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Storm - Dominant Protectors Book Two

Page 10

by Jack Ellison

  “I’m taking you in, John. You had your second chance, the deal we made. And you blew it. Game’s over, now. All you can do is make things easy for yourself, right?” He nodded at me.

  “Tell me where Mickey’s lab is. Where they cook. And I’ll make things easy for you. I’ll let you make a deal with us. Sing like a bird and you won’t go away for the rest of your life.” He was looking down at the floor, despair on his face.

  “Charlie. I never told Mickey about nothing, I promise. I just needed more money. You know what it’s like. I was getting peanuts, and the other guys were talking about their new houses, watches. Cars. Wives.” He looked up at me, pleading.

  “Listen. I’m rolling with Mickey now. One of his trusted, right. I got cash, man. Lots of it. I can have a word with Mickey, we ca....”

  I shot him in the left thigh, trying to avoid any major blood vessels. But made sure the wound was deep enough to sear with excruciating pain. He cried out, sobbing.

  “Tell me where the lab is John, or I will kill you. You’re useless to me otherwise.” I walked over to him, handcuffing him with a little difficulty as he writhed in pain.

  I took his gun, threw it to one side. I looked around the apartment. My eyes widened as I saw a large bag of meth sitting on a glass coffee table. A couple lines were arrayed haphazardly next to the bag.

  Wow. His stupidity never ceases to amaze.

  Goldie spoke to me through gritted teeth. “Alright man, I’ll do it. I don’t wanna die. There’s an old warehouse over the rough side of town. 42nd, the old industrial district. Pretty much deserted nowadays, but there's a building there Mickey’s got as his lab. Got his uncle's old cook making the meth. Using the old materials they managed to hide just before they got busted.” He grunted with pain.

  “If you’re lying, I’m gonna get word to the O’Neills that you snitched. I got contacts inside. You’ll face a much more unpleasant end that the one I’m offering. So just rack your brains, right?” He was nodding.

  I read him his rights, citing him for drug dealing, assault, drug possession, attempted assault and murder of a police officer.

  My phone rang just after I’d finished reading him his rights.

  An unknown number flashed on the screen as I swiped it to answer.

  “Charlie Storm,” I said, frowning.

  “Charlie! It’s Abi. Mickey’s here. Banging on the door, he sounds pissed. You gotta get here!” She sounded scared, and I could hear faint banging and shouting in the background.

  “Keep the door locked, Abi. Barricade it if you have to. I’ll be there in 5 minutes.” I hung up, looking down at Goldie.

  “Looks like I won’t have the pleasure of busting you. Damn shame.” I quickly dialled Danny’s number, breathing out with relief as he answered quickly.

  “Danny, listen. I need a favour. Sorry for calling you on a Saturday, but you gotta do something for me, now. Grab your badge and gun, get in the car. I’m gonna give you a location. You gotta come bust a dealer, the meth is here in the living room. He’s been shot... twice. Better call an ambulance, too.”

  I gave Danny my location and checked Goldie’s cuffs, snapping them tight against his fat wrists. I tied his legs together at the ankles with a couple cable ties, just to be sure.

  Then I sprinted out to the car. Time for a meeting with Mickey, then...

  Chapter 7


  I watched Charlie leave, eyes on his naked butt as he walked off to get dressed in the kitchen. I sighed, memories of last night still fresh in my mind. I wanted more of him, and just having him close to me as I dozed was amazing. My heart sank slightly at the thought of a day of loneliness ahead of me.

  I guess I’ll have to get used to it, dating a detective. Mysterious, out there somewhere fighting the bad guys.

  I started thinking of Charlie’s naked body, they way he’d been both gentle and dominant, experienced but not selfish. Muscled yet slim and athletic in the right places.

  Hopefully won’t be too long before we get to have sex again... I’m getting horny already...

  I lay in the bed idly for a while, hand resting on my palm as I gazed at the ceiling above me. I wondered at the chances of meeting Charlie, the one who was determined to take down Mickey. The best detective in town, the only one who would stop at nothing to see the streets safe once again.

  I felt like it was somehow meant to be, that I had a part to play in this too. I didn’t want to put myself in danger, but I didn’t want Mickey squirming his way out of trouble once again, only to rear his ugly head years down the line, when I thought he’d finally gone for good.

  And I didn’t want Charlie having to put himself into any unnecessary danger, which he would if I didn’t testify against Mickey. I’d never been in trouble with the law, was well known and respected around town. People liked me. If I said Mickey had given me meth and Mickey said he hadn’t, well, I knew who people would believe.

  I sighed, rising up out of bed. I considered getting out the house, maybe going to see my parents. Or just watching a few movies and getting takeout. I stretched naked in front of my bed, flexing my shoulders and arms. I looked over at the open curtains at the other side of the room.

  Oops. giving the neighbors an eyeful. Oh well.

  I shrugged, feeling confident in my naked body. Knowing how Charlie’s eyes had widened at the sight of my naked body, lust and desire showing as had taken in every curve.

  I took a long shower and dressed into some baggy, comfy clothes. I decided to make myself something to eat, and laze around for a while before deciding if I was gonna head out later on.

  A while later I was on the sofa in the living room, stomach happily full from the big brunch I’d made myself. A large coffee was in my hands in front of me, hands clasped around the warm mug. I was flicking through the channels on the TV, mind on Charlie as I absently changed the channels. I felt warm whenever I thought of Charlie, and an idea popped into my mind.

  I guess probably he lives in an apartment somewhere. There’s plenty of room here, room enough for two of us for sure... If everything goes well, maybe I’ll ask him. See if he wants to move in. We’ll definitely be able to see much more of each other if we were living together.

  The thought of Charlie going to pay that ugly thug with gold teeth a visit made me smile ironically. I felt a grim satisfaction as I remembered the look on Charlie’s face when he’d saw the bruise on my cheek. I didn’t think this Goldie was going to get away lightly. In fact, I suspected that one way or another he wouldn’t be seen around town for a very long time.

  Some time passed as I sat on the couch, nursing my mug of coffee. I contemplated moving from my comfortable seat and heading up to get ready, maybe giving my Mom a call to see what her and Dad were doing today. I was sat facing the TV, with the window of my living room in the corner of my vision. Movement on the grass of my lawn made my heart freeze.

  I hoped for a second that Charlie had returned from his excursion already, but I knew that wasn’t possible. He had days of work ahead of him at least if he was to get solid evidence against Mickey.

  I saw three large men approach my front door, two following behind the lead figure. I turned my head slowly, to see an angry Mickey rush across my front lawn to the door. Followed by loud banging.

  Shit. Has he got hold of Charlie? Please God, tell me Charlie is still safe...

  “Abi! You fucking bitch!” he screamed, uncontrolled rage in his voice.

  “Open this door now! Or you’ll be in a lot more trouble than you are already. You fucking whore!” he ranted, banging savagely on the door.

  I was already on my feet, running quietly on the soles of my feet to check the door was securely locked. I took a step back, hand on the bannister as I backed onto the stairs, half frozen in fear.

  I wasn't sure whether to stay silent or to tell him to go away. Something told me either way he was gonna get even more pissed.

  Silence it is, then.

  I rememb
ered Charlie’s promise, and guessed now was a good a time as any to ask for help. I was definitely in serious danger if Mickey got in the house.

  “I know you been talking to them cops, Abi! Got a source on the inside, says he saw Charlie coming over this way last night! Saw him at your window. Same guy says he left by the back this morning!” He paused, swearing either to himself or his goons.

  “Abi! You fucking promised me!” I heard a shoulder slam into the door.

  I scrambled up the stairs as quick as I could, heading into my room and grabbing my cell phone, which was charging on my bedside table.

  I’d already saved Charlies number, and I dialed it with a shaky hand, breathing steadily in an effort to calm myself down.

  Cmon, Charlie. Answer. Answer the phone...

  His cell rang for a horrible few moments as I waited with baited breath. Then a click, a deep voice answering at the other end.

  “Charlie Storm.” Relief flooded into me at the sound of Charlie, his deep, calm voice sounding loud over the phone.

  I explained the situation, panic in my voice.

  Five minutes. Better hope Mickey doesn’t batter the door down in the meantime, then.

  I kept my phone in my hand, and gingerly walked downstairs. There was silence outside for a blessed moment. I didn’t expect it to last too long.

  I grabbed a big, sharp knife from the kitchen and held it behind my back, edging myself to the kitchen side within sight of the front door. I was well within my rights to stab Mickey if he broke in, and I’d damn well go for the throat if he so much as stepped towards me.

  I heard his voice sound again, muffled.

  “I just wanna talk, babe. Really. Cmon, what happened before was a mistake! I’m sorry.” Silence followed as I held my breath.

  It’d been about three minutes, I figured.

  The door cracked with a loud impact. I heard swearing from outside the door. Another loud crack, and the door shook with impact from what I suspected was a heavy foot.

  A few more hits like that and it’s gonna buckle, and I’m gonna have three big mean thugs to deal with...

  A cold clarity overcame me. A gruesome resolve as I made up my mind that if they were gonna hurt me, well then they’d damn well pay for it. I’d smile sweetly at Mickey as he approached, then slash my knife at his neck.

  My eyes widened as I heard the sound of a loud engine revving wildly outside, tyres squealing.

  A second later there was another impact on the door, followed by further cursing from Mickey, screaming in rage. Wood splintered and I heard the snap of metal.

  The door held.


  I RUSHED OVER TO ABI’S, foot hard on the gas as I accelerated violently around the sparse traffic. Tyres struggled to grip the road surface as I took corners hard, utilising the large turbocharged engine of my car. I was determined to get to Abi as soon as I’d promised, earlier if possible. I had left Goldie awaiting arrest by Danny, confident he was gonna be taken in alive.

  I was worried Mickey would have forced his way into the house. My options would be limited, and if I ended up killing him, the rest of his gang would dismantle the lab and clear the hell out of town. I prayed he still didn’t know the world of shit he was in, how much I knew about him already.

  I once again had to trust in my wit and the arrogance of those who thought they ran the streets. Who thought they had the police in their pockets, working for them.

  Well, you ain’t met Charlie storm yet. Knucklehead.

  I took the last corner at speed, screeching my car to halt a short distance from Abi’s house. I saw three figures at her front door. One large, mean looking thug was landing a heavy kick on the door. I saw it buckle slightly, but the door somehow managed to hold against the blow.

  I acted on instinct, grabbing my cell from my pocket and switching the camera on. I jumped from the driver’s seat, hand on my glock as I ran towards the scene, camera trailed on the trio.

  I saw the largest of the three, Mickey, casually approach the door. I centered my camera on him, edging closer to the scene unfolding in front of me.

  “... last warning, Abi! Open this door, now!” He paused to look at his two henchmen, frowning angrily. Bloodshot eyes glared with uncontrolled rage.

  What’s got him so pissed? Guess someone saw me in the area last night. Ain’t no way anyone saw me enter or leave though.

  A chill entered my gut and I looked to my right at the houses over the other side of the road. Maybe he’s got eyes on her. Someone watching her house.

  Sneaky fuck.

  Mickey cursed with rage, shouting almost intelligible threats at Abi through the half broken door. He stepped back to take a run up at the door, steadying himself to deliver a powerful blow that would probably shatter the locks, or the hinges.

  I was satisfied I had enough to get a restraining order already. Intimidation and threats of violence, attempted entry against the will of the owner. Who was at home.

  I walked towards the three. Two turned to look at me. Scarred, ugly visages. Menacing, hands at the guns hidden in their pants.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you, Mickey,” I said, loud and clear.

  Mickey turned to look at me. I remembered him from my past, massive features, heavily muscled with a beer gut spreading across his waist. He was a couple inches taller and definitely a few pounds heavier than me.

  But I was quick, clean. Sober. Dense muscles refined with years of working out, heavy sessions to build muscle. I wasn’t scared. I was confident.

  “Ah, Charlie. I was wondering when you’d turn up, you fucking snake. Why the fuck shouldn’t I? Haven’t you heard? I rule the streets, motherfucker!” he screamed, pointing a fat, huge finger toward me.

  “No, Mickey. You don’t. Animals don’t rule anything. Other than other animals,” I said, coldly. He snarled at me swiping his hand wildly in a gesture of arrogance and anger.

  “I’ve got enough evidence to get a restraining order against you, Mickey. You and your three goons, that is, who as far as I’m concerned took turns to try and kick the door in.” I looked at the three in turn.

  One of them, a shade taller than and even more heavily muscled. Probably early forties. He wore a sleeveless leather jacket and white t shirt adorned with a black skull, and black jeans. His face reminded me of a shark's, small, black, cold eyes. Mean, sharp looking teeth.


  “Who the fuck are you?” he said, frowning at me. “You better get outta here, boy. Before you get hurt. This is between Mickey and Abi. Don’t stick your nose in where it don’t belong.”

  I turned to face the hulking figure.

  “Oh, this is my business. I’m detective Charlie Storm, and you chose the wrong day to fuck with Abi. ‘Cause I’m looking after her now. Anyone so much as glances at her funny, they’ll be behind bars. Trust me.” His eyes widened when he heard me say the word detective.

  Yeah, you ain’t seen me before. I’m not one of those corrupt fuckers you been dealing with.

  “Fuck you, Charlie. You ain’t got shit on me. If you did, I’d know about it! I got eyes everywhere!” He spat on the grass in front of him, reaching for something in his jacket pocket.

  I tensed, hand ready at my glock.

  He pulled out a pack of smokes and tapped one out, lighting it up casually.

  “So, you been talkin’ to Abi? What’s she said? C’mon, Charlie. I know you, you took my uncles down. And I ain’t forgotten. You tell me what she’s said, make a deal with me. Walk away. I’ll see you rolling in the green stuff in a week. A fucking week, man! We can work together!” He grinned at me, looking down at me through his red eyes.

  What you mean is I’d be working for you, scumbag. Keeping the heat off you for a few hundred a week. Maybe a couple grand if you had a good one.

  “No, Mickey. You’ve hit a brick wall. I ain’t like those other cops you been schmoozing. Get outta here now, before you give me cause to arrest you.” I slowly put my c
ell in my pocket. I kept my left hand in my trench coat pocket. My right hand hovered carefully above the gun holstered at my hip. My eyes narrowed, concentrating. Waiting for a sign of movement...

  The third guy spoke, grunting with derision. “You say you're a cop, right? Well, where’s your fucking badge? Ain’t going nowhere until I’ve seen it.” He crossed his arms.

  “Got my badge right here, prick.” In a flash my glock was in my hand, aiming at his forehead. We were about fifteen paces away. Easy shot.

  “And before either of you try anything stupid, let me tell you this. I’m the best and quickest shot in the state. Ever. Since records began.” I looked calmly at the three, eyes waiting for movement. If any of them moved now, they would be dead from instinct before I even had time to think.

  Silence. All three froze, amazed at the speed at which the gun had appeared in my hand.

  “If any of you want to see if what I’m saying is true, try me. Reach for your shitty guns. Go on.” I nodded at them, willing the two other than Mickey to draw their pistols.

  Mickey slowly raised his hands, palms facing outwards defensively.

  “Ok, man. We’ll get outta here. She definitely ain’t worth getting shot over, that’s for sure. I mean, what sort of whore...”

  “Watch it, Mickey! Shut up, and fuck off. Now.” I’d had enough of him badmouthing Abi and trying to scare the shit out of her.

  The three goons backed away slowly, and turned to half jog away to their car that was parked a little way down the road.

  I kept my pistol trained on them until the car had reversed to speed off, quickly disappearing around the corner.


  THE DOOR WAS ALMOST busted, and I was pretty sure that a good shove from outside would send it falling off its hinges. I waited with breath held, hoping that the car I’d heard was Charlie’s. I walked quietly along the hall to peer into the living room, and out through the front window.

  My heart soared when I spotted Charlie walking towards the three, phone held in one hand, the other at his hip. He looked calm and collected, and wasn't fazed by the three thugs he was approaching. He stood there in silence for a few moments, and I guessed he was recording Mickey’s tirade on his cell’s camera.


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