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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

Page 18

by René Van Dalen

  “Bullshit.” Hawk sat forward. “I know exactly how you caught him and got him to marry you. When you found a way to take all his money you took it. You would have let him die in prison to get your hands on his money. It’s never going to happen because we have proof that you, Pesto, your cop friend and your lawyer tampered with evidence and planned to extort money from Scar. If I give this to the pigs all of you will go away for a long time. I’m sure you don’t want that to happen.”

  She shook her head and Scar almost choked as her heavy perfume wafted through the air. His Liah didn’t wear perfume that overpowered a man. Hers smelt fresh, green and flowery. Fuck. Not his. Not Liah. Chris, her name was Chris. He had to remember because he had already slammed the door in her face.

  Ice pushed papers across the desk and tapped on them. “Sign at the places indicated.”

  Nothing else was said as she signed the papers then pushed them back towards Ice.

  “You should have read this through before signing.” He said with a tiny little smile. “You just waived all rights to a divorce settlement. You are walking out of here with nothing more than what you had when you tricked him into marrying you.”

  The gasp was angry, not shocked. Scar was amazed that he didn’t give a shit. Between them his brother and his ex had put him through hell. It was now their turn to suffer. And Ice wasn’t done with them yet.

  “Now, on to our next piece of business. The allegations of abuse made by these two fuckers and a club slut by the name of Suzie C” Ice sat back and pointed at Pesto. “You brought those allegations to the table at your club, blackening a brothers’ good name. You produced photoshopped photos along with blatant lies as proof that a brother had abused his wife and a club slut. Unfortunately for you, and for the two women claiming to have been abused we have proof of your lies.”

  Picking up the remote lying on the desk he held it up and lifted an eyebrow waiting for either of them to say anything, they didn’t. They sat silent pretending innocence. Ice gave a humourless laugh.

  “Right. These are the photographs you brought to the table as proof of the abuse.” He clicked the remote and the photos appeared on the flat screen against the wall.

  “As you can see there are two different sets of photos. The first group are the photos Gigi gave to her lawyer and you, Pesto, laid on the table at your club. The second group are the photos after a forensics expert examined and discredited them. They are fakes. All of them. You hired a photographer for a bogus project on abuse or whatever. He used a model along with a make-up and prosthetics expert to help him set it up. We have their statements.”

  Scar was stunned that his own brother would do this to him because of jealousy. Or was it more?

  “It was his plan! I just went along with it for the money. He promised me a lot of money.” Gigi suddenly screeched.

  “Shut the fuck up bitch!” Pesto snarled at her.

  “No! I’m not going to take the blame for you. You came to me with the plan. You convinced me it would work.”

  Ice interrupted their little spat. “How did you think it was going to work, Gigi? Did you think Scar would sign shit over to you without protesting his innocence? You knew him well enough to know he would never do that. His honour means everything to him.”

  She shook her head and shrugged. “My lawyer said he could convince him to take the deal. He was sure it would work. I believed him and Pesto.”

  “Bullshit!” Scar couldn’t stay silent a minute longer. “You both knew I would never sign some piece of shit paper saying I did something I would never do.”

  “Exactly my take on this supposed plan. It’s bullshit.” Hawk suddenly said. “The real plan was to kill him, wasn’t it?”

  The bitch tried to look shocked but it didn’t work. His brother sat looking sullen and pissed off.

  “Ziggy and Mad Dog have been doing a lot of digging and they came up with something really interesting.” Ice said as he picked up a sheaf of papers and held them out to Scar.

  Taking the papers he frowned when he saw it was a will. His eyes widened as he realised what he held in his hands. A will belonging to a grandfather he never knew. He was still reading when Pesto burst out as if he couldn’t keep his mouth shut another minute.

  “I’ve fucking hated you my entire life. Everything is so fucking easy for you. You always get everything you want. School, the navy, bitches and even our fucking grandfather. Didn’t you ever wonder how the fuck those losers could afford to live in Umhlanga Rocks? He’s a fucking delivery truck driver while she pretends to be a high society bitch. No way would he have ever been able to buy her that house or any other house for that matter. Our grandfather bought it for her when she married the useless asshole after getting pregnant with you. She used to get a monthly allowance but it stopped when he died.” He shrugged. “And do you want to know why she never loved you?” Pesto grinned maliciously. “Because you ruined her life and your stupid fucking eyes, apparently you have our grandfather’s judgemental eyes.”

  Even though it hurt Scar kept his face expressionless as his brother kept on raving.

  “Your eyes reminded her of him, and she hated both of you.” Pesto shook his head. “When he died mum thought she would inherit. But the fucker had changed his will and left everything to you. His navy hero grandson. We couldn’t give a shit about that. All that mattered was that you inherited his fortune and if you died, your wife will inherit it all. All we had to do was stall the divorce until we could get you where we needed you to be.”

  Scar ignored him. “Why the hell did you get pregnant? What does that get you?”

  She smirked at him no longer caring to hide who or what she was now that Pesto had let the cat out of the bag.

  “I needed an ace in the hole. Just in case the lawyers tried to withhold the money. They wouldn’t withhold it from your kid.” She shrugged. “You can fight me all you want but this parasite I’m carrying is yours, I made sure of it.” She gave an evil smile. “Remember all those tests when we couldn’t get pregnant? Remember the semen samples?” She gave him an evil smirk. “You were so easy to dupe. The doctor’s report saying you had a low sperm count was a fake. I didn’t want a screaming kid.” She smirked. “I hope for your sake you’ve been using condoms because there’s nothing wrong with your sperm. In fact they are strong, you could get a bitch pregnant just by looking at her.”

  His gut clenched as he worked through what she had said. He was stunned by her casual cruelty and he knew by the silence in the room that his brothers felt exactly the same.

  Gritting his teeth he threw the papers he was still holding back on the desk. “I have no idea how I didn’t realise what you really are. An evil grasping slut. The two of you deserve each other. The DNA test will still be done to confirm paternity. You will never lay hands on or see the child once it’s born. You will sign sole custody over to me and a severance of all parental rights.”

  She gave him a bright evil smile. “For a price I’ll sign whatever you want.”

  Disgust and disbelief coursed through him as he looked at her and shook his head. “Unbelievable.”

  Pesto made as if to stand. “I’ve had enough of this bullshit meeting. I’m leaving, going back to Durban. I’m taking this shit to the table and we’ll see who comes out on top.” He smirked at Hotdog who up until now hadn’t said a word.

  “Sit. The. Fuck. Down.” Hotdog roared his voice filled with command and anger.

  The little shit obeyed without thought.

  “You aren’t going anywhere. You no longer have that freedom. Our National President will decide your fate. You not only betrayed your oath to the club, but you betrayed a brother, your blood brother at that. And those you thought would have your back are being dealt with as we speak. You think I’m so fucking clueless I don’t know what’s going on in my own club? That I didn’t know you and the old timers were planning a mutiny? You think you have the balls to be a VP in this club? Not
even fucking close! You and those four you insisted had to come with won’t be returning to Durban. You have been given accommodations in the mother chapter’s dungeon while we round up your friends in Durban.”

  Pesto jumped up with an enraged shout. “No! You don’t have the authority to do this. I read the bylaws it has to be taken to the table! I have rights!”

  Hawk laughed, fuck his prez didn’t look amused at all. It was a crazy kind of laugh.

  “You stupid fuck. I’m the law here and at every single fucking club who wears my patch on their backs. When I say you are staying then you stay and enjoy the accommodations we give you.” Hawk’s eyes looked like they were glowing as rage boiled deep inside.

  “But…but the bylaws…” Pesto tried to argue but Hawk didn’t let him finish.

  “I am the fucking bylaws you little fuck.” Their president rose to his imposing height and looked down at Pesto. “We’re done here. Kid, Beast, get this shit sorted. I want the bitch to sign the papers Gerhard has drawn up and then taken to her room, make it happen.”

  He looked at Scar and shook his head. “I’m sorry your blood family are a bunch of assholes, brother. And I hope this bitch serves as a lesson not to trust easy pussy ever again. Believe me I learned that the fucking hard way just like you. Now that this is behind you keep your eyes on the road ahead brother, don’t look back, ever.”

  With that last bit of advice his president moved from behind his desk and stalked out of his office slamming the door shut behind him.

  “I’m pregnant with your child, please, Scar. I’m going to need money when I get back to Durban. Please, I’m not asking for a lot.” The slut started whining but he tuned her out.

  “What now, Boss?” He asked Ice and to some extent Hotdog. But it was Beast who answered him.

  “Now we end this shit show.” Beast growled from the couch. “I’ve got the men coming to take him down and she will be escorted to her room at the same time.”

  He had no idea how far his brother thought he would get when he jumped up and tried to run to the door. He didn’t get very far because the door opened and Jagger, Dizzy, Wolf and Spider walked in followed by Buzz and Ratel.

  “We’re here to take out the rubbish.” Spider said with a wide grin.

  Hotdog had an answering grin. “Go ahead and do your job, brothers.”

  Scar didn’t know how he felt as he watched Wolf zip tie his brother’s wrists behind his back and lead him out of the office. When he was gone he stood and looked down at a fake crying bitch.

  “If you know what’s good for you, you will stay out of my way. I’ll be there the day the baby is born but only to ensure a DNA test is done and the child is taken away from you. Once it’s done if you come anywhere near the Iron Dogz MC you won’t like what will happen to you. We are done you and I. You are no longer my wife or a part of this club. As far as I’m concerned you no longer exist.”

  Leaving his soon to be ex-wife crying in the chair in front of the desk he walked out of the office, through the common room and out of the club. He went right to his bike, slung his leg over, started her and rode to the gate, grabbing his bag from the prospect on duty he lodged it on his tank and rode down to the house.

  He needed to get his head around the fact that he might soon become a father to a child that had been created for financial gain. If the kid was his he would make sure all he or she ever felt from him was love no matter how he or she came to be.

  Maybe hanging out with the women and kids at the house would give him that. He would be too busy with them to give any thought to the baby or what was about to happen to his brother.

  Or he could go to Liah.

  Fuck. He had treated her as if she was the enemy when she had done the right thing. Brutus had been about to attack when she threw them out of her house. If she hadn’t he didn’t know how they would have subdued the crazy animal without killing him.

  Something she would never have forgiven them for. She loved that beast.

  Then she had pissed him off by disappearing with her dog and when Dizzy went almost completely off his head trying to find her it had made it worse. The man definitely had feelings for her no matter how much she denied it.

  He had no business sticking around when he had this shit hanging over his head. She didn’t deserve to be pulled into his troubles. She was too young to be tied down by a kid who, on top of it all, wasn’t even her own.

  He had no right to bring a woman into this life right now anyway. He just got rid of one bitch, he didn’t need another woman fucking his head up even more.

  With his head in turmoil he parked his bike in the garage and walked into a house filled with the sounds of little girl giggles and the smell of baking. Dropping his bag at the mouth of the passage leading to his room he went into the kitchen to fill himself with the sweetness of the women and children of his brothers.

  He was lucky to have them in his life.

  So very damned lucky.

  And maybe soon he would have his own little girl to love.



  The incident at my cottage with Scar’s slut of a wife became a hot topic at the clubhouse. And according to the gossip I overheard she had signed the divorce papers and was now on lockdown in one of the rooms reserved for club girls. There were whispers that the baby was Scar’s and he was making certain she couldn’t harm it before it was born.

  A lot of innuendo and some hurtful comments about being a home wrecker and some even more derogatory names were slung my way but I ignored it all.

  Concentrating on doing my job I spent as little time as possible at the clubhouse. I didn’t swim in the club pool but used the eco pool exclusively and no longer helped out in the kitchen. That hurt the most because it meant I spent hardly any time with Aunt B.

  I tried hard to not let the sly looks and gossip affect me and succeeded, most of the time. Okay, so I’m protesting too much but what the hell else was I supposed to do?

  The man’s attitude towards me fanned the flames of the gossip. He had virtually left skid marks on my drive to get away from me the minute his problems had been resolved.

  It was during my first night back at the bar that I realised he wasn’t going to even pretend to be my friend. It was business as usual with him and I made sure I showed no emotion whatsoever when the stripper sluts sniggered and made snide comments. I stayed out of his way and made sure the prospects served him.

  On the day he rode away from my cottage I had called Leo and DC and let them know that the entire Chris and Scar thing had been a ruse to keep his ex off his back. They sounded bummed but I quickly assured them it wasn’t like that between us. I had helped a brother out and that was it, nothing more. Such lies, if they found out what really happened they would string me up and roast me alive. And then they would go after him. Not going to allow that to happen. I didn’t need the aggravation it would cause.

  I wasn’t going to sit around and wonder what had gone wrong. I was moving forward with my life. A new life I was slowly starting to build outside of the club, sort of.

  My mother had started calling and leaving messages with frustrating regularity. I ignored them all and hit delete without reading them. I wanted nothing to do with my parents and their plans for me. But the messages kept coming at least once a day.

  That little trash bin got fed regularly.

  When I got home from work at night and couldn’t sleep I worked on the scrapbook of our girls night out at the Bullpen. It felt as if the entire weekend had been a dream that ended in a nightmare.

  During the day I joined Leo on her quest to find the perfect venue for a pub. And when she offered me a job I jumped at it. It would get me out of the clubhouse and into a real job, even though it would still be connected to the club.

  We had been looking at properties for the last week, and nothing. Leo wanted a space that had either a deck or a garden area. From the start I told her
it was going to be like searching for a needle in a haystack but she didn’t care. She wanted what she wanted and she wasn’t going to stop looking until she found it.

  This afternoon we were going to look at two more properties with Pierre, her estate agent. Checking the time I started closing windows and locking doors because I knew she would be arriving soon. I grinned when I heard her brand new muscle car roar to life next door.

  My new friend and her man had moved in after the drama with he whose name shall not be mentioned. And her man had given her a muscle car as a moving in present. Wolf was such a good guy. I was over the moon pleased they lived close because it meant we hung out either on her deck or my stoep (veranda) most days.

  Taking the thick throw hanging over the railing of my small deck I clipped the lead onto Brutus’s harness and walked down to wait for her at the bottom of my drive.

  She pulled up with a roar and a grin and Brutus gave a little bark of welcome.

  He had started doing it shortly after she sat down on the floor in front of him and explained that he had to accept her. He had to because she was going to be around for a fucking long time and there was no way she was leaving either of us. My boy had watched her with his head tilted to the side then gave a huge sigh before leaning forward and plonking his big head on her shoulder.

  My baby dog’s way of saying ‘fine, if you must’.

  After settling him on his throw on the back seat we roared away to meet with the estate agent.

  We knew the minute we pulled into the parking lot of the first one that it wasn’t the one. For one it was in a shopping centre, and two it was small. The pub was at one end of the centre with a small enclosed garden where they had picnic tables with big umbrellas set up. It was pretty and if pushed we could make it work but it was really small with not enough parking. We didn’t need to get into shit with the centre management when bikers packed out the parking lot.

  For the poor man’s safety and our peace of mind we had left Brutus sitting in the car with the windows rolled down while we inspected the property. There had been way too many people around.


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