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Heir of Dragmoore- The Veiled Haven

Page 27

by Jennifer Ann Schlag

  “You promise you won’t get mad?”

  “I promise. But I am starting to get a tad angry.”

  “Okay. Don’t get angry. Talen, you think that I am attracted to Maria or any other girl we’ve met. They are nice to look at but I don’t feel the pull towards them like I do with you. I don’t feel that lust or passion with them as I do with you. And I would never go looking for that with another woman. It’ll be only you.”

  “Are these like wedding vows?”

  “No. Who does that? Certainly not a royal.”

  “You realize that I am technically a princess?”

  He smiles. “Well, lucky me.”

  “What are you asking of me? To marry you?”

  “Yes. We don’t need to wait to go back to Dragmoore and have some official wedding that we both won’t enjoy. Let’s just do it now. A captain can perform the ceremony.”

  “Why the urgency?”

  “To be honest, I want us to be together on all levels of intimacy. We can’t do that unless we are married.”

  “Well, I could maybe bend the rules a little for you.” She gives a flirtatious smile.

  “No. I want to be married to you first.”

  Buckman walks over. He lets out a burp. “That’s better. We’ll be arriving in the South Port in a few minutes. I have enjoyed your faces but please don’t bother me again for at least a year.”

  “Captain Buckman, I have a request,” Remy says.

  “Oh, no.”

  “Marry us.”

  Buckman looks right at Talen. She shrugs her shoulders. “Are you serious?”


  “You aren’t going to have much of a honeymoon.”

  “We’ll just have to book travel for that another time.”

  “Slap a barnacle on me head. Alright.”

  Buckman gathers up his crew. Kip surfaces and yawns wide.

  You are marrying Remy?

  “Yes. Do you disapprove?”

  No. I suppose not. I trust him more than I do the other men in your life.

  “Prince Remy and Princess Talen are going to be married.”

  “Princess?” Maria says.

  “Her aunt is Queen Galaria.”

  “The elf queen.”

  “Uh-uh, we can’t carry the sins of our family, can we, Maria?” He slaps his hands together. “It’s been a while since I had to marry someone.”

  “Try never,” Gerald says.

  “We are gathered here to join together Prince Remy and Princess Talen of Dragmoore. May their love bind their souls forever. And whatever you do, don’t argue with her. You can never win an argument with a woman.”

  Remy laughs. Talen nods in accordance.

  “Prince Remy, do you take Princess Talen to be your wife?”

  “I do.”

  “And do you Princess Talen, take Prince Remy to be your husband?”

  “I do.”

  Maria is surprised that Talen didn’t hesitate.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife, king and queen of Dragmoore. Go on and kiss her.”

  Remy grabs Talen and seizes her mouth. It’s their most passionate kiss yet. It takes Talen’s breath away. She is glad he is getting better at kissing.

  Maria and Gerald clap. The rest of the crew cheer on.

  “I’d offer you my personal bed, but there isn’t time.”

  “It’s fine, Captain Buckman. Thank you.” Remy hugs him.

  “South Port ahead,” Gerald yells out.

  The Seraphina docks. Kip jumps off and crashes into the water.

  Talen and Remy have an unexpected guest waiting for them.

  “Is that Desmond?” she says.

  Desmond is dressed in a royal blue jacket with a black linen shirt and black pants. The king’s sword is strapped to his belt. Elves flock to his side. They bow and lavish him with praise.

  Remy watches as Talen runs up to him.

  Desmond and Talen hug. When they part she notices that his eyes are a deep emerald green. She remembers his eyes being light blue. Against that dark hair of his that makes her weak in the knees.

  “What happened to you, Desmond?”

  “I was forced to embrace my old life. I have vowed to never shift though. I don’t even want to use my magic. Sometimes it comes out without me willing it.”

  “Same here.”

  “I am happy to see you, Talen. I have thought of nothing but you. I have much to tell you.”

  “You need to know something. Captain Buckman of the Seraphina married me and Remy.”

  “You’re married to him?”

  “It’s legal.”

  “That’s right, Desmond. Cousin.”

  Desmond stares into Remy’s eyes. “What trickery is this? Why can I feel the same kind of magic in you that is inside me?”

  “Because we are family, you idiot. I have embraced what I am. I remember. Not everything, but I remember that we are family. Your pursuit of Talen ends now. She is my wife. And the throne belongs to us.”

  “I need to talk to you privately,” Desmond says to Talen.

  “Not a chance.”

  “Remy, stop. I will talk to him. You don’t need to worry.”

  “The last time you were left alone with a man you almost had sex with him.”

  “Did we not just get married?”

  “The marriage is not yet consummated?”

  Talen shakes her head.

  “Doesn’t count yet.” He walks Talen away from Remy.

  Desmond takes Talen to the end of the beach where the bluffs start.

  “I think this is far enough.”

  “Talen, how could you marry him? Where is Deegus?”

  “He’s in Grecia. He’s the enemy. Poor Logan, I wonder what has happened to him? He must be in the inn lapping up some booze and flirting with women.”

  “Logan is a flirt and an idiot. Talen, you should have stuck to the map I made. You could have been in the Veiled Haven by now.”

  “And what about the path that is riddled with dark temptation? Where it will give me whatever I want. Did Logan lie about that?”

  “No. It’s all true.”

  “I don’t want to be a Master anymore. I don’t want to be half elf.”

  The tears start in her eyes. Why does he bring her emotions to a level she can’t experience with anyone else?

  “Do you want to be queen of Dragmoore?”


  “Then why did you marry Remy?”

  “Because he loves me. Why should I keep pushing away a man that loves me?”

  Desmond has been pushing away the person he loves. And now he has her before him. Is he too late? “I love you, Talen. I have since I met you. When I came to Dragmoore and your father introduced us, I was in love instantly. As the years went by, I tried to build up the courage to tell you, but you were so wild. I didn’t think Remy would be an issue. Sure, you hung out with him a lot and you promised to get married to each other when you got older, but that doesn’t mean anything. I know about your family and I am not ashamed to love you.”

  “You’re saying Remy is ashamed to love me?”

  “No. I believe he truly does. I just wish I had told you sooner. You and I could have been together before you met Remy.”

  “Remy and I promised each other to get married?”

  “You were kids. Tully and your father were the best of friends. It made sense that you hung out with Remy a lot. Whenever I came around, you were kind to me.”

  “I don’t remember this.”

  “You haven’t consummated the marriage. And in order for you to be seen as king and queen you must be married before the people of Dragmoore. The marriage doesn’t have a foundation for validity. It can be undone. You can choose me.”

  She joins Kip and Remy.

  “What did he want?”

  “He wants me to end our marriage and be with him.”

  “Reaching for the throne and my wife.”

  Desmond walks over
and offers his hand to Remy. He takes it. They shake. Desmond bows to him. “I officially hand over the throne to you, cousin.”

  “What is this about?”

  “You’re coming home.”

  “Oh, no they’re not,” Logan says, coming up behind Desmond. “Hey there, Desmond.”

  “Logan,” Desmond says. He doesn’t bother hiding his distaste for him.

  “I can’t wait for our journey to start. The four of us, five if you include the dragon, roaming the world in search of the Veiled Haven. We’ll probably kill each other along the way. It’s going to be so much fun.”

  “There’s too many men here that want my wife. I don’t want either one of you coming with us.”

  “Why?” Logan says.

  “They are married, Logan. We are wasting time by discussing this.”

  “That has never stopped me before.”

  Desmond anticipates Remy’s actions before he makes a move. He gets in between Remy and Logan. Where he is kind of excited at the prospect of a good fight, he isn’t in the mood to clean up the mess. Remy is his family. He doesn’t like Remy being married to Talen but he won’t turn against him. If he has any hope of winning Talen, it’ll be because she chooses him. Also he wants to remove Logan from this group. He pulls Logan away from everyone, almost drags him over to the water.

  “You going to fight me, Dez?”

  “Why are you here, Logan?”

  “To help fulfill a vision.”

  He grabs Logan by the back of his head and smashes his face down into the water. “I don’t care that you can breathe underwater. You’re going to tell me the truth. I am in no mood for you and your silly antics. If you screw this up, I swear I’ll feed you to the Gracken.”

  Logan doesn’t fight against Desmond, which gives Desmond no satisfaction. He lets him up.

  “The Gracken and I are old pals.”

  “Figures you would be friendly with scum.”

  Logan lays down on the sand and lets his wet body soak up the sun.

  “You’re going to have sand stuck to your clothes. Why are you wearing silk clothes?”

  “Had an accident.”

  “If I allow you on this quest, can I be guaranteed that you will follow my lead?”

  Logan gets up, tries to shake off the sand. It’s stuck in crevices he’d rather not have it in. “I can sense your powers have increased. Maybe you’re at your pinnacle. But understand this, Desmond Dragmoore, you will not beat me. I have been holding back my Master powers. Don’t try to threaten me.”

  Desmond closes his eyes.

  Logan scratches his head.

  Desmond’s eyes are fluttering under closed eyelids.

  Logan scratches his head again. He lurches forward with pain throughout his head. “Okay. You made your point.”

  “Why did you come to Dragmoore a few months ago?”

  “To see Tully. I was also checking on Talen. Her mother was a Master. The first elf to be one. But she gave it up. I knew Talen had the gift.”

  “Don’t cause any trouble.”

  Desmond joins Talen and Remy.

  “Everything all right?” she asks.

  “Just waiting for Logan to get a change of clothes. I think we could all do with a change of clothes.”

  With everyone now in regular cotton attire, Desmond is ready to lead them out. It’s not that simple. The arguing starts immediately as Logan wants to be the leader. Desmond did warn him. He might have baited Logan a little too much.

  Why do humans argue so much?

  “I wish I knew.”

  “Maybe we should let the dragon lead,” Logan says.

  “Of course you can hear him.”

  “I can too,” Remy says.

  “It’s a blessing that I can’t.”

  Kip goes to bite Desmond but Talen stops him. “You can bite him after we get to the Veiled Haven.”

  “Listen, it’s best that you all listen to me. Logan is a Master but I navigate better than he does. I want us to get there and get back home as quickly as possible. I was wrong about Deegus. I am not Deegus.”

  “I know that,” Talen says.

  “Good. Then let’s go. No more delaying with arguing. Agreed?”

  Everyone nods.

  Desmond leads on. Everyone falls in line.

  Remy hates everything about this. He can never be rid of Desmond. After remembering that he is family he is conflicted with killing him or letting him live. He has to find a way to take Desmond out of the scenario entirely.

  Chapter Twelve

  Logan and Remy set up camp. Talen and Desmond see to the fire. Their feet ache from all the walking. They have covered miles but seem further away from their destination. Kip is curled up outside one of the tents. He will never fit inside a tent again. Desmond slides a piece of rabbit meat on a stick and puts it over the fire.

  “I made a deal with your aunt. The moment we return to Dragmoore she wants you turned over to her.”

  “I am not dealing with the elves. You can deal with them.”

  “You are part of them. Do you want me to deal with you?”

  Logan and Remy sit down with them. “I’m hungry,” Logan says.

  “You must miss the pretty faces from the South Port,” Talen says.

  “Speaking of. Weren’t you supposed to remain there until the Grecians came to interrogate you? You’re a wanted woman now, Talen.”

  “Let the Grecians be disappointed. If they come after her, they’ll be sorry,” Desmond says.

  “We have two tents. I don’t mind sharing one with any of you, but I can guess that the newlyweds want their own.”

  “One of us will be standing guard. We are in the Wilderness. I will take first watch,” Desmond says.

  “Good. Then Talen and I can go to bed,” Remy says, starting to get up and reach for Talen’s hand.

  “At least get something in your belly first,” Logan says.

  Desmond punches Logan’s arm. “They’ll be no fun tonight for you two.”

  Talen gets up. She’s had enough of Desmond telling her what to do.

  “Desmond, she is my wife.”

  “You want to please your wife with us hanging around?”

  Logan raises his hand. Of course Logan would be up for watching or listening.

  “Eat,” Desmond says. “I mean it. Sit the fuck down and eat this food. If you decide to have sex afterwards, then so be it.”

  “It really pains you to know that her and I are married.”

  “Could care less.”


  Talen grabs a stick, takes a piece of rabbit meat and puts it over the fire. She nudges Remy to do the same. That ends the arguing for now. The feelings Desmond has for her is making things more complicated. The feelings she has for Desmond can’t get in the way of the vow she has made to Remy.

  Gavin rests his head on the king’s throne chair.

  “You okay?” Ragbar asks.

  “It’s all falling apart, brother. Can you feel it? A darkness coming for us?”

  Ragbar places his hands firmly on the throne chair. Grips the top so tight that there is a small squeak sound. “I’d sooner see this city burn then ever let Remy rule it.” Ragbar leaves the throne room.

  Gavin has no choice. “Guards?”

  Ragbar is thrown into a cell in the dungeon.

  “Fitting that you are in the same cell that I was once in.”

  “You throw your own brother into the dungeon? How heartless can you be?”

  Gavin takes a step towards him. “You threatened our king. You cannot go unpunished.”

  Ragbar looks like a vagabond, an urchin of the night and pig sties.

  “When King Remy returns, I will let him decide your fate.”

  Gavin comes out of the dungeon and sees Bessy waiting.

  “I have sent a bird to deliver a message to Desmond. He has returned with a message. They are close to the Veiled Haven. He hopes when Talen meets with the Masters they can persuade her to
leave Remy behind. You never wanted to acknowledge how deep his feelings ran for Talen. Now maybe you will.”

  “Bessy, I wish I could…”

  She puts her fingers across his lips. “We all wish we could do something that we aren’t sure is the right thing to do.”

  In that moment, he is on her mouth. His maniac kissing leaves her breathless and her lips coated in saliva. He brings her down to the ground and unbuttons his pants. She unbuttons hers and pulls them down. He doesn’t waste time. He enters her right away. She lets out a moan and it seems to travel behind them.

  Desmond feels a twinge of passion but doesn’t know where it is coming from. He looks over at the tent with Remy and Talen, hoping it isn’t them he’s feeling.

  Inside the tent, Remy and Talen lie awake next to each other. With only a few inches in between them, neither can let sleep take them. Neither can even look at the other.

  Remy breaks the silence. “Is this how it’s going to be when we officially get married in Dragmoore?”

  Talen wipes the sweat from the palms of her hands onto the blanket they are laying on. “Our marriage will never be consummated.”

  Remy turns to her. “If we were alone…”

  “Kip would be with us.”

  “But if Desmond and Logan weren’t here, would we feel so awkward?”

  She turns to him. She notices that he has got closer. What a sneaky prince. She drapes her hand over his shoulder and rubs it. Like a failed attempt at reassuring him that they’ll make it through this.

  He inches closer to where their lips are almost touching. “I promise I only want to kiss you, that’s it.”

  She licks her lips. He does the same. Their lips touch.

  Kissing him is much gentler than kissing Logan. Desmond is a forceful kisser as well. She can’t determine who the better kisser is. As he brings his hand around the back of her head and deepens their kiss, she instinctively puts her arm around him to bring him closer. His hand drops down to her shoulder. Her arm tightens around him. His hand drops below her shoulder and lands around her waist. His body moves faster, hungrier. When she feels like their kissing is taking them too far, she pushes him away.

  “What is wrong?”

  “No more kissing.”

  “Are you serious?”

  “Not until after our official wedding.”

  He lies on his back, covering his lower half with a blanket. “Maybe you’re right.” He rolls over away from her and closes his eyes.


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