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The Wandering Apprentice

Page 17

by Matthew Mitchell

  "Ok." More lessons. I have never used a sword before, a knife yes, never a sword.

  "Well, I will come by tomorrow afternoon and collect him." MaPaine stood up. "I am on duty till lunch. We will see what you can do." With that he walked out.

  "So, everything settled?" Stain looked at me.

  "Yes, Jek helped me out." I looked pointedly at Stain.

  He chuckled. "Yes, Jek knows what I am and who I work for. He also has figured out what you are." He laughed harder at the expression on my face. "Jek is a sensitive. He can detect mage energy. He does not have mage sight, but can feel mage energy like we might feel the wind. He knows not only that we are mages, he can tell that we are both quite strong."

  Mophor had moved down from my shoulder and sat on the table. "Does he have beast speech?"

  "No. He realizes that his ability is enough. He has no desire to gain more." Stain looked around. "Well, tomorrow morning I plan on sending you out to gather a few items and get used to Haver's Town. Seems like your afternoon is going to involve learning the art of sword wielding. Tomorrow night some mages who live here will meet us. They will be earth mages who will give me information and give you some spells. Each day will probably follow this pattern, although, you should have the mornings to practice. That is unless I need you to run errands. But for now I need to send out messages to let the local mages know I am here. Until tomorrow you do not have any set duties. Stay inside the Inn walls, either in the apartment, common room, or the courtyard. In the meantime I think it is about time to find some food." He motioned to the man standing behind the bar. "Let me introduce you to the inn owner, who is also a King's Man. He is an old friend of mine from court." The man had reached us by then. He was dressed nicely, yet none of the clothes matched. Each was a different color and texture.

  "Stain, I wondered when I would see you again." He sat down at the table. With him closer I could see his beard had a slight speckle of white. "Is this a new apprentice?" He looked at me.

  "Ing, it is good to see you." Stain smiled, "Yes, he is my apprentice. But not just one thing, in all things." Stain's statement was met with silence. Ing's eyes widened and his head snapped from Stain to me.

  "All things?" Ing whispered. "You finally found one?" He reached out and grabbed Stain's shoulder.

  "Yes." Stain seemed to slump. "Ott can learn to do all I can. Everything."

  Ing leaned back. "Well, Ott. It is a distinct pleasure to meet you." He thrust his hand out to me. "Anything you need, just let me know. Do not worry about money, Stain and I have an arrangement." He turned an eye to Mophor. "And who are you young lemur?" This last was in beast speech.

  Mophor stared at Ing. He looked at me then Stain. When Stain made a go ahead motion he said, "My name is Mophor." He then climbed back to my shoulder.

  "No worries there. Just wanting to know how to treat you." Ing looked at Mophor with humor in his eyes. "Perhaps we should have some food?" He stood up and moved to the bar. He walked through the door that was set in the wall behind the bar.

  "He can use beast speech?" I asked Stain.

  Stain thought for a moment. "Ing is unique. Jek is his son. Ing was the King's fool for many years. As such he needed to have special skills. One of those was beast speech. The why no longer matters. He cannot do any magic or sense it. However, do not assume he is truly a fool. When he retired he moved here and opened this inn. The king helped him as they had become friends over the years."

  Ing came back with a large tray that he set on the table. He moved dishes and cups around. "I figured noodles would be desirable after road food." He set a dish in front of me filled with brown noodles covered in a green sauce. "Also, I recently found that one of the local fruits could be turned into a quite tasty drink." A cup joined the plate. "And for you my furry friend, some nuts and fruit." He passed a bowl to Mophor, who had moved to the back of the last chair. Stain received the same food as me. Ing had some for himself as well. He moved the tray back to the bar and sat down with us. "Now, let's enjoy what my cook has prepared. You are the first two to eat tonight." He bowed his head over his food and started to eat.

  The smells of the food rose to my nose and suddenly I was starving. I finished the plate of food before the others had eaten half of theirs.

  Ing's face was split by a beaming grin. "Ah, a young man's appetite is something to behold." He turned towards the bar. "Lessa! More noodles for young Ott!" He turned back to his food.

  A young woman stepped out to the bar, carrying a bowl with a lid. She walked to the table and set the bowl down. Her eyes took in all of us. "I figured the three of you might finish off this serving of noodles." She walked back to the door and disappeared through the curtain hanging there.

  Ing looked at the door and sighed. "My daughter does not like it when my friends from court come to visit. She thinks it gives me ideas." He smiled.

  "And does it?" I hazarded a question.

  He turned and looked at me. Suddenly a massive grin swept over his face. "Of course. But they are just ideas. No harm in that." He finished his food and leaned back. "Now, what brings the two of you to my humble Inn." He waited.

  Stain thought a minute. "I collected Ott at Sunnydale and we headed here to pick up some items I need. I also plan on taking Ott to different mages to allow him to meet them and learn from each of them."

  Ing's eyes got big. "Sunnydale? I heard something about that place recently. That some King's Man got attacked." He looked at me.

  "That was Ott's father." Stain replied "The attack was actually on Ott and Lightfoot."

  "Lightfoot?" Ing thought for a moment. "Ah, the forester. I remember him. Is he alright?"

  "A little banged up, but that is it." I answered that one.

  "I went there in anticipation of meeting Ott and seeing if he was a possible apprentice." Stain smiled at me. "I was lucky enough to show up in time to save both their lives."

  I felt my jaw drop. "That was you? I did not know that!" I thought back to that morning. Stain must have cast a spell that caused that flash of light and the explosion that killed that man. I just sat there staring.

  Stain raised his eyebrows. "You had not realized? I was sure you had once you knew I was a mage." He sounded surprised.

  "I do not remember a lot from that time. A club to the head will do that to you." I was a little upset.

  Stain shook his head, "Those men were there to capture you or kill you."

  Ing looked at Stain. "Is it another mage perhaps? If Ott has the same abilities as you then he would be quite the prize."

  "I have thought of that, but whoever they are they are shielding themselves from me. The men who attacked Ott and his father were hired muscle. Mercenaries paid to complete a task."

  I sat there shocked. Someone wanted me for themselves or dead. That upset me.

  Stain seemed to gather himself. "Which reminds me, Ott. Do not tell anyone where you come from. Give as little information as possible. Only identify yourself as my apprentice."

  I thought about that. "I understand. Will I be ok?" The lessons in sword work made more sense if someone was hunting me. "Will I be safe running errands throughout the town?"

  Stain thought about it for a minute. "You should be fine. There were many places I could have taken you after leaving Sunnydale. Mophor will help keep an eye out for any signs of trouble." He leaned back. "Enough depressing talk. Ing, fill me in on what has happened since I was last here."

  Ing started talking about local politics, people they both knew, and what had occurred within his family. I tuned them out as I ate and thought. I was being hunted by someone, probably a mage, who wanted to do something unknown to me. This was not good. Stain evidently was not too concerned, but was taking measures to make sure I could defend myself with the sword lessons and learning to shield. As we sat there more people started to walk into the common room. Before too long Ing had to go back to his bar to handle the request of the crowd. I watched the people who had come into the room. Most se
emed to be merchants of some sort. They clumped together at the tables, deals being discussed over noodles and juice. Slowly the tables filled up until there were only a few chairs left open. The noise had reached a pleasant level. Suddenly a wave of silence flowed from the far wall. Two women stood on a small stage beside the hearth. The middle aged woman seemed to be a minstrel. Her hair flowed down her body, ripples of silver and black fought within that wave of hair. She was very pretty but in a rough way. The younger woman, almost a girl, stood to the side. She was absolutely beautiful. She was shorter than the other woman, but her hair flowed only to her shoulders. It was black, so black that hints of blue flashed. Her skin was darker, not tanned but dark. Her eyes were black like still pools in the forest. The only light color was her lips, they were a light pink. She wore knives strapped to her body. And what a body. The body proclaimed her to be a woman in all her glory.

  "Close your mouth Ott. Something might make a nest in it." Stain's voice penetrated my staring.

  I closed my mouth and looked away. But the thought of her made me look once again. She was looking around the room and her eyes fell upon our table. Her eyes widened. She leaned towards the other woman who was pulling out an instrument. A whisper in an ear and the woman looked our way. Her eyes also widened when she looked at us. I saw movement out of the corner of my eye, Stain was waving to them. I looked back to the stage. The silver haired woman nodded to Stain. She looked away and proceeded to tune her instrument, it had some kind of strings attached at two ends with a large body at one end.

  "That is Brooke Hasith, a minstrel friend of mine." Stain caught my attention. "The young lady who you were worshipping is her apprentice, for lack of a better term. Her name is Raven D'Cloud. She is not training to be a minstrel. But Brooke is training her in the discipline of entertaining on the road. Raven is a juggler and knife dancer. Watch them for a bit. I will be back." He stood up. "Save the table and they will join us during their break or when they are done. I have to send my messages to the various mages you need to meet. I will be back in a bit." With that he walked out and left me alone with Mophor.

  "Ott, if you stare much harder at her you will seem rude." Mophor pointed out. He had eaten all the nuts and fruits. The cup nearest him was also empty. He looked at me in amusement.

  "Ok. Thanks for that." He did not have to say it so loud. I looked around to see if anyone had noticed. No one had noticed, even with it so quiet.

  Suddenly the sound of her instrument could be heard over the crowd. She played for a few moments and suddenly her voice sang out loud. It woke memories of the woods, of water running over rock. The song she sang was in a different language, one I did not know. I sat entranced, listening to her beautiful voice echo around the room. Her song ended and the room broke out into applause. She smiled and started playing another tune. This one was more lively. When she started singing I realized that it was probably a popular song in taverns, as it was a little crude yet funny. Many of the people clapped along with the rhythm. She continued for three more songs then stepped back.

  Raven stepped forward. Her hands pulled out two black knifes and she started tossing them into the air. As they spun around her she pulled more knifes from her harness until she was surrounded by flying blades. I watched the knives fly around her and was entranced. She went faster and faster until the blades turned into spinning blurs. Suddenly, one blade shot out of the group. It flew across the room. All eyes followed the rogue blade. It landed point down in the center of my table. As I stared at it the rest of the blades followed one by one until it looked like a black flower had blossomed on the table top. I looked up at her. Her smirk could be seen across the room. She stepped back from the edge of the stage allowing Brooke to step forward once again. She once again started playing. Three songs later she once again stepped back allowing Raven to step forward. She pulled two large blades from her back. The blades started to spin in her hands. She moved them in complicated patterns around her body. They slipped around her like water around a rock. Faster and faster they spun until suddenly they slammed back into their sheaths. The ringing sound echoed in the room as the audience clapped. She once again stepped back. Brooke came forward and played a few more songs. At the end she stood, bowed, and motioned to Raven. Raven stepped forward and took a bow. They both moved off the stage and wove their way to the bar. They talked to Ing then turned towards me. That is when I noticed that at some point Stain had rejoined me. He watched me with bemusement.

  "What did you think of the show, Ott?" He asked this question with a snicker in his voice.

  Mophor spoke before I could answer. "I would say he enjoyed it." He moved from the chair and onto my shoulders. "Here they come. Try not to make a fool of yourself."

  I turned and looked. Sure enough the two women had gathered food and drink from the bar and were now heading our way.

  "Stain, it has been a while." Brooked stopped and looked at both of us. "Who is the young man with you?" She smiled at me.

  "Ott, my full apprentice." Stain spoke this dryly. He watched her face.

  Her mouth opened to say something when the full meaning of the words became clear. She stood there with her mouth hanging open, her eyes disbelieving, frozen. She regained her composure quickly. "Well, Ott. It is my extreme pleasure to meet you." She placed her food on the table and sat down. "I am Brooke Hasith. This is Raven D'Cloud." She looked at all the knives in the table. "Raven, could you collect your arsenal?"

  Raven grimaced and started to pull knives out of the table and putting them away. I watched her do this. She did it with quick movements, no energy wasted.

  "Enjoying the show?" Raven's voice was smoky and deep.

  I blushed. "Sorry. I have never seen anyone like you. I mean doing that with the knives."

  Mophor leaned in close and grabbed my ear. "Real smooth." The laughter was back in his voice.

  "Raven!" Brooke's voice cut the air. "Leave him alone. Eat your food and try to control yourself."

  Raven slumped into the last chair. She dug into her food, sneaking looks at all of us when she thought we were not looking.

  I finally paid attention to what Stain was telling Brooke. I was shocked he was telling her everything. About Sunnydale, our trip, and even me. He held nothing back. I sat there listening to him talk. Finally he finished with his plans for the week. Brooke sat there and thought.

  "Where are you going after Haver's Town?" She posed the question. Raven's head shot up at this. Concern crossed her face.

  "I had thought to go down river. Perhaps to the Lake." He said it like he had not quite made up his mind. "It really depends on a few things."

  "Well, let me know. Ing put us in the entertainers quarters. I believe you know where that is." A smile crossed her face.

  Stain smile. "I will let you know." He considered me and Raven. "Perhaps you and your 'apprentice' could help us?"

  Raven's concern grew more obvious.

  "What did you have in mind Stain?" Brooke looked at me and Raven.

  "Ott will be going out into the Market District tomorrow. Perhaps Raven could help him find his way around and help keep him out of trouble." Stain had that chuckle in his voice again. He was enjoying my obvious discomfort.

  Raven looked around the table. "Does he need to be watched at all times? Like a child?" Oh man, she was upset.

  "I believe that this is the first time Ott has ever been to a large city. A guide would be a good idea." Brooke looked at Raven. "And since you do not have anything to do tomorrow morning I think you are perfect for the job."

  Raven looked pretty upset, her eyes sparking and her jaw clenched. "Fine. Meanwhile, I am going to bed." She jumped up and launched herself across the room. Her anger obvious in her body's movements.

  I looked at Stain, "Are you sure this is a good idea? She does not seem to want to help." I was not sure I wanted to spend time with her if she was going to be nasty.

  Stain and Brooke both looked at me and laughed. Stain smiled and
said, "I think you will be fine. She might not be happy but she will help you. Plus think, that means you get to watch her walk around all day." They both burst out laughing again.

  I flushed a bright red. "I believe that I will go to bed also. If that is fine with my master?"

  He stopped laughing and smiled. "I am sorry Ott. If you want to get settled for the night, then go right ahead."

  I stood up, Mophor struggling to keep his balance. "Goodnight Brooke. I guess I will see Raven in the morning." I turned and walked out of the common room. I could hear their conversation start back up. Time for bed I guess.


  After breakfast Stain gave me a list of items. He explained that each item was supposed to come from a specific merchant. The list included his mark so the merchants would know that I was his apprentice and could buy the items in his name.

  "You can meet Raven in the Inn's common room." Stain explained.

  Great, just what I wanted. "Can Mophor still go with me?" I wanted at least one person who liked me to show me around.

  Stain looked at me and grinned. "Sure. I do not see any reason why not." He handed me a pouch, it clinked in my hand. "Here is some money to buy what you need. When you get done get something for yourself."

  "Thanks Stain." I stood up. "Mophor! Want to go to the market with me?" I called into my room where he was sunning himself.

  He hopped to my shoulder. "Sounds good to me. Let's go meet Raven and have some fun."

  We went downstairs and checked on Tag. He was happy and well taken care of. Crossing the courtyard I noticed that some stalls were empty. I guess some merchants had left this morning. I paused at the door to the common room, took a deep breath, and stepped into that cool darkness. I looked around for Raven and found her over at the bar. She seemed to have just finished off her own breakfast. I walked up to her and stopped.


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