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Ultimate Kill (Book 1 Ultimate CORE Trilogy) (CORE Series)

Page 34

by Kristine Mason

  Hunnicutt turned off the faucet. “I am so tired of being interrupted.” He looked to Naomi and reached into the tub.

  “Don’t touch her.”

  “I already have…with a butcher’s knife,” he said, moving her left leg until her knees and hands jutted from the water. Duct tape bound her calves together. The tape had also been wrapped around her opened palms and circled her lower thighs, just above the knee, making her arms immobile. Blood oozed from the horizontal slices running from the inside of her wrists and flowed into the bath.

  Jake kept his aim steady. “You’re fucking dead,” he said, curving his finger around the trigger, then froze. He slid his gaze to the mirror above the counter. Vlad stood behind him, the gun in his hand pressed against the back of Jake’s skull.

  Hunnicutt chuckled and pressed Naomi’s bound legs back into the water. “Vlad. I knew I could count on you,” he said, shaking water from his hand. “Kill him.” He looked at Naomi with disgust. “She should be dead shortly and then we can leave. Rose was always a bleeder.” He ripped the duct tape from her mouth. “Isn’t that right?”

  An overwhelming sense of helplessness filled Jake with anguish. The woman he loved lay in a tub of her own blood, dying. He could still put a bullet in Hunnicutt’s head. But if Vlad also fired, who would know to come for Naomi? With the way Hunnicutt had slashed her wrists, the bastard was right. She wouldn’t make it for very long. Damn it, why hadn’t he called for backup? He’d been hell bent on making sure Hunnicutt didn’t leave alive, had stupidly assumed Vlad and Harrison were on his and Naomi’s side. Harrison might have been, he’d acted sincere. Considering Vlad had a gun to his head, he figured Harrison was already dead, betrayed by the man who’d helped him escape.

  “Don’t,” Naomi gasped and let out another cry. “Vlad, please help us.”

  “My men are loyal. He won’t help you,” Hunnicutt said. “If I recall, you begged Ric, too. Just before he helped removed my child from your womb.”

  When Jake fingered the trigger, ready to take the risk and shoot a bullet in the center of Hunnicutt’s forehead, the bastard smiled at him. “Vlad, keep the gun on our would-be hero, but don’t kill him yet. I’m guessing we have another twenty to thirty minutes before Rose bleeds to death—and I want to make sure she’s dead before we leave. Besides, thanks to the way the FBI stormed into my warehouse, Rose and I haven’t had a chance to catch up yet. Eight years is a long time to be apart. Tell me, Rose…is this man your lover?” When Naomi remained silent, Hunnicutt’s smile grew. “By the bloodlust in his eyes I’m going to make a solid assumption and take that as a yes. Interesting. Well, lover, did you know Rose used to be my whore?” He reached back into the tub and grabbed Naomi’s breast through her t-shirt.

  Her faced twisted in pain and outrage. She thrashed her body and raised her bound legs. The gashes along her forearms bled profusely, as if the movement increased the blood flow. Jake didn’t know much about the human body, and had no idea if remaining still would slow the bleeding. “Naomi, stop,” he said, worried she was causing more damage to herself.

  Crying, she drew her knees toward her chest, then stilled. Blood continued to ooze from her wounds and trickle into the tub and onto Hunnicutt’s hand at her breast.

  “That’s disgusting,” the bastard said, using the towel on his lap to clean his hand. “By the way, lover, do you even know her real name?”

  When he met Naomi’s gaze, his stomach tightened with dread. The fear and apology in her eyes was killing him. Their situation was fucked, but he didn’t want her giving up on him. Based on the crash course Rachel had given him on narcissism, along with what Naomi had told him about Hunnicutt, Jake doubted he could talk their way out of this. But Hunnicutt acted as if he was in the mood to talk. Good, let him. Jake could use this time to figure out a way to save Naomi.

  “Yes, I know her real name.”

  “Don’t answer any of his questions,” Naomi said on a sob.

  “Oh, Rose. Does it really matter?” Hunnicutt shook his head and looked Jake directly in the eyes. “I’m going to kill him anyway. Before I do, I think you both deserve to suffer.”

  “I’ve suffered enough,” Naomi shouted. “You’ve taken everything away from me.”

  “Everything but your current lover, which I’ll rectify momentarily. Before I have Vlad splatter his brains all over the bathroom, I’d like your lover to know a few interesting details about you.”

  “He knows all about you and what you did to me and my family.”

  Hunnicutt kept his eyes on Jake. “So she told you how she used to love to get down on her knees and suck my dick?”

  Jake had been holding the gun steady for several minutes. The urge to lower his arm was there, but he fought it and the need to pull the trigger.

  “Or how she used to love to bend over and let me fuck her?”

  Clenching his jaw, he did his damnedest to keep his temper in check. Earlier, Naomi had admitted to having sex with Hunnicutt. From the way she’d talked, he’d suspected the encounter had been bad and had refused to push her for answers as to how bad. His imagination had already given him enough answers, and part of him had feared knowing the reality would have been much worse.

  “Yes,” Hunnicutt continued with a smile. “She was a lovely whore. But then she ended up pregnant. Does it bother you to know she carried my child?”

  Jake looked to Naomi. Her face had grown paler, her breathing shallower. He had no idea how much blood she’d lost or how long before the bleeding would result in complications or death. “No. Her past means nothing to me,” he said, wondering if giving Vlad a solid throat punch would do the trick. Without looking at it, he remembered the gun on the ledge and played out the scene. Him hitting Vlad, Hunnicutt picking up the gun and shooting.

  “Interesting. Chivalrous, really. Personally, I couldn’t tolerate such a thing. Why, just the other day when my wife threatened to have an affair with the pool boy, I told her I’d have his dick cut off and stuffed down her throat.” He chuckled. “And that threat was only over an affair. If she’d become pregnant by my pool boy?” He shook his head and let out a low whistle. “It wouldn’t be pretty.” He stroked Naomi’s hair, then grabbed a fistful. “Rose knows all about that. Tell him. Tell your lover how I had you bound to a table in the cellar of my home. How Ric and the good doctor spread your legs, reached into your vagina and destroyed the life you carried.”

  Naomi shivered and arched her neck. Although her hands and arms had started to grow numb, and breathing had started to become an effort, the sharp pain to her scalp served as a reminder that Christian hadn’t won yet.

  “Give your lover the gory details. Explain to him how you could never have his children. That I wouldn’t allow him or any man to have you.”

  Thanks for telling me.

  To think she’d let Jake’s words bother her. Looking at him now, seeing the misery and distress etched on his handsome face, along with the love and fear in his eyes, she’d let those four words affect her judgment. Instead, she should have focused on his actions and on the three words that mattered the most.

  I love you.

  “He knows,” she said, her tongue thick, her mouth dry.

  “He knows what?” Christian taunted her. “Say it Rose. Say he knows I branded you as mine.”

  Tears welled in her eyes and slid down her cheeks. Her stomach grew nauseous and she tasted bile. Lightheaded, she closed her eyes. “He knows the only man I’ve ever loved was him.”

  “And Naomi knows I love her, no matter what you did to her.”

  Jake’s strong, confident and soothing voice gave her a sudden dose of clarity. She forced her heavy lids open and met his eyes.

  “You didn’t brand her, you violated her. And because you’re a cowardly pussy, you had to pay people to do it for you.”

  Christian stood. “How dare you—”

  “Yep, a pathetic pussy who couldn’t handle being rejected by a woman.”

re dead,” Christian said, his tone seething with rage. “Vlad, kill him. This conversation is over.”

  “Not quite,” a man called, his voice breathless.

  Naomi looked to the door, just as Harrison stepped into the bathroom wielding one of her steak knives.

  “What took so long?” Vlad asked, keeping the gun to Jake’s head.

  “You said we weren’t sticking around after we killed Honey Badger, so I had to break into the car to get the laptop.”

  Vlad rolled his eyes. “Fucking cowboy.”

  “Boy scout,” Harrison said, then looked to her. His eyes widened. “Holy shit, Rose needs to get to a hospital.”

  Yes, she definitely needed medical care. She knew the symptoms for blood loss and had quite a few. She also knew with proper treatment she could survive this, but not if everyone kept standing around bullshitting as if they were at a bar and not in her bloody bathroom.

  “Tell Vlad to take his damned gun off my head,” Jake demanded, his eyes trained on Christian.

  “Seriously, Vlad.” Harrison asked. “This wasn’t part of the plan.”

  Vlad shrugged. “Honey Badger Harry’s kill.”

  She shivered again. Between the cold water, her dropping body temperature and bound arms and legs, her limbs were growing as numb as her forearms. At this point she didn’t care who killed Christian, so long as the deed was done. He proved today he would never let her rest in peace until she was—

  Christian’s arm shot toward the gun he’d left on the ledge of the tub. Jake lunged and knocked the gun away.

  Vlad quickly aimed the weapon he’d held to Jake’s head at Christian. “Don’t move.”

  While Christian held his hands in the air, Jake slid his gun into the clip attached to his belt. He grabbed a towel off the rack and pulled her from the tub. “Oh, my God,” he said, concern cracking his voice. He knelt to the floor and began drying her, careful to avoid the gashes along her wrists. “I’m calling 911.”

  “No,” she said, her teeth chattering. “Not until he’s dead.”

  Christian let out a bark of laughter. “You people are the pathetic pussies.”

  Jake cradled her to his chest with one arm and turned to face him. “I don’t think so,” he said, reaching for his gun. In a split second, he had it trained on Christian.

  “Really? How are you four going to explain this? All of you want me dead. Lover boy could have called the police before barging into the bathroom. Vlad also had ample time, but my Russian friend wouldn’t take the risk, would you? Don’t bother answering. The question was rhetorical—not that you have a clue what that means. The only reason I kept you in my employment was because you looked scary and could throw a mean punch. Too bad you aren’t mute. Because when you open your mouth you sound like a fucking idiot with your Vlad this and Vlad that. But here’s the thing, Vlad. I pay you very well. You redirect your gun elsewhere and I could pretend none of this happened. You’ll be able to continue to send money to your family. I’ll keep you in the country without you having to worry about being sent back home. I know you don’t want that.” Christian cocked his head to the side. “Yes, if I recall the Russian mafia still has money on your head.” He lowered one arm and looked at his fingers as if studying his cuticles. “I guess you shouldn’t have slept with the mob boss’s wife.”

  Vlad’s stony expression never wavered.

  “I can make sure you don’t go back there. Get me out of here and you have my word.”

  “He’s…lying.” Naomi’s stomach cramped and she let out a groan. “Jake, wrap my wrists.”

  Jake produced a knife and cut the duct tape. “Harrison, get some towels from the linen closet.”

  “Are you people serious?” Hunnicutt asked with a sarcastic chuckle. “Rose is bleeding to death and you’re too worried about me to save her?” He scratched his chin. “In a way, that doesn’t surprise me. I usually am the most important person in the room.”

  “You’re a fucking asshole is what you are,” Harrison said, handing the towels to Jake. He raised the steak knife. “The only one who finds you of any importance is yourself. Do you not even see that?”

  “Why Harry waste time?” Vlad asked. “Harry want to be hero. Now is chance. The woman, she needs saving. Honey Badger needs killing.”

  Jake wrapped an arm around her, grabbed the gun he’d set on the floor and aimed it at Christian. “Gladly.”

  “No,” Vlad roared. “Harry, you want this. For Mickey, no?”

  Harrison’s chest rose and fell. He used his shoulder to wipe his mouth, then blinked several times. Raising the steak knife, he nodded. “Yes. For Mickey.” His chin quivered, but he clenched his jaw. “You made me press a button and kill all of those people.” His body shook and tears ran down his face. “You made me cut my twin brother. Now I’m going to cut you.”

  When Harrison didn’t move, Christian laughed. “Now I’m going to cut you,” he mocked. “Again. Who’s pathetic? All of you want me dead and no one has the balls to—”

  The deafening gunshot blast reverberated through the bathroom. Naomi tensed and jerked. Out of instinct, she reached for Jake, who quickly covered her with his body. Pain resonated from the wounds along her arms and shot straight to her head. Blinking away the wave of dizziness, she shook her head and looked over Jake’s shoulder. Vlad remained as he’d been, gun raised and pointing at Christian. Harrison stood a few feet from him, the small knife wrapped in a fist, his mouth gaping, his eyes also on Christian. She followed his gaze and stared at the blood trickling from the bullet hole in the center of the bastard’s head.

  She turned away and pressed her forehead to Jake’s chest. His heart beat fast as he kissed the top of her head. “It’s over,” he murmured.

  “Is it?” She looked up at him. “I’m not sorry Christian’s dead. Honestly, I wish his death wouldn’t have been so quick and easy. But he was right. How are we going to explain this?”

  Vlad lowered his weapon. “Honey Badger need to shut the fuck up. Vlad grow tired of Talky Tina.”

  “Chatty Cathy,” Harrison said, running a hand through his hair. “Damn it, Vlad. I was supposed to—”

  Vlad grabbed Harrison’s arm and raised it. “With kiddy knife?”

  “Enough,” Jake shouted. After he shoved his gun back into the belt holster, he lifted her in his strong arms. “Vlad, give me the gun.”

  The enormous Russian turned and shook his head. “No.”

  “I need to get Naomi to a hospital and don’t have time for this. Vlad, I don’t give a shit about your past or who you worked for. You cut Naomi’s ropes back at the warehouse and gave her the freedom to run. But you also just murdered an unarmed man.”

  “Who slit Rose’s wrists,” Harrison said. “That’s got to count for something.”

  “In my mind it certainly does, but Naomi’s right. We need to be able to explain this.”

  “No we. Vlad and Harry leave now.”

  “I’ve got your keys.”

  Vlad shrugged. “We take woman’s car.”

  “Then I’ll have to tell the FBI, because you know they’ll be all over this, that you two came in here with the intent to kill Hunnicutt. And they’ll believe me. That bullet in Hunnicutt’s head won’t match one coming from my gun. No matter what Hunnicutt’s done, you’ll both be wanted for murder.”

  “We were trying to help you,” Harrison said with exasperation. “Now you’re going to turn us over—”

  “Would you all just stop,” Naomi shouted. Her head hurt and the nausea had become worse. Her wounds weren’t life threatening yet, but they hurt like a hell. “Listen to Jake. Vlad, give him the damned gun. And Jake, give Vlad his keys.”

  Jake shifted her in his arms, then reached in his pocket and tossed the keys to Vlad. In return, Vlad handed him the gun.

  “Good. Now will someone please call—”

  “Cover your ears,” Jake said, raised the gun and fired. The marble tile above Christian’s head shattered. Vlad and Harrison
both ducked, then looked to Jake. “Sorry, but it’d be hard to explain how I shot Hunnicutt, with the unregistered gun I carry, without having gun residue on my hand.”

  Oh, my God. He was taking the blame. “Jake,” she gasped. “I don’t want the FBI coming after you for this.”

  “The only thing they could get me for is owning an unregistered weapon.”

  “So does this mean you’re letting us go?” Harrison asked, taking a step toward the door.

  “Only Vlad.” Jake glanced to her and she caught the regret in his eyes before he turned his attention back to the men. “Sounds like he’s been running for a long time. I’d rather see him keep running than sent back to Russia.”

  Vlad nodded and released a deep sigh. “Vlad would die.”

  “And I won’t?” Harrison threw his hands in the air. “They’ll give me the death penalty. Once it’s made public, my name will become a synonym for terrorism.”

  Jake set Vlad’s gun on the ledge of the tub and, still holding her, reached into his pocket. “Naomi told me Hunnicutt forced you to detonate the bombs,” he said, sitting them next to the gun.

  “But I helped set up the signals to the detonators. At the time, I thought we were setting up security devices. If I’d known they were bombs, I wouldn’t have taken the job with Mickey.”

  Jake dialed 911 but didn’t hit send. “And you were the one who made sure someone would figure out where the signals were coming from.”

  “Yeah.” Harrison stood straighter. “I had to find a way to stop Hunnicutt.”

  “You were a victim in this, too,” Naomi said. “Why did you come here?”

  “To bring you the laptop and tell you where the last three bombs were located.”

  “You did the right thing.” Jake thankfully sent the call through. After he spoke with the police dispatcher, he pocketed the phone. “Give yourself up and I’ll do everything I can to help you.”

  “Vlad agree. Harry not fugitive.”

  Harrison’s face contorted in confusion and fear. “I don’t want to go back to prison.”


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