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Storm - Dominant Protectors Book Two

Page 19

by Jack Ellison

“All set for later?” I continued, taking a large mouthful of coffee. I closed my eyes in pleasure at the rich, sweet taste of the strong brew Sue had made.

  “Yeah. We just need to get lazy bones out of bed,” Jessica said, her breakfast finished. There was barely a speck of food on her plate. “I’ll just tell her your bodyguard’s here, wearing nothing but a thong. She’ll be ready in no time!”

  Sue laughed, and turned her head to look over her shoulder at us. “Now, now girls! He isn’t a piece of meat, remember,” she said, gesturing to Jessica with a wooden spoon.

  “Well, from what Chloe tells us that’s exactly what he is,” Jessica replied, beaming like a child at her own joke. I heard Sue tut, but I thought I could see the edge of a smile on her face from where I was sitting.

  Sue came over to put a big plate of pancakes in front of me, with a bottle of maple syrup. She placed the cutlery neatly either side of the plate, and handed me a folded, brilliant white napkin. “Thanks, Sue.” I smiled gratefully at her. She had started working as a maid soon after my mother had passed away, and had looked after me when my Dad was at work from when I was very young. She still saw me and my friends as children, and would stop at nothing to see our needs met.

  “That’s OK, Chloe. Enjoy.”

  Jessica chatted at me absently while I ate my breakfast, not turning from her phone which she flicked at from time to time. I didn’t really listen to what she was saying, but it was something about what she wanted to do in Paris.

  Probably spend a whole bunch of her Dad’s money on stuff she doesn’t really need.

  I finished my breakfast soon after, almost as quickly as Jessica had devoured hers. “Right Jess. Shall we go and wake the lazy ass?” I said, turning to Jessica and draining the last of my coffee.

  She jumped up excitedly, running out of the kitchen. I followed quickly, chasing her up the stairs as she ran to the large bedroom she and Amber were sharing.

  Jessica opened the door and ran to Amber’s bed, jumping on it without hesitation. She started shaking Amber, who appeared to be still deeply asleep. I thought I could hear a murmured “Get the fuck off of me!” coming from beneath the duvet.

  I giggled with girlish delight and jumped on the bed, pulling back the duvet. “Time to get up!” I said, poking her in the face. “You need to make yourself look pretty for when our ride gets here!” I thought this would put some sense into her.

  Amber deftly pushed Jessica off of her, throwing her onto her back and slapping her in the face. “Bitch!” she said, sounding genuinely annoyed for a second. “I was dreaming about pancakes.” Me and Jessica both burst out laughing.


  I was awake early as usual. The alarm clock next to my bed showed 6.30am, the green lights blinking in the gloom. My military conditioning to awake early had never really faded, and I could never really sleep in past 7am.

  I had ensured everything was ready the day before, so I had nothing to prepare on the day the trip started. Two night’s previous I’d broken my three whiskey rule, figuring I was unlikely to get into trouble as I’d already had my share for the day, from the two foolish thugs. Plus, I need a couple extra to chill out. And the drinks were free.

  I’d awoken as clear-headed as ever, the adrenaline from the fight seeming to neutralize the three extra whiskies I’d had. Anyhow, it wasn’t nearly enough for me to get drunk. I had a the constitution of an Ox, and a staggering tolerance for alcohol.

  Figured that out when my wife left. Couldn’t seem to get real drunk. Damn if I didn’t try enough times, though.

  I’d stopped hitting the bottle when I realised it would be a shitload cheaper to just talk to someone about it.

  After ensuring my gear was all ready and double-checking the limo was ready to go, I’d taken a walk down to a payphone to call my contact in Paris. Jean-Jacques, was what he liked to be called. Had no idea if it was his real name. Didn’t care, either. Jean, as I called him to his annoyance, had ensured I had access to a few guns when I got to Paris. He’d told me he would leave a key in a locker at the airport gym, which would then open a safety deposit box near the hotel we were staying at. After ensuring the girls were safely checked in and having a look round the hotel, that would be my first destination.

  A solid and reliable .357 snub nosed revolver, six shooter; and surprisingly easy to conceal for a gun that could pop heads. And a Glock 19, reduced size and weight making it a perfect backup weapon. And enough ammo to take down two full crews of knuckle heads.

  We just gotta get there in one piece.

  I’d have a gun in the limo, which I’d leave in the glove compartment. I’d told the guy I was hiring from, and he’d looked at me blankly until I handed him a fifty. Then he smiled and nodded at me.

  It was the flight I was worried about. But the chances of being jumped on there were slim; no room to fight, nowhere to escape to with a hostage. Plus there would be an armed air marshal on board, maybe two. I just had to have a look at my fellow passengers and mark any I thought were suspicious. Any trouble happened on the plane, it would be one-on-one. And the tight confines would work in my favour, I knew my huge strength and speed would be unmatchable. I would win.

  No, there wasn’t much to worry about until the night we got to the hotel. And I’d be armed, and twice as fucking deadly. My gut feeling told me that if anything, we would be watched for a while before anything happened anyway, that it would probably be between the first and second destination. Or possibly later. I started to feel much better now the day of the flight had come.

  Anything that ain’t done now, ain’t worth worrying about now. Just gotta get on with it. Keeping her safe. Oh, and her friends. But I bet they ain’t anywhere near as hot.

  Chapter Seven


  Later that day I grabbed my clothes and gear in my tattered bag, double checking the chamber in my revolver. Fully loaded. I had a combat knife hidden in my pants, too. Sheathed, of course. Didn’t want any accidents happening. I left my apartment, double locking the door in the process, and headed for the store where I’d hired the limo. Or where Chloe’s Dad had hired it, to be more precise. I’d made sure there was a couple of very expensive bottles of champagne in the fridge. Again, all courtesy of the girl’s father.

  I arrived at the entrance of Chloe’s mansion an hour before I was due - didn’t wanna leave anything to chance.

  I made my way to the front door, nodding at the guard standing like a statue to the right of the door. “Mr. Miller,” he said, nodding back.

  I took the steps two at a time, pressing the doorbell. A few moments later, the door swung open. I was greeted by a kindly, middle-aged woman who adjusted her gaze up to my face, smiling. “Ah, Axel Miller I presume? Pleasure. Please come in.”

  She stepped to one side.

  The entrance led to a large, spiral staircase that I had caught a glimpse of on my previous visit. I stood to one side of the foyer with my arms behind my back, adopting a nonchalant, powerful pose. I switched my brain off, knowing it might be a while before the girls were ready. The middle aged lady walked up to me, staring at me quizzically. If she was impressed or intimidated, she showed no sign.

  “Do you want a coffee, love?” she asked me in a kind way, in what I guessed was a southern British accent. I shifted my gaze to her, and she was staring at me as would a mother stare at her child.

  I ain’t that much younger than you, you know.

  Though I liked to think I could pass for my late 20s. Probably early 30s, more realistically.

  “No thank you, doll. Ain’t one for mixing coffee with anything more than a short drive. Water would be good, though.” She smiled and hurried off, toward the kitchen I guess.

  I surveyed the room, noticing a large armchair, couch and table off to one side.

  I wonder if anyone ever sits there? Who would, with a hundred other rooms to choose from?

  I unashamedly walked over and sat myself in the middle of the large couch. Hands clasped in front
of me, elbows on my knees. I tried not to flex my biceps too much, but it was damned hard to keep them from bulging through my t shirt. I felt the sheath of my knife poking into my groin, and had to adjust myself from through my pants.

  Hope nobody’s lookin’. Ah screw it, I hope they are. Hope they like what they see, too.

  A while later, after finishing my glass of cold water, I heard a commotion from upstairs. It sounded like the party had started already, and I could hear excited chatter from a number of young female voices. I groaned inwardly.

  I’m gonna have a fucking headache before we even get to the airport. That limo had better have soundproof privacy glass...

  All of a sudden the chatter stopped as three figures emerged from the doorway at the top of the stairs. Two of them were staring at me, unashamed. Both were pretty, with full figures. One of them had far too much makeup on. The other had dark, alluring eyes, and from what I could make out, much larger breasts, which she wasn’t hesitating to show.

  Neither of them were my type. Too easy, and I could tell that at a glance. Ain’t no fun if there ain’t no challenge.

  I ran my hand thoughtfully across the slight stubble on my chin, knowing my bicep and chest would flex as I did so. I couldn’t help myself. I might not have been interested, but that don’t mean attention ain’t nice.

  “Hey, handsome,” the made-up one said, as she got halfway down the stairs. “Chloe said you were big... but wow! She’s been telling as all about how she can’t wait to see you. In fact I caught her this morning in bed, her...”

  Chloe slapped her friend on the arm good naturedly. “Jess! Control yourself, girl! I know you can’t help it, but please do try.”

  Right, so the stripper one is Jess. Should probably keep an eye on her, she’ll be getting her friends in trouble, no doubt. After her and Chloe, that leaves...

  “What do you think Amber? D’ya feel safe now?” Jess turned to the third girl, the last to arrive in the foyer.

  Right, Amber. She looks... thoughtful. Quiet, full figured, dark eyes, husky... dangerous, to the unprepared or desperate man, I imagine.

  “Yeah,” Amber said, simply. “I feel like we can get into any trouble we want, with Mr. Big Hard Bodyguard watching over us.” Jess and Amber started laughing. Chloe frowned at the slutty pair.

  I stood up swiftly, walking to stand near the three of them. “Are you ready to go, ladies?” I said, in a low voice.

  Chloe spoke before the others had a chance to respond. “Yes, we are.” She had a blank expression on her face. If there was any truth in what her friend had just suggested, she was making a damn good job of showing no sign.

  “Now why don’t you use your big muscles for something more useful than standing there looking scary?” Amber said breathily, staring into my eyes.

  I waited for a second, playing dumb.

  She gestured up the stairs with a dainty hand.

  “Our cases are up there. Too heavy for us weak, defenceless women to carry downstairs by ourselves.”

  Right, I see. Giving me a hard time ‘cause your Daddy’s rich. Well, I ain’t takin’ no shit from girls who are too used to gettin’ their own way.

  “I’m gettin’ paid to be a bodyguard. Ain’t nothing in my contract about being no bell boy, kiddo.”

  Amber frowned at me. She opened her mouth, but it seemed like she was struck dumb.

  Probably ain’t too used to the staff talkin’ back to her. Better get used to it, girl.

  Jess and Chloe laughed, both looking a little flushed. I could tell they’d enjoyed it slightly.

  After hesitating for a while, Jess, Chloe and Amber begrudgingly walked back up the stairs. I heard a muttered, snide remark from Amber. Quiet enough so I couldn’t make out the words.

  Knew she’d be trouble.

  But it would take more than a spoilt little rich girl to piss me off.

  A few seconds later the girls started filing down the stairs, struggling with their massive suitcases. I watched them make their slow way awkwardly down the stairs with the cases, my arms folded. I kept a straight face, frowning slightly. But inside I was enjoying the spectacle.

  When they’d managed to get halfway down the stairs I ran up to meet them, springing into action, my speed surprising Jess and Amber. Chloe didn’t look surprised. She was staring at me, perhaps in awe. But her expression was hard to read.

  I decided it was time to show off. I lifted Chloe’s suitcase first, my chest and biceps bulging as I settled it on my left shoulder. I lifted Jess’s suitcase with my left hand, having to hold it at an awkward angle to keep Chloe’s balanced on my shoulder.

  Christ, what the fuck have they got in here?

  I didn’t give any indication to the girls that I thought the cases were heavy, lifting Amber’s case onto my right shoulder as I did so, balancing deftly on the stairs. I took the cases downstairs smoothly, and out to the car.

  After returning back inside I found the girls staring at me.

  “Listen. I’m here to keep you safe. Something I’m fucking good at. If you’re ever in trouble, you can count on me being there. See anything suspicious, tell me.” I paused, looking at them each in turn. “But I ain’t takin’ any shit. If you need help with something, you ask nicely and I might just help you out.”

  Amber approached me, her dark eyes on my face, swaying her hips and smiling. She put her arms on my bicep and squeezed,a little too familiarly. “Well, there is one thing you could help with, if you’d be so kind?” she said, in her dark, teasing, husky voice. “There’s three more cases at the top of the stairs. Could you please help and bring them down for us? You’re obviously more than capable.”

  I looked down at her, raising my left eyebrow. “That’s more like it. See, ain’t hard, darlin’.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I saw Chloe looking at me covetously.

  Damn, please don’t tell me she’s falling for me. Ain’t gonna make things easy.


  We were all stunned into a girlish silence at Axel’s display of strength. He showed no sign of struggling, carrying three fully loaded cases to the car. Amber was the quickest to react, flirting with him to get the rest of the cases down.

  She thinks she can manipulate him.I think she’ll struggle with this one. If she thinks she’s got him round her finger, and doesn’t ask nicely next time... well she’ll be in for a surprise...

  I had to admit, I was impressed. With the man, and his strength. Oh, and he was easy on the eye. Rough, but handsome. And those big hands...

  Before I could visualise the rest of his body, we were taken out to the car. Axel immediately switched from relaxed, which he had been somewhat in the house, to professional. Cold, expressionless. It looked to me like he was taking everything in, hawk like eyes everywhere yet, nowhere in particular.

  Well, I’ll have to work on him to get some conversation out of him now.

  I started to regret not talking to him longer the first time we had met.

  My internal thoughts and developing desire for Axel were forgotten somewhat as I got into the limo last, after running back to the house to give Sue a big hug.

  “Take care, my lovely!” she shouted at my back. I waved, smiling.

  Amber and Jessica had made themselves at home in the limo, sitting at the back. Jess was deftly opening a bottle of expensive champagne she’d somehow procured, as if by magic. Amber was sitting with her legs stretched out on the long leather couch that ran down most of one side of the car.

  Amber raised her eyebrows at me, nodding her head towards Axel sitting in the front seat.

  “Aren’t you gonna talk to him? Or are you struck dumb by his big muscles and gravelly voice?”

  I started to protest, but as if on cue the tinted privacy glass slowly lowered. There was an awkward moment as we waited for it to fully descend. I saw Axel sitting in the driver’s seat, his huge frame filling his half of the car. He was wearing some black tinted aviator sunglasses, which made him look even mor
e badass, I decided.

  He had started the engine, and was either looking straight forward or was looking at us through the rear view mirror, I couldn’t tell.

  “You gals all set?” He sounded eager to get started.

  “Yes we are!” I replied excitedly, speaking for all of us. “Just let me grab a seat.” I had to bend over to get to my seat, my shapely ass a few inches away from the lowered privacy glass. I didn’t get a chance to see if there was any reaction from Axel. But I enjoyed it nonetheless.

  Jessica wolf whistled at me. “He’s supposed to be driving, not staring at your pretty butt!”

  I ignored her and gratefully took a glass of champagne, draining half the glass in a satisfied gulp.

  “This is it then! Let’s get going!” I said, turning to Axel. Then I put on my sweetest voice. “Oh, I mean to say, please may we be on our way to the airport, sir?”

  We all burst out laughing.


  I set off for the airport, only momentarily distracted by the sight of Chloe’s shapely and pert butt mere inches from my face, her tight jeans all too revealing. But as we set off, my mind was on other more important matters. Getting to the airport safely; and if we were being tailed.

  I kept an eye on traffic behind us. The trick was to see if there were any cars that joined the journey soon after departure, and if they kept a discreet but consistent distance.

  The last trick was to take a slight detour, changing tack suddenly if possible, and keeping an eye on what the cars did behind you. If they were really good, they would appear and disappear, with two or three cars doing the tailing as to reduce suspicion.

  I couldn’t see any sign of a tail. Having said that, the car I was driving wasn’t exactly inconspicuous, and would be easy to tail without giving much away.

  Thing is, if they were that good, they wouldn't need to follow us. They would know we were going to the fucking airport, and in the middle of a city in the USA, now would not be their chosen time to strike. No, if they knew where we were headed, they most likely knew our destination. I relaxed somewhat, with the odds of no immediate danger stacked hugely in my favour.


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