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Lesser Gods

Page 5

by Adrian Howell

  Laila Brown was a fourth generation Guardian, but surprisingly there wasn’t a single psionic in her family. Her great-grandparents had accidentally discovered the Guardians and, rather than having their memories altered, had chosen to be converted into the faction. Since then, all marriages leading up to Laila’s birth had been with other non-psionics.

  “My mother is the only non-psionic on the Council,” said Laila. “She took charge of our Guardian breakaway faction when my father, who had been the leader, was taken by the Angels.”

  “I’m sorry to hear that,” I said. “But your father wasn’t psionic either?”

  Laila shook her head. “He wasn’t, but the Angels thought he was. They caught him and converted him. I haven’t seen him since I was Alia’s age, but I think he’s still alive, working for the Angels now.”

  “Maybe he’ll come back when his conversion wears off.”

  Laila smiled. “I hope so. The Angels probably won’t care if one non-psionic deserts them.”

  “Addy is looking for his sister,” said Alia, butting in from my other side.

  “Alia, hush,” I said quietly, not wanting to talk about Cat at this table.

  “I thought you were his sister,” Laila said to Alia, and Alia beamed at her.

  “Addy has another sister,” explained Alia, ignoring my frown. “She’s with the angles.”

  “Angels,” I said, giving Alia a nasty look, “not angles.”

  Alia knew that I wasn’t correcting her pronunciation, but rather admonishing her for talking about Cat in front of Laila. She promptly stuck her tongue out at me.

  “Oh, be nice to her, Addy,” laughed Laila. “She’s trying the best she can.”

  “First of all, Laila, it’s Adrian,” I replied firmly. “Second...”

  I couldn’t think of a second, but Laila got the message that I didn’t want to discuss Cat, and asked no more about her.

  Despite the fact that she was Terry’s best friend, at first glance, Laila Brown had seemed a pretty typical schoolgirl. But glances were deceptive. Laila had been through some tough times too. She had Terry’s air of tenacity tempered with the compassion of one who understood and respected the suffering of others. I wasn’t sure myself why I didn’t want to talk about Cat in front of her. Perhaps it was because we had just met, or maybe I just didn’t want to parade my troubles at a party.

  As the conversation shifted to Terry and Laila’s past school year, I got to hear a bit about Terry’s life as a student. There were plenty of non-Guardians attending Terry’s high school who she could have easily befriended, but Terry preferred the company of people who were a part of the faction. Unfortunately for her, now that it was public knowledge that she was living with Cindy, the Guardian families had not only forbidden their kids from talking with her, but had actually sent a formal petition to the New Haven Council demanding that Terry not be allowed to return to school in the fall.

  “It’s really horrible that they went so far as that,” said Laila. “You should hear my mother talk about them when she’s at home.”

  Terry laughed. “It’s okay, Laila. Really. It’s just my time to move on. School isn’t everything.”

  Passing out bowls of ice cream, Cindy said to Laila, “I’m so happy you stayed friends with Terry.”

  Laila answered forcefully, “Nobody chooses my friends, Ms. Gifford. Besides, my mother always says that good guys shouldn’t hide.”

  “I suppose she’s right,” replied Cindy.

  Terry turned to her, saying, “Speaking of not hiding, Cindy, I take it you already know that I talked to Mr. Baker yesterday night.”

  Cindy froze for a second. Then she said in her usual calm tone, “I do. Mr. Baker called me this morning.”

  I braced myself as Terry said, “Then you know that I’ve requested to be assigned to Guardian missions. Adrian too.”

  “Again, I do,” Cindy replied somewhat stiffly, “but I’d prefer not to talk about it right now, Terry.”

  Terry wanted to talk about it now, and there was no stopping her. “I was hoping, Cindy, that we could have your blessing, or at least your grudging consent.”

  Cindy sighed. “Terry, I know you’re a fighter. And as much as I hate to admit it, Adrian probably is too. But you’re not about to get my consent.”

  Scowling, Terry said, “We’re both Honorary Guardian Knights.”

  “That is a title, Terry,” said Cindy, shaking her head. “I’m sorry, but as far as I’m concerned, neither of you are old enough yet to take on the responsibilities of real Guardian Knights.”

  I put down my spoon and asked quietly, “How old is old enough, Cindy?”

  Cindy didn’t reply.

  Mark, who had been sharing his ice cream with Alia, chuckled lightly and said, “I think Adrian has you there, Cindy.”

  Cindy frowned at Mark, but he just smiled, adding, “After all, you would be against their going even if they were thirty years old.”

  “But they’re just children, Mark,” said Cindy, her frown deepening.

  “Oh, I believe they’re much more than that,” Mark countered firmly. “And you especially, Cindy, do them a disservice by not acknowledging their talents.”

  I looked at Mark in surprise. “I didn’t expect you to side with us on this, Mark.”

  “Oh, but I’m not, Adrian,” said Mark. “I’m with Cindy on this. I’m dead set against either of you going off on a mission. But only because I, like Cindy, care deeply about you, and it would hurt me if something awful were to befall you. Nevertheless, I believe you’ve earned the right to make your own decisions. And I think, deep down, Cindy agrees.”

  Cindy remained silent.

  Terry said hesitantly, “Cindy, this isn’t like the towboat. We’ll be with experienced Knights, and they probably won’t even let us get near the action anyway. I just want to be a part of something important. Even a small part is better than nothing.”

  Cindy stood up and looked Terry in the eye. “You are part of something important, Terry. You’re a part of this family.”

  Cindy turned to me next, saying in a frustrated voice, “And you, Adrian! You said a year ago that you had had enough fighting for a lifetime! Now you want more?”

  “No, I don’t want more,” I insisted. “But I do want to do my part. If psionics could choose their own powers, I would’ve happily been a hider or a healer, but I’m not. I’m a destroyer, Cindy, and for once, I agree with Terry.”

  Cindy turned her back to us so we couldn’t see her face. I felt horrible, but I didn’t regret what I had said. Perhaps I wasn’t yet as tall as I wanted to be, but I was no longer the little boy who was scared of his own power.

  Cindy took a deep breath, and then walked toward the door.

  “Where are you going, Cindy?” asked Mark.

  “I’m going to call Mr. Baker,” Cindy replied quietly. “I’m going to retract my opposition to Adrian and Terry joining the Knights.”

  Cindy turned around in the doorframe, facing us with sad but resolute eyes as she said, “Neither of you will ever have my blessing on this, but if you can live with that, then I’ll learn to live with it too.”

  “Thank you, Cindy,” said Terry.

  Cindy forced a smile. “Happy birthday, Terry.”

  Once Cindy was out in the living room calling Mr. Baker, Terry let out a deep sigh of relief, saying, “Well, that went smoother than I expected.”

  Terry had, of course, planned from the start to have this conversation during her party, when Cindy was least likely to put up a fight. Terry hadn’t invited Laila Brown for the sole purpose of softening Cindy’s resistance, but no doubt Laila’s attendance had been a part of the plan too.

  Laila, who had been silently watching us with a mixed expression of fear and awe, turned to Terry and said worriedly, “I hope you know what you’re getting into.”

  Terry chuckled. “Actually, Laila, I probably don’t. That’s why I’m getting into it. What’s life without a little adventure?�

  “Probably longer,” replied Laila.

  Cindy’s voice called from the living room, “Terry? Adrian?”

  Terry and I stood from the table and went into the living room. Cindy had already put down the phone.

  “What is it?” I asked, but the answer came in the form of a ringing doorbell.

  Terry opened the door.

  “Good evening,” Mr. Baker said pleasantly as he stepped into the living room.

  I hadn’t met Mr. Baker since the Lindsey Taylor incident, and I wasn’t sure what to say, but when our eyes met, Mr. Baker merely smiled and nodded.

  Alia, Laila and Mark had come in from the dining room too.

  “Laila!” exclaimed Mr. Baker. “Fancy seeing you here. Father Parnell, too.”

  “Good evening, Mr. Baker,” said Mark. “We were celebrating Terry’s birthday.”

  “Ah, yes, of course,” said Mr. Baker, and turned to Terry. “Well, happy birthday, Terry.”

  “Thank you, Mr. Baker,” Terry replied with a forced smile, “but you didn’t come up here to wish me a happy birthday.”

  “No, but I wish I had,” said Mr. Baker, laughing. “I’m guessing I missed a very good meal. Unfortunately, even now, I’m rushing between meetings.” Mr. Baker turned to me. “I just came up to ask you in person if you really do want mission status, Adrian. I know Terry does, but I had expected more sense from you.”

  This coming from the man who had, not too long ago, conscripted Alia and me as bait in a mission that had almost gotten us all killed. I gave Mr. Baker a wry smile and said, “Sorry to disappoint you, but I guess I do want mission status.”

  “You guess?” repeated Mr. Baker, looking at me carefully.

  “I do,” I said again more forcefully.

  “Well, I don’t know what changed Cindy’s mind, but if you are all in agreement, then I suppose we can find some work for you and Terry this summer. I will arrange it immediately. I’m actually on my way right now to see the man who will most probably be your unit commander.”

  Terry said, “Then please give my regards to Mr. Simms for me.”

  “How did you...” began Mr. Baker, and then he grinned. “Very astute, Terry, as usual.”

  After Mr. Baker had left, I asked Terry, “How did you know who our unit commander is going to be, Terry? Mr. Baker only decided just now.”

  “I’m not a delver, Adrian!” said Terry, who I had accused of being a mind-reader several times already. “Mr. Simms leads the Raven Knights, which is our anti-Wolf-and-Slayer unit. They don’t fight psionics, and seeing as we can’t block controllers yet, his is the only logical unit for us to join.”

  Various psionic powers could influence thoughts, emotions and actions, and learning to block psionic control required lots of practice. For Terry and me, the matter was further complicated by the fact that most forms of mind control, when used on children, ran a high risk of causing brain damage. We were still too young to begin training so, as Terry had logically pointed out, our only option was to join a unit that dealt with non-psionics.

  “Anti-Wolf, huh?” I said.

  “You don’t mind, do you?” asked Terry.

  “Of course not!”

  The Wolves had shot me in the back. They had tortured Alia and me before stuffing us in an underground research center. I would have preferred to deal with the Angels since I believed that my lost first sister was with them, but I had a score to settle with the Wolves too.

  We returned to the dining table to finish our melted ice cream. Though she did her best not to show it, Cindy was still in a foul mood, and we wrapped up the party at around 8pm.

  “Thank you for having me over, Ms. Gifford,” said Laila at the door.

  “Thank you for coming, Laila,” replied Cindy. “I’m sorry you had to sit through our argument.”

  “It’s okay,” said Laila. “I hope Terry and Adrian stay out of too much trouble.”

  After we saw Laila off, Mark offered to help Cindy and Alia with the clean up, allowing Terry and me to retreat to the game room for a quiet round of nine-ball.

  Though we didn’t even have a television, our penthouse did had several features the average home did not, including a library, a greenhouse, an enormous Jacuzzi bath, and Terry’s favorite: the pool table in the game room. Terry was an excellent pool player. I wasn’t much competition for her, but I did manage to win a game every once in a while, which was far better odds than I had when I faced her in the dojo.

  Due to the renovations our penthouse had gone through following the Angels’ raid on it, the game room now doubled as a safe room, which meant the walls and door were reinforced with thick steel plating. Being surrounded by all that metal caused my telekinetic power to drain a little, and staying in here for too long could sap my physical strength too, making me mildly drowsy. It had no effect on Terry, however, since she hadn’t yet gained any psionic powers and thus couldn’t be drained. Of course that wasn’t why I so frequently lost to her, but it made for a nice excuse.

  Setting the balls on the table, Terry said to me, “You liked her, didn’t you, Adrian?”

  “Laila?” I asked. “She was alright.”

  “If you want, I’ll set up a date for you.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Terry, we’re about to join the Knights and go off on combat missions. I think dating is going to have to wait.”

  Terry grinned mischievously as she rested her cue stick on her left stump for the break shot. “So you did like her.”

  “I didn’t say that!” I replied stubbornly over the sound of Terry sinking three balls. “Besides, I’m probably too cute for her too.”

  Terry laughed. “I was afraid you had heard that. Laila once asked me if I was dating you. It kind of sounded like she was asking if you were available. Goodness knows why, though.”

  It was high time to change the subject.

  “You really think we’ll be given missions this summer?” I asked.

  “I don’t see why not.” Terry held her cue stick under her left stump and chalked the tip. “The Guardian Knights are always looking for new members.”

  “I wonder why,” I muttered sarcastically.

  Terry fouled up her next shot, but merely grinned, saying, “But don’t think I don’t know why you just asked me that. Come on, Adrian, what did you really think about Laila?”

  “I don’t want to think about Laila,” I said in an annoyed tone as I leveled my stick on the table. “I don’t have the energy to deal with this right now. I really feel bad about Cindy.”

  “Yeah, me too,” Terry said quietly. “But she has to get over it eventually. What you said to her was right. You’re a destroyer, Adrian. People are only truly alive when they’re in their element.”

  “Perhaps,” I said, focusing on my shot. “But I was just as serious when I said that I would’ve happily been a hider.”

  “Well, you’ll get over it too.”

  I missed, and Terry sunk another three in her next shot, including the nine-ball.

  “Another round?” she asked.

  I looked at the clock. The minute hand hadn’t yet moved quite far enough that I felt comfortable leaving the safe room for Cindy’s company.

  “Okay,” I said.

  Another game, another loss.

  Mark poked his head through the doorframe as we were setting up our third round. “I’m going home now.”

  “Sorry we didn’t help out in the kitchen,” I said.

  Mark smiled. “It’s quite alright. I think Cindy is calm enough to see the both of you now. Be nice to her, okay? She’s just worried about you.”

  “We know, and we will,” promised Terry.

  Terry and I skipped the last game and saw Mark out.

  Once the door closed, Cindy said to us, “I just tucked Alia into bed. And I got a call from Mr. Simms a few minutes ago. You’re both invited to dinner with him tomorrow.”

  “That was quick,” remarked Terry.

  I looked uneasily at Cindy
and said, “Thanks for... well, you know...”

  Cindy closed her eyes and nodded slowly.

  “Thanks,” I said again.

  Though it was nowhere near my usual bedtime, I felt entirely too uncomfortable to stay in the living room so I bade Cindy a hasty goodnight. Terry didn’t linger either.

  It was only after I had brushed my teeth and returned to the bedroom Alia and I shared that I realized my sister hadn’t spoken a single word to me since before dessert. In the darkened room, Alia was sitting on the edge of her bed, staring blankly in my direction.

  “Hey, Ali,” I said, turning on the light. “Is something the matter?”


  “Something is the matter,” I decided. “Sure you don’t want to tell me?”

  More silence. Alia was like that sometimes.

  “Listen, if it’s about the ‘angles’ thing, I’m sorry, okay? I just didn’t want to talk about Cat there.”

  “I don’t care about that, Addy,” Alia said in a sullen tone. “I know I can’t speak like you.”

  I grinned. “Words in my head! That’s a start.”

  My sister let out a loud huff, hopped down from her bed and walked to the window.

  As she stared down at the city below, I placed a hand on her shoulder from behind. “Ali, what’s eating you today?”

  Alia didn’t move, but a moment later she said quietly into my head, “You’re going away again.”

  “Oh, well...”

  Suddenly Alia spun around. Tears streaming down her cheeks, she telepathically shouted, “You promised, Addy! You promised you’d stay! You promised and you didn’t even tell me!”

  “You’re talking about a promise I made when you were seven years old, Alia,” I sputtered. “Things are different now. You’re not in any danger here. This is the safest house in New Haven.”

  “I don’t care!” said Alia, stamping her feet. “You promised!”

  I put my arms around her, and was relieved that she didn’t pull away. I sat down on the chair next to the window and, placing my sister sideways on my lap, I whispered into her ear, “You’re right, Alia. I’m sorry. I should have talked to you first. But it’s not like I’m leaving tomorrow. I made a promise to Terry too. I didn’t think it would happen so soon, but still...”


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