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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

Page 15

by René Van Dalen

  The big dog hopped out and immediately stationed himself right next to Chris, his big body against her upper thigh.

  Taking his kutte from where it was draped over the back of his seat he pulled it on then locked the doors and took Chris’s hand.

  His brother’s bikes were parked in a shining line at the front of the clubhouse and he saw Kobus had been assigned to watch over them. He nodded a greeting before leading his girl up the steps and inside. It was fairly quiet with only a few brothers hanging around. He knew everyone would be at the back of the clubhouse.

  He nodded greetings as he walked through the common room drawing Chris with him. The kitchen was a hive of activity. Aunt Beryl and the club girls were hard at work.

  Holding tight to her hand he didn’t allow Chris to get side tracked. She wasn’t helping today.

  Walking outside he was damned glad he had her with him. He felt hateful eyes on them the minute they walked outside. Pesto and Gigi.

  They stood to one side with four patches from Durban. When the fuck had all these men arrived here? It was supposed to be Hotdog and his officers and maybe two patches. What the fuck was going on?

  He drew Liah over to the table where he saw Wolf and Leo sitting. The minute Leo saw them she started laughing and, fucking hell, she did the finger gun thing Liah had done last night. Next to him his girl giggled.

  “Hey brother.” Wolf called out. “How’s your girl today? Have to say she doesn’t look hung over at all.” He laughed. “Hi Chris, how’s the head?”

  Liah laughed. “My man made sure I had pills and lots of water last night and we swam this morning so all the bad stuff is gone.”

  “Hey brother, Leo.” Scar greeted his brother with a slap on the shoulder. “How are you guys doing?”

  And just like that they were pulled into the group at the table and the slight tenseness he had felt in his woman’s spine slowly dissipated.

  A minute later Ice and River’s son made a beeline for their table. He slid to a stop a good distance away and grinned at Chris.

  “Hello, I’m Duncan.” He looked down at Brutus before looking back up. “May I sit with your dog, please.”

  Chris smiled as she moved up and patted the seat next to her. “Come sit with me for a bit so he gets used to you first.”

  The little man didn’t hesitate. He plonked his little butt down next to her and started chattering away as if he had known her forever. Scar had to laugh as he listened to their very earnest conversation.

  “I’ma big brother now. My mumma is over there with the prawns.” He pointed at River then gave a very put upon little sigh. “They make me tired.”

  If she hadn’t heard everyone referring to the babies as the prawns she would have been very confused. “Why do they make you tired? Do they cry a lot?”

  A little hand waved in the air. “Aaaaaalll the time!” He sighed and clicked his tongue. “Daddy said when the prawns get bigger they won’t cry so much.” He pushed his little bottom lip out and shook his head from side to side. “They’s taking too long to get big. I’m just so tired of them being noisy.”

  Laughter rang out because everyone had been listening to the conversation.

  Tipping his head to the side he narrowed his eyes on Liah. “Do you have prawns?”

  When she shook her head he nodded sagely. “Good. Don’t put ‘em in your belly. They cry and poop a lot.” He looked down at Brutus who had been watching the entire conversation with his head tipped to the side.

  Fuck the little guy was entertaining. He didn’t even seem to notice the laughter around the table.

  “Can I get down now? See, he knows me.” He confidently put out a little hand and stroked over that huge head. And bugger him, Brutus allowed it.

  “Okay, but please be careful with him, okay? Bad people hurt him and he’s still a bit snarly.”

  The little blonde head nodded furiously up and down then he slid down and sat cross legged next to Brutus and started a whispered conversation.

  Eventually Ice came over to fetch his boy to get him fed. Duncan only went off after extracting promises that he would be allowed to visit soon.

  Everyone was relaxed but he knew by the looks being thrown at them by the table filled with the fuckers from Durban that it wasn’t going to stay that way.

  Those bastards had no idea how to be in a club where children and animals were a part of the club.

  Brutus lay at Chris’s side and he wasn’t happy. There were too many people around and unlike the bar there was nothing between them and Chris, and Scar could see it made him nervous. And a nervous dog was a dangerous dog. Especially a dog like Brutus. Throughout the rest of the afternoon he kept his eye on him, ensuring they took him for walks often to calm him down and stretch his legs.

  The braai was done and the couples with children were leaving before the usual party started when Brutus lifted his head and let out a deep rumbling growl. Scar and Chris had both been chatting and hadn’t noticed the fucker who was now crouched a few steps away from Brutus. He held a big plate of meat out to the dog.

  “This is for you doggie, come on, be a good doggie and take it.” He crooned.

  Brutus’s snarling became louder as he warned the fucker away from him. But the stupid shit didn’t pay attention to the signals. He tried to shove the plate under the dog’s nose and if Chris hadn’t dived on top of her dog he would have taken a piece out of the asshole’s face.

  “What the fuck are you trying to do motherfucker?” Scar shouted at the asshole.

  The piece of shit grinned and rose to square up to Scar.

  And that’s when he realised that’s exactly what the intention had been when he approached Brutus. They wanted to force him into a confrontation. A confrontation that would end in fists being thrown at each other. Fucking hell.

  “Your bitch’s dog tried to attack me. I was being fucking nice bringing him some meat and the piece of shit went for me. You need to teach your dog and your bitch some fucking manners. If he so much as looks in my direction I’m going to put a fucking bullet in his head.” The fucking asshole threatened.

  His threats were meant to enrage Scar. The asshole was a big bastard but not as big as Beast or Wolf and he had sparred with both of them. But he hadn’t been in a ring in months and wouldn’t be for another month maybe two.

  “What the fuck is going on here?” Hawk’s cold voice cut through the shit the asshole was sprouting.

  “This bitch’s fucking dog came at me, Prez. I brought him a plate of meat and he went for me and Scar did fuck all to stop him. Don’t know how you could allow this fucking bitch to bring a crazy animal to a family outing, Prez” That last prez was said without any respect in his voice. He crossed his arms over his chest and squared up to Hawk. Jesus. What the fuck was he thinking?

  “You criticising the way I run my club, motherfucker?” Hawk gritted through clenched teeth.

  Before the stupid bastard could say a word Pesto was suddenly there and threw an arm around the piece of shit.

  “Sorry, Prez, he’s been drinking. He doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. Let me get him out of here and away from the bitch and her dog.”

  Jesus. Fuck. If one more motherfucker calls her a bitch Scar knew he was going to lose his shit.

  “Hotdog!” Hawk suddenly shouted. A sudden heavy silence fell over those still at the tables.


  “If another of your men calls one of my female family members a bitch one more time I’m going to take them out, permanently. Do you understand what I’m saying, Hotdog?”

  Deathly silence reigned for a few seconds before Hotdog answered.

  “I’ll be happy to help when you do, Prez. It would be my honour.” Hotdog looked at Pesto and the asshole next to him, his face filled with disgust.

  “Any of you motherfuckers go anywhere near Scar’s woman or call her names we are going to have problems. The kind of problems
that would end in a blacked out tattoo and a sliced up and burned kutte. Do you get me Pesto, Ratchet?” Hotdog’s voice was sharp with anger.

  The disrespect in their eyes were there for everyone to see but after a couple of looks at the men surrounding them they gave in.

  “We got you, Prez.” Pesto spoke for both of them. “Too much to drink, that’s all it is. Won’t happen again.”

  Scar noticed he didn’t say what wouldn’t happen again. Was he saying next time they would be sober? Or that next time there would be no one around to protest their treatment of his woman and her dog?

  “We need to keep an eye on this, brother. Don’t fucking trust this shit.” Wolf said in a very quiet voice and Scar gave a tiny chin lift in agreement.

  Her hand felt small and icy cold as she slipped it into his and he curled his fingers around it and drew her into his side.

  “Can we leave? Brutus is so tense it feels like he’s about to explode. I have to get him out of here right now.”

  “Yes, baby, I’m done with this shit. Let’s go home. We can take him for a long run in the veld to calm down.”

  Gathering his woman and their dog they left after a few quiet words with Wolf.



  Once they got home he fed Brutus while Liah went into the bathroom, cleaning the shit off her face, she said. Pulling a bottle of wine out of the fridge and getting her a glass he grabbed two beers and took it outside and set it on the coffee table. He opened a beer and stretched out on the couch. Sipping his beer he went over the bullshit that had gone down at the braai and came to the conclusion that Pesto had expected him to react with violence. Why?

  It wasn’t as if he had ever been a man who used his fists first and his brain last.

  He was still worrying at it like a dog with a bone when she walked out and came towards him.

  His breath seized for a few seconds. Her hair was pulled up in a messy bun, her face scrubbed clean and she was dressed in a pair of loose pj shorts, a tight tank and barefoot. He had never in his life seen a woman look so natural and so beautiful at the same time.

  He watched as she lifted his feet and sat down, he was about to set his feet back on the ground when she pulled them onto her lap.

  “It’s okay, you can put your feet on my lap, I don’t mind.” She smiled as she leant forward to pick up the glass of wine he had poured for her.

  Even if he wanted to he couldn’t have stopped the groan when her soft breasts brushed against his bare feet. Who the fuck knew that feet could be sensitive?

  She didn’t jerk her breasts away from his feet. She picked up her glass, slowly sat up, leant back against the cushions and took a sip. He watched as her tongue peeked out between her lips and swiped at the wet left behind by the wine.

  Fuck. He was rock hard and aching and there was no way to hide it and he knew she was aware of it by her quick little glances at his crotch.

  “Do you think your wife is going to make more trouble for you before she leaves?”

  And what do you know? There went his hard on.

  “I bloody well hope not but I have a feeling I haven’t seen the last of her fucking ass.” He sighed and shook his head. “Please, just for tonight, can we not talk about that shit? I want to forget about it for a few hours.”

  Her smile was brilliant and instant. “Sure, let’s do that. I’m curious, I heard you were a Navy diver before joining the Iron Dogz. Is that like a Navy SEAL or something?”

  Shit. Talk about a change of subject.

  “I can’t talk about my time in the Navy except to say, yes, I’m a trained diver.”

  She gave a quick nod and took a deep drink from her wine before she smiled. “I’ve always wanted to learn how to scuba dive but I never had the chance.”

  Pulling his feet from her lap he sat up and turned until he was sitting next to her. Resting his feet on the table he bumped his elbow against her arm to get her to look at him.

  “I can teach you. It’s really easy as long as you follow the rules. We can start off in the pool and once I’m satisfied with your progress we’ll sign up for a dive at the coast somewhere.”

  Drawing her legs up she turned until she faced him. “Really? You will?”

  “Sure, no sweat.” He looked deep into her brown eyes and lost it.

  Setting his beer down he reached for her, drawing her face close to his he gave her time to pull away but she didn’t. She watched him and leant in to meet him halfway. The world fucking tilted on its axis when their lips met and the explosive attraction between them detonated. The soft kiss turned hard and urgent. Swivelling he pulled her down next to him on the couch and dragged her hips into his. He pushed his dick against her mound while he plundered her mouth. Drowning in the honey taste of her lips and tongue his hands slipped down over her ass cheeks and up underneath the hem of her shorts. Groaning he clasped her toned but still soft cheeks in his hands and squeezed. Her answering groan only spurred him on and he pulled urgently at her shorts, trying to get them off when she grabbed his hands.

  Scar instantly stilled and reluctantly lifted his lips from hers. Opening his mouth to apologise he stilled when she licked her lips and said in a husky voice. “Inside, now.”

  He was up with her hand in his leading her back inside through the open doors to her bedroom before either of them got second thoughts. Brutus ambled in after them but ignored them as he walked out of the bedroom to the lounge.

  Almost as an afterthought he closed the French doors before he joined his woman spread out on the bed. She looked like a fucking siren, her dark hair wild from where he had pulled it out of the messy bun she had had it in. Her nipples were hard and very prominent in her silky tank top.

  “Jesus, baby, you’re so fucking beautiful I can’t stop looking at you.” He said as he pushed his hand into her hair and let it sift through his fingers.

  Lifting a hand she did the same to him. Running her fingers through his hair and he almost moaned in pleasure. It felt damned good. He had been bitching about not being able to go out and get his hair cut and now he was damned glad he hadn’t. Because damn, it felt good to have her hands in his hair.

  “I love your hair longer like this. I remember how short it was when you first came here, it was almost a buzz cut.” She stroked over his hair as she spoke, her eyes focused on what she was doing.

  “I’d love to give you all of eternity to never stop doing what you’re doing, baby. But right now I need your mouth, bring it here. Kiss your man, Liah.” He ordered and watched as a secret little smile stole over her mouth before she lifted her head to his and softly, oh so very fucking softly, kissed him.

  They lay in bed with their legs entwined and kissed and kissed and kissed.

  He learned ever single contour of her mouth, exploring it slowly, thoroughly.

  Sweeping his hand over her side he slipped it down and over her ass, clasping a cheek and squeezing then pulling her hips tightly into him.

  “I want you, Liah.” He whispered against her lips.

  “I want you too.” Her answer was instant and he almost lunged at her but grabbed at his control.

  “Going to get you naked, baby, then I’m going to lick this gorgeous body all over. I might even bite it a time or two before eating your pussy until you scream for me.”

  Hiding his grin at her gasp he sat up and immediately got busy. The tight silky tank top was the first to go, next was the almost shear bra. Staring down at her tits he bent down and gave both nipples a quick lick before pulling her shorts and panties off in one go.

  Sitting on his haunches he took in the beauty of her toned body and let his hands follow the contours he wanted to get to know with his tongue. And he didn’t wait, he fell on her like a starving man. Licking her up like a fucking ice cream cone. Her long, long legs, her hips, her tight abdomen, between her full tits up and over her collar bones and up her neck to her ears he licked and nipped listeni
ng to his girl moaning under him.

  Never had he had a woman taste the way she did. Like honey and vanilla and fuck knows what else, all he knew was that it was a taste he was now addicted to. He couldn’t get enough and he hadn’t even had his mouth on her tits or pussy yet.

  Making his way down her neck he sucked and bit down softly on the soft skin knowing as he did so that he was marking her but he didn’t give a shit. He wanted everyone to know she belonged to him.

  Leaving her neck he moved down to her full tits and drew a nipple in his mouth, sucking hard. His dick felt as if it was going to fucking pop through his zip and he reached down, unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and pulled them and his underwear down then kicked them away. Finally he could feel her skin against his dick and he moaned. Shoving his leg between hers he lifted his head and growled at her.

  “Open your legs for me, baby, open wide for me.”

  Her hands stroked over his back and down over his buttocks and she pulled him towards her and he went. Settling in between her legs and laying his hard cock against the top of her heated mound. With tiny little movements he stroked himself against her and both of them groaned.

  “I need to feel you, Josh. I need to feel you against my pussy.” She whispered in a hoarse voice and his cock jumped, it fucking jumped at the sound of need in her voice.

  Shifting until his cock lay in the warm, wet furrow that was the outer lips of her pussy he froze.

  “Fuck, Liah, that feels so fucking good. I want to stay here, right here and just feel you around my cock. Is that okay?”

  “Yes, as long as you move. I need you to slide that big cock of yours all over my pussy. It feels good, so very good.”

  Pulsing his hips he started sliding his cock between the dripping lips of her pussy, hitting her clit with the head at the top of every slide. Moaning with pleasure she lifted those fucking beautiful long legs of hers around his hips and moved with him.

  He had to be in her, right the fuck now. He didn’t think. Didn’t ask. All he knew was he had to get inside where he knew it would be tight, wet and warm.


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