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Paladin of Souls (Curse of Chalion)

Page 2

by Lois McMaster Bujold

  Ibra, Fox of: See Fox of Ibra.

  Ibra, Heir of: Older (unnamed in the book) son of the Fox of Ibra. He rebelled against his father from his base in South Ibra after another failed rebellion and a treaty the previous summer and a secret falling-out in the autumn.

  Ibra, Roya of: See Fox of Ibra.

  Ibran: (IB-rahn) 1. Of Ibra. 2. The language of Ibra, Chalion, and Brajar.

  Ildar, Provincar dy: (IHL-dar) Ruler of the province of Ildar, in Chalion. The current holder of the title dies during The Curse of Chalion, and the title is given to Martou dy Jironal instead of to the nephew the provincar’s family was promoting.

  Isara: (ih-SAH-rah) Daughter and first born child of Iselle and Bergon.

  Iselle: (is-SELL) Royesse of Chalion. Daughter of Ias and Ista, older sister of Royse Teidez, half-sister of Roya Orico. A generous mouth, hair in ringlets neither blond nor red, pale skin, heavy-lidded eyes, turns sixteen 6 weeks after the opening of Curse of Chalion; shorter than Betriz. Birthday is at the midpoint of spring. Cazaril tells Ista she is quick at arithmetic and geometry, and “persistent” at Darthacan.

  Ista: (IS-tah) Dowager Royina of Chalion, married Roya Ias in his second, her first marriage; was widowed early. Youngest daughter of the Dowager Provincara, and has been living with her mother for six years at the opening of The Curse of Chalion. Masses of crinkly hair, once gold, now darkened to dull dun, bitten fingernails, gray eyes.

  Jarn: (JAHRN) A Roknari princedom located south and east of Tavaki, east of Chalion, and north of Brajar.

  Jironal, Dondo dy: (JEER-o-nel, DON-doh dee) Younger brother of the March dy Jironal, named to be General of the Daughter’s Order early in The Curse of Chalion, and then named March dy Jironal after Martou becomes provincar dy Ildar. Was a part of the border war against Olus, and was sent with Cazaril as envoys to deliver an ultimatum when Olus was cornered. A libertine. Stocky, black eyebrows, tendency to sweat profusely, forty years old. Two daughters by his late first wife.

  Jironal, March Martou dy: (JEER-o-nel, Mar-TOO dee) Ruler of the march of Jironal, Chancellor of Chalion, general of the Son’s Order, then named Provincar dy Ildar on the death of dy Ildar, when the title of March dy Jironal is passed to Dondo. Led Roya Orico’s forces to the north coast for a winter campaign three years before The Curse of Chalion begins, during which he made Cazaril castle warder of Gotorget. Spare, graying, often unsmiling, cool of eye, tense with energy.

  Joal, Ser dy: (ZHOHL) Courtier of Chalion and one of Dondo dy Jironal’s bravos; attempts to challenge Cazaril to a duel.

  Joen: (JOH-en) Regent Dowager of Jokona, the youngest daughter of the Golden General. Short, dull gray-brown curling hair, face sallow and lined, pale blue eyes.

  Jokona: (joh-KON-ah) Westernmost of the Roknari princedoms, located north of Ibra and Chalion and west of Borasnen. Uniforms have white pelicans on green.

  Labran: (LAAB-raan) A province of Chalion. Borders on Roknar; was invaded by the Golden General.

  Labran, Provincar of: A noble of Chalion, ruler of the province of Labran. Nephew of Royina Sara.

  Lady of Spring: See Daughter of Spring

  Lady of Summer: See Mother of Summer.

  Laonin: (LAY-oh-nin) A lay dedicat of the Daughter’s Order, one of Ista’s escort on her pilgrimage.

  lay dedicat: A lay person who has pledged him/herself to a particular task on the behalf of a holy order, but has not entered in to the full disciplines and training of that order. Lay dedicats may serve in the military orders as soldier-brothers, or may perform various non-military functions in the service of their god.

  Learned: A courtesy title for any divine.

  Lion of Roknar: See Golden General.

  Liss: (LISS) see Annaliss

  lord dedicat: A lord dedicat might be either a lay dedicat or fully in an order, but in any case has special administrative responsibilities for the task at hand. Lord dedicats are usually drawn from the nobility.

  Lupe: (LOO-py) See Castillar Lupe dy Cazaril

  Lutez, Arhys dy: (LOO-TEZ, AR-hise dee) March of Porifors. Striking appearance, with reddish dark hair, a lighter beard that is shot with gray, about 41.

  Lutez, Cattilara dy: (LOO-TEZ, cat-ih-LAHR-ah dee) Marchess of Porifors, daughter of the March of Oby. Black hair, about 21 years old.

  Lutez, Liviana dy: (LOO-TEZ, liv-ih-AH-nah dee) Daughter of the March of Porifors. Nine years old, lives with her maternal grandparents.

  Lutez, Lord dy: (loo-TEZ) Boyhood friend, closest advisor for 30 years, brother in arms, and lover to Roya Ias; arranged Ias’s second marriage (to Ista). Provincar of two districts, chancellor of Chalion, marshal of Ias’s household troops, master of the order of the Son. Was accused of treason and widely believed to have died under torture.

  Maradi: (MAR-ah-di) A city in Chalion, provincial capital of Tolnoxo and site of a provincial temple.

  March: (MARCH) 1. Title of nobility, below provincar and above castillar, roughly equivalent to a marquess. 2. The lands held by such a noble. marchess MarCHESS The wife of a march, or a female march.

  Maroc, Ser dy: (mare-ock) A courtier of Chalion, maker of Orico’s armor and wardrobe. Brings the accusation of rape against Cazaril because of the flogging scars.

  Martou: (mar-TOO) See Jironal, Martou dy.

  memori boards: (mehm-MORE-ih) Plaques or similar items placed in a chapel in memory of a family member, similar to small Chinese shrines: “…tiers of little family memori boards” (in the chapel of the castle in Valenda)

  Mendenal: (MEN-den-all) Archdivine of Cardegoss.

  Mother’s Day: A festival day on the first day of summer, the summer solstice. A secondary festival for the Mother is held at midsummer. Mother’s Day events include collecting the quarterly gifts that will keep the temple running for three months.

  Mother of Summer: One of the gods of the Quintarian and Quadrene religions, also called the Mother, or the Lady of Summer. Acolytes wear green. Healing and health are under the purview of the Mother. The Bastard is a child of the Mother and a demon.

  Mother’s Midsummer: A festival day.

  mourning colors: black and lavender

  Naoza, ser dy: (na-OH-zah) Celebrated duelist in Valenda, assassinated by death magic by a provincial wool merchant whose only son he had killed in a duel.

  North Ibra: A region of Ibra.

  Oby: (OH-bee) A marchdom and a stronghold in Caribastos, the greatest fortress in Caribastos except the Provincar’s seat.

  Oby, March dy: (OH-bee, MARCH dee) A noble of Chalion, father of Cattilara dy Lutez.

  Officer of Inquiry: A member of the Chancellery of Justice of a province or (presumably) a royacy, sent to investigate suspected crimes. There are also Inquirers for Temples which investigate such things as alleged death magic attempts.

  oil cake: Food sold by street vendors in Valenda.

  Olus: (OH-lus) A mad Roknari prince, involved in a border war against Chalion five years before the opening of The Curse of Chalion; offered envoys Dondo dy Jironal and Cazaril the choice of cutting off the other’s head or dying. He was murdered by his own bodyguards a year after the border war.

  Order of the Bastard: A religious order. Among its main concerns are the Temple’s foundling hospitals and orphanages.

  Order of the Daughter: A military order, far smaller than the Son’s, concerns itself with domestic matters such as guarding temples, controlling banditry, etc.

  Order of the Son: A military order in Chalion, with a tradition of battling the Roknari; most young men of military leaning swear themselves to the Son’s Order.

  Ordol: (OAR-dole) Author of The Fivefold Pa
thway of the Soul: On the True Methods of Quintarian Theology, a major (perhaps the major) religious work of Quintarian theology.

  Orico: (OAR-ih-ko) Present roya of Chalion at the opening of The Curse of Chalion; son of Ias and his Brajaran first wife. A little below average height; nose was broken in an accident and looks like a squashed mushroom in the middle of his face; hair was auburn, now graying to roan, curly; face pale and puffy, body grossly broadened.

  Paginine: (PAH-gah-NEEN) A petty judge serving the municipality of Taryoon, and a petty saint of the Father. His gift from the Father allows him to sometimes tell who is lying.

  Palli: (PAL-ee) see March dy Palliar

  Palliar: (PAL-ee-are) A marchdom in Chalion. Palliar is not located in the province of Baocia.

  Palliar, March dy: (PAL-ee-are, MARCH dee) A noble of Chalion who holds the lands of Palliar, lord dedicat of the Daughter’s Order at Palliar, and a close friend of Cazaril. He was Cazaril’s favorite lieutenant at Gotorget. A tall athletic man with dark hair. (Paladin of Souls) Marshal of Chalion.

  Palma: (PAHM-ah) A village in Baocia, twenty-five miles from Valenda on the road from Ibra. Site of an inn with a spring sacred to the Daughter. The region around Palma is noted for fine pasturage, and a post of the Daughter’s Order there is devoted to breeding and training remounts for the Temple.

  Pechma, Lord: (PECH-mah) Jokonan courtier, clerk to Umerue.

  Pejar: (peh-ZHAR) Sergeant-dedicat of the Daughter’s Order, one of Ista’s escort on her pilgrimage.

  petty saint: A saint whose ability to channel their god is very limited.

  Porifors, Castle: (POHR-ih-fohrs) Seat of the March of Porifors.

  Porifors: (POHR-ih-fohrs) Marchdom in Caribastos held by Arhys dy Lutez. Uniforms are gray tabards with gold.

  provincar: (PRAH-vin-SAHR) Title of nobility, below a Roya and above a March, roughly equivalent to a duke. Addressed as “Your Grace”.

  provincara: (PRAH-vin-SAHR-a) Wife of a Provincar, or a female provincar. Addressed as “Your Grace”. The Provincara (capitalized) is the dowager Provincara of Baocia in The Curse of Chalion.

  Provincara, the: Widow of the former Provincar of Baocia, still controlling the (castle/palace/fortress) in Valenda. Her husband died ten years before The Curse of Chalion begins. Her son is current ruler of Baocia; her youngest child is Ista, the dowager Royina of Chalion.

  Quadrene: (kwahd-REEN) Pertaining to a religion prevalent in Roknar which believes in four gods, omitting the Bastard. See also the Roknari heresy of the four gods; contrast with Quintarian.

  Quintarian: (kwihn-TARE-ih-an) Pertaining to a religion prevalent in Chalion, Brajar, and Ibra which believes in five gods: the Father, the Mother, the Son, the Daughter, and the Bastard. Contrast with Quadrene.

  Rauma: (RAU-mah) Town and Marchdom in northeastern Ibra.

  Rinal, Lord dy: (rih-NAL) One of the younger courtiers of Chalion. Plays the bandit king at a mock abduction of Iselle; witnesses the Lady Pig incident and makes a butt of Dondo.

  Rojeras, Dedicat: (ro-ZHER-as) A lay dedicat and a master physician of the Temple Hospital of the Mother’s Mercy in Cardegoss who has made a special study of wasting diseases. About 40, with sandy hair slightly receding from his forehead, freckles, and blue eyes.

  Roknar: (ROCK-nahr) A region to the north of Chalion which consists of five princedoms on the mainland and the Roknari Archipelago; language is Roknari. Roknari hold to the Quadrene faith, believing in four gods and holding the Bastard to be a demon. They make sodomy a crime subject to torture and hanging.

  Roknar Archipelago: Group of islands to the north of the Ibran Peninsula settled by Roknari Quadrenes but which are not part of the Roknari Princedoms.

  Roknari: (rock-NAH-ree) 1. Of Roknar. 2. The language of Roknar, which has a complex system of address forms depending on the rank of the speakers.

  Roknari heresy of the four gods: Belief in the Roknari princedoms that the Bastard is a demon like his father, not a god after his mother the Lady of Summer, making crimes of the odd loves that the Bastard rules; the Quadrene faith.

  Roya: (ROY-ah) Ruler of a country, equivalent to a king.

  Royal: Gold coin in Chalion.

  roya’s milestone: Stones set to mark certain mileages on the roads of Chalion.

  Royesse: (roy-YES) Daughter of a Roya, a princess.

  Royina: (roy-EE-nah) The wife of a Roya, or (possibly) a female ruler of a country: a queen.

  Royse: (ROISE) Son of a Roya, a prince.

  Sanda, Ser dy: (SAN-dah) Secretary-tutor to Royse Teidez, was murdered, probably by Dondo dy Jironal in order to gain more influence over Teidez.

  Saint: In Quintarian and Quadrene theology, a living soul who gives the gift of their soul (the control thereof) to their god, thereby allowing the god to act in the world. Saints have a second sight that allows them to see a glow on other saints but not on themselves. The person ceases to be a saint when the god’s presence is withdrawn, and they cease to glow. See also petty saint.

  Sara, Royina: (SARE-ah) Royina of Chalion, wife of Orico, has chambers on top of Ias’s Tower. Mid-thirties, her earlier prettiness now faded and worn.

  Ser: (SIR) Lowest title of nobility, below a castillar in rank.

  Sera: Wife of a ser, or a female ser.

  sermon of the cups: Classic sermon by Ordol, which illustrates that the gods of Chalion cannot act unless a living soul opens to them and gives up his or her will.

  Snowflake: A white mule bought by the Provincara for Iselle.

  Sister: See Daughter of Spring.

  soldier-brother: A lay dedicat serving in one of the military / religious orders such as the order of the Son.

  Son of Autumn: One of the gods of the Quintarian and Quadrene religions, also called the Son or the Brother ; god of the hunt and of war. Acolytes wear red-orange. Symbols include “weapons and animals and wine casks”.

  Son’s Day: A festival day on the first day of autumn, the autumnal equinox. A secondary festival for the Son is held at mid-autumn. Son’s Day events include collecting the quarterly gifts that will keep the temple running for three months.

  Sordso, Prince: (SORD-soh) Ruler of the Roknari princedom of Jokona, also called Sordso the Sot. Handsome, high cheekbones, crinkled gold hair.

  Sould, March dy: (SOOLD) Young Ibran lord who accompanies Bergon on the trip to Chalion. Slightly older than dy Tagille and dy Cembuer.

  South Ibra: Province of Ibra, led in rebellion against the Fox of Ibra by his heir; lies between Chalion and Darthaca.

  Subdivine: A divine working in a subordinate capacity in a larger temple, among other roles.

  Tagille, dy: (ta-GEEL) Young Ibran lord who accompanies Bergon on the trip to Chalion.

  Taryoon: (tarry-OON) Town in Baocia, now the seat of government as the dowager Provincara’s son moved it from Valenda on inheriting his father’s gift. Southeast of Valenda.

  Tavaki: (tah-VAH-key) One of the Roknari princedoms, located between Vardo and Jarn.

  Teidez, Royse: (teh-DES) Royse of Chalion, half-brother to Roya Orico, younger brother of Iselle, son of Ias and Ista. Fourteen years old at the opening of The Curse of Chalion. Curly hair a shade redder than Iselle’s, a wide mouth.

  Temple Hospital of the Mother’s Mercy: Hospitals of this name exist in Zagosur (dedicated to the succor of men cast up by the sea) and in Cardegoss (where Dedicat Rojeras practices).

  Temple of the Holy Family: A building for religious ceremonies in Chalion. Usual construction is four-lobed about a central court, with one altar in each lobe for the god of each season. The Bastard has
a separate round tower directly back of his Mother’s gate.

  Teneret: (TEN-er-ET) A town in Labran.

  Thistan: (THIS-tan, th as in think) A province of Chalion, east of Baocia. Martou dy Jironal’s funeral was conducted there.

  Thistan, provincar of: Ruler of the province of Thistan, son-in-law of Martou dy Jironal.

  Tolnoxo: (tohl-NOX-oh) A province of Chalion, bordering Baocia and Caribastos.

  Tolnoxo, dy: (tohl-NOX-oh, dee) Provincar of Tolnoxo, in Chalion.

  Tovia: (TOHV-ih-ah) A divine of the Mother’s Order in Valenda, a physician and lesser theologian.

  Umegat: (OO-me-gat) Roknari head groom to Orico, a scholar, and both a divine and a saint of the Bastard, who hosts the miracle of the menagerie that keeps Orico alive. As a young divine, was an assistant Inquirer for the Temple investigating charges of death magic. Of noble Roknari descent, tall but a little stooped, leathery skin that had been gold, now faded to ivory, curly bronze hair going gray.

  Umerue, Princess : (OO-me-roo) Widowed sister of Prince Sordso of Jokona, married twice to rich old Jokonan lords.

  Vaida: (vah-EE-dah) Copper coin in Baocia (probably throughout Chalion).

  Valenda: (va-LIN-dah) Town in Chalion situated on a low hill, houses of ochre sandstone, Provincara’s castle on the hilltop. Seat of government for the province of Baocia under the previous Provincar. Northwest of Taryoon.

  Vara, Lady dy: (VAH-rah) Lady of Ias’s court.

  Vardo: (VAHR-doh) One of the Roknari princedoms, located between Borasnen and Tavaki.

  Vella: (VELL-ah) Herbivorous goat-like animal from somewhere beyond the Archipelago. Vella are like tall leggy goats, with long sweeping necks, thick soft fur, and brown eyes and sweeping eyelashes.

  vest cloak: An open-fronted, loose sleeveless coat, of varying length from thigh to floor, variously lined or decorated, designed to be worn over other garments.

  Vinyasca: (vin-YAAS-cah) Town in Tolnoxo, in the foothills of the western mountain ranges and on the trade route from Ibra.


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