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Black Legion: 03 - Warlords of Cunaxa

Page 6

by Michael G. Thomas

  “No, you saw how far the drop is, and I can promise you they will have sniper drones in position outside. Once the armoured glass is down, they can pick us off.”

  She stepped to a panel on the wall and banged her fist on it. A dull rumble reverberated through the massive room as a series of thick protective shutters rolled down, sealing off the interior from any external threat. Even the archway was sealed as a double-layered barrier came down from the ceiling with a thud. In just a few seconds, the Royal Apartments had transformed into a fortified bunker.

  “My uncle knows we are in trouble. He will send a rescue party to this level. We just need to hold until then.”

  She moved back to the displays and brought them down to focus on the water features and gardens in front of the apartments. At the far end the doors to the elevator opened, and two naked forms were thrown out. Two-dozen or more Laconian dressed soldiers rushed out and spread out. More soldiers rappelling inside through the breaches followed two bright flashes along the glass exterior. All were dressed the same and carrying what appeared to be Doru style Arcadian rifles. She looked to the smashed cabinet to see the curious sight of her four Terran companions. Each was dressed in a motley collection of faded and heavily worn antique armour and carried both their modern carbines and blades taken from the cabinet. She held up the curved blade in her hand and performed a quick series of diagonal strikes to check its balance.

  Not bad, she thought.

  Movement caught her eye on the displays. She turned to Xenophon who was busy tightening the strap of his slightly rusted helmet. She pointed at the display where a group of soldiers were now moving across the open ground and towards the sealed archway.

  “Get ready, here they come.”


  Pleasure House of Anahita, Khorram Shipyards

  Tamara and Roxana took up position behind the thick stone display units a few metres from the archway. Both had dragged multiple weapons into position there and aimed their carbines at the expected entry point to the apartment. Tamara threw a glance back to the throne and spotted the three of them dragging heavy objects into position around it. As each second slipped by, so their defensive position improved. The first sign of the enemy’s approach was when Artemas shouted out.

  “They are aiming something at the arch. Take cover!” she screamed.

  There was no hesitation, and all five of them ducked down behind whatever solid object they could find. Simultaneously, a heavy armour piercing projectile slammed into the outer plate of the arch’s shutter. Glaucon popped his head up to take a look, but Xenophon forced him back to the floor.

  “Stay down, you fool. It’s probably a timed charge.”

  In answer to his comments, a massive rumble shook the room, and one of the paintings tilted and fell from the wall, smashing onto the ground. Xenophon glanced quickly over the cover and back down again.

  “Well?” asked Glaucon.

  “Not enough, they will need more than one to get through.”

  Glaucon nodded, turning his head to smile at Artemas.

  “Your people make good doors.”

  “True. But it could also end up being our tomb. There are no safe ways out of here.”

  “Safe?” asked Xenophon, intrigued by the possibility that there was another way out.

  “Yes, there is a secondary shaft that moves down to the reinforced rib of the spire. It is the strongest part of the structure and contains a landing platform for evacuation.”

  Glaucon grabbed her shoulder, but he was interrupted by another shattering impact on the metal shielding around the archway.

  “Why wasn’t that our first plan?” he asked.

  “Because they will almost certainly know about that route. They probably have people watching it already. This main team will be for flushing us out into the shaft, so we can be trapped and finished off by a waiting kill-team.”

  A third and final blast hit the metal, but this time a wave of heat and bright yellow light washed inside the apartment. Artemas could just about see the projected screens from her hiding place behind the thick marble. She spotted four or five warriors moving through the breach.


  Roxana aimed the recovered Terran light machine gun at the group and pulled the trigger. She half expected the antique weapon to fail, but the high-powered railgun accelerated multiple projectiles to high speed. Only the power system was needed for the weapon to function. The ammunition was old and slightly corroded, but unlike the earlier chemical weapons, they were inert lumps of metal. The slug hammered into the approaching soldiers and easily shredded their imitation armour.

  “Aim for the centre mass!” Glaucon suggested.

  The rest used their pulse carbines to put down an impressive level of suppressing fire. The soldiers were cut to pieces, but one was able to jump back through the breach before the others were killed.

  “No way are they Laconians. Their armour is useless, and they have no idea of Laconian battle training or tactics,” Xenophon said. Contempt dripped from his voice.

  Roxana picked up her own carbine and discarded the antique firearm.

  “Good equipment, but the power pack is dead already. Must be the age.”

  Xenophon crawled along the floor to the right of his cover so he could get a better view of the arched entrance. The dust and smoke was already clearing. To his amazement, the bodies had also vanished.

  “What the hell! Where are they?”

  Artemas looked back to the displays and noted more shapes moving to the door.

  “Oh no, no,” she moaned bitterly and turned to Xenophon.

  “They’ve brought in more men, and they also have a combat drone. How did they get that inside here?”

  Glaucon checked his carbine and lifted himself up slightly higher to get a better view.

  “Not just the drone. How are they getting so many people in here without our Terran soldiers even noticing what’s going on? We’re making a bit of noise here.”

  “No,” Artemas answered, shaking her head.

  “The spire is constructed to eliminate surplus noise and heat. Only by breaching the outer skin will anybody hear a thing from in here.”

  The noise of a mechanical warrior entering the breach turned all of their attention back to the archway. It stepped inside with clumsy movement, almost like a young child trying to negotiate a bumpy surface. It was not much bigger than the soldiers following it, yet its upper body was much more substantial and reinforced with armour plates. The short, stubby arms ended in low-velocity pulse carbines.

  “Lay down your weapons!” it said in a slow drawl.

  Glaucon lifted himself slightly, emptying an entire magazine of pulse rounds into its torso while swearing at the top of his voice. More soldiers ran past the machine, taking shelter behind broken marble and the many columns.

  “Stop them!” called Xenophon, and once again the zigzagging streaks of gunfire lit up the apartment like some ancient battlefield.

  Neither side made much impact, but the longer the fight went on, the more enemy soldiers arrived. Roxana spotted another five coming through and managed to hit two before jumping back and ducking to the side of the great throne. It wasn’t a moment too soon either, as three rounds tore chunks out of the top of the wooden chair. Xenophon and Glaucon both maintained as much fire on the drone as possible, but the small weapons were doing little more than taking chunks out of its armour. They needed something else. Xenophon thought back to what he’d heard about the Laconians and their battle at the Aronton Station. From what he’d heard, they had overwhelmed the primitive processors and tactical options of these machines by avoiding their strength.

  We need to avoid their firepower!

  “Tamara, Glaucon, you have your blades?” he called out.

  Both nodded.

  He then looked down to his own weapon, taken from the cabinets. It was modelled on a kopis blade but fitted with a charged monofilament edge. By all accounts, it sho
uld be capable of cutting through almost all armours but doubt filled his mind. He placed it near the marble unit and struck it lightly. A flurry of sparks indicated where he’d cut a three centimetre long gash in the stone.

  So, after all this time, it still works!

  “Stay close to the columns, work around and hit the drone.”

  He then turned to Roxana and Artemas who were ducking down to avoid gunfire.

  “I need covering fire. You have to keep the drone busy. Understood?”

  Both nodded and checked their weapons again. He looked back and made a mental note of the positions of the enemy soldiers and the drone. They were taking their time, either due to orders or more likely because they were supposed to force their enemy to retreat, rather than destroy them. It was a weakness, and Xenophon intended to exploit it.

  “Now!” he cried.

  First the gunfire from Artemas and Roxana ripped into the drone, along with the odd round that slammed around the soldiers. Xenophon and Tamara moved to the right column while Glaucon leapt over the marble and to the next piece of cover offered by a large statue of a Medes god. All three carried their carbines in one hand and one of the ancient relics in the other. Glaucon made it into cover safely, but Xenophon and Tamara managed to land beside a startled soldier. Tamara quickly sank her blade into his chest, and Xenophon blasted with his carbine at a range of nearly a metre.

  “Stay down!” he cried and only just in time. Dozens of rounds slammed around their position, each one ripping chunks of marble from the beautiful pieces of art all around them. They were pinned down, and unless Artemas and Roxana could regain the attention of the drone, they would be done for. That was when Glaucon did the unexpected. He jumped up and rushed a group of three soldiers who were sheltering behind half a statue. He hit them like a bull and forced two to stumble around the drone. He held onto the third, pushing him back until the man was forced onto the robotic warrior. It was their chance.


  Xenophon was on his feet and covered the remaining steps in a few seconds. One soldier tried to stop him, but Tamara leapt on him and smashed him down onto the floor. Now in range, Xenophon ducked passed the weapons on the left side of the drone and slammed his blade down behind the gun mount. It was the least armoured area he could find, and the charged blade easily cut through the cables and motor unit, leaving the weapon arm impotent. The shattered stump swung at him and struck him in the chest. The impact was heavy, but the layered polymers of the relic he now wore took most of the force. He staggered back and almost lost his footing. Artemas grabbed him and pushed him back to the drone. She slashed at it, causing more damage until the stump itself tore apart.

  “Glaucon, the arm!” she cried. She saw the right arm of the combat drone twisting. At the far end of the arm was a pintle mount, and attached to that a rotating gun mount. A clanking sound was the last warning that it was loading in more rounds to its arm-fitted chaingun. Tamara spotted the movement and ducked to avoid the gunfire.

  “Look out!” shouted Xenophon.

  It opened fire with a roar at Glaucon. The muzzle flash was massive at this close range. A great yellow fireball with scores of hot projectiles blasted from its muzzle. A hit at this range would tear through even modern body armour like tissue paper. Glaucon threw himself up and over the machine so that he landed behind it. Normally, such a move would have meant his death, but it couldn’t see him due to the wounded Medes now resting on its flank. He ducked around also and suddenly all three were around it, each firing and hacking away with their weapons. Just four more cuts were all that was needed. It dropped to its knees and toppled over. It writhed and shook on the ground, and sparks ran around its central processor. Movement caught Xenophon’s eye. It was the remaining soldiers already trying to retreat. He almost chased after them, but there was something else; a dull rattling noise coming from the far side of the apartment. The other four wiped the dust and dirt from their faces and took cover. Glaucon’s helmet had sustained a major blow in the fight, and he tore it off to reveal bruising down the side of his face. Roxana moved from the smashed drone towards two columns to give her greater protection from the direction of the arched entrance.

  “Can you hear that?” asked Glaucon nervously.

  A segment of the dark windows that ran along the outside of apartments flashed white and disintegrated in a massive blast. Even the metal shields that had covered them up for security couldn’t stand against such heavy firepower. The shockwave blasted Roxana from her feet, throwing her against a statue of an unidentified Median goddess. She fell to the ground unconscious.

  “Hold this position!” he called out.

  He crawled along the floor to Roxana. She was now totally exposed to potential weapons fire. No sooner had he reached her than a dozen heavily armed Medes soldiers arrived. They were all wearing the mock Laconian uniforms, but these moved with confidence and skill that implied professionalism. Lady Artemas spotted their style of movement and took aim with her carbine. She took a shot, but the enemy quickly rolled into cover and continued to close the distance.

  “Those are Anusiyan soldiers, the sacred protectors of the Emperor. They will not stop!”

  Xenophon lifted Roxana up to his shoulder and moved as quickly as he could to the cover the others were using. The other three put down considerable fire, and it did its job of slowing them down. Even so, they were only thirty or so metres away and moving in for the kill. Artemas kept low and moved over to Roxana. She checked her eyes and breathing, reaching inside her clothing to pull out a small case. Two rounds struck nearby and sent handfuls of marble dust over her. She coughed and then removed a short metal device with a dozen micro tips at the end. Xenophon looked down to her and reached out to stop her.

  “No, it’s alright. She is concussed. This will bring her out of it. We need her right now.”

  She didn’t wait for his approval and removed the woman’s helmet, so she could place the device on her temple. It hissed, and a moment later Roxana’s bloodshot eyes opened. Glaucon leaned out from his cover and fired a short burst that hit one of the soldiers in the face. The man flew backwards but was instantly replaced by another two soldiers. Xenophon pulled out a spare magazine, but his heart turned to despair as he could see more shapes arriving through the smashed windows.

  They must have aircraft bringing in more soldiers.

  He turned to the archway and noticed the small number of surviving soldiers from the initial attack. They were dragging some of their wounded back to the elevator. Glaucon turned and called to the two still in cover around the throne.

  “Hey, either we say here or we get out there!”

  He pointed to the archway and open ground and gardens that ran around the entire floor. One of the soldiers watched him pointing and lifted a weapon. Glaucon took careful aim and hit him in the face with a single shot. The others near him scattered in fear at the execution of their comrade.

  “Come on, out of this place, now!” shouted Xenophon, upon seeing the soldier drop to the ground.

  All five of them broke from their cover and ran as fast as they could. Multiple rounds struck around them, but the distance to the exit point was short. They were out in the open before the newly arrived soldiers realised what was happening. Remembering an old trick, Xenophon set his carbine to overload and dropped it next to the archway. The others kept moving forward though and chased down the retreating soldiers. With gunfire hitting them in the back, they didn’t last long and what started as a withdrawal, quickly turned into a bloody rout. They were nothing like the soldiers in the apartment building itself. By the time Artemas was out and in the open, she spotted Tamara dropping down and embedding her blade in the back of the last soldier’s skull. It was bloody, shocking and violent, but necessary. Each of them dropped down to reduce their size, in case anybody else was watching. Then they checked back to see Xenophon leaving his weapon.

  “What are you doing?” shouted Artemas.

  Xenophon i
gnored her and ran towards them as fast as his legs would take him. It was then that she saw the glowing weapon near the stone and a rising wail coming from the same area. Glaucon grabbed her and pushed her down.

  “Get down!” he yelled.

  In answer to his shout, the weapon overloaded and exploded, its half expended magazine core sending the weapon’s charging capacitor to unsustainable levels. The explosion was modest but extremely hot and violent. Part of the entrance was smashed, and large parts of masonry collapsed down to partially block it.

  “Not bad,” said Glaucon, lifting himself back to his feet. He turned to Artemas and helped her up. She removed her helmet, shook her head and rubbed her eyes.

  “Uh, okay, what now then?”

  They all looked around at the area they were now in. There were many bodies dotted around the open space, and the columns and water features exhibited various degrees of damage from the battle. It looked like a cross between a garden of tranquillity and a suicide bombing. Glaucon stopped turning and looked in the direction the soldiers had originally arrived from. A trail of bodies led back to the elevator and the primary access point for the Royal Apartments.

  “The elevator?” suggested Glaucon.

  “What, the way they came in?” asked a less than impressed Roxana.

  Xenophon picked himself up and increased his speed towards the doors of the elevators, passing the two naked bodies of the mute assistants.

  “Yes, it’s the last thing they would expect!”

  He jumped inside and looked for a panel or some kind of control unit. By the time the others arrived, he was still looking but no closer to finding something. Glaucon joined him with a close search of the interior walls of the elevator.

  “Where is it?” he asked in frustration.

  Lady Artemas waited near the door.

  “I was trying to tell you. The elevator is controlled by those two,” she explained, pointing to the unfortunate victims of the first wave of soldiers.


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