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Jack Hammer: A Blue Collar Alpha Romance

Page 3

by Piper King

  He stands and throws his jeans into a heap on the ground along with his shirt. I know my mouth is hanging open. It has to be. This man is pure muscle, every inch of him rippling as he moves. And his carved V leads down to that massive cock of his, one I’m not entirely sure will fit.

  “You like what you see, gorgeous?” He smiles.

  It’s his cocky smile, but hell. I can’t say I can blame him.

  “I very much like what I see.” I crook my finger at him. “And I want it inside me.”

  He drops to the ground and flips me over. With a small chirp of surprise, I smile. He’s so strong, so masculine, he can just toss me around however he wants.

  I wiggle my ass and lift it higher so he can get a good view, my arousal spread across my cheeks. I may have just had the most mind-blowing orgasm of my life, but I want his dick so bad that I literally ache.

  “You’re so fucking perfect.” He squeezes an ass cheek tight in his rough hand. “You have the kind of ass men dream about.”

  “Then take me.” I swallow. “Hard.”

  He’s inside me within seconds, his hard length expanding my walls. Even though he’s big, he slides inside easily, lubricated by how much he’s turned me on. Grunting, he grips my hair in his fist again and slams into me. I squeak out a cry, half in pleasure, half in pain. He feels good. So good I can barely breathe.

  “You like that, huh?” He slams into me again. “You’re squeezing so tight around my dick.”

  “Faster,” I whisper, rubbing against him.

  He pounds faster, his fingers gripping onto my hips. Stars dot my vision, and blood roars in my ears. I dig my fingers into the ground, my nails getting caked in dirt and grass, and I hear a growl escape from my own throat. This man has turned me into an animal, one who is desperate for more.

  I move against him, our bodies coming together in an explosive, whiskey-fuelled energy. He’s so big. He’s so hard. He throbs against the very back of me, hitting the G-spot I never knew I had. My pussy clenches tighter and tighter until I think I can’t take any more. And then my pleasure crashes through me, and a scream rips from my throat.

  He roars in response to my orgasm and slams inside me with one final thrust. “Oh god, I’m coming.”

  And then I feel the tremors of his own orgasm as he comes inside me, emptying his cum into my trembling body.

  After we both catch our breath, we lay there on the grass beside each other. My head rests on his chest, and his finger strokes my arm. That was, by far, the best sex of my life. And I kind of wish this wasn’t just a moment in time that will pass. I want to press pause, make this last a little longer. So, when he murmurs something into my ear about a third round, I smile and climb onto his cock.



  “So, Jack my boy, looks like you won that bet and then some.” My brother, Noah, stands from where he’s jotting down notes for our big upcoming contract meeting with a new housing developer in town. He shoots me a sly grin and punches me once in the arm. I hate it when he does that. “Where’d you and Fancy Pants disappear off to last night? You look like you haven’t slept a wink.”

  “Her name is Zoe,” I say with a roll of my eyes. “And it’s none of your damn business.”

  Luke, my older and much less annoying brother, lets out a low whistle. He’s also bent over the notes about the job. It’s an all-hands-on-deck kind of gig that we’re lucky to land. It will keep our business going strong for years and will put us on the map for more of the same. We could sure as hell use it. Things have been slow around here lately. Turns out there are only so many kitchen renovations people need in a small town like Redwater.

  But this job changes everything.

  We can expand and hire some staff to deal with the more mundane tasks that come with running a business. Right now, it’s just me and my brothers. It always has been, but we’re hoping it won’t be that way for long.

  “Zoe, huh? She must have been something special if you’re keeping it to yourself.” Luke’s scruffy and usually stoic face breaks into a grin. “But don’t think we didn’t notice the way your hand went up her skirt, little brother. That isn’t part of Noah’s bet.”

  I take back everything I ever said about Luke being the less annoying one.

  “That sure as hell isn’t part of the bet.” Noah aims to punch me again, but I catch his fist before it makes contact with my arm.

  “I said I don’t want to talk about it,” I say in a firm voice before letting go. Truth be told, Zoe is all I want to talk about. She got under my skin in a way I hadn’t expected. Hell, everything about the girl is the opposite of what I thought when I first saw her sitting there at the bar with her sleek hair and pristine suit. And I know I’m going to spend the rest of the day with her firmly on my mind, even though I need to focus on the big meeting ahead.

  Especially her smile.

  Damn that smile. Something about it warms my insides the way Wilde’s Whiskey tends to do.

  But I also know if I tell my brothers all this, they’ll never let me hear the end of it for as long I’m breathing on this planet.

  On my deathbed, they’ll still go on about it.

  Besides, what’s done is done. There’s no reason to dwell on it for any longer. We had a great night, and that’s all there was to it. She lives in New York. And I live a hundred miles away from the sparkling lights and blaring taxi horns she says she loves. Not to mention we’re far too different. Hell, I didn’t even get her number.

  As amazing as Zoe is, I’ll never see her again.

  And that’s okay.

  It’s really, really okay.

  I just wish the heavy rock in my gut agreed.

  Noah raises his eyebrows. “Damn, Jack. She really did do a number on you.”

  “Noah,” Luke says with a shake of his head. “Let’s drop it. The meeting is in less than an hour, and we need to make sure Jack is fully prepped. Just because we know the job is ours, nothing is one-hundred percent certain until this contract is signed.”

  “You two are no fun sometimes.” Noah sighs but grabs the unsigned contract from the hardwood table the three of us built from scratch. Even though he loves to be the jokester, he gets right down to business when it counts the most. He works as hard as me and Luke, sometimes even more so. Sometimes I wonder if his joking exterior is a way to hide the pain he still feels from our parents’ deaths.

  But I would never ask.

  The developer wants to meet at the only diner in town rather than coming around to the shop, which is just fine with us. The contract signing is more a formality at this point, and our shop is a little on the dirty side, to say the least. We’re the only builders in town, and he’s made it clear that his company is dead set on using a local operation rather than a big city corporation that doesn’t understand the “charm” of Redwater the way we do.

  So, when I pull up to the diner in my four by four, I’m feeling pretty damn good. I had the best sex of my life last night and I’m on the way to change the future of my business for good. There’s absolutely nothing in the world that could ruin my mood. Especially not when I see Zoe inside the diner through the floor-to-ceiling windows. She’s sipping on a coffee and smiling at the old photos on the walls.

  My heart lurches a little.

  She looks even more pristine than she did last night, but I don’t find it a turn-off the way I might have before. Her dark and luscious waves are pulled back into a high bun and her suit is crisp and clean. No signs she spent last night rolling around on the grass for endless hours. She looks damn good for someone who got no sleep.

  And she looks even better for someone I thought I’d never see again.

  She glances up, and our eyes catch. A shy little smile dons her lips, and I’m dead meat. There’s no fighting against that smile. As soon as this contract is signed, sealed, and delivered, I’m going to walk right over to her table and get her phone number like I should have last night.

  I thought walking a
way would be the best decision for the both of us, but I realize what an idiotic idea that had been. We need to make the most of it. I need her gorgeous, milky thighs wrapped around my cock again.

  There’s a knock on my truck window, and I snap my gaze from Zoe. The developer gives me a wave, his tight-lipped smile showing off two rows of obnoxiously white teeth. It’s guys like this who are the reason I’m not too fond of city folk. He’s like Zoe, only…not. His suit is clearly tailored, and his tie is about as skinny as a rope. And there’s an air of faux nicety about him that leaves my mouth feeling drier than the Arizona desert. I can see he’s not impressed by my truck. Or my lack of suit.

  But a suit doesn’t matter when it comes to construction.

  All that matters is what you can do with your hands.

  And trust me, I’m damn good in that department.

  I crack my door and paste on my own fake smile. “Morning, Mr. Richards. You ready to try out Ma’s Diner?”

  “Sure thing, Mr. Hall. Ahhh…” He trails off and shuffles in his shoes.

  My eyes narrow as I track his movements. He won’t look me directly in the eye, and he keeps glancing at the diner like he’s afraid the food might kill him. And as far as I’m aware, Ma’s Diner has never done anything worse than expand waistlines from the sheer amount of food they serve.

  There’s something wrong.

  “Is there a problem with the deal?” I ask, cutting right to the chase.

  “No, no.” He smiles again, though it comes out a bit more like a grimace. “Just a…development, so to speak. My employer wanted to consider a couple of different options, so we have someone from The Wilson Group here to give us a bid in addition to yours.”

  My heart grows cold. “The Wilson Group? You mean the big Manhattan corporation? I thought your team didn’t want to use someone from out of town?”

  “I’m sorry, Jack. My hands are tied.” He pats me on the back and sighs. “But don’t you worry, I’m sure we’ll still take on your bid. We’re just listening to her pitch. That’s all. Anyway, I just wanted to warn you before we went inside. I didn’t intend for you to cross paths, but Miss Austin showed up a bit early.”

  The world seems to slow, and I can’t be sure I’ve heard his words right. I could have sworn he said Miss Austin. But that’s impossible. That would mean…

  I close my eyes, reality crashing down around me.

  Zoe Austin really is turning out to be far more than I ever expected.

  And she’s here to steal my job.



  Oh my god, he’s going to come into the diner. Taking a deep breath, I lick my lips and pat down my bun, wincing at the headache that has settled into my skull after last night’s Wilde-fuelled activities. Not a single strand is out of place thanks to the gallon of hairspray I used this morning, but I still feel a teensy bit on edge by this random wrench thrown into my morning’s plans. Get to the diner early. Relax. Mentally prepare for the meeting. Have some coffee. Forget about Jamie’s massive hammer. Breathe.

  This certainly changes that score.

  As excited as I am to see Jamie again, I’m not sure what to think after the way we left things last night. He didn’t seem particularly interested in ever seeing me again. Plus, now really isn’t the best time. I have a meeting. A very important one. My boss told me in no uncertain terms that my employment status is very much dependent on the result.

  But he’s walking straight toward the diner doors. With…Mr. Richards, the housing developer I’m scheduled to meet.

  And Jamie no longer has that rogue, panty-melting smile donning his lips. Instead, he looks downright spooked.

  My heart throbs painfully, and I’m not sure if it’s because of the hangover or because two very separate worlds feel as if they’re about to collide. Maybe they just know each other. That’s all. Jamie is a friendly guy after all, and Mr. Richards is new to town. They could have met at Bar Wilde just like we did.

  Taking a deep breath to calm my nerves, I almost convince myself that this is true. Sure, it doesn’t explain why Jamie looks as though he’s about to walk the plank, but there are a million other explanations for that. Right?

  But then my eyes get caught on a flash of red. The big red four by four Jamie parked across the street. There’s something written in the paint. Something that confirms my worst fears.

  It says, “The Hall Brothers” on the side in big bold letters that are impossible to ignore.


  My mouth goes chalk dry.

  Jamie is one of the brothers. I’m here to take business away from him, and I slept with him last night. Not only have I committed the worst conflict of interest imaginable, I’m going to have to see the look on his face when he realizes exactly who I am and why I’m here.

  He’ll hate me.

  But wait a minute, I think, frowning. His name is Jamie. He works out of his home garage, building bookcases and wine racks for family and friends. Besides, as part of my prep for this meeting, I learned all about the brothers. There’s three of them: Luke, Jack, and Noah. And they do a hell of a lot more than build tables and chairs.

  What the hell is going on?

  The diner door jingles, and Mr. Richards points to me with a smile, but I have no eyes for him. All I can do is stare at Jamie and watch the way he clenches his jaw. He’s staring hard at the floor, and his hands are fists by his sides. I feel myself slowly stand from the table, and as I do, he finally looks up to meet my eyes. They burn.

  And that’s when I know.

  He truly is one of the brothers. Which means not only have I made a serious boo boo, Jamie—or whatever his name is—lied to me, too.

  My eyes narrow in response. He lied to me to get into my pants. That’s the only explanation, one that really stings.

  I thought he was different than other guys. It was what attracted me to him in the first place. He seemed open, free, and full of electric energy. But this really takes the cake. Despite how badly I’ve been treated before, I never had a guy lie to me about his entire identity.

  And if he’s willing to do something like that, then I’m even more determined to land this contract.

  “Miss Austin.” Mr. Richards reaches the table, and I smile in response without a single glance in Jamie’s direction. The developer is wringing his hands, clearly uneasy by my early arrival. But I hadn’t known he was meeting another contractor right here and right now. “Lovely to see you. I, ah, realize this is a bit unorthodox, but Mr. Hall here has a bid for me as well. Do you mind if I go briefly chat with him before our meeting? We weren’t scheduled for another hour, so I hope that’s fine with you.”

  “Hello, Jack.” I stick out my hand and silently dare him not to shake it. How do I know he’s Jack and not Luck or Noah? Well, he really didn’t make it terribly difficult to figure out. If he was going to lie about his name, he should have come up with something that wasn’t so glaringly similar to his own.

  “Oh!” Mr. Richards looks from me to Mr. Hall, slight relief softening the creases on his weathered face. “Do you two—”

  “NO,” Jack and I practically shout in unison.

  “Right, ah…” Mr. Richards glances around for an exit strategy. I’m sure he can feel the tension hurtling between me and Jack. Hell, the entire town can probably feel it rumbling the earth beneath our feet. It’s that intense. Jack is clearly as surprised and pissed off to see me as I am him, but I’m not about to apologize for my own little omission (why I’m in Redwater) when he flat-out lied to me about who he is. “Mr. Hall, shall we go sit at the table over there in the—”

  “Miss Austin.” Jack’s lips turn up into a mocking smile. “What’s it like to work for a big soulless corporation like The Wilson Group? Is it…what was the word you used when discussing it just yesterday evening? Hmm, let me think. Oh, yes. I remember now. Boring. You said your job is boring.”

  All the air gets sucked from my lungs, and I ball my hands into fists. He did not just t
ry to throw me under the bus like that by taking an off-the-cuff remark I made when I thought he was someone else. Anger practically radiates off my skin, and it takes all of my self-control to keep my voice steady when I speak.

  “I think you have it the wrong way around,” I say with a cool-as-a-cucumber smile. “I believe you just assumed the more complicated aspects of managing a national corporation are boring. But that’s okay. It’s not something you would understand, since you do a large portion of your work out of your own home garage. Or at least that’s what you said. A respectable businessman wouldn’t lie, right?”

  “I’m surprised a company as successful as yours would send such a novice to land a contract as big as this one,” Jack says with a smile as equally as cool. “I assumed their representatives would at least be somewhat versed in the difference between a hammer and a screwdriver. Tell me, Miss Austin, have you ever handled a real tool?”

  “I can go one better than that. Tell me about your fleet of machinery, Mr. Hall. Has it been ten years or twenty since they’ve last been updated? Wouldn’t want them falling apart on a years-long development project like this one, would we?”

  “Okay, stop it.” Mr. Richards holds up his hands, a frown deeply etched into his face. “I’m not entirely sure what’s going on here, but I have a feeling it’s partly my fault for scheduling these meetings so close together. That said, there are some remarks being made that certainly concern me. Miss Austin, if you find the work boring then I worry about your commitment to this project.”

  “Sir, I can assure you that I am extremely committed to your development,” I say quickly. I can’t lose this contract based on a dumb comment I made when I was half-drunk. Sure, it’s the absolute truth, but that doesn’t mean I’m not committed to doing the work. The future of my job rests on the success of this development, and that’s more important to me than how bored I feel checking schedules and ticking boxes.

  “And Mr. Hall here makes a good point,” he continues. “I’m not entirely sure why The Wilson Group saw fit to send a woman with no construction experience.”


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