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My Kinda Forever (Summer Sisters Book 6)

Page 16

by Black, Lacey

  “No shit,” I mumble, taking a pull from my own beer.

  This place is pretty sweet. I’ve attended a couple of pro baseball games over the years, but never in a suite. The chairs are luxurious and leather, and there’s a wall of food and drinks. The guys spared no expense when it came to today’s bachelor party, and until the Rangers started to fall behind in the third inning, it was proving to be a good day. Now? Now everyone is screaming obscenities at the glass and drinking a little faster.

  “You guys get enough to eat?” Linkin asks as he comes over to where Stuart and I are seated.

  “We have. Thanks for inviting us,” I say to the big guy married to one of Meghan’s sisters.

  “I’m afraid if the Rangers don’t pull their heads out of their asses, Sawyer is going to come unhinged,” Linkin replies with a laugh.

  “You think?” Stuart teases as we watch the former ball player rant in front of us.

  “Come on, Joel! We need a hit,” he commands with a hard handclap as he watches his friend approach the plate.

  We all seem to hold our breath as Joel Cougar steps up to the plate and takes his stance. The first pitch is a little high, and the batter doesn’t swing. Ball one. The next pitch clips the inside corner. Strike. “Come on, Cougar!” Sawyer bellows at his good friend.

  The third pitch is low, but is apparently right where the batter likes it. He swings hard, the sound of the bat smacking the ball filling the suite through the speakers. It sails high over the center fielder’s head and falls into the bleachers. Home run!

  “Yes! That’s what I’m talking about,” Sawyer cheers with the rest of the guys, walking around and throwing out high fives like party favors. Even though the Rangers are still down by two, the home run by Joel seems to lighten the mood of everyone in the room, especially the groom.

  “Hey, guys,” Sawyer says, dropping into the chair beside me. “Having fun?”

  “We are,” I answer, glancing over and noticing Sawyer’s eyes are already a little glassy and heavy-lidded. He’s definitely well on his way to buzzed.

  “Sorry about my language. I can get a little worked up,” he says, taking another drink of his beer.

  “You don’t have to apologize to us,” Stuart replies.

  “But if you think I’m bad, you should see my future wife,” Sawyer adds, a big smile breaking out on his face. “She once cussed an ump out for a bad call and almost got herself ejected from the game.”

  “Really?” I ask, laughing.

  “Oh, hell yeah. My Alison has a mouth that would make a sailor blush,” he says with a smile. The way he grins lets me know he’s probably thinking about something very specific that she has said or done recently.

  “I’ve only known her in the school setting, and there wasn’t a lot of cursing going on,” my brother-in-law says.

  “No, she’s pretty straight-laced when it comes to school. Except for that one time under the bleachers,” Sawyer replies. The look he gives us lets us know exactly what went down under the bleachers. Or specifically, who went down. “Anyway, make sure you get plenty to eat and drink. The guys bought enough booze to get half the bleachers drunk by the seventh inning stretch.”

  “The only one we’re focused on getting drunk is the groom,” Levi adds when he joins our group.

  “Don’t get me so sloppy drunk that I can’t perform tonight,” Sawyer says with a laugh.

  “Not my problem,” Ryan tosses in when he comes over to where we’re seated. “My job is to get you drunk. Not worry about the status of your dick later tonight.”

  “As long as I stay away from the hard shit, I’ll be fine,” Sawyer replies.

  “So noted,” Ryan says before turning around to Linkin. “Hey, Link! Our man Sawyer needs a shot of something strong!”

  “No, he does not,” Sawyer hollers.

  A moment later, Linkin joins us all with a tray of shot glasses, each one containing amber liquid. “One shot won’t give you whiskey dick,” Linkin says as he passes around the shot glasses. “It’ll be the fifth or sixth one that does it.”

  “You guys are assholes. I’m not sure I want to be related to you,” Sawyer mumbles.

  “Yes you do. We’re fucking awesome. Besides, you should be thanking us. We could have let Orval plan the party the way he wanted,” Levi says, causing us all to glance over to the food table where the family patriarch is talking to Brian and Sawyer’s dad.

  “Good call,” Sawyer concedes.

  “A toast,” Dean says, pulling everyone’s attention in the room. “To Sawyer and AJ. May their marriage be full of laughter and love.”

  “And plenty of the sex!” Orval exclaims from across the room.

  “To the sex!” we all reply, raising our shot glasses high in the air before throwing back the liquid. It burns like fire as it slides down my throat, immediately warming my stomach.

  As we watch the rest of the game, my thoughts drift to a certain brunette with alluring green eyes. We’ve spent the better part of a week and a half together, flirting and enjoying ourselves. The kiss from last Saturday night hasn’t been repeated, but it’s not from a lack of wanting. We’ve just always found ourselves either in a social setting or at work. And it’s not like you can steal a kiss via late night FaceChat or text.

  “What time are the girls going to Lucky’s?” Stuart asks as we watch the Rangers take the field in the bottom of the ninth inning. They’ve managed to tie it up with a series of base hits, followed by another solo homerun from Joel Cougar in the eighth.

  “Anytime,” Dean answers after glancing down at his watch. “They were going to have dinner at the Mexican restaurant at six, but should be heading up to Lucky’s after.”

  “Why? You missing your wife already?” I tease my brother-in-law.

  “Knock it off or I’ll tell you about this thing she does with her tongue,” Stuart (the bastard) replies, making bile rise in my throat.

  “Don’t you dare, asshole,” I reply with the shake of my head. “You’ve been hanging around her too long. You two are perfect for each other.”

  “I wanna know,” Orval says beside me, an ornery look on his face. “My Emmie has learned a few tricks over the years. I might be able to share some secrets with you, boy.”

  The look on Stuart’s face is one of horror. “No, I’m good. I was just teasing Nick, since I sleep with his sister.”


  “Suit yourself, but if you ever want to know all about the sex, you let me know. I’ve got stories for days…” Orval adds, gazing out at the baseball field. Though, I don’t think he actually sees the field at all.

  “I’m about ready,” Ryan says, coming over and standing beside me.

  “Let me guess, you miss your wife too?”

  “Hell yes, I do. She’s also due soon, and I hate being this far away from her,” he says, glancing down at his watch.

  “The game’s about over,” Linkin chimes in, patting his brother-in-law on the shoulder. “Then I’m gonna drive like the wind to get home to my firecracker.”

  “I’m ready to head out,” Levi says, walking over and tossing his empty beer bottle in the trash. “You think the groom is ready?”

  We all glance over at Sawyer, who’s now visiting with a few of the big wigs from the Rangers front office. They are in town for the game, and once they heard Sawyer was in a suite for his bachelor party, they all headed over to say hello. “Yeah, but we can’t leave until Joel and a few of the others come up after the game,” Dean adds.

  They mentioned in the limo ride to D.C. that since Joel and another teammate were in the wedding, they got permission to stop by the suite after the game. They can’t make the trip back to Jupiter Bay with us, since they have another game tomorrow, but they wanted to see Sawyer and at least help him celebrate for a bit.

  The game ends and soon the suite fills up with players, coaches, and suits. It seems like most of the team has filed in, all eager to congratulate their former teammate on his upcoming weddin
g. Of course, many of them take the opportunity to help clean off the food on the tables too.

  An hour later, the party finally starts to wind down and everyone who’s not riding home in the limo takes their cue to head out. The guys all give last fist bumps and shoulder slaps to Sawyer, who was constantly handed either a fresh beer or a shot of something throughout the entire evening. He’s well intoxicated at this point.

  The guys all start to make sure everything is in order with the suite before we leave.

  “Hey, I almost forgot! I brought brownies,” Orval says to me, holding a tray and wearing a too-wide smile.

  “No!” Linkin, Levi, Dean, and Ryan all bellow at the same time. Linkin runs at us, swinging his arm and knocking the tray of chocolate brownies onto the floor.

  Everyone is silent for a full minute, no one really knowing what to say.

  Orval glances down at the mess at his feet before finally speaking. “I bought those.”

  It takes a second, but the guys bust up laughing, and since I’ve heard the infamous Viagra brownies story from Meghan, I join in the laughter. We laugh the entire way down the elevator and out to the awaiting limo. Everyone falls into a seat in the car, huge smiles on our faces.

  “I miss my Alison Jane. Take me drunk I’m home,” Sawyer slurs, which only makes us all crack up laughing once more.

  Chapter Nineteen


  “I think we should do another toast!” Grandma exclaims as she joins our group at the pool table.

  “I’m not sure I can do another shot, Grandma. I’m starting to feel all warm and fuzzy, and that’s the perfect level of drunkenness for post bachelorette party sex with my sexy, and might I add well-hung, fiancé,” AJ proclaims way too loudly, drawing the attention of everyone around us at Lucky’s. Since it’s early June, tourist season is officially underway, which means the bar is exceptionally crowded tonight.

  “One more shot isn’t going to hurt, AJ,” Grandma says before turning and heading toward the bar.

  “Seriously, make her stop with the shots. If I keep this up, I’ll pass out before Sawyer and I can get it on,” AJ grumbles.

  “You could always just puke on his shoes. You know, for ol’ time’s sake,” I tease my sister, who infamously threw up, hitting Sawyer’s shoes, the night they met before they could make it up to his hotel room.

  “You just had to go there,” AJ mumbles, pointing a finger at me.

  I smirk in reply and take a sip of my mixed drink. We’ve been here for almost two hours and are expecting the guys to arrive anytime. Payton said the game ended a while ago and that they were heading our way. I’m actually really excited to see Nick, considering I haven’t seen him since we left work (and not together) yesterday.

  Nick’s sister Natalie comes over and stands beside me. We’ve actually spent a lot of time together this evening. She sat beside me at dinner, and promptly filled me in on all of Nick’s embarrassing childhood stories. I actually really like Natalie, and have enjoyed chatting with her.

  My head is starting to feel a bit fuzzy as the guys finally return from their baseball game. I watch as each one hightails it over to where their wife or significant other is. Sawyer practically mauls AJ, and if the look in their eyes is any indication, they’ll be doing it in the bathroom before the night is over.

  Nick offers a smile as soon as he sees me. He heads my way, making my heart start to pound in my chest. He looks edible in his shorts and polo, the shirt accentuating the muscles in his shoulders.

  Those shoulders are my undoing.

  “Hey,” he says when he approaches.

  “Hi,” I reply, my own smile plastered across my face.

  “Having fun?”

  “Yes. I’ve been chatting it up with your sister,” I tell him.

  “Shit, do I want to know what kinda lies she’s telling you?” he asks, his voice playful.

  “She didn’t tell me anything!” I proclaim, innocently.

  “I doubt it,” Nick grumbles.

  We stand there for a few minutes, watching everyone else. “Twelve years old and you still had a teddy bear? Really, Nick?” I ask, the bubble of laughter barely concealed.

  “I knew it! That witch is getting it,” Nick declares, his eyes dancing. “In my defense, it was the one my Grandma had made me and she had just died.”

  “Oh,” I reply, my shoulders sagging as I take in the impact of his words. “Well, now I feel like the witch for teasing you.”

  “Don’t you dare feel bad, Meghan! Our grandma died when he was six!” Natalie bellows, making Nick’s ears burn red.

  “I hate you,” he tells his sister.

  “You do not.”

  “I do. Wait until I tell your husband about the Zack Morris poster you had on your walls that I caught you practicing kissing on!” Nick sasses to his sister. Now it’s her face that turns red.

  “Shut up, asshole!” she hollers, Stuart looking shocked beside her.

  “Zack Morris was your first kiss?” her husband asks.

  “I do hate you,” she says to her laughing brother, her eyes narrowing into laser beams.

  “You love me,” Nick replies.

  “I’m going to think up every embarrassing thing I can and tell Meghan.”

  Nick just shrugs his shoulders. “I’m going to grab a drink. You ready?” he asks me.

  “Yep. Malibu and pineapple juice,” I tell him.

  He turns to head up to the bar with Natalie and Stuart following behind. Most of the guys are standing up there, so I know it’ll be a bit before he returns with my drink.

  “I have news. I found out one of the authors I edited for received a movie deal. She was asked to write the manuscript and asked me to look it over for any major edits. I get to go to New York right after the wedding and meet with her!” Abby exclaims, sharing her big news with our little group.

  “Really? That’s amazing news! I’m so freaking excited for you,” I reply to my sister, giving her a big hug.

  “Wait, you told them? I thought you weren’t going to tell them tonight,” Levi says, coming up behind Abby, wrapping his arms around her, and placing a kiss on her cheek.

  The look of alarm that crosses Abby’s face tells me something is up. Something big. Something that has nothing to do with her upcoming trip to New York. “What are you talking about?” I ask Levi, whose face goes from wide smile elation to panic.

  “What are you talking about?” he asks, Abby looking like she wants to melt into the floor.

  “She was telling us about New York, but something tells me that’s not what you’re talking about. Spill,” Payton directs, her big sister voice stern and bossy.

  “Not tonight, okay?” Abby asks quietly.

  “What’s wrong with tonight? We’re celebrating my upcoming wedding to Sexy Sawyer Randall. I’m going to be Mrs. Sexy Ass Randall in a matter of weeks, Abs. Doesn’t that call for celebration?” AJ says, her eyes squinting a bit as she stares down Abby.

  “Of course, it does. That’s all we need to focus on tonight,” Abby counters, practically begging for a subject change.

  Payton is still staring at her. All I can do is sit back and watch, because with our oldest sister on the case, she won’t let it rest until she has sniffed out the answer. “Spill.”


  “No?” Payton argues. “You can’t keep secrets from us.”

  “Really? You’re going to call me out for keeping secrets when you’re the biggest secret keeper of us all?” Abby throws back in Payton’s face. The moment she does, two things happen. Abby instantly feels guilty, if the look on her face is any indication. And Payton looks like she stepped on a Lego. She goes from shock to anger to pain in a matter of seconds.

  “Okay, what the hell is going on here?” I ask, turning to Payton for answers.

  “See? It’s not so easy, is it?” Abby says to Payton, a smug look on her face.

  “Someone just tell us what is going on. If you don’t I’m going to stand
here all night, glaring at both of you, until you speak. And then I’m going to bitch because my feet are already killing me and my back hurts. I’ll end up having this baby in a bar, which is not anywhere close to my top ten destination places to have a baby, okay?” Jaime chimes in, rubbing her back.

  “You’re having the baby?” I gasp.

  “No, but I might if these two don’t stop keeping their secrets from us,” she counters.

  “Fine!” Abby hollers, drawing all of our attention toward her. Levi grabs her hand and brings it to his lips in a show of love and support. We all collectively hold our breath and wait for her to speak.

  “Oh, for Pete’s shakes, Abbers, just tell them that you’re engaged!” Grandma says from out of nowhere. Abby’s eyes are bigger than hubcaps as we all take a second to register the news.

  “You’re engaged?” I ask, my face breaking out into a huge grin.

  “Yeah,” she mumbles.

  “Oh my God!” Jaime exclaims, grabbing our baby sister and pulling her into a hug.

  “Congratulations!” AJ screams, jumping up and down and drawing Sawyer’s attention.

  “What’s going on?” he asks, coming over to our group.

  “Levi and Abby are getting married,” she tells her fiancé.

  “You’re not mad?” Abby asks as soon as Jaime lets go of her.

  “Why on earth would I be mad? This calls for more celebrating!” AJ adds, turning to Sawyer. “We need more shots! Shots for everyone!”

  “You’ve had enough shots, my love,” he says, kissing her on the side of the head and whispering something in her ear that makes her giggle and blush.

  “Yep, I’ve definitely had enough shots,” she replies.

  “I can’t believe you didn’t tell me,” Abby’s twin says when she offers her a hug. “And where’s your ring?” She grabs Abby’s hand, the ring noticeably missing.

  “I didn’t want to ruin tonight so I left it at home.”

  “You could never ruin tonight, Abs. If anything, you’ve only enhanced it,” AJ reassures her.

  Nick comes over and stands behind me. “What’s going on?” he asks.


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