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Jonah's Salvation [The Order of the Mist 2] (Siren Publishing Classic)

Page 7

by Abbie Carlisle

  “I know.” Jonah sighed. He knew his King would be shocked. No more than he had been when he’d first seen her. He was still angry with her himself, but he also had other feelings for her that were trying to command his heart.

  “You care for her,” Jenson spoke gently. He could hear the mixed emotions that Jonah was feeling.

  Jonah stared at Jenson. “Our first concern is protecting the King and The Order. We need to concentrate on getting into the Headquarters and dealing with Harvey.”

  Jenson nodded as he watched Jonah walk out of the garage. He knew when it was best to leave Jonah alone until he was ready to talk about it.

  Jonah walked out onto the stone path that led up to the main house. The wintery breeze felt like ice against his skin and the sensation annoyed him. Not that it would take much to annoy him at that precise moment. His nerves were on edge and he felt exhausted.

  He climbed the steps to the main entrance. Opening the large oak door, he entered, feeling the warmth of the house against his cooled skin. The smell of cooking traveled through his senses, making his stomach clench as he walked through the entrance hall toward the kitchen.

  Tobias, another Lord of the Order, sat with his feet resting on the large pine kitchen table, reading a car magazine. His dark hair hung to his immense muscular shoulders which bulged though his tight fitting tank top. As Jonah walked to the fridge, he opening the door and pulled out a beer. Leaning against the worktop, he unscrewed the lid and took a large gulp.

  “Fun evening?” Tobias asked, not looking up from the magazine.

  “Not really. The female has agreed to help.” While it had been a success, the evening had not gone exactly how Jonah had thought it would.

  “That’s great. Let me know when you need the vehicles ready.” It was Tobias’s job to look after the vehicles belonging to The Order. He just wished the males took better care of them. Last time, Elijah had managed to get his SUV shot at and it had taken ages to repair the exquisite paintjob properly. Didn’t they realize how much they cost?

  “I need to catch up with Elijah, so if you need me, I’ll be in the security office.” He had to have the system ready for when Alana uploaded the program.

  Jonah walked out of the kitchen and through the elaborate arches into the living area. Two large cream couches lay opposite each other and Jonah found Elijah cuddled up with Jasmine on one of them, chatting quietly. Lucian was lying spread out the full length of the other couch, watching the baseball on the large LED flat screen TV that had been placed on the wall to the left. The fireplace roared with a real log fire and flames danced erratically, filling the room with a relaxing warmth.

  Elijah nodded as Jonah stood against the doorframe, his hands in his pockets.

  Jonah stood watching Elijah and Jasmine. He thought about the visit from Elijah’s father back in the cabin. It had led to the race being honored with their new King, something the race had not had for over one hundred years. The original King and his Lords had ruled peacefully until Harvey had decided he wanted the power for himself. Harvey had killed the original King and his Lords in fierce battles but had never been able to find Elijah. Harvey could not take the true title of King as long as Elijah lived. Now all their lives were in danger and a new war with the Phoenix League had begun.

  Jonah watched as Elijah smiled at Jasmine. It hadn’t been that long ago that Elijah had met his mate. The scriptures that Jonah had taken from the cells the day they’d escaped told of their histories and their future. They had led Elijah to Jasmine. Elijah had known instantly that Jasmine had been his destiny, but Jonah had never fully understood the depths of Elijah’s commitment to her.

  Jonah had lost so much in his life that he’d never let anyone get close enough to his heart to feel such devotion. Not until now. Alana had sparked something inside him that had been lost for longer than he could remember. He didn’t want to feel it, though. To take the risk of losing his heart again was more than he could bear. The problem was, no matter how hard he tried to push the thoughts of her from his mind, he couldn’t help but worry about her having to go back to the Headquarters, and into the hands of Harvey.

  Elijah nodded at Jonah. He knew that Jonah wanted to talk to him as he placed a gentle kiss on Jasmine forehead and stood.

  Jonah turned and walked back into the entrance hall. He watched as Elijah followed, and then turned left down the corridor toward the security room. Jonah pulled the handle and opened the door to reveal a large room with a vast arrangement of monitors resting on a long black desk. To the right sat six large office chairs surrounding a large gray table and several plush chairs sat on either side. The monitors were linked to the security system that surrounded Genesis and the screens displayed views of both the inside and the outside of the house.

  Jonah walked over and sat down in one of the soft, cozy chairs as Elijah stood staring at him.

  “How did it go tonight?” Elijah was concerned at the uneasy look on Jonah’s face.

  “She’s agreed to help,” Jonah replied as he sighed deeply.

  Elijah sensed the pain in Jonah’s tone. “You seemed troubled. What is it that’s causing you such anxiety?”

  Jonah didn’t know where to start. He knew that he would have to tell Elijah who Alana was, but how was he going to explain his deepening feelings of possession for her? “She’s Mist. James sensed her as soon as he met her.”

  “What’s she doing with Harvey? Do you think he knows?” Elijah asked.

  “We don’t know. She’s worked for him for a long time, a very long time, but we don’t know why.”

  Elijah frowned at Jonah. “What do you mean, a very long time?”

  Jonah inhaled heavily as he stared at Elijah’s vibrant blue eyes. “I’ve met her before, in the cells.”

  Elijah stood rigid, his muscles taut as his mind flashed back to the hell of his past. He’d tried to forget the pain and suffering they’d endured. He was shocked to now hear that the female they wanted help from had been involved in the cruelty of their prison. “I don’t remember ever seeing any females.”

  “It was her first day and we escaped before you met her. She says that she wasn’t involved in any cruel treatment but she was still there that day when we escaped. She was the nurse that was working with the doctor,” Jonah explained.

  “Why was she working for Harvey?” Elijah wanted to understand, to know her reasons for working for their enemy.

  “She won’t say. I asked her but all she would say is that she’s sorry for our treatment. There’s something about how defensive she became when we mentioned Harvey that doesn’t make any sense. She’s hiding something but I don’t know what it is.”

  “Do you think Harvey is harming her in anyway? It would make sense of her animosity.” Elijah knew that Harvey would use any method to get what he wanted.

  Jonah growled. The thought of her being hurt in any way angered him. He had sent her back to Harvey and it distressed him to think of her in danger.

  Elijah noticed Jonah’s reaction to his question.

  “What is it you’re not telling me? If it concerns the safety of The Order, we need to know.” Elijah knew his friend well and could tell that something was plaguing his thoughts.

  Jonah watched Elijah as he pulled out one of the chairs from the desk and sat facing him. How could he tell his King that the female that had worked in the cells was tormenting his feelings and captivating his heart? “When you first met Jasmine, how did you feel?”

  Elijah raised his eyebrows. He hadn’t expected such an unusual question, especially not from Jonah. Jonah had always been so focused on his duty that he’d never considered him remotely interested in a female. “I knew from the second I saw her that she was mine. I felt a pulling in my heart that never broke, like we were bound together. I fell in love with her the first moment I saw her. Her scent drove me insane. Why?”

  Jonah sighed. He was still struggling between his anger for her involvement in their captivity and his growing
desire for her. How was he going to tell his oldest friend that his heart was falling for her? He sat silently, trying to find the right words.

  “I can’t stop the feelings I have inside. Before I saw her, I couldn’t stop thinking about her and when I finally met her again, all I could feel was desire and protection for her. I know she was there at the cells and that’s making me feel angry.”

  Elijah thought for a moment before answering. “You can’t help claiming a female if it’s meant to be. There may be reasons why she was there at the cells that we don’t know about. We need to find out why before we pass judgment on her.”

  “I asked her. Tried to find out what she was doing there and why she is still working for him now, but she won’t open up to us.”

  “Where is she now?” Elijah was concerned with his friend’s suffering. They would have to get her to Genesis.

  “She’s had to go back to the Headquarters to upload the program onto the system. She could be in danger and …” Jonah couldn’t bring himself to finish the sentence.

  “You need to go back there. Be there if she needs help. Take Lucian and get James to direct you. If she needs protection, then get her back here quickly. We can sort everything else later. Her safety is priority.”

  Elijah stood and waited for Jonah to follow. If Jonah was claiming the female, then it would be The Order’s duty to protect her.

  “Elijah. She was involved in our suffering. How can I forgive her for that?” Jonah felt torn, his emotions racked.

  “You’ll find a way Jonah. Love is a great healer. I know. Jasmine healed me and I can’t live without her now.” Elijah understood the intensity of Jonah’s situation.

  Jonah smiled. He’d expected his King to be angry, but he’d shown compassion. He walked toward the security room door and turned. Elijah was a loyal and caring brother, and he was glad he’d told him. Now he’d be able to go find her, bring her back to Genesis and find out why she was involved with Harvey. Maybe if he found out why she had done what she did, he would find a way to forgive her? He just hoped that he wouldn’t be too late.

  Chapter 7

  James pulled up into the parking space he’d left earlier that evening and turned off the engine. The drive back had been quick, the roads clear of other cars due to the snowfall and lateness of the night. The roads had been icy, but the SUV had dealt with the slippery surfaces well and it had been a comfortable ride. All except the deafening silence between himself and Alana. She had been distant and hadn’t spoken a word all the way. He knew she was troubled with her return to the Headquarters, but he hadn’t wanted to question her. It would only compound the fact that she had an important job to do. Even though he knew she would do her best to succeed, he was still anxious that she may be caught.

  He’d watched as Jonah had given her his cell and knew why. It was a good idea that she had some way to communicate with them if things went wrong. He had also seen Jonah’s reaction when Luca had gone near her. He’d seen a similar reaction from Elijah when anyone went near Jasmine. Jonah’s claiming of her screamed out at him and he instantly knew that she would feel the same way. It was strange. While James thought she was beautiful, he had not felt the instant bonding of their hearts the way Elijah and Jasmine had when they had first met.

  Alana looked over in James’s direction. “Thank you for taking me out tonight.”

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest about why. You were the only contact I had at the Headquarters and the only one I could ask for help. I didn’t know about your past acquaintance with Jonah.” He didn’t know how best to apologize to her.

  Alana didn’t blame James. He couldn’t have known what had happened in her past. No one did, except Harvey. “It’s not your fault. You didn’t know. I want to help. I’ve been trapped in my life and want to be free.”

  James glanced over to her. “What do you mean, trapped?”

  Alana stared out at the Headquarters. How could she tell him that she had been made to live at the Headquarters for most of her life? If they knew about her entrapment, they would have never let her return. She had to help The Order. It was her one and only chance to be free. “My life has never been of my own choosing. I’ve had to live at the Headquarters for a long time.”

  “What? Why?” James was surprised that she actually lived there. As far as James knew, she only worked there.

  “Let’s just say I found myself with a new home.” Alana wasn’t going to tell him why. The less they knew, the safer they would all be and getting the program uploaded was all that mattered. Maybe once she found what she was looking for, she might tell them. But not now. Now wasn’t the time to go into details.

  James stared at her. He’d been trapped in a life that was not his choosing while he tried to protect his sister. He understood her anguish even if he didn’t understand why she had been made to stay at the Headquarters. “Upload the program as soon as you can and get the hell out of there. We’ll be waiting for you.”

  “Will Jonah come?” Alana’s heart hastened at the thought of him being close. Knowing that he would be there to protect her made her feel some comfort.

  “Elijah, our King has instructed Jonah and Lucian to come and guard outside. I will be here, too, so if you need us, call on Jonah’s cell. We’ll come in and get you.”

  “Your King?” Alana was shocked. She knew of the original King Andreas, but he’d been killed a long time ago.

  “Elijah is our new King. He is the son of the original King, Andreas. He’s mated to Jasmine, our Queen. Elijah anointed Jonah and I, plus the five others males of The Order, as his Lords to create the new Royal Order. You’ll get to meet everyone once we get the program uploaded and get you out of there,” James explained.

  Alana was astounded by the fact that the Mist’s Royal Order had been recreated. She had learned about the originals from her parents, but they’d told her that all the originals had been killed a long time ago. She’d never been told that the original King, Andreas, had a son. “So Jonah is a Lord?”

  “Jonah is the First Lord. He is Elijah’s second in command and one of the strongest of us all. He is very powerful and is well respected. The King was being held in the cell next to Jonah. He helped him to escape. Elijah made him First Lord,” James explained.

  “Does Harvey know about you?” Alana was concerned for their safety. If Harvey was creating his own group of Mist guards, he would be an immense force for them to deal with.

  “Yes. We battled him not long ago. He’s aware that there is a new King. Our job is to protect him and his Queen. We’re also trying to find others of our race.”

  Alana knew there were more. Some of them were placed in Harvey’s guard, but she didn’t know where they’d come from. “I’d best get going before Harvey starts becoming suspicious. I’ll get into the office first thing. Then I’ll leave and make my way out.”

  “Be careful. Jonah won’t be pleased if anything happens to you.” It would be his head on the chopping block if anything happened to her before Jonah got there. James was sure of that.

  Alana smiled. She like James and was pleased he had contacted her. She was anxious about the task ahead of her, but it paled in comparison to the life she’d been forced to live. She unbuckled her seat belt and slowly let it retract as she turned to face James’s concerned stare.

  “See you tomorrow. Don’t go anywhere.”

  “Don’t worry. We’ll be here, waiting.” He wouldn’t leave, not for anything. He had to ensure that she was protected until Jonah got there.

  Alana opened the car door and stepped out onto the stone path. It was slippery beneath her feet as she shut the car door and pulled her coat tightly around her. The pounding in her heart drove adrenaline through her veins as she walked along the path, staring through the security fence at the large Headquarters.

  The outside spotlights lit the building, shining brightly on the large panes of glass that surrounded the lower levels. She gazed at the top floor, seeing her room in darkne
ss. She hoped she would be able to reach it without being stopped by any of the guards or even Harvey himself. If luck was on her side, she’d be able to sneak in and get to the security of her room before anyone noticed.

  As Alana walked through the front entrance, she saw the two large males sitting at the reception desk. Their gazes made her feel edgy as she walked past them and up the stairs, turning left toward her room.

  The long desolate corridor felt eerie. The lights from the wall lamps cast shadows on the cream-colored walls and the sounds of her boots echoed against the oak floor. Even though the house itself was beautiful, it had never felt like her home. It was her prison and she’d never gotten used to living there.

  She approached her room and glanced down each side of the corridor. She hadn’t been stopped, which had been good. She reached her hand in her jeans pocket to feel the small hope of her future. Turning the handle of her door, she pushed it open and stepped into the darkness before closing the door behind her and reaching for the light switch.

  As Alana turned, she froze, her heart leaping to her throat as she stared at the enormous male standing across the room. Harvey’s stare bore into her as she jumped back against the closed door. Her heart thumped hard in her chest and she could feel the hard wood of the door against her back. His arms crossed over his chest and the firm line of his taut jaw told her that he was angry.

  “Where were you?” His tone was sharp and laced with hostility.

  “None of your goddamn business.” Alana didn’t care for his tone. Didn’t care for him at all. As far as she was concerned, he had no rights over where she went.

  “Why were you out so long?” He knew she wouldn’t tell him but he still wanted to know where she’d been.

  Alana stared at him as she felt the heat of her anger grow from the pit of her stomach. “Like I said, it’s none of your business what I do or where I go, as long as it’s as far away from you as I can get. Please leave!”

  “You know I can stop you leaving whenever I want. It wouldn’t take much to convince you and you know how I’d do it.” Harvey smirked.


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