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Mark Of A Scarred Warrior (Iron Dogz MC Book 5)

Page 24

by René Van Dalen

  Once his officers were gone he sat back in his chair and all mirth left his face. He knew Spider had purposely led the conversation away from the dark subject they had been discussing. Even as a young boy he had always used humour to lighten dark situations, as he had done today. His cousin hid a very fine mind behind dirty humour tricking most people into underestimating him. It worked well for him and sometimes for the club as well.

  “What has you so deep in thought?” Aunt Beryl said as she walked up to his desk and placed a small tray with a mug of coffee in front of him.

  “Just the usual club shit, Aunt B. Thanks for the coffee.” Hawk picked the mug up and breathed in the fragrant brew before taking a sip.

  “Can I ask you a question?” His aunt was suddenly very serious.

  “Of course, I’ll answer if I can.”

  “Is everything okay with Chris? I know she’s been working long hours on the official opening of the pub but they’ve been open for almost two weeks. She still uses the pool every morning but it’s so early that she’s long gone before any of us are up. She’s not only avoiding me, she’s avoiding all of us. She’s family, it’s not right that she’s on the outside like this.”

  Hawk decided to go with the truth as he knew it. “I think Scar got close to her and then his ex got involved and it all exploded. I don’t really get involved in the personal lives of my brothers Aunt B. I can only speculate same as you. Maybe you should visit her and have a chat. Point out that we’d like to see her around here more. The brothers miss her smiling face behind the bar.”

  “I suppose that’s why they now all hang out at the Thirsty Dog when it’s open. Except of course on Fridays.” She said with a knowing snort.

  All Hawk could do was shrug and smile.

  “Fine, I’ll visit and tell her you’d like to see her in the clubhouse more often. Not that she’s going to listen to either of us, I can tell you that already.”

  As his aunt steamed out of his office on a mission to convince Chris to visit he turned his attention to the reports from Stone.

  The Nomads were doing their jobs.

  They had cleaned out the rot in Durban and from there had gone to Richards Bay. And Scar had gone with them. Once they were done cleaning the shit out at RB he had gone off to spend some time at the beach house he had inherited. Thank fuck Hotdog had sent two of his men to keep him company and to ensure he didn’t ride alone.

  He couldn’t give Scar much longer to deal with his demons. He was needed here and if the shit with Flash came to a point he was going to need every single officer and lieutenant to deal with possible blowback.

  He couldn’t have one of his best trained men riding with the Nomads right now.

  The training he had received from the government might become a crucial part of the fight they are facing.

  It was time to give his brother a call and get him back on the road home.


  Lying in the sun drinking beer and hanging out with his brothers was more fun than he had had in a long damn time. Spanner, one of the brothers at the club he had always trusted, had come up to Zinkwazi, and he had brought Rav with him. He was sure it was on Hotdog’s orders but he didn’t mind. He knew his prez worried about him riding alone. Not sure how they were going to solve that problem once he headed back to Joburg.

  “Are we doing takeaways or a braai tonight?” Spanner called out from where he was floating in the pool on a blow up island that included a palm tree, it looked damned weird.

  “We’ve got a shit ton of food in the fridge, brother. We need to use it before I have to head back up to Joburg.” Scar answered.

  “I heard the bitches in Joburg are all fucking gorgeous, is that true?” Rav asked as he lifted the peak of his hat from over his eyes. Scar had been under the impression he had fallen asleep while lying in the sun.

  Both men’s eyes were on him and Scar shrugged. “I suppose so. I don’t really talk to them and I don’t fuck them.”

  Frowns now came his way. “You don’t fuck them?”

  “Nope. I don’t. When I got there I started going out with Sin and found enough pussy to keep my dick happy without having to use the bitches at the club. Then I had the accident and a fucking long road to recovery. And then I…” Scar waved a hand as if chasing a fly. “I haven’t looked for any since my recovery.”

  “That’s not what I heard.” Spanner said with a grin. “I heard there’s a certain gorgeous bartender that caught your eye. Who is she?”

  “She’s Jagger’s little sister and off limits, and she isn’t the club’s bartender anymore. Leo, Wolf’s old lady, has opened a new pub and Chris now works for her. Or that’s what Wolf told me when I talked to him.” Again he shrugged as if he didn’t care.

  Rav was about to say something but Scar held his hand up to silence him when his phone started ringing with the ringtone he had assigned to his prez.

  “Prez, how are things?”

  “As well as can be expected, brother. Not going to fuck around chatting about shit. I’m going to need you back up here soon.”

  Scar considered it for a second then nodded. “I have some shit to take care of here before I leave. I can sort it tomorrow then head back to Durban the day after and if all goes well I can be on the road back to Joburg on Sunday. I still need to take it in easy stages but I can be with you on Monday. How does that sound?”

  “Good, it sounds damned good. I’m going to arrange an escort to ride back with you. I don’t want you riding alone. Not with that dumb fuck and his cronies out there.” Hawk’s voice growled down the line and Scar knew not to push it.

  “Okay, Boss, whatever you say. I just sent you some photos of my house. I think when things calm down a few of us should come down here for a holiday. It’s fucking huge.” Scar smiled as Hawk laughed.

  “You do that. Not that I fucking know if shit is ever going to be calm around here.” There was a sudden silence and he knew his boss was looking at the photos. “Fuck me. It’s a fucking mansion. How big is that fucker?”

  “Ten bedrooms, each with its own bathroom, three lounges, a media room, and a kitchen like you’d see in a hotel, a massive pool, and garages with all sorts of shit to use in the sea, a boat and so much other shit it made my fucking head spin.”

  “Jesus. That’s a lot of house for a single guy.” Hawk muttered.

  “It is, but it’s also a perfect place for a single guy and his buds to get away from it all. And I have a housekeeper who lives in and looks after the place when no one is here. She’s a bit scary though, she doesn’t like a mess, so the brothers and I have been hanging outside most of the time.” Scar laughed and Hawk joined in the laughter.

  “You sound a fuck lot better than you did when you left here, brother.”

  “I feel a lot better, Prez. I got a lot of the crap in my head sorted and when I get home I’ll fix what I broke before I left.” He waited a beat before he continued. “How is she?”

  “She’s doing good. But she’s been avoiding the clubhouse like we have the fucking pestilence or something. The pub is a huge fucking success. They decided to open from Wednesday to Sunday with live music and an open door to all bikers. They’ve become popular with some of the other clubs, even a few of the one percenter clubs have started stopping there for a drink and something to eat.” Hawk didn’t sound too happy about the last.

  “They deserve the success they’ve worked damn hard for it.” Scar said even though he didn’t like that other bikers were hanging out around her.

  “Ja, they do, but I don’t want to be the one trying to calm Jagger down when a motherfucker from another club claims her ass. She’s damned beautiful, sweet, friendly and unclaimed. Not that she’s been giving anyone her attention according to the prospects I have on her. They say she’s friendly but nothing more.”

  “Fuck, Prez. What are you trying to tell me?” He tried hard to hide the pissed off tone in his voice but knew he hadn’t s
ucceeded when his prez laughed.

  “Not a thing, brother, not a damned thing. Your life, your decision as to how you want to live it and who you want to live it with.” His prez cleared his throat. “Fuck, back to business. I’ll call Hotdog and make some arrangements for your trip home. He will update you when you get back to Durban. Keep your eyes open and ride safe, brother.”

  Before Scar could say a word his prez ended the call. Slowly putting the phone back on the table next to him he stretched and settled back in the lounger.

  “Better use the day to relax and enjoy the sun brothers, I’ve been ordered back to Joburg.”

  Rav turned on his side on his lounger and pointed his beer bottle at him. “Now tell us again you don’t have something going on with the gorgeous bartender. Your prez called to give you a heads up, and you did not like it one bit.”

  “Wait! I need to be close for this.” Spanner called out as he slid off his blow up island and swam to the side of the pool. Hooking his forearms over the side he tipped his head to the side and smirked. “Continue, let’s hear this.”

  Scar rubbed both hands over his face and groaned. “Fine. Yes, I started something with her and then I fucked it up. Now Hawk tells me she’s got other clubs coming around to the pub. Even fucking one percenters. And she’s unclaimed.”

  “Sounds like you’re fucked, bru.” Spanner said with a smile. “What does this woman of yours look like? All we’ve heard is that there’s this gorgeous brunette working at the bar in the clubhouse and that she’s off limits.”

  He really didn’t want to reveal how fucked up he really was. But hell. Picking up his phone he swiped until he had it, the photo he had taken of her and Brutus. Sitting up he handed his phone to Spanner who looked at the photo then whistled through his teeth.

  “Fucking hell, bru.” He handed the phone to Rav who had an impatient hand held out to him.

  He looked at the photo, then at him then back at the photo.

  “Are you telling me you walked away from this sweetness? Are you fucking crazy?” Rav shook his head incredulously. “She’s not just gorgeous, she’s fucking stunning. She’s sitting there without any make up on hugging that big ass dog and she’s fucking everything. Jesus, brother, we need to get your ass back up there so you can fix shit with her before some one percenter motherfucker snaps her up from right under your nose.”

  Spanner nodded and pointed a finger at Rav. “What he said.”

  Taking his phone back Scar looked at her smiling photo and nodded. “You’re right. I need to fix shit before some motherfucker snatches her up.”

  Saving her photo as his wallpaper he got up out of his lounger and walked to the other side of the pool and took a photo of his brothers with the house in the background. Opening his contacts he found her saved under Liah and started texting as he walked back to the lounger.

  Scar: Missing you, Liah. Hanging out at the beach house with my Durban brothers. Want to bring you here for a holiday, soon. We need to talk about me being a dick. I’ll be home soon, baby. Can’t wait to see you.

  Drawing in a deep breath he hit send as he sank back down in the lounger. While his very curious guests looked on he sent the photo he had taken then set his phone down. “I texted her, told her I’m coming home and we’ll talk about me being a dick.”

  “Good start, bru, very good start.” Spanner grinned as he lifted himself out of the pool, grabbed a towel, dried off and sat down on the other side of Scar.

  “You think she’s going to ignore you or answer the text?” Rav asked curiously.

  “No idea, I said some shit that hurt her and I wouldn’t blame her if she tells me to fuck off.” Scar admitted.

  “Then you’re just going to have to convince her that she has to give you another chance.” Rav shrugged.

  His whole body tightened when his phone pinged with an incoming text. Blowing out a breath he picked it up and opened the text.

  Liah: You can’t be serious! The wind blows from the south, you change. The wind blows from the north, you change. You hurt me…again! But I’m a good person, so fine, we’ll talk, not that I see any good coming from it.

  By the three little bouncing black dots he knew she was sending another text.

  Liah: That is not a house! Why are you staying at a hotel?

  Scar laughed and texted her back.

  Scar: No more changing, baby. I know what I want and I’m coming for you. You are mine, Liah. And yes, it is a house, my house. Can’t wait to spend time with you here. Just you and me. Fucking can’t wait to see you. Heading back on Sunday. Should be home by Monday. Then we talk and sort our shit.

  The bouncing dots again.

  Liah: Fine, we’ll talk but I can’t promise more. Ride safe and wear the damned brace!

  Scar laughed

  Scar: I will. Soon, baby.

  Throwing the phone down he lay back, picked up his beer and drank deep. He had a chance, and that’s all he needed. A chance to make things right with his woman. And that’s what she was, his woman. No other motherfucker was going to put his fucking dirty hands on her. He would make sure of it.

  But first he had to get home.


  He was amazed at how quickly the Joburg chapter had become home to him. He had never felt this deep of a connection with the Durban club for some reason. He admired Hotdog and his determination to pull Durban up out of the muck and he had enjoyed his time at the club. But Durban wasn’t his home anymore. Joburg was.

  And so was the woman he couldn’t wait to see again.



  This coming weekend would be our third weekend since we opened and Leo and I were very happy with our growing popularity. Quite a few guys from the other clubs we had invited to the opening had started coming around. And a couple of guys from a one percenter club discovered us and have started hanging out on our deck some afternoons. When we put our signboard out it stated clearly that all bikers were welcome, and we were sticking to it. Thus far the guys had been nothing but respectful and didn’t cause any trouble. Except for flirting outrageously of course, and I didn’t see that as a problem.

  We were open from Wednesday to Sunday, which gave us two days to ourselves and it has worked out nicely. Our bartenders and waiters were on alternating shifts so everyone had the opportunity to work the more lucrative night shifts. Leo and I had come to an agreement about working at the pub. She would spend more time working from home because of Quinn and ran the business side while I managed the day to day running of the pub. It worked really well for us.

  Today was one of the days she would be working from home. I came in early because I wanted to have a chat with Mienkie and Jacob about the kitchen garden they were developing. I wanted it to be big enough to supply the pub, the club families and even the kitchen at the clubhouse with veggies. We had the space and I saw no reason not to enlarge it. If we worked with Jagger, the gardens we had at home and our kitchen garden would complement each other.

  I was sitting at my desk working on the shifts for the coming week when my phone vibrated and chimed. Drawing it towards me I frowned at the text from an unknown number. Knowing how often the guys changed their damned burner phones I opened the text and froze.

  Only one man called me Liah, Scar. It was Scar texting me. The asswipe.

  Missing you, Liah. Hanging out at the beach house with my Durban brothers. Want to bring you here for a holiday, soon. We need to talk about me being a dick. I’ll be home soon, baby. Can’t wait to see you.

  What the hell? I was stunned as I read the message, and then read it again. Drawing in a deep breath I tried to calm down before my temper exploded and I texted him a bunch of poop emojis. He wanted to talk? Fine, I had a lot to say to him and this time he would be the one left standing when I walked away. I blew my breath out slowly then calmly, sort of, sent him my reply.

  Liah: You can’t be serious! The wind blows from the so
uth, you change. The wind blows from the north, you change. You hurt me…again! But I’m a good person, so fine, we’ll talk, not that I see any good coming from it.

  I had concentrated so hard on his text that I had not looked at the photo he had sent. But now I did. Two tattooed badasses where hanging out at a massive pool in front of what must be a hotel in Durban somewhere. I read his text again and snorted. No way was that a beach house.

  Liah: That is not a house! Why are you staying at a hotel?

  I waited impatiently for him to text me back.

  Scar: No more changing, baby. I know what I want and I’m coming for you. You are mine, Liah. And yes, it is a house, my house. Can’t wait to spend time with you here. Just you and me. Fucking can’t wait to see you. Heading back on Sunday. Should be home by Monday. Then we talk and sort our shit.

  Holy shit! Was he for real? Saying I’m his like he’d pissed on my leg and marked me. As if. And that was a house and it’s his? So many questions I wanted to ask, but I wasn’t going there today.

  Liah: Fine, we’ll talk but I can’t promise more. Ride safe and wear the damned brace!

  I didn’t have to wait long for the reply.

  Scar: I will. Soon, baby.

  Shutting my phone down I slid it away from me and went back to work. I was going to concentrate on work and put Scar out of my mind. The man and his texts were forgotten as my day became super busy as I prepared for the coming weekend.

  Time flew past and before I could blink the night was done and it was time to go home. Every night when I left the pub I had a prospect following me home and tonight was no different. Will waved at me to go ahead and I drove out in front of him.

  We now had double gates at the pub. The first was as you came in off the road, the second just before you got to the pub. Jagger had insisted on it for our safety at night and in the early mornings. I waited for the first gate to close before opening the second and driving through. Will was right behind me when I started for home. It was comforting to see his headlight in my rear view mirror.


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