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Razzle Dazzle

Page 20

by Morticia Knight

  Roman heard the door opening downstairs, followed by the excited footsteps of Jack as he bounded up to their room. Roman closed his eyes and listened to the sound as if it were a beautiful symphony. Jack really was devoted and loving. Roman needed to quit snapping at him so much.

  Roman crushed his half-smoked cigarette into the Tiffany tray. He stood up and turned around just as Jack burst through the bedroom door. He ran up to Roman and threw his arms around Roman’s neck. Roman hugged Jack, then pulled away just enough to lift Jack’s chin up for a long, slow kiss. Roman’s entire body felt as though it had exhaled, the stress of the past few weeks being released.

  No studio tomorrow. Just us.

  Roman ended their sweet kiss by giving Jack a small nibble on his lower lip before letting go. Jack didn’t seem to mind the biting—he even appeared to enjoy it. Most of his lovers had merely tolerated it for the honour of being with the great Roman Pasquale.

  “How was your day, my dear Jack?”

  They still had their arms around each other’s waists, Jack looking up at Roman.

  “The longest ever. I couldn’t wait to get out of there.”

  “Really. And why was that?”

  Jack smiled shyly. “I missed you.”

  Either Jack has suddenly become an award winning actor, or he is being genuine.

  Roman was betting on the latter. Jack’s statement also stiffened Roman’s cock. Despite the lobster dinner the chef had prepared for them, he was more interested in dining on Jack.

  “Are you terribly hungry, Jack?”

  “I can wait.”

  Jack didn’t even ask why anymore. He knew that Roman wanted him all the time.

  “Then let’s lock the door and you can show me just how much you missed me.”

  * * * *

  Jack lay in bed and wished Roman would come back into the room. It was hard for Jack to sleep if Roman wasn’t lying next to him, and he was completely worn out. He didn’t even care anymore if he ate anything. It wasn’t as if he’d never gone to bed hungry before.

  After they’d made love for almost three hours, Roman had requested their evening meal by calling the inside line. Hector had come up to the room and informed Roman that the chef had stomped out in a huff because his lobster dinner had been ruined. Roman had screamed at Hector that ‘there are plenty of lobsters crawling all over the bottom of the fucking ocean, so why didn’t that pasty-faced nelly just go out and get some more’?

  After that, Roman had actually put on a pair of satin pyjama bottoms before marching down the stairs to personally investigate the state of the food coffers.

  Jack was just beginning to nod off, when Roman entered the room and slammed the door. Jack startled.

  Roman was muttering and pacing.

  “It is unbelievable the amount of money I pay these fucking servants, and yet they can’t get anything right. I should just do it myself.” Roman laughed bitterly. ”Ridiculous!”

  Jack pulled himself up on one elbow. “Is everything okay?”

  “Does everything sound okay? Does it?”

  Jack slid back down in the bed, turned over and pulled the covers up as if to protect himself. He’d known that Roman could be impatient from the first time he’d met him, but he had seemed unusually irritable for the last couple of weeks. It had started not long after Jack had moved in, and it was difficult not to assume that Jack was the cause. He just wished that he knew what it was that he was doing that upset Roman so much.

  Why is it that I always upset everyone?

  Jack felt the bed sink a little behind him where Roman had obviously sat down. He felt Roman’s hand gently grasp his shoulder. “Jack?”

  “Yes.” Jack’s voice was very small.

  “Don’t think that I’m angry with you. You know how I get. But I am beside myself with joy that we are to be together for the next two weeks, and that we can enjoy this time away.” Roman paused. “How would you like to go to the bungalows at El Encanto after Catalina? Would you take pleasure in that?”

  Jack rolled over. “That would be swell. But you’re not mad at me?”

  Roman yanked the covers up that Jack had tangled himself in, and crawled into bed. He pulled Jack into the curve of his body so that they were spooned, Roman’s arm under Jack’s head, and his uppermost leg wrapped around Jack’s limbs. Roman held him fast. He kissed Jack’s ear and neck.

  “No, Jack. I could never be mad at you. Let us forget the imbeciles I’ve hired to work for me for now, and make sure that my Jack is happy.”

  Jack tried to turn his head so that he could see Roman’s face, but he was too tightly held.

  “I’m happy, Roman. I just don’t think I make you very happy.”

  “Good Lord Jack, don’t be silly. Of course you do. Wherever do you get these ideas?” Roman snuggled Jack harder. “Do you need more attention? Do I not worship you enough?”

  Roman tickled Jack’s side, and he giggled. “Stop it!”

  Roman tickled harder, chewing on Jack’s neck. Jack kicked his legs and squirmed in Roman’s snug embrace. After wrestling some more, Jack turned in Roman’s arms until they were face to face. Roman quit teasing Jack, and they panted a little, both trying to catch their breath. Roman brushed Jack’s hair off his face and stroked his head.

  “You haven’t eaten, my dear Jack.”

  “That’s okay. I don’t need to. And anyway, you haven’t either.”

  “Yes. Well. I haven’t been very hungry lately, but you must eat.”


  Roman smiled gently. “Because you are still very thin, and because you shall need your strength for what I have planned for us this week.”

  “Okay. But only if you have something with me.”

  Roman kissed the tip of Jack’s nose.

  “I shall obey you this one time. But don’t get too used to it.”

  * * * *

  Icy winds and the spray of the sea whipped all around Jack’s face. He was huddled in a wool overcoat—one of the many gifts Roman had lavished on him recently—and leaned over the rail of the boat taking them to Catalina. He was beside himself with excitement as the boat went up and down, up and down, up and down on the boisterous waves. He squealed when five dolphins streaked through the sea right next to the boat, appearing as though they were racing it. He watched in wonder and fear, terrified that the majestic creatures might get struck by the large vessel.

  Roman was lying on a deck chair, wrapped in his own designer coat and an additional blanket provided by the excursion company. He had declared that he was quite ill, and didn’t want to speak or be bothered by anyone for the duration of the ‘detestable journey’.

  Jack closed his eyes to lose himself in the motion of the cruiser and was reminded of the day he had ridden the carousel at the Santa Monica Pier. A surge of joy in his heart was quickly followed by a stab of pain. He opened his eyes again. He wasn’t on the pier with Nick. He was on a boat with Roman.

  Jack looked over his shoulder to see Roman with his eyes shut, and a hand to his forehead. He wasn’t sure if Roman sensed him staring, or if he could see Jack under his lids, but Roman groaned out, “Please step back from there Jack. While I am an accomplished swimmer, I would prefer not to have to leap over the side to rescue you just now.”

  Jack hopped down and sat on the chair next to Roman.

  “Would you like some soda water, Roman? It might help.”

  “Ah, Dr Jack. You are very kind, but I believe only death shall save me now. I am reminded as to why I have never returned to this miserable little island.”

  “But we’re not at the island yet.”

  “Jack. Please. If I laugh, I shall retch everywhere.”

  “Sorry. I wish you didn’t feel bad.”

  “Just assure me that you are enjoying yourself, otherwise all of this suffering will have been for naught.”

  “For what?”

  Roman sighed. “I am not being assured, Jack.”

  “Oh you can be�
�this is the most exciting thing that’s ever happened to me.”

  “Splendid. Obviously, I need to revisit my bedroom technique.”

  Jack snorted. “You know what I mean, Roman. Thank you so much—I love the way the boat goes way high up, then slams back down on the waves.”

  “Soda water, Jack. Now.”

  * * * *

  Hector had needed to escort a shaky-legged Roman off the boat, and Jack had been surprised at the little twinge of jealousy he’d felt. He was certain that a part of it was the fact that Hector had always given Jack the cold shoulder, but also that it wouldn’t have been appropriate for Jack to help Roman in public. If they weren’t at the estate or someplace like the pansy club—they would always have to maintain a friendly distance in public.

  He had lamented the unfairness of that even when he’d been with Nick, but it seemed worse somehow with Roman. Nick had never been overly affectionate, but Roman constantly touched and stroked Jack. It was jarring when they had to force themselves to maintain a respectable distance from one another when out in public.

  They had finally made it to their suites in Avalon Bay, being sure to have their respective trunks taken to their respective rooms in order to reinforce the charade that they were just two friends travelling together. Roman had explained that one of the benefits of the island was that the media was kept far away. Producers with mistresses, husbands and wives with their third and couples like Jack and Roman could all enjoy themselves without their reputations being destroyed. They would still have to be discreet, but it was just easier on the secluded island.

  As soon as Hector had left to stay in his room downstairs, Roman had insisted that Jack lie down with him whilst Roman took a nap. But Jack was so energised from the boat ride over that it had been difficult for him to be still. He’d wriggled around until Roman had kicked him out of bed. That was the first time that had ever happened, so he knew Roman must be really sick.

  Once he was sure Roman was actually asleep, he sneaked back to his room so that he could get his gift for Roman out. He was glad that he had taken the shopkeeper’s advice, and written something inside the front of the book, although he’d had to wait and take the book to the set to do it. He was never able to have a moment alone at the house, and he would never have been able to get it done otherwise.

  Jack unfolded the gold paper the man had wrapped around the book at the store. He opened the cover to make sure that what he’d written was okay. He hoped it was, since there wouldn’t be any way to change it, but he couldn’t stop himself from checking. He was getting better with words and spelling, but he was still so unsure of himself. Particularly since Roman was so sophisticated.

  Jack looked at his cramped writing. He had been very careful.

  Happy Birthday Roman. I wanted to give you something very special because you mean so much to me, and to thank you for being so nice to me. The man at the shop said that this poem book is good for that. I hope you like it. I love you, Jack

  It had taken him a long time to decide what to write, but he thought it had come out good. He couldn’t wait to give it to Roman. But he knew he would have to be patient because Roman felt so bad. Jack looked at the little bronze clock in the room. It was only four o’clock in the afternoon, and Jack was bored. He stood out on the balcony for a while, and gazed down at the various yachts and sailboats in the bay. Maybe someday he would get his own sailboat. He loved the ocean so much, and it looked like loads of fun.

  Maybe I’ll go downstairs and see if I can get Roman some more soda water for when he wakes up.

  He didn’t have a key—Hector had left both of them on the dresser in Roman’s room, and Jack didn’t want to chance waking Roman up—so he left the door unlocked. The hotel was magnificent. It was carpeted with plush Oriental rugs in rich shades of burgundy, forest green and deep blue. The walls were covered in a shiny wine-coloured paper with velvet designs. Crystal and bronze sconces that had been electrified lined the halls. Jack had seen elaborately carved furniture pieces so fancy he was sure they must have been brought over from a real castle.

  After taking the stairs to the main floor, he walked up to the long dark wood counter where they had been given their keys and approached the man standing behind it. He seemed busy writing something, and Jack didn’t want to disturb him, but he had no idea where to get the water for Roman. The man stood up straight and adjusted his uniform as soon as Jack stood before him.

  “May I help you, sir?”

  “Yes. Where can I get some soda water? My friend has a stomach ache.”

  For some reason, Jack’s question seemed to give his would-be helper pause. “I see. We carry la source Perrier. Would that do?”

  Jack chewed on his bottom lip and frowned. It sounded familiar, but he wasn’t sure if it was exactly what Roman would want.

  “Is there somewhere else where I can get soda water?”

  The hotel employee sighed. “Certainly. There’s a small market just down the street on the corner. I’m sure they have basic soda water. Shall I send for some?”

  Jack was relieved. “That’s okay. Thank you.”

  Jack took off down the street, hands stuffed in his coat pockets, inhaling the sea air. He loved being right next to the sea like this. He wondered if Roman did. But then he remembered the first time they’d gone to Santa Barbara and Roman had refused to go on the beach, standing next to his car and waiting for Jack instead.

  Since Roman was asleep, and he had nothing else to do, he took his time on his way there. There were souvenir shops, and he stopped to peek in the windows. One had a small rack that twirled around, and there were cards that had pictures on them of the sailboats, the bay, seagulls and even sea lions. They were only two pennies apiece, or three for a nickel. Jack couldn’t decide, so he just bought one of each. The clerk put them in a small brown bag, and handed them to him.

  “I can probably find some other ones in the back, and put them out tomorrow if you want more.” The old man smiled a partially toothless grin.

  “Sure!” said Jack. “Thanks.”

  Jack clutched his bag, and made it to the corner store. There were several different kinds of soda water, so he asked the girl at the register which one she thought was best.

  “They’re all about the same, honey, but I usually get Blatz.”

  Jack picked up two bottles of the soda water for Roman, and a root beer for himself. That had always been his favourite back in New York, and he couldn’t remember the last time he’d had one. She put the drinks in a larger paper bag, and Jack tucked his picture cards in with them so that he could carry it all together. He headed back to the hotel, and had almost made it there when he saw Hector hurrying towards him. Jack’s heart lurched. Had something happened to Roman?

  Hector reached Jack, a little out of breath. He probably wasn’t much older than Roman, but he had such an austere way about him, he seemed as though he was.

  “Is Roman okay, Hector?” Jack couldn’t keep the worry out of his voice.

  “He should be soon. He’s been in an agitated state trying to find you.”


  It hadn’t occurred to Jack before, but Hector spoke a lot like Roman. He had just never heard him talk very much.

  “I went to get him some soda water.”

  “If I may suggest, that is why he employs me. You should have informed me that Roman was in need of something, and I would have procured it for him.”

  Jack considered punching Hector, but didn’t think that would improve Roman’s mood.

  “I didn’t need your help.”

  Hector sniffed his disapproval. Jack was angry, insulted and worried all at the same time. The only thing he sure of was that he wanted to get away from Roman’s valet and get back to Roman.

  Jack walked around Hector and hurried to get back to the hotel before Hector could say anything more to Roman. He had an idea that Hector may have said something to rile Roman. Jack knew Hector had never liked him, even though Jack h
ad tried to be really nice to him.

  Jack took the elevator, since it worked much better than the one in Trixie’s building, and ran down the hall to their suites. He grabbed the knob to Roman’s, but it was locked. Jack went to his room, and burst through the door that adjoined their suites. Roman stood in his pyjama bottoms and the very same smoking jacket he’d worn the first night Jack had ever seen him. He whirled around upon hearing Jack stumble in, and his eyes went wide. Fury radiated from them.

  “Goddammit, Jack. Where the fuck have you been? Am I to spend the entire week we’re here alone? I could have done that just as well back in the comfort of my own room, instead of almost perishing on the way over here trying to be together with you on this beastly island. I’m so glad you have been out enjoying yourself while I have been left here to suffer.”

  Jack’s lower lip trembled, but he refused to give in to it. It was impossible to compete with Roman in an argument. Roman was an expert at using words to hurt anyone who had fallen out of his favour.

  Jack turned away from the man he’d grown to love so deeply, took out the two soda waters and put them on the dresser that was covered with a lace doily.

  “I went to find you some soda water. I hope you feel better.”

  Jack went to his room, and slammed the door behind him. He put the bag down on a chair, and threw himself on the bed. He’d done nothing wrong. He was so mad at Roman, but there was an awful hurt in his chest at the same time. He didn’t want to cry, but he just couldn’t stop himself. He’d thought that once he and Roman were together, and that Jack wasn’t filming, that things would go back to the way they’d started out. That they would only have eyes for one another, and that nothing else would matter except what was in their hearts.

  Soda water?

  Roman was frozen to the spot he’d been standing in when Jack had rushed into the room. He had seen the look of concern on Jack’s face, but had been so enraged that he hadn’t been able to think straight. The words had flown out of his mouth, and had hit their target as they always did when Roman wanted to cut someone down.


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