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The Witch's Heart (The Rise of Orion Book 2)

Page 19

by J. M. Davies

  She was bewitching as she pouted in her black leather pants and a fitted ruby top that hugged her rounded breasts. Her face, the longer he studied it, seemed familiar.

  “Do I know you?”

  Refusing to answer his question, Raine wrapped the cloak around her body. “We need to go. When you are ready to visit us, you’re more than welcome. I’m sorry for your loss, Marcus. Josephine was a gifted seer and loved by all who knew her. She will be missed.”

  With that, Raine and Zephra twirled their cloaks and vanished, just as they had appeared. The sensation lingered, that Marcus knew Raine. It was obvious she knew his mother, which didn’t surprise him, only the fact that he didn’t know—which highlighted how little he had known about his mother. Now, he never would.

  Isabella walked into his space and gripped his arm. “Josephine was a wonderful lady. She helped us many a time, despite the risks.”

  Marcus stared at her. “So I’m learning. There are many secrets. It never ends. I need to read this book of yours and learn all there is to know. I will not hide in the shadows any longer.”

  “Neither will I,” Ella said.

  Marcus and Isabella stared at her.


  “How long are you going to keep this up, Ella?” Marcus checked his weapon and ammunition. It was five thirty in the morning. The sun was awake and a bright summer day beckoned, but they weren’t headed for the beach.

  Ella twisted and weaved her hair tight into a long plait and fastened the end with a black elastic band. She pressed her lips together and inhaled, not wanting to bicker with him before they left for the derelict psychiatric hospital in Waltham.

  “For crying out loud, if I didn’t know your moods before, I sure as hell have no way of avoiding them now. Speak to me. This is ridiculous.” He grabbed her hand and pulled her to stand in front of him.

  She stared down at her hunter-green tight combat pants and knee-length laced black boots. She was ready to fight; she just didn’t want to fight him. Not now—it could wait.

  “No, it can’t. I never go into a fight without being focused on the mission. I need to know that your mind is on the task at hand. Nothing else, or we won’t go.”

  She shoved his chest and pushed again harder and harder. He didn’t move. “Damn you, Marcus Drayton. The day you walked into my life, you turned it upside down. You don’t get to take over. You’re not the boss of me.” She heaved the word out and huffed out air, not feeling any relief.

  “Technically, I am.”

  He smirked and Ella punched him full force in the gut. He reacted and grabbed her right fist before she could land another blow in his ribs.

  “Do you really want to fight me, Ella? Because we can fight if you want or make love—whichever you prefer. But the fact remains, I know you love me. You took a vow, for better or worse. You gave yourself to me freely, body and soul. I did the same to you. This, this thing that is between us, that has you all hot and bothered, is ridiculous. We’re not going to have a power struggle here. You heard what Isabella said—it’s an instinctive urge for one to assert power over the other, and I’ve been sensing it for some time. It’s survival. A need to keep my mate safe, but I’m not going to take control. Hell, that sounds far more trouble than it’s worth. But I still have those handcuffs around here somewhere if you continue to struggle.”

  Ella kicked her left foot out high, aiming for his chest, but he ducked and twisted around. He grabbed her around the waist, holding her back tight against his solid chest. She wriggled and pushed to free herself, but his lips pressed a single kiss on the side of her neck below her ear and he moved his hand up under her dark shirt to massage her breast softly. Instantly, her nipple hardened, betraying her inner turmoil, and her breathing increased. He continued to kiss and suck the soft skin on her neck, and she moaned against him.

  “You’re not playing fair,” she said, her voice hoarse.

  “I’m not playing.”

  She pressed her head back against his chest as Marcus continued to tease her with kisses. His warm breath tickled against her skin and sent shudders down her body. The tension within her dissolved, but left her at his mercy. She groaned as delightful tingles flared in her belly, but Marcus stopped his ministration as the front door opened. Two sets of boots clomped across the wooden floor as Jake and Isabella marched in. Ella snapped to attention, but Marcus still held her and her cheeks flushed at the sensations still swirling through her.

  “Should we come back?” Jake’s eyes were glued to Ella’s chest, where Marcus’s hand still cupped her breast.

  “Don’t you ever knock?” Marcus bit back as he slid his hand away from Ella’s body and let her go.

  She tucked her shirt back in her pants and called her heart to return to normal. Today was important. Both Jake and Isabella were armed and ready for action in dark combat pants and boots. She turned to study Marcus, frowning.

  “I want you to get a couple of hours of practice in at the range before we head out.” He walked away from the group and walked through a door that led into his front office.

  Ella glanced at the two left there waiting.

  “How is everything after yesterday?” Isabella asked.

  “Okay.” Ella gave a short smile and studied her friend. There was much to analyze, and she didn’t know what Jake knew or didn’t.

  “Is he under control?” Jake asked.

  Marcus strode back toward them. “Yes, he is,” he answered before Ella could. “Okay, here’s your gun. It’s a Glock, nine mm—it’s the perfect pistol for you. It has an accurate aim, it’s small and the trigger squeeze is easy to use. Let’s head for the range and you can try it out. Shooting a person isn’t your first option. I’m still not a hundred percent sure that we should go until you’ve had more training than we have time for today. Have you ever used a gun before?”

  He peered down at her, his direct gaze on her, and she nodded.

  I can take care of myself, Drayton. I have been working out, and I have skills.

  I know you have skills, sweetheart—I’ve witnessed them—but I mean tactical awareness.

  “What is it with you two? There’s something odd going on.” Jake studied them and watched Isabella.

  “They’re just in tune with each other, Jake. Couples who are close don’t often have a need for words. Did you know that?” Isabella moved for the front door.

  “I know all about body language, honey, if that’s what you’re referring to?” Jake walked behind her.

  Ella walked and grabbed her short leather jacket, slipping her arms through.

  Marcus caught her, holding her hips to turn her to face him. He clipped a small holster onto her belt around her waist. He blew out a deep breath. “I want to review tactics with you because if you’re not ready, out in the field is not the place to discover that. This is not a game, Ella. I cannot be distracted by you. If I perceive a threat, I will go automatically into kill mode. I need to know you will be prepared because if you’re not, there’s no way in hell you’re coming.”

  I’m not going to argue with you about this, Ella.

  She studied the black holster as he placed the pistol into the holder and pulled her jacket in front to hide it. She shook her head back and met his concerned dark stare. “I’m ready, but I’m not sure I will need it. I’m not scared, Marcus. You know that.”

  “I know. Maybe you should be. I don’t want you firing the weapon at random or taking unnecessary risks either. You must be controlled and calm. You also need to listen to my commands because out there I am in charge. If you can’t do that, this ends here and now. Do you understand?”

  Ella looked up as Jake and Isabella halted at the door, watching the scene with a keen interest. Both wanted to know her answer.

  Damn it, Ella, out there you cannot work alone. Drayton’s right.

  Ella, you don’t lose anything by accepting direction from a more skilled partner who eats and drinks this shit. We’re a team. It’s how i
t works—you know that.

  Listening to Isabella and Jake’s thoughts made her response easier to formulate. She wasn’t going to fight this. She nodded at Isabella. There were issues they needed to fix but not now. Working with a team was still new for her, but having backup reduced the anxiety. Plus she didn’t intend to be a problem or to get anyone hurt.

  Marcus grabbed his leather jacket and walked to the door. “An hour at the range before we head to the Metropolitan State Hospital. What can you tell me about the place, Isabella?”

  Isabella observed Marcus, Ella, and Jake and took a deep breath. “The place gives me the creeps for a start.”

  Jake turned his head and peered at her. “Run it by me again, how we know this fucking place even exists, because I don’t remember the doc quite revealing this location.” Jake folded his muscled arms.

  Isabella coughed and slid her gaze over at Ella. “I have a talent for reading people’s mind, Jake. I can pick out thoughts and visualize what’s inside their mind.”

  Jake undid his arms and massaged his chin. “So that was the shit you pulled in interrogation, that’s what it revealed.”

  She didn’t look at him, but answered by nodding.

  “Jake, Isabella, can you two please have this meet-and-greet conversation another time. Now isn’t the time. The facts, please, Isabella.” Marcus closed the distance to Ella and placed his arm around her shoulder.

  Isabella nodded. “The history is horrendous. It was the largest state psychiatric facility in Massachusetts, back in the days when they incarcerated people with mental illness. It opened in 1929 and closed in 1992, due to budget costs and its terrible reputation. There were rumors of barbaric treatment and poisonings. Two dozen children died in the 1960s from strontium poisoning. Their bodies are believed to be buried in the cemetery.”

  “Shit, why is this place still standing?” Jake asked as Marcus stared at Isabella hard.

  “Not all of it is. Only the main building. There’s more. In 1978, a patient—Anne Marie Davee—was dismembered by a fellow patient Melvin Wilson. A huge cover-up followed. The history of abuse and death that surrounds the place is unbelievable. With its history, the area attracts tortured souls and possibly other creatures. I’ll warn you now.”

  “Excuse me. What do you mean? How do you know?” Jake grabbed Isabella’s arm and she twisted around. He released her and she grabbed her red hair with both hands to tie it back into a ponytail.

  “Well, I mean with its history, it’s bound to be haunted. It’s a derelict building, closed for many years and the spirits of those departed will haunt such places. Don’t you believe in creatures of the night and things that go bump, Jake?”

  He narrowed his eyes, tilting his head and giving a broad smile. “Nothing scares me except emerald-eyed witches.” A broad smile littered across his face.

  Ella shot her gaze at Isabella.

  He doesn’t know; he’s teasing.

  I’m not sure he could handle the truth.

  At some point, you need to tell him, Isabella.

  Ella agreed with Marcus on that point. She studied the elite team in front of her. They were all ready to go to the place she had been violated and her baby had been ripped from her. A sour taste of bile rose into her mouth. She covered her mouth with her hand and willed the fear to subside. A cold sweat washed over her skin, and she shivered. Marcus switched around and stood in front of her, placing his strong hands on her shoulders.

  “You don’t have to do this to prove how strong you are. We can go and look for the evidence. Isabella can help.” He brushed a few stray strands of hair that flopped over Ella’s face as she pressed her lips tight.

  She breathed out and the nausea passed. “I have to go. I hear his cries.” She rubbed her forehead.

  “Look. About that. I saw something yesterday and it reminded me to consider all possibilities. After what we’ve been through the last couple of days, I cannot ignore who we are any longer. You’re a warrior, Ella, and in every way my equal—do you hear me?” He tilted her chin up to stare into his eyes, which touched her soul.

  Acceptance and a wave of love rushed through her mind, almost bringing her to tears. He believed her. She wrapped her arms around his waist and turned her head to rest it on his rippled chest. God, how she loved this man.

  I love you, too, sweetheart.

  Thank you. I can do this with you at my side.


  “Are you two done? All this lovey-dovey stuff makes me feel left out. What do you think, Isabella—want to give it a try?” Jake said.

  He leaned closer to her and landed a peck on her cheek. Isabella jerked around and grabbed either side of Jake’s smooth cheeks and pressed her lips over his mouth. Jake’s arms closed around her and for a moment, the kiss continued in front of Ella and Marcus. Isabella eventually pulled away, putting an end to the show and leaving a startled Jake with his arms wide and his mouth open. His eyes fixed on Isabella.

  “I thought that would shut you up. Come on, lover boy, let’s move.” Isabella opened the front door and stepped outside into the daylight.

  Jake continued to watch her as she moved to cross the porch and stepped forward to follow her. He glanced back at Ella and Marcus. “She fucking takes my breath away. We don’t start every mission like this, but we sure as shit should. Certainly gets my body pumped for action.” He headed for Isabella.

  Ella broke free from Marcus and stepped through, wanting to get this day over with as quick as possible. At the door, Marcus let her walk outside as he grabbed the door behind him and locked it.

  “I know you feel you have to do this, but if at any time, you change your mind, it’s okay. I’m never going to think less of you. You don’t always have to be strong for me. Your battle is mine too. Stepping away is sometimes the smartest move.” He smoothed his thumb over her cheekbone.

  She nodded, feeling the strength of his love filling her, and she smiled up at him. “I have never felt more loved than I do with you and it makes me feel I can do anything.”

  Marcus lowered his head and pressed his lips over hers, nudging the seam open. He thrust his tongue inside to deepen the kiss and he embraced her in his arms as she leaned into him. His tongue touched hers and a heat built between them.

  If we don’t stop now, we won’t be going anywhere.

  Marcus loosened his arms from around her. He withdrew his tongue and lay a soft kiss on her lips before he backed away. Catching her hand, he pulled her down the stairs and headed toward the main house, where Isabella and Jake had entered.

  “Jake is right—starting a mission off this way is very different. You’re intoxicating, Ella, but I will not hesitate to pull you out. Not because you’re my wife, but if your presence there increases the risk to anyone, I must consider the team, not just you. Do you understand that, Ella?”

  She had not worked on a mission with Marcus. It had been agreed from the very beginning it was for the best. Conflict of emotions could cause issues once deployed and they both agreed they didn’t want to risk anyone’s life. But now, she hoped the way they could read each other’s thoughts would help them. Everyone was in a heightened state of alert at the thought of this trip to the deserted hospital.

  She could do this.

  I know you can.


  “Are you sure this is the right place? It looks locked up tight.” Jake crunched over the gravel in the small parking area off the quiet side road. Marcus gave a three-hundred-and-sixty-degree survey of the area, sweeping his gaze back to the enormous two-story red brick mausoleum with four colossal white stone pillars that stood guarding the heavy wooden doors at the entrance. The decaying paint peeled off the columns and window surrounds. All the tall windows were boarded and black graffiti was sprayed across the front. Huge yellow warning signs screamed at them of asbestos and danger if they dare enter.

  The surrounding fields were overgrown with tall pale grass, weeds, and discarded glass beer bottles. In the distan
ce, a swanky new condo complex stood in stark contrast to the decaying and ghostly site. It was eerie and desolate. Marcus strode over to where Ella stood, facing the front building, and he picked up her cold hand.

  “Isabella, are you sure?” he yelled over at her.

  Isabella stood at the front, near the steps that led up to the entrance. She stood still, with her back to the others. Unsure that she had heard them, Marcus marched closer, pulling Ella with him, and touched Isabella’s shoulder. She jumped and screeched. In an instant, Jake was there. Isabella faced them, her face like a white lily. She swallowed and nodded. “This is the place. Only, I’m not sure I can go inside,” she said in a quiet voice.

  The wind picked up and moans echoed around them. This place gave Marcus the creeps. It was empty of life and yet, the air crackled with energy. He was certain he heard whispers. Or was it the wind?

  “You’re shitting me, right? You’re scared of an empty building?” Jake stepped closer to her and for once Isabella stayed quiet.

  There are spirits here. Children, young adults, old and young. I’m not sure I can go inside.


  Being a witch, I’m susceptible to the souls of the lost. I feel their pain. Their anguish.

  Marcus took a deep breath. Ella didn’t speak, but he could hear her heart as it thundered along at a frenzied rate and shook his head at the sky.

  “Okay, if you’re sure, I’m not going to make you come inside. Ella, do you sense any other supernatural entities or unexpected visitors here or nearby?” He ran his eyes over the entrance and back at the group. They had plenty of daylight, but once inside the building, it would be as dark as shit. Hence, they each carried a pair of night vision goggles.


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