soft skin, they rubbed against each other, inhaling the jasmine and orange oils that Roman had used. Combined with Jack’s aroma, the scent was intoxicating, fuelling Roman’s need. Jack’s erection was squashed against Roman’s thighs, and Roman’s dick was pressed fast to Jack’s tight belly, the pre-cum leaving its mark.

  Roman had been too desperate for Jack to take the time to wash out his hair, so he ran his fingers through the slippery locks and grabbed hold. He pulled Jack’s head to the side and bit down on his neck. Jack cried out. Roman stopped and soothed the area with feathery kisses and gentle licks. It had the effect Roman wanted, as Jack ground his hips into Roman’s body.

  Roman growled to Jack, “I want you to see what you look like when you want me. And when I fuck you.”

  Roman flipped Jack around so that his back was flush against the front of Roman’s body, and they were both facing the mirror. Roman reached around to grasp Jack at the base of his cock. He brought his other hand around to run his fingers through the soft golden hairs dusting Jack’s nut sacs. He gently manipulated Jack’s testicles as he squeezed Jack’s erection, stroking only the root, leaving the mushroomed head red and swollen. Roman’s own arousal was held between Roman’s abdomen, and just above Jack’s rear. Roman’s balls were nestled at the top of Jack’s butt crack, being teased by the upper swell of Jack’s cheeks. Jack reached up to hold onto Roman’s neck, which allowed him to grind his ass into Roman’s crotch. Roman groaned.

  “You see how beautiful we are together? My brown skin against your white skin. My hands controlling your desire. Your body rocking into me. How I overpower you. Remember this always.”

  “Oh…yes.” Jack seemed to have a difficult time choking out his words. His body continued its motion, his dick seeking purchase, but finding only air.

  Roman lowered his head to nuzzle Jack’s ear, watching their reflection as he did. He clamped his teeth on the lobe, and Jack inhaled sharply, his face twisting in a combination of pleasure and pain. Roman suckled the hurt away and moved back up to his ear.

  “Say my name.”

  Jack sighed. “Roman.”


  “I love you. Please, Roman…”

  Roman chuckled deep in his throat. “Yes, Jack. Beg. Beg me to fuck you.”

  Jack clutched Roman’s neck tighter, his hips struggling to pitch forward.

  “Oh, God, Roman. Yes. Please fuck me. Fuck me.”

  Roman let go of Jack’s body, pulled Jack’s arms away and dropped to his knees. Jack groaned. Roman grasped him by the hips and angled him sideways. Roman watched them both as he petted Jack’s small rounded backside. Jack’s skin was so delicate, and he seemed so fragile. Roman closed his eyes and brushed his nose back and forth over the crack, rubbing his face against Jack, savouring every nuance and committing it to memory. He nipped at the fleshiest parts, and Jack made little cries each time Roman’s teeth dug in. Roman parted Jack’s cheeks, and licked greedily, tasting every inch. He held Jack open roughly, and pushed his tongue past the rim of Jack’s anus, feeling Jack clench his tight passage in response. He was forceful as he wiggled around inside Jack. As Roman dug deeper, Jack reached behind him to stroke Roman’s head. Roman had previously made sure that Jack knew never to touch himself. That was only for Roman to do.

  Jack continued the low sounds of pleasure he had been making, and Roman pulled out of him. Jack whimpered. Before letting go of Jack’s behind, Roman gave one last sweep of his tongue all along the inside of his crack. Roman stood back up. He turned Jack towards him, enjoying the fact that he was light in his grasp, and it was so easy to position Jack however he wanted. He kissed Jack thoroughly, holding his head still between his hands, thanking the gods that they were together like this.

  But it was time to penetrate him.

  Roman looked in the mirror, anxious to see what their coupling would look like. Roman spun Jack around so that he had his back to him once more. Jack faced the end of the chaise longue. Roman held onto Jack’s shoulder with one hand, and licked the palm of the other, reaching around to stroke up and down Jack’s rigid shaft, bringing him just to the point of release, then stopping. Roman never looked away from their reflections.

  Jack puffed out a startled breath.

  “God, Roman. I can’t take any more.”

  “Oh you will, Jack. You’ll take whatever I give you.”

  Roman smiled wickedly, accomplishing for himself what he had done with Jack—drawn out their desire to set up explosive orgasms. Roman had intended all along to release inside Jack, and he knew from the last time they’d fucked, that Jack would be able to come with him too. Especially as Roman had already tormented Jack so well.

  “Bend over, Jack. You can rest your knees against the end of the chair, and hold onto the back if you need to, but I want your face pressed down on the seat. Towards the mirror.”

  Jack silently did as Roman had instructed.

  God damn. I wish I could photograph this.

  Roman paused to take in the sight of Jack’s ass in the air, vulnerable and open, waiting for Roman’s intrusion. He dripped in anticipation.

  Forcing himself to tear his gaze away, Roman reached over Jack to get the jar of lubrication they would need. He liberally greased himself, and Jack’s hole, before setting the container down again.

  Just one more tease before I enter him.

  In the position Jack held, his balls hung down low. Roman took the back of his index finger and softly ran it down from the skin just below his puckered entrance, to the heavy sacs and back up again. He did this a few times until Jack cried out.

  “Roman, I’m begging!”

  Roman chuckled and bent down to give Jack’s testicles a good licking. Jack’s whimpers were completely worth it. Roman stood back up and watched the both of them again as he caressed Jack’s cheeks. All he wanted from that moment on was this—Jack open to him, waiting, begging.

  Roman lifted his leg that was the farthest from the mirror and pl
anted his foot firmly on the chair next to Jack’s head. Being larger and taller, Roman was able to tilt himself and Jack so that he could position his cockhead at the perfect angle to drive all the way down into Jack.

  Roman grasped Jack’s hip with one hand and, using the other, rubbed his tip all around Jack’s tight rim of muscle, coaxing it open. After letting it nudge against Jack’s entrance and almost breaching him a few times, Roman pushed in halfway, met resistance then almost pulled all the way out. Roman watched Jack’s face and body movements carefully. He would never hurt Jack, no matter how eager he was to feel Jack’s heat wrapped around him.

  Jack winced, and gripped the edge of the chair.

  “I can stop, Jack, talk to me.”

  “No,” he grunted. “More.”

  Jack’s words went to Roman’s core. He couldn’t resist, but he still reached for the grease jar. As he bent over Jack, his dick pushed all the way into Jack’s ass, and he let out a loud groan. Jack was so tight around Roman. All Roman could think of was how it had felt when Jack’s channel had pulsed around his cock as they’d both come together the last time. He wanted that again.

  Roman stood back up, bringing the jar with him. His shaft had pulled out a little with the movement, and he took the opportunity to slather more lubricant on both his dick and around Jack’s hole.

  Roman turned to the mirror and saw that Jack’s eyes were closed.

  “Open your eyes, Jack, I want you to see what you look like when I’m pounding into you.”

  Jack’s lids flew open and he and Roman looked at one another, the lust between them palpable in their expressions. Roman thrust his hips forward, slowly, testing Jack’s resistance. With every push, Jack stretched more, and Roman slid farther in. In the position in which Roman had Jack, he could enjoy both the view of his generous shaft gliding in and out of Jack, then turn his head to see them joined together.


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