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The Master's Wall

Page 22

by Sandi Rog

  The church was everywhere in this place, and now David hoped Elohim would grant him his request. He would be patient. But in the end, he hoped Elohim’s answer for his freedom would be yes.


  Alethea smiled to herself as she prepared the special meal for David. Most of the family was away worshipping Mars outside the villa walls, and she pretended to be unwell so she wouldn’t have to join them. This was her opportunity to present a peace offering to David. Butterflies fluttered in her stomach at the thought of his presence. She hadn’t even seen him yet.

  The wine rolls were ready. Their smell permeated the air. She grabbed a towel and pulled them, one by one, out of the oven. The cook had showed her how to make them, but Alethea would never make them this well for her family. She broke off a small piece and popped it in her mouth. Succulent. The brown crust surrounded a fluffy inside, and the flavor of anise wasn’t too much, or too little. Just right.

  Grandfather was only too happy to bring David back to the villa. As soon as she told the truth, he jumped at the chance to order David’s return, never questioning the reason for her confession. Titus was sent immediately to bring him back. And now he was here.

  She danced from one pot to the other in the kitchen as she chewed on another piece from the wine roll. She’d just as well eat the whole thing. Two rolls would be enough for David to be filled. Not to mention everything else she’d prepared. The green beans with pine nuts, the lamb seasoned with honey. Her stomach growled.

  Had she known it would be this easy to get David back, she would have told the truth a long time ago. She would make this meal extra special, and nobody would even know about it. The house was empty with everyone gone except for a few minor slaves—and David.

  After everything was ready, she summoned a slave to have David wait for the meal in the slaves’ dining chambers. She had worked hard on the preparations and would never dare prepare something so scrumptious for Demetri. She tried to appear inept when it came to any type of household preparations in order to delay their marriage. She cringed that she was fourteen. How much time did she have left? Perhaps if she could impress David, he might fall in love with her and they could run away together? Well, it couldn’t hurt to try. And pray.

  The slave girl came into the kitchen. “Damonus awaits in the dining chamber, mistress.”

  “Were you careful not to mention that it was me who called for him?”

  “Yes, mistress. He doesn’t know who sent for him.”

  “Good. I want you to take this platter up to Dav . . . Damonus, and set it before him. Once he has smelled the food, you may tell him that it’s from me. But not until he’s thoroughly smelled the food.”

  “Yes, mistress.” The girl took the platter and went up the stairs to the slaves’ dining chamber, while Alethea followed close behind.

  Anxious to see David’s face when the girl presented the platter, Alethea scurried past the girl and motioned for her to follow.

  Alethea peered around the corner and froze at the sight. David reclined in front of one of the small tables and petted the dog at his feet. His bronze skin accentuated the golden strands in his light brown hair. Probably from working in the vineyards and staying out in the sun for so long. Then her gaze fell to the muscles in his arms. They flexed with the slightest of movements. All he did was pet the dog and they bulged. All these things combined with his broad shoulders and large frame made her gasp. She ducked away from the door and pressed her back to the wall of the porch.

  Her stomach tied in knots as she tried to catch her breath. He was a man. And so handsome.

  “Am I pretty?” she asked the slave girl with a desperateness in her tone she thought she could hide, but failed miserably.

  The slave girl stood, holding the tray. She nodded. “You are beautiful, mistress.”

  Alethea put her fingers to her lips, not wanting David to hear them. “Am I as pretty as Vibia? You must be honest with me. I won’t punish you if you say I’m not.” She knew she wasn’t as beautiful as Vibia. Perhaps it was a foolish question to ask at this moment. She pressed her head hard against the wall and felt the throbbing of her heart. David had grown into a handsome man. Suppose he didn’t find her attractive?

  “You are more beautiful than Vibia, mistress, and I’m not lying.”

  Alethea cupped the girl’s face in her hands. “Bless you,” she said in an excited whisper, then her mind clouded with doubt. She had never been as beautiful as Vibia. How could that be true now? “Are you certain?”

  The girl nodded, smiling. “Yes, mistress. You are more beautiful than the Greek goddess Athena.”

  The girl struggled under the weight of the platter as it wobbled in her hands.

  Alethea motioned for her to enter the chamber, while she remained hidden.

  She watched as the girl placed the platter on the table. David looked at it with wide eyes. He smiled, taking in its delicious aroma. He reached his hand out to take some food.

  Alethea twisted her sash.

  “Mistress Alethea has made this for you.”

  David’s hand stopped. He slowly pulled it back and his lips turned downward into a frown. “Give it to the dog. I want nothing from that spoiled child.” With that, he tossed the platter onto the floor. The two wine rolls rolled away and the dog inhaled both in two gulps. He then went for the meat.

  The slave girl cried and ran out the door. “I’m so sorry, mistress! So sorry!”

  Alethea’s hand went to her mouth and tears flooded her eyes. She motioned for the slave girl to leave and leaned back against the wall. Her spirit withered away into the porch. He still hadn’t forgiven her, after all this time. She had finally told the truth. What did he want from her? She turned to leave, broken and beaten.

  She stepped down the stairs when a sudden wave of anger came over her. He was her slave! How dare he refuse food from the master’s table. With that, she spun around and marched into the dining chamber. When she entered, she shuddered with rage as she saw the dog gnawing on the lamb she had worked so hard to prepare.

  “How dare you!” She stood with trembling hands on her hips.

  David leaped to his feet, his eyes widened. He went to bow, but stopped and met her gaze. “Alethea?”

  “How dare you throw my food on the floor and then address me in such a familiar manner.” His calling her by her name had come to an end. It wasn’t until now that she realized just how proud he was. He should be happy he hadn’t been killed for her lie. He should be happy she wanted anything to do with him at all. “How dare you refuse food from the master’s table.” Her eyes burned with tears. All that hard work. Wasted. He didn’t even get to taste the wine rolls. They were perfect.

  “Aucella, I . . . .” His gaze swept over her, then met her face.

  She marched up to him and slapped him.

  He straightened, his broad shoulders towering over her. She swallowed at his massive height. She’d taken on a warrior. But she refused to let that daunt her. He was still her David. His eyes narrowed and the side of his jaw pulsed. Would he strike her back? He wouldn’t dare. He was her slave. She reached up to slap him again, but stopped in mid-air, taking a step back. God wouldn’t want her to behave this way. She shouldn’t abuse a slave, especially when one was her brother in Christ. How dare he tempt her to strike him. She trembled with anger and hurt.

  “I told Grandfather the truth! Now it’s your duty to forgive me,” she said, choking on his lack of forgiveness.

  Rage built in his eyes.

  She stepped back.

  Closing the distance between them, he flexed his arm. “Do you see this?”

  She stared at the large, tanned arm he bent near her face. “Your muscle?” she asked, not understanding why he’d wish to show off his body at a time like this.

  “No,” he said with disgust, dropping his hands at his sides. He bent his arm again and pointed.

  Her eyes fell on the V burned into his flesh.

  “This is only a
part of what they did to me because of your lie.” His eyes flashed.

  She shook her head. What could she do? She was sorry. He’d never know how sorry. God had forgiven her, hadn’t He?

  She pointed a trembling finger at the tray on the floor. “I made that food especially for you, in hopes that you might finally forgive me. But you gave it to the dog!” She choked on the tears that formed in her throat.

  Feigning dignity, she straightened. “How dare you behave in such an awful manner. Who do you think you are? You are nothing but a slave, and if that is how you wish to be treated, so be it. You can expect no more special treatment from me.”

  She turned to leave, then stopped and faced him again. “Elohim has forgiven me, why can’t you?” To her dismay, a sob escaped her throat. “You put yourself above God. Are you more perfect than Him?”

  Her words had a surprising effect, for a stunned reaction reflected in his familiar blue eyes. He may have grown into a man, but he was still the boy she had known so well.

  With her final words still hanging in the air, she threw up her chin, turned on her heels, and went for the door, but her foot came down on the dog. He yelped and she tried to regain her balance. She squealed, twisted, and landed with a hard thud on her rump.

  She sat facing David. Her gaze fell on his feet, his legs and then his tunic.

  He bent down to help her.

  “Don’t touch me.” She slapped his hand away.

  He straightened as she tried to climb to her feet, but knifelike pain stabbed her back. She blew out a frustrated sigh.

  “You may help me to my feet, but after that, don’t ever touch me again,” she said.

  He pulled her to her feet and continued to aid her.

  “No,” she said, gasping from the pain.

  He released her, and she limped toward the doorway, trying to keep her nose in the air, but the pain was too much.

  When she turned the corner and couldn’t be seen, she slumped down against the wall, releasing a deep breath. How humiliating. She had put him in his place and immediately made a fool of herself. She had to regain her pride.

  “I expect the mess you made to be cleaned up before the rest of the family returns to the house.” She called out orders and pointed her finger. “They’ll wonder what the master’s food is doing sprawled out all over the floor in the slaves’ dining chambers, not to mention why the dog is eating it.” She clenched her teeth and her blood boiled with renewed vigor. “Since you are so disrespectful, Damonus,” she emphasized his slave name, “you can come downstairs when you are finished and entertain the family during the evening meal.”

  Really, she was hoping to look at him some more. She pushed up to stand but her back pinched. She slumped back down. She’d just have to wait it out. After a bit of time, the pain would subside as it always did.

  But while she was recuperating, she decided to continue her speech. “I also expect you to keep your eyes downcast when you look at me.” Oh, how she loved the way he looked at her. “We are no longer friends, Dav . . . Damonus. If you ever look me in the eyes again, you will be flogged.” Really, she had no intention of ever flogging him. She wouldn’t make that mistake again. “Do you hear me?”

  “I hear.”

  Her breath caught in her throat. He stood in the doorway, arms folded. How long had he been there?

  Without warning, he scooped her up in his arms and carried her down the stairs.

  “Put me down, you . . . you barbarian!” She balled her hands into fists and pounded his chest.

  He didn’t frown, nor did he smile.

  “How dare you.” Warmth coursed through her body from the strength in his arms. He carried her down the stairs as though she weighed nothing at all. Again, the pain in her back pinched, and she winced.

  “I should have caught you when you fell.” He shook his head. “I was afraid to touch you.”

  She slammed her fist against his chest again, but the zeal was gone. “I hate you!”

  “Hate? Are Christians supposed to hate?”

  “Don’t preach to me, you . . . you . . . slave. Aren’t Christians supposed to forgive?”

  He frowned.

  “Why were you afraid?” She couldn’t imagine that he would be afraid of anything, least of all her.

  “It’s not good for a man to touch a woman.”

  “Do you find me attractive then?” An uncontrollable grin spread across her face.

  “Yes.” His eyes smiled, but not his lips.

  “As lovely as Vibia?”

  “You are beautiful. I haven’t seen Vibia yet, so I don’t know who is more attractive.” Now he smiled, and that dimple snagged her attention as it always had in the past.

  “That slave girl thinks I’m prettier than Vibia.” She hoped he would think so too. “She said I was as beautiful as the Greek goddess Athena.”

  “I’ve never met Athena. Last I heard she was made of stone. Are you sure that little slave girl wasn’t implying something other than beauty?”

  Heat crept from her neck to her cheeks. She opened her mouth to give him a piece of her mind, but words wouldn’t come.

  He set her gently on a sofa in the atrium, and she mourned the loss of his strong arms. Thankfully, no one was around and she remembered her anger. “Don’t think this changes anything, Damonus.” She stressed his slave name again to make her point.

  He turned to leave.

  “Stop where you are.” She glared at him. “How dare you leave before I’ve dismissed you.”

  He turned and faced her. His blue eyes locked with hers and his handsome form filled the room. She forgot what she wanted to say. Really, she hadn’t planned on saying anything. She was simply imitating the way the others treated the slaves. It was time David became accustomed to that sort of treatment from her, even though it felt strange.

  He had been downright insubordinate. It was her duty to discipline him. Still, something nagged her inside. Would God approve? Certainly, He would. Slaves were supposed to obey their masters, and David was not in subjection. Though, she knew he had a higher status than other slaves, and she had better be careful that she didn’t treat him too rudely in front of Grandfather.

  He came near and bent down. “Are you hurt, Aucella?” Sincerity reflected in his posture as he touched the sofa.

  “My back hurts, but the pain in my heart is far greater.”

  He frowned and gently touched her cheek with his knuckles.

  Pleasant tingles shivered down her neck from his intimate touch. She nearly sighed with pleasure. “Don’t touch me.” Her words were more of a mumble than a command. “You’re a slave, act like one.”

  He pulled away, staring at her.

  She turned her nose in the air, trying to fight the heat in her neck and chest. Surely, he must be happy to be back. Surely, she did the right thing by telling the truth. “You can’t tell me . . .” she whispered, shaking her head, unsure. Had she misread him all these years? “You can’t tell me there’s not a part of you that’s glad to see me?”

  Again, a light came to his familiar eyes. The boy she remembered. She hadn’t misread him.

  Confident now, she said, “You are dismissed.”

  He stood, watching her, searching her face.

  “I said, leave.” She waved her hand to shoo him away, afraid she might leap off the couch and cling to him.


  As David cleaned up the empty platters, his mind reeled with his encounter with Alethea. How right his father had been that it wasn’t good for a man to touch a woman. His arms ached for the feel of her again. She was so light in his arms, and so soft. After picking her up, he only wanted to touch her more. If she’d let him, would he have been able to stop?

  When she’d burst into the room, her beauty hit him like a splash of cold water on a hot day. In that first moment, he hadn’t even recognized her. But then her voice and her words accosted his senses. He’d forgotten the kind of effect she always had on him, but this time it wa
s stronger. He’d been stunned the first time he’d ever laid eyes on her; he was just a boy and she, just a girl. But now, something was different. Very different. He could no longer envision her as his little Sarah.

  And her words. She’d rattled off a whole lot, but the ones of his putting himself above God hit him hard. They bit into his conscience. It was so clear and simple to her, all he had to do was forgive.

  He glanced at the branded V in his arm as he scrubbed the floor. Could he forgive her for the torture she’d put him through? He’d lived in chains for the past two years. Her teary eyes flashed through his mind. He clenched his jaw. Those huge, brown eyes that always held his heart in a vise grip still had the same effect. They still burned to his soul, desperate to be loved. They made him want to protect her again, like before. And her boldness of speech still captured his heart. Without his ever opening his mouth, she knew his secrets. He was glad to be back, glad to be near her. He shook his head. He was cursed. Again, he’d fallen under her spell. She’d be his undoing.

  He recalled her pain when she fell. He wanted to kick himself for not catching her before she hit the ground. But she hadn’t landed hard enough to have done that much damage. Something was wrong. Rumors of Aloysius’s abuse carried through his mind.

  If only he could take her away from this place, far away. She needed him. He understood her in ways no one else did. But who was he to have her? A slave had no rights. Especially not to his master’s granddaughter.

  One way or another, David would have her.

  Yes, she would be his undoing.


  Every evening since his arrival, David performed for the family. During the day, when Grandfather was in his office chamber and Grandmother wasn’t paying Alethea any attention, she took it upon herself to order David around. As long as no one was looking, at least those that mattered, Alethea made the most of every opportunity.

  At the moment, Alethea lounged with her mother in the peristyle. The scent of jasmine carried on the air as Alethea, bored to near unconsciousness, admired the colorful foliage. She looked at her mother, a woman she no longer knew or felt any bond with, studying her as she wasted away in her own world. Her mother, who once was beautiful, now lay pale and unattractive, uninterested in the beauty surrounding her. Alethea knew she wouldn’t get any conversation out of her, so she looked around for something to entertain her weary thoughts.


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