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Not Just A One Night Stand

Page 6

by Jennifer Willows

  “No, I don’t want that one.” She piped in. “The zebra please.”

  The employee complied and handed her the huge zebra with a smirk. Taylor handed the stuffed bicolored giant to Chandler.

  “For you, honey.” She addressed him. Then she took the remaining two balls from his limp fingers and tossed each casually into the highest jug one after the other. Then she addressed the stall employee once more. “Now I would like the pink bear and the green frog please.” The carnie complied as if he couldn’t wait to get her away from the table.

  Taylor took the two animals and handed two children, he vaguely remembered the youths walking over to watch during one of his many attempts, patiently waiting next to the stall each a toy. The boy and girl appeared to be no more than six, and each beamed with their newly acquired plaything.

  “Mom, dad!” the kids called out and Chandler watched as a portly man and his svelte wife came into view.

  Strangely enough, he knew who the man was. It was Benson.

  “Well, hello Chandler! Fancy seeing you here.” Benson’s smile stretched impossibly wide when he looked over at Taylor.

  It had to be interesting as the fact that he and Taylor were there together was very apparent. They even matched clothing. They both wore white tee shirts and black shorts, hers were a cotton blend and short enough to show off her thick middle thighs, his were his favored basketball ones worn low at the hip, and each of them wore tennis shoes. Her hair was bound back into a thick braid that draped mid-way down her back.

  She visibly cringed as she attempted to distance herself from him and Chandler used his free arm to tug her to back at his side. He wasn’t shamed, nor should she be. They were two consenting adults who just so happened to share the same office space and a mutual attraction for one another.

  “Hey Benson, so this is what you do with your weekends?” Chandler tried to lighten the mood with a quip.

  The older man shrugged, and sighed heavily as if he was sorely put upon, although a twinkle in the man’s eye belied his gruff demeanor. “I got roped into coming here. I’m too old to be wandering around this park all day and night. But I promised the kids that we would, so here we are.” He leaned in and lowered his voice to a mock whisper. “And you’ll find out when you have your own of course, but you can’t make a promise to the heathen tribes. If you do, they aren’t going to let you forget about it.” Apparently, Benson was willing to go along with the jovialities as always.

  “I’ll bet.” Chandler chuckled and wondered what that would be like. To have kids that ran amuck and a wife that would tend to all of them as he took care of her.

  Taylor was dumbfounded. Chandler had made it a point to make sure that she had as much fun with him as possible that first weekend together. Not that she imagined that his company would be horrible, but she would have never conceived that they could have so much… fun together either.

  When she realized that his terrible form and poor hand-eye coordination would keep him from ever winning the prize he was obsessed with winning at the theme park, she couldn’t resist showing off.

  But pride goeth before a fall and she learned that lesson quickly when the two children that she gave the other toys to belonged to her coworker. Taylor was chagrined at the fact that she was caught with her hand in the company cookie jar.

  And to make matters worse, Chandler refused to let her slink off somewhere to dissociate from her disgrace alone.

  But the kicker was that Benson seemed to care less and actually appeared to approve.

  That one weekend became another and yet another until almost two months passed in the blink of an eye. The weekdays were spent hands off while at work, a policy that Taylor implemented after Chandler had called her into his office for an impromptu meeting. Even with all the ways they had experimented on each other, that day was special.

  Taylor remembered the way she walked into his office. She knew what he wanted, but she was just as determined to not give into it. If he wanted access to her body, he would have to wait until quitting time.

  But when she stepped foot inside of his space, he was waiting for her. Not at the well-polished mahogany desk, but leaned against the wall. He closed the door and locked the handle, the nearly simultaneous clicks a death knell to her plans to keep this professional.

  She tried vainly to stick with her plan and told him in no uncertain terms that he would have to wait. That was her first mistake.

  He wasn’t having that.

  Chandler whispered in her ear. “Don’t ever wear that shirt again.” When Chandler was angry, the accent was so much stronger. And that particular tone never failed to make her pussy wet.

  She knew that he was mad about the VP ogling her during the quarterly report. The odious man was married and had at least one mistress that the entire office knew about. And it wasn’t as if the VP in question, Carter Pearson, could get anything more than the time of day from her.

  When Carter brushed against her for the third time, Chandler claimed the light was bothering him and traded seats with the man. But she ignored the fact that he was there, only her body betrayed her and the fat buds of her nipples showed against the thin silk of her blouse. She had to put on her jacket and the addition of the light wool seemed to satisfy him to no end.

  “You know I would never give him the time of day, Chandler.”

  “I don’t care. I don’t want him looking at you. He’s lucky that I didn’t sock him a good one.” He growled.

  Taylor chuckled at his jealous nature and he seemed bristle up at her amusement. That was her second mistake.

  Chandler whipped her to face him fully and captured her mouth with unconcealed lust. The press of lips was hungry and destructive. When he lifted her up and unzipped his pants, she didn’t even think about it. Her skirt would show every wrinkle from their exertions, but she didn’t care. Even when he rasped his thumb over the side seam of her panties, she only groaned, instead of the fight she promised that she would give him every step of the way.

  Her legs wrapped around his hips. All she felt was the hot press of his cock and she rocked into the familiar pressure. He shuttled her north and south over and over again, the only reason she didn’t cry aloud was the buffer of his tongue in her mouth.

  When he came, she realized what they had done. In broad daylight at the office and sans protection.

  He cleaned her soapy cunt with a bottle of spring water and a handkerchief that he stuck in his pocket with a wink and smile. “Now I want to see you walk out of here and pretend like I’m nobody.”

  “Fat chance of that.” She snorted, but she was nervous as hell.

  That was the first time she had ever fucked without protection.

  Chapter Six: How the One Nighter Became an All Nighter

  Two months later…

  Taylor couldn’t avoid it any longer. This was her second missed cycle. She missed the first one just a few days after the meeting, but she chalked that up to stress. And really, Mother Nature had never been a reliable visitor. But after last night? She had to admit that something was very wrong.

  Or very right.

  It all started as a very simple evening. As usual, she and Chandler rested on her couch and watched a rented movie. But when the scenes turned hot and heavy, he started touching her. It was nothing out of the ordinary until she straddled his lap.

  He paid more attention to her breasts than normal. But that may have been due to the way she begged him to suck them. She couldn’t resist, the suckling of nipples felt so exquisite and she wanted more. His cock rubbed at her mound through the crotch of her pajama pants, just enough to tease her into squirming for more tactile sensation.

  His lips fastened over the bud of nipple as she screamed aloud and rocked against him. Every wet tug of mouth brought her closer and closer. Until the pressure was too much and she squirted liquid heat in his lap.

  Her breasts had never been that sensitive and it was then she knew that she was most likely pregnant. A
ll she had to do was verify it with an at home test.

  That same afternoon, she confirmed it with ten different tests. She had three other boxes, but why even waste her time? The other six sticks would only tell her the same thing the prior ones already had.

  They had made a baby together that afternoon in his office.

  She was right, that day at work was more special than she had ever known. That was the day she had conceived their child. It was the one and only time that they had forgotten to use a rubber.

  Taylor waited for Chandler to come home that night and she was half-way terrified, on edge the entire time. She wanted the new life inside of her, even more than she wanted the man who helped create it.

  But what if he didn’t?

  That was a question that she couldn’t hide from. And believe it she tried.

  When he finally walked into the door, he called out. “Honey, I’m home!”

  She ran into his arms and hugged him as tightly as she could.

  “What is it?” He asked and she knew that he was concerned. Chandler’s forehead furred up into a perplexed mass of wrinkles.

  “It’s nothing.” She said and he looked even more confused, if that was even possible.

  “We’ve already had this discussion about women and the word nothing. What is it?” He walked with her over to the chaise end of her sofa and sat down.

  He tugged her onto his lap.

  “How about this, I’ll talk and you listen. Then you can pipe in at any time.”


  “Taylor, these last months with you have felt like a dream that I never want to wake up from.” He clasped her hands within his. “Can we agree on that at least?”

  She agreed with him, that wasn’t the problem. “Yes Chandler. You have made sure that these months have been wonderful.”

  “Well then, why are you so afraid to tell me the truth? Am I an ogre or bully that I would hurt you?” Not that. But she didn’t think he was ready for children at this stage in their relationship. Heck, she knew that she wasn’t ready for a personal mini-me.

  But she was going to take the cards as they fell. “I don’t think you would hurt me intentionally, no.”

  “Then why haven’t you told me?”

  She wasn’t even certain they spoke about the same thing, but she answered him honestly anyway. “Because I’m afraid.”

  “Of what?”

  “You’ll leave us.”

  “Why would I leave you, Taylor? I love you.” That was the first time he’d ever said those exact words to her.

  “I…” She inhaled a deep breath and took the plunge. “I love you too, Chandler.” That was her first time speaking the words to him and the admission felt so good, as if the weight of emotion were an anvil that she couldn’t get remove from her chest until she spoke the burden aloud.

  “That seems like a good start to me.”

  It was. Taylor lost some of the fear that she had carried for most of the day. But the release of nervousness must have been too late as she suddenly felt sick enough to jump from Chandler’s lap.

  She made a mad dash into the kitchen when she expelled the contents of her belly into the garbage disposal. Chandler was right behind her, but she didn’t realize that until she noticed her hair was held away from her face and the disgusting contents in the sink basin with his hands.

  He poured her a glass of ginger ale with no ice before he carried her back to the chaise.

  “Sip that.”

  “Thanks, Chandler.”

  “Taylor, I’m not the type of man to put the cart before the horse in business. And I certainly will not do that in my personal life either.”

  She watched as she pulled a small blue box from his jacket pocket. Her heart sped up and her mouth dried up into a pasty, sticky tongue housed in the Sahara.

  Her heart beat was rhythm-less and erratically cadenced, but she refused to show it. “Okay, what is this?” She asked him nonchalantly.

  He shrugged his shoulders. “It’s your engagement ring. I hope you like it.”

  “Your taste is quite good. I don’t think I will have any cause to dislike it.”

  But when he popped the box open, she gasped. The ring was simply amazing. It was the Oval diamond engagement ring. Even she knew that was one of the more costly bands. The huge ovoid was ringed with tiny stones and the thin band was paved the same way.

  He always had excellent taste and this was no different. She watched as he slid the band onto her finger, the fit was close to perfect and only a tad loose. Although, she would be taking on a bit of weight the next seven months and she would probably be grateful for the extra room then.

  “So Taylor, will you do me the honor of being my wife? And love me the rest of our lives?”

  “I sure will, Chandler.”

  “Now I think there is something you have to tell me.” He was going to make her admit it out loud.

  “I can show you better than I can tell you. Wait here.”

  She walked into her bathroom and grabbed up the tests she had taken earlier. When she walked out, Chandler looked at her, then down to the bundle in her arms.

  “Do you think you may have gone a bit overboard?” He chuckled.

  “Yeah, but I had to be sure. Plus, they come in multi-packs.”

  There were ten tests in all and he looked at each one with a growing smile. When he looked at the last one with the tiny pink plus sign, he practically beamed at her.

  “Taylor, thank you.” He clasped her hands and she could see the tears well up in his eyes. “You don’t understand. For so long, I walked around unaffected by life. I worked, slept and ate. I didn’t have any expectations beyond those of my own comfort. But there was nothing in my life to anticipate either. There was no one for me to come home to. There was no one to love. And I didn’t even know that was what I was missing until you.”

  “Really? I would have never imagined that...” He seemed so self-assured, the gait and bearing of a man who knew his place in the world. “But I do have a question.”

  “Yes, love?” He asked, eyes closed and the smug grin said he was supremely satisfied with himself. She couldn’t blame him, he was fertile and men loved above all to be capable of siring progeny at will.

  Guess they equate that with masculinity.

  “How did you know? About the baby I mean?”

  “Baby. Hmm… I like that.” He chuckled. “It was elementary my dear. First, you stole my pizza, and you hate pineapples. You have always been a firecracker in bed, but the last few weeks? Your sexual hungers well surpassed mine. Then last night your breasts were extraordinarily sensitive. You’ve never come like that before and that cemented what I already thought. But I have a question too.”

  “Yes?” She cocked her head to the right and looked at him in confusion.

  Taylor easily saw that whatever he was about to ask still bothered him, despite the fact that they had cleared the air. “Why did you wait so long to tell me?”

  She could only admit in that second that she felt abashed as she ducked her head down. “I just realized it today and that was when I got the tests.” Her cheeks bloomed hotly and she couldn’t even look back up.

  “So you mean to say that I knew before you did? That’s rich.” He laughed so hard Taylor wanted to box his ears.

  He leaned back and unzipped his pants. The fat head of his cock emerged, ready to go. This occasion was too rushed for Taylor to fully undress, but the moment he exposed his flesh to her, she was on board. Despite the fact that she had been sick just moments before, she still wanted him.

  Her pants were quickly tossed aside and Chandler seated her on his lap as she rocked against his erection. She was wet enough that he was able to glide in nearly to the root with the first thrust and the second only ensured he made full entry. But she wasn’t at full arousal and that only made the friction even more delicious, made every sensation more tactile. More rough and that was just the way she needed it.

he gyrated her dripping cunt into him over and over again wantonly. This was the second time they had made love without protection and the feel of his naked skin was all the aphrodisiac needed to send her into orbit.

  He groaned when she rippled around him with the left over shudders of orgasm and she knew he wasn’t far behind her. But this time when he came, she was ill-prepared for the reaction it would spur within her needy cunt. She felt the first rope splatter her cervix and by the second, he had bathed her womb with wicked baptismal that eked sluggishly from her over-soaked sex flesh.

  Chandler had noticed a major change in Taylor the last few weeks. She could flip in the blink of an eye. One minute she was joyful and the next, she would bite his head off. At first, he was worried that she didn’t want him anymore. That she was bored with him.

  Then he started noticing other things. Her appetite had changed and he watched her eat things she never had requested before. Like Hawaiian pizza. He loved the pineapples and ham combo, but when they ordered together, she only wanted mushrooms and onions on her half.

  But one weekend, she ate his part of the pizza and left him halfway hungry. There was no way he wanted to eat mushrooms or onions and had to settle for a huge bowl of cereal instead after she fell asleep.

  Then he noticed how quick she was to get fully aroused. Not that it was a problem, but she was much quicker on the trigger than she was before. And she was so much more sensitive to sensations. He could make her come with very little work.

  It was then he realized that they had made love every night for nearly two months straight without interruption. All women had some form of a cycle, but hers hadn’t interrupted their sex life.

  He waited and waited for her to say something, and the longer she withheld the information, the more concerned he became.

  What if she didn’t want his baby?

  Chandler took matters into his own hands. He requested a jeweler come to his office and he chose a ring that would befit the mother of his children. As he perused the diamonds on display, he hoped that she was willing to take this particular plunge with him.


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