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Mafia Lullaby: A Dark Captive Romance

Page 15

by Alta Hensley

  She spun around, stopping him in his tracks.

  “Aren’t you even going to listen to my side of things?” She reacted with heat.

  He paused, letting the burst bubble of anger subside. Once calm enough to deal with the issue, he reached out to her, driving his hand into her hair and fisting the locks at her scalp.

  “Listen to you?” he snarled, giving her head a little shake. “Of course, I’m going to listen to you. I’m going to listen to you cry, and beg, and plead. I’ll listen to you promise to be good, swear you’ll never do it again and then sob until your ass is as red as Rudolph’s fucking nose.”

  She winced and reached up, trying to free herself from his grip, but it was too late for any sort of mercy on his part.

  She just didn’t seem to grasp the severity of this situation. But she would. She fucking would.

  He pulled her closer to him, bringing his nose to touch hers. “Now, you listen to me. Get your ass to your room, strip and get in the fucking corner. If you say one more word before I give you permission to speak, I’ll get the medical stapler from downstairs and shut your mouth for you. Do you understand?”

  Her eyes went wide; the color drained from her cheeks.

  “Yes, Daddy. I understand,” she whispered.

  After one more small shake, he released her. “Go.”

  She ran down the hall to her room, not looking back to see if he was following. But the jangle of his belt being undone probably gave her a good indication of how far behind her he really was.

  What was she going to do? Costello had never looked so angry at her before. Her scalp still burned from where he’d pulled on her hair, but she didn’t dare raise her hands to rub the sting away. His pacing from behind her slowed but remained steady. He wasn’t quite ready to deal with her, she supposed. But the tapping of the belt against his leg as he walked kept her on edge, ready to jump whenever he said so.

  She’d gone too far. Obviously, she saw that now, but she needed to make him understand her intentions had been for good. If he’d just listen to her.

  “I’d like to know exactly what part of behave and stay under the radar was confusing to you?” he asked in a dangerously low tone. He’d stopped pacing right behind her. She could feel the heat of him washing over her naked back and ass.

  “I needed to talk to you,” she hurried to say. Who knew how long of a window she’d have to speak before he started to lay into her.

  “What?” The incredulousness blaring in his tone made her hurry with the rest of her explanation.

  She turned around to speak, but his eyes widened at her impromptu movement, and she spun back around to face the corner. Undignified, fine, but at least he let her talk.

  “I had to talk to you, but Maria said you weren’t coming up for story time, and I would have to wait until the morning.” She took a breath. “It’s not like I have an array of options to get a hold of you. It’s not like I can pick up a phone and call or text.”

  “You started a brawl with the other girls because you wanted to talk to me?” The surprise hadn’t lessened in his voice yet, but it was only because he didn’t know the whole story.

  “No, I argued with Courtney over the blanket hoping that they’d call you to sort me out. But they didn’t, at least not right away. And then Mae got involved trying to defend Courtney, which pissed off Shelby because Shelby doesn’t like how Mae always sticks up for Courtney even though Courtney is such a kiss ass.”

  It all sounded perfectly juvenile, which it had been because the girls were too doped to know they were women in their twenties and not six-year-olds starting a turf war over a fucking blanket. But she left her opinion about all of that out of her explanation.

  A long moment passed and then a heavy sigh. “I think I got the gist of that.” Another jangle of his belt buckle. “I told you, and I was very specific about this, to keep yourself out of trouble. No added spotlight. Isn’t that what I told you?”

  “Well, yeah, but this was important.” She wiggled her fingers at her side.

  “It could have waited until the morning, whatever it is.” His impatience shone through.

  “You don’t think I could possibly help with the situation we’re in?” she asked, still not turning around to face him.

  “Of course it’s not that,” he said quickly. “You can tell me whatever you need to tell me after you’ve had your punishment.” He sighed. “Go on and bend over the bed.”

  “What?” She spun around so quickly it took a second for the rest of her to catch up to her whirling brain. “You’re going to use that thing on me?” She jerked a pointed finger at the belt hanging loosely at his side.

  She hadn’t noticed before, but in that moment of waiting for his answer, she saw him. He was a good-looking man, but tonight wearing a pair of tight-fitting blue jeans and a black polo shirt that hugged all of his muscles, he seemed even more handsome.

  “Of course, I am.” His brow wrinkled. “After what you pulled? You’re lucky all I’m going to do is light up your ass.”

  “But I had a reason,” she whined. Closing her eyes, she took a deep breath. She’d been in this place too long. She was actually starting to sound like the other girls.

  “I know you did, but I was very specific about what to do. I didn’t leave any room for misinterpretation.”

  “I needed to talk to you.” She stomped her foot. Maybe the damn Lullaby was actually starting to work on her. No, no, she still had all her previous memories. It was just his stubbornness that made her act this way. If he would just see things her way, they’d get past this and on to serious business.

  “Ariana.” He paused a beat. “Get your ass over that bed before I put you there. And if I do it, you can bet you’ll be getting more than a belting.”

  She clamped her mouth closed. It wasn’t worth risking whatever else he was willing to dish out. She’d take his stupid belt and then she’d tell him off. He’d feel really bad once he realized how wrong he’d been. Then he’d see. Then he’d apologize. And maybe she wouldn’t accept his apology.

  Stomping over to the bed, she flung herself over the side.

  “Ass higher,” he commanded from behind her.

  She ground her teeth together, but lifted her ass to where he wanted it, giving him the perfect target for his stupid belt.

  “When I tell you to behave, to stay the hell under the radar, that does not mean start a fight over a damn blanket because you want to see me.” His harsh tone preceded the fire he ignited across her ass with the leather.

  “You don’t ever act out to get what you want.” The belt crashed down again, the hard edge of it cutting into her ass.

  She cried out, scrambling to grab hold of a pillow to bury her face into before the next lash.

  “You wait and you do what I say. There’s too much at risk for you to behave this way.”

  He didn’t need to rub in the danger. She was well aware. But coupled with another hard lick and another, she gave way to the storm cloud brewing in her chest.

  Over and over the belt came down on her ass, setting a new fire with each contact.

  “I’m sorry!” she screamed out when she couldn’t bear another lash. “Please! I’m sorry!” She flung her hand behind her, trying to shield herself. Horrible timing. He’d been in midstroke, and the belt caught her palm.

  Yanking her hand back in front of her, he resumed the belting until all she could hear was her own sobs.

  Leather against flesh.

  Sting building to a point of burn.

  This punishment was far worse than all the others, and not just because of the belt. Costello was angry. Truly angry.

  Tears of shame for acting like a drugged up Lullaby girl of her own free will cascaded down her face. He was right. There were other ways to have handled it, and he was making damn sure she never made the mistake again.

  Finally, the spanking was over. Her ass was probably black and blue and swollen to three times its size.

She stayed over the edge of the bed while he threaded his belt back through the loops of his jeans. Only when his fingers touched her ass did she move.

  “You’re going to be sore in the morning, but it’s what they’ll expect.” He sat next to her on the bed with a heavy sigh. “But more than that, you deserved that spanking, Ariana. I can’t protect you if you fight me the entire way. I know this world. I understand it. You need to allow me to truly be your daddy and take care of you the best way I can. Stop thinking you know more than me. I’m doing this for you. For us.”

  She sniffled and turned her head to the side to see him. The action caused her head to spin a little and her vision went foggy for a moment before clearing up.

  “I know, Daddy. I’m sorry. I didn’t think it would turn into a huge brawl.” She wiped the back of her hand over her cheek, trying to ignore the little ringing in her ears.

  He frowned. “Get your pajamas back on and get under the covers. I have to get back downstairs to the other Daddies. They’ll be finished with their girls soon,” he said and patted her back.

  “You aren’t going to make me feel better?” she asked, pushing herself to her feet.

  He chuckled. “You deserved every lick, and you’ll feel every one of them until the morning at least. But you can go on and tell me what was so important you had to get a bunch of girls in trouble.”

  “You think they all got spanked?” she asked with wide eyes.

  Costello narrowed his lids and turned his head to the side. “Ariana, are you feeling okay?”

  “Of course, Daddy,” she said and picked up her gown from the foot of the bed and slipped it over her head. The cotton rubbed against her sore bottom, but she didn’t complain.

  “We’re alone now, you don’t have to keep your voice high pitched like that.” He pulled the quilts back on the bed and she hopped in, wiggling until she was comfortable. She rolled to her side to keep her ass from touching anything more than it had to.

  “I know.” She nodded. “What I wanted to tell you was I heard Nanny Nancy talking to Uncle Johnny. At least that’s what Shelby said his name was.” She thought a moment. “Yes. That’s his name. Uncle Johnny.”

  “And what did Nancy say?” he asked, more curious now.

  “She was talking about effienc…effective…no…productivity! That’s the word. It would be more productive to have us girls dosed and sold. He doesn’t like us here,” she said, pulling the quilt up to her chin.

  “Oh, no?”

  “No. He said we cut into the bottom line and it would be better if Frank, I mean Uncle Frank, would listen to him or get out of his way.”

  Costello squatted down in front of her at her bedside. “Is that what he said, Ariana? Frank should get out of his way?”

  She thought about it real heard. “Yes. He said Frank should just get out of his way and Nanny Nancy agreed. She said he’s too soft. He doesn’t see the potential like Uncle Johnny does.”

  Costello’s frown deepened.

  “Anything else?”

  “No.” She shook her head and yawned. Her body was getting used to the early bed time. “See. I told you it was important.” She snuggled into her pillow. “Daddy?”

  “Yeah, Ariana?” he asked, brushing her bangs from her forehead.

  “I feel sorta weird. Kinda like I’m flying, but that can’t be. I’m right here in my bed.”

  “It’s okay. You’re just sleepy. Get some rest. We’ll talk more in the morning.” He pressed a warm kiss to her cheek which made her smile.

  Daddy was nice.

  When he wasn’t being mean.

  Costello checked in on Ariana after breakfast. She played quietly in the dayroom with some Barbies.

  “How is she?” Costello asked Maria quietly as they stood near the door.

  Maria glanced at Ariana before answering. “Honestly? Perfect. I haven’t seen her this relaxed since she got here.”

  Costello’s jaw tightened.

  “Did she have the same dose this morning as usual?” he asked, concern filling him fast.

  “Nothing’s changed. Yeah.” Maria’s answer only sent his worry into a tailspin.

  “Okay. Thanks. I have a meeting in the city in an hour. I’ll be gone until dinner time. If she needs me, let her call me, okay?” He watched Ariana pick up a small brush and start working on the doll’s hair. She looked completely at home in the dayroom.

  His stomach twisted.

  “Sure. Not a problem. Is everything all right?” she asked, glancing back at Ariana playing quietly by herself.

  “Yeah. Fine,” he reassured the nanny. After taking another moment to watch Ariana play with her doll, he left the dayroom. She hadn’t even noticed him being there. When he’d gone into the breakfast room, she’d been eating her oatmeal and laughing with the girl beside her. She never looked up to find him like she normally did.

  The Lullaby had finally started working.

  He clenched his jaw and hurried down to the garage to his car.

  He jumped into the driver’s side and tore out of the garage, down the long driveway and onto the main road. He needed to make another collection run, but more importantly he needed answers. He needed to know where the chips were going to fall, because if he chose the wrong side, he’d get them both killed.

  But if he did nothing, Ariana would slip away from him forever. He’d never seen a girl come off of Lullaby. She could have such a dependence on the drug she’d go through painful withdrawals. Or she wouldn’t be able to ever get off of it completely.

  By the time he pulled into the lot behind the warehouse, his chest was nestled nicely in a fucking vise. He didn’t have time for politics, but it was the only way he could see to get clear of this whole fucking mess.

  He tucked his pistol into the back of his pants, just to be safe, and cut the engine. Nicky was waiting for him just inside the warehouse door.

  “I wasn’t expecting you till this afternoon.” Nicky slapped Costello on the back and walked with him to the back office.

  “I needed a break this morning from the House.” Costello laughed and followed Nicky. “Been a lot of bullshit going on over there. Rumors. Just annoying shit.”

  “Oh, yeah?” Nicky asked as he walked over to the filing cabinet to get the same bag out as usual. “I was wondering when it would reach over there.”

  “Guess it finally did.” Costello took the bag, putting it on the desk and unzipping it. “Good amount this time.” He nodded with satisfaction. He couldn’t give two fucks how much cash was bundled up in the damn bag. What he wanted, came in words not paper. “Johnny’s unhappy, it’s messing up the schedules. It’s just a lot of stress.”

  It was a gamble. A huge risk, laying it out that way. If Nicky didn’t know anything, Costello could be starting up shit he couldn’t back up. Or if Nicky was still completely loyal to Frank, suspicions could start running in Costello’s direction.

  Nicky licked his lips; his eyes wandering to the door.

  “It’s like that?” he asked.

  Costello forced a blank expression. “Yeah. Get the feeling something’s brewing, you know. Just wish I knew what so I could get ready. If the brothers are going to fight, I want to get on the right side of that, you know what I mean?” He zipped the bag back up.

  Nicky stared at him again for a long moment.

  “What?” Costello put his hands out and threw some suspicion into his tone. “Why you looking at me like that? What’s going on?”

  Nicky waved his hands in a downward fashion. “Quiet. Keep it down.” He walked to the door and shut it. “I got some new kids working the pallets in the back. They don’t need to hear this.”

  “Hear what? Nicky, you’re spooking me. What’s going on?”

  Nicky looked ready to spill, his lips were twitching to tell him everything.

  “Okay.” Nicky made his decision. “But you didn’t hear any of this from me, understand?”

  “Yeah, yeah. Of course,” Costello assured him. />
  “Johnny’s had enough of playing second son to Frank.” He leaned forward toward Costello. “He’s making a play for the seat.”

  Costello stood speechless for a long moment. He’d already suspected; the news wasn’t a shock. Yet somehow it still left him a bit numb. Johnny was going to tear the family in two if he made a move for Frank’s seat.

  “He have approval from the committee?” Costello asked, still feeling out the information.

  “I don’t know. All I know, is he’s going to take a shot at it. He’s got Marco’s backing and of course their cousin, what’s her name…Nancy.”

  “Nancy has no authority,” Costello replied.

  “Ah, she has her father’s vote. She may not get a stake in the business, and has to live off Frank’s handouts, but she gets her father’s vote when it comes to big shifts in the business. Johnny’s got her behind him. That’s two of the three family votes.”

  Costello let out a low whistle.

  “So, they just take a vote and that’s it?”

  Nicky laughed. “Of course not. Frank’s not gonna just hand over the keys to the kingdom and ride off on his horse. I’m not sure of the details, but soon.”

  “And you don’t have an opinion on it?” Costello felt him out.

  Nicky shook his head. “I don’t give a rats ass who’s on top, so long as my cut keeps coming in. Not like either of us are ever getting a seat at that table anyway. We’re not Romero blood.”

  He had that right. Carlos Romero had felt guilty enough to give Costello a place to lay his head and a job to feed himself, but that had been all he’d been handed. And no matter how much he worked, he’d never see the top of the Romero chain. He simply had the wrong bloodline.

  “Yeah.” Costello paused. “Guess we’ll let them fight it out on top and see who’s standing at the end of it,” Costello said with what he hoped was a sincere smile.

  “Good plan to me.” Nicky gave a quick nod. “You okay seeing yourself out? I gotta get these guys moving back here. We have a large shipment coming in this afternoon, and I need those pallets cleared.”

  “Sure, no problem.” Costello shook Nicky’s hand and made his way back out of the warehouse to his car.


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