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The Witch's Heart (The Rise of Orion Book 2)

Page 8

by J. M. Davies

  Walking around and around made him dizzy.

  “We want all the details, Doctor. How are you connected to the Elusti? Who is the leader? Where are the headquarters? We need names and locations.”

  The man dipped his head and pulled on his restraints, attempting to dislodge himself.

  “Look, like I told Hercules out there, I’m not saying a word until I see her.”

  Isabella whisked around and crouched down right in front of the man, her sweet full lips pressed into a tight line.

  “And do you think the lady you left for dead would be as eager to see you? The man who savagely cut her open and killed her baby?”

  The man flinched before he pressed his eyelids closed for a second. There was obviously some remorse there but not enough for his liking. Jake leaned against the wall with his arms folded to stop himself from grabbing this asshole by the scruff of his neck and shaking the information they needed out of him. He would give Isabella two minutes and if the man didn’t cough up the information they needed, he would make him.

  “Look at me, Doctor Adams. Look at me.”

  Geez, the sound of her raspy voice had him willing to do anything. She was a siren. A witch.

  Adams lifted his head and met her gaze. He stared into her eyes and for a moment, the air crackled and held still. “I-I-I—don’t know who contracted me. I’m a doctor for hire. I normally work for the local crime syndicate. I never meet the clients beforehand. I’m paid in cash upon completion. Usually, it’s to fix a bullet wound and stitch someone up. I have performed surgery before but not like this. There are no questions. No details. I’m never supplied with names. This was the first time—dealing with the man who was there. It was rushed and he left, but I need to speak with the woman.”

  Doctor Adams dropped his head down and swore, flicking his gaze up at Isabella. “What are you? I knew I should never have tried to find her. You’re going to get me killed. I will not say another word, no matter what you do. I must see her.”

  Jake kept his eyes glued on Isabella as she stepped away and sucked in the air around her. She wrapped her arms around her waist and glanced over at Jake. Studying her delicate bone structure, he observed her pale skin and wondered what the hell she was himself. How did she get him to talk by looking into his eyes? Sure, she was sexy as hell but to divulge information at the drop of a hat? He had never seen that. True, the man wasn’t trained to keep secrets, but he opened his mouth and the information poured out. Jake pushed away from the wall, reluctant to vocalize his thoughts in front of this man.

  “Well, asshole, it’s no good blaming anyone else for the shit you’re in because let’s be frank, Doctor Adams, you chose to be a criminal. That’s what you are when you aid and abet drug lords and crime bosses. You chose this fucking slippery path and sooner or later you were going to get caught because you’re not that smart. Now, I can help you if you are prepared to give us the details. We need the names of everyone involved. The location of the hospital. Everything, asshole. You belong to us now!”

  The doctor studied Jake, who spat his words over him, and dipped his head low as he shook it back and forth. “I don’t care if you kill me. I won’t say another word until I speak with her. I have something she would want you to let me explain. It’s worth more than my fucking life and I won’t share it with anyone other than her. So, save all the threats. I’m done.” He closed his eyes and kept his head down.

  Isabella stepped up close and lifted his head. “That’s not going to work for us. Open your eyes,” she screamed at him. When that didn’t work, she pressed her hands on either side of his head. Jake watched, unable to tear his eyes from this woman as she whispered under her breath words in an ancient language he didn’t understand. The doctor lifted his head but kept his eyes closed. Isabella pressed harder, bringing the man’s head up farther as she continued to incant her ancient mumbo jumbo. The man shook his head, as if to free himself from her grasp, and blood trickled down from his nose.

  “Get out of my head,” he snarled.

  At that, Jake stepped between him and Isabella, pushing her shoulder back to break the connection she held over the doctor. He bent his head next to her ear and his gaze wandered down her slim neck, resting at the black opal that lay in the dip between her collarbones. He whispered, “I don’t know what you’re up to, but killing him isn’t our goal.”

  She flicked her head. Their lips were inches apart as he stared down at her.

  “I saw a brick building. It’s derelict, but I recognize it. I also know he’s terrified. He’s consumed with guilt over Ella and her baby.”

  Hearing her words, Jake swiveled around and backhanded the man across his face, unable to contain his rage. Blood and spit flew across the room and dropped to the ground, but the man didn’t open his eyes or say anything. He just flopped forward in the chair.

  “Damn it.” Jake rubbed his face with his hands and glared over at Isabella, who didn’t say a word at his actions. “I’m going to make a quick call. You do not touch him. Understand?”

  He watched as Isabella widened her eyes and raised her eyebrows, nodding at him with a knowing smile littered across her pretty face. Yeah, who was he to tell her not to touch him? Just the thought of this man hurting Ella made his blood burn. It was good that Marcus wasn’t here as there would be no stopping him.

  “I can make him talk if you let me continue.”

  Jake scratched the side of his head while he studied her. Maybe she could, but as he glanced back at Doctor Adams, whose head lolled in front of him, he couldn’t risk anything happening to the man. Drayton would kill him instead.

  “You wait.”

  He exited the room and pulled out his cell phone. As he re-entered the office, he glanced at Bear and Shadow. Everything looked calm.

  “Marcus, to cut right to the chase, the doctor will not give us any more information until he has spoken with Ella. He says it’s vital they speak. I don’t know about what.”

  Jake nodded and listened to Marcus as he yelled in the phone. “I’m not letting that asshole anywhere near Ella, but he doesn’t have to know that. Tell him yes. Is the location secure?” Marcus answered.

  Again, Jake lifted his gaze and examined the surrounding building as he walked outside the office to study the deserted space, pinching his nose between his fingers. “As much as it can be, boss.”

  “Bring him here and make sure you’re not followed. We’ll see what he knows once I get our doctor to loosen his tongue.”

  The phone clicked off and Jake marched back to the interrogation room. Once inside, he briefly glanced at Isabella, who leaned against the farthest wall.

  “We’re moving. Doc, it’s your lucky day. Your wish has been granted.”

  Doctor Adams’s head bobbed to attention and Jake cut the plastic ties that secured him to the chair and hoisted him up. He pulled, and half dragged the man outside.

  “We’re returning to base. Now.”

  Bear and Shadow jumped to attention and grabbed their weapons. They took front position. Jake followed. Isabella was in the rear. Jake made it to the exit and stepped outside into the daylight. He pulled the doctor alongside him. Satisfied it was clear, he took a step toward the black Jeep. He felt the doctor jerk back, as if caught on something, and then he dropped like a lead weight to the ground. He ducked, as did Isabella, but he pushed her back inside as he crouched with his gun pointed up at the roof of the buildings facing him and where the bullet must have been fired. Bear and Shadow crowded around, studying the immediate area too, but Jake couldn’t see the hitman. He swept his gaze back over the doctor, who lay still on the ground, with his eyes open staring blankly at him. A single shot penetrated his temple.


  Marcus picked up Ella’s favorite bottle of perfume, Chanel No. 5, and threw it at the wall, smashing it. Damn her to hell. She hadn’t felt it necessary to discuss her change of address. Not a fucking word. He was her husband. Her mate. Didn’t that count for anything? He m
arched toward the window, leaving the liquid to drip down the pale wall, and studied Steel’s mansion. He had tolerated, even admired, his boss over the years. His professionalism and conduct was never questioned by the team, his men, because they respected him. Respect was earned and Steel deserved that, but this was something else.

  Lately, everything about Ella had Steel interfering.

  If it was any other man, he would have suspected an ulterior motive, but he knew Steel wasn’t a man to take what belonged to another. There was a code that existed among the SEALs and this wasn’t debated over. It went without saying. When it came to the team, they looked out for each other, and that included the wives. But it hurt his pride, that rather than discuss the move with him, Ella chose Steel.

  His eyes left the mansion and drifted to the gray ocean as the volatile waves rolled to the shore. Ella was moving into his fucking house. How could she? Hearing Steel inform him of this piece of news twisted his gut. Knowing they had discussed this together without him made his anger implode. He promised himself he would never trust a woman. With Ella, seeing her vulnerability, it melted his cold heart. In ways, she was unlike any woman he had ever been with and then, like now, she was the same.

  However, as his mind scrambled over the news, he knew he hadn’t helped her in the way he should have. The guilt he lay at her feet only compounded her own and drove her away. After the mating, he believed they would be closer and she would be unable to bear being apart. How wrong had he been? Whereas her scent drove him wild, he wasn’t even sure of her feelings for him anymore. The idea of her being anywhere except in his bed made the beast inside him roar.

  The smell of her lingered around the house, and even though he had cleaned the rooms multiple times, the fragrance remained everywhere. As he searched around the nursery, his heart lurched as his eyes rested on the discarded black bag of clothes and toys. He charged at it, grabbed the edges to make a knot and carried it with him to the basement. He hadn’t thrown any of the baby’s equipment away. He simply couldn’t face it any longer and stored it away. Every time he walked into the nursery, it was a reminder of what they had lost. He believed removing it would help them both get over the pain and heal.

  The truth was he didn’t know whether there was a future anymore with Ella. She shut him out. He couldn’t break through her armor. Not that he had tried.

  His cell vibrated.

  “Jake, how far away are you? I’m heading back to Steel’s now.”

  There was interference and crackles in the background. Jake was talking on the move. “He’s dead, boss. Single shot. To the temple.”

  Marcus could hear the agitated conversation between Shadow and Bear in the background. The only lead gone. Shit!

  “No sign of the shooter. We checked the building across the way and the rooftop. No sign. Nothing. What do you want us to do?”

  Marcus charged downstairs and stopped in the middle of his living room. Why had the man insisted on seeing Ella? He swore out loud to the empty room and walked out of the house, slamming the door behind him. “Clean up as best you can. Leave him, and get out of there. Report back for a full debriefing, all of you.”

  “Yes, boss.”


  Ella twisted the shower faucet off and it squeaked as the water stopped. She stepped out and picked the towel from the heated rail to wrap it around her body slowly. Her vision fell to her breasts, which were no longer engorged with milk, down to the pale pink scar. Tracing a thin line with her finger over the mark, she inhaled a deep breath. Just the touch across her warm skin brought the vivid memories to life. It caused sleepless nights and now, more than ever, she needed to be strong. She dressed quickly in her pale-blue yoga pants, knowing Isabella would be here soon and she had a favor to ask her friend. She hoped the witch would agree to erase her memories. Ella brushed her long hair until it flowed down her back in sleek waves, determined to follow through, having decided it would be for the best.

  Leaving the brush on the tall wooden dresser, she made the bed before she left the cozy room that belonged to Marcus. The memory of the night she had laid in his enormous king-sized bed writhing with desire and the fever caused by the waxing moon driving her mad for his touch was but a distant memory. After slipping on her flat ballet shoes, she raced downstairs. The catchy ringtone on her phone stopped her halfway and she lifted it from her pocket.

  “Ella, is this a good time to talk?” Marcus said quickly.

  She rushed down the last few steps and walked into the quiet library, where the doors were open and led to the garden.

  “Yes, I’m alone. Josephine is here but not right here, if you know what I mean.”

  She couldn’t fathom why she was nervous but her heart thudded in response to his voice.

  “I haven’t got long but I need to let you know before you hear it from the others. The doctor is dead. I can’t go into details, but I wanted you to know. He was assassinated, Ella. The two security men positioned at Josephine’s have been informed and they will stay with you at all times. I’m flying out now on another lead. Don’t argue about this, okay?”

  She huffed at his words. She wasn’t going to say anything. Damn him. She wanted to ask where he was headed but knew he wouldn’t be able to tell her. It was always classified.

  “You won’t be able to contact me for a while as there’s been a development with the Knights. I must go. My contact there has asked for me.”

  She knew the Knights were a drug cartel down in San Luis Potosi, Mexico. A dangerous place to be, but at least he was letting her know his location despite his cool and distant tone. She wanted to say something. But she wasn’t sure what.

  “Look, if you need me, Steel can always get a message to me. Josephine has her scan tomorrow. Are you all right to take her? If not, I can arrange for Isabella to do the honors.”

  As he rattled on, her impatience with him grew.

  “Of course. I will take Josephine. Just because we’re…” she said, unable to finish as he jumped on her words.

  “Just because we’re what, Ella? Because we’re over? Is that what you mean? Is that it? When we face the worst, you bail. When the hell were you going to tell me you were moving in with Steel anyway?” His anger was palpable through the phone.

  “You didn’t let me finish. I was going to say going through a difficult period. Marcus, don’t be an idiot. I’m not moving in with Steel. It’s not like that between us,” she rushed out, furious at his insinuation.

  “Right. Maybe not yet, but you should have discussed it with me before you made that decision. I could have moved out. I said I would give you space.”

  She held her breath and counted. The tears hovered but she forced them back. “I couldn’t be in that house any longer. The memories are too much. I sense him…” She broke off, wishing things were different and blaming herself for the way things were.

  “I feel it, too, Ella, but we should’ve talked. Isn’t that what married couples do?” His voice increased in volume and drifted away. She knew he was speaking as he hurried to one place or another.

  “I told you I was never good at relationships. In every life, it’s been a disaster. Every man,” she said.

  “Don’t say it. I’m not one of those bastards. I’m here for you,” he yelled into the phone.

  “Really, Marcus? How? We don’t even sleep in the same bed. And I know you blame me. I blame me. I told you I wouldn’t be any good at this. I told you.”

  She ended the call, not wanting to hear anymore because it hurt too much. All his emotions gushed out through the phone and increased her own. This wasn’t just a rocky patch. This was their marriage hurtling off the cliff. A quick cough behind her alerted her to the fact she wasn’t alone, and she twisted around to face Josephine. Ella sniffed, unsure how long Marcus’s mother had stood there, but the old lady smiled at her.

  “A cup of herbal tea, dear? I always find that helps calm me down. Come on. You can tell me all about it.”

/>   Ella followed Josephine, watching her careful steps as she made her way back through the cottage into the bright kitchen. The memories of her first visit here when Marcus cooked for her and the overpowering need for him rose above the hunger for food. She missed him. She missed his touch and not being near him increased her anxiety. But she knew that despite missing him, they weren’t mated, and she must keep it that way—for both their sakes. It would allow him to leave if that was what he wanted. It was the kindest act she could do for him right now because the distance between them was growing.

  Josephine pulled down two china mugs from the cupboard and Ella stepped closer.

  “Josephine, here, let me. You sit down, and tell me how you’re feeling. I’ll make the tea.”

  Josephine handed over the dainty china cups decorated with pretty red roses and took a seat at the table. “I’m old. I feel old, but that’s not important. You and Marcus. Now, that’s another matter. Please, dear, don’t let what happened destroy your future happiness. I know you’re both hurting right now but it will work out. You have to trust me on this.”

  Ella spun around and met the direct gaze of Josephine, whose bright eyes narrowed at her. She knew something, she was certain. As a seer, Josephine saw visions of the future, but they were snapshots of a possible outcome. “What do you know, Josephine? You have to tell me.”

  Josephine opened her mouth, but the front door bell chimed and Ella knew it would be Isabella. She placed the cup back on the counter.

  “All in good time, dear. Go and let Isabella in.”

  Ella rushed past Josephine. She smiled. The old lady always knew who was on the phone, at the door, and running down the beach. “I will make the tea when I return, and I want the answer to my question later.”

  When she opened the front door, two massive military types stood there like the royal guard on either side of the beautiful Isabella with her fiery-red curly hair billowing around her fresh face. She giggled as she stepped inside, bringing a fresh gust of wind with her. Ben and Connor both stood like giants too big for the doorway and cottage, brandishing black swirls on their exposed biceps. Ella ignored the men and charged at her smiling friend, who studied the handsome muscles of the bodyguards. She threw her arms around Isabella in a tight hug.


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