The Wedding Dance

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The Wedding Dance Page 6

by S. J. McCoy

  He shook his head. “It is a dream, but it’s a dream come true.” Sometimes he had to wonder at the things that came out of his own mouth. Missy often told him he was a romantic. Who would ever have guessed? Certainly not him!

  She wrinkled her nose at him as they carried on walking. “I never dream in this much detail. It seems like there are still a million details to take care of. I think I got all the flight stuff taken care of with Smoke. He and Jason are going to be hurtling around the skies all day on Thursday and then again on Sunday.”

  Dan nodded. “I’m glad Leanne and Ryan are going to fly commercial, that’s one less headache to figure out.”

  Missy nodded. “Yeah, I don’t know how we could have fit in extra trips to LA.”

  “Actually I was thinking more about the fur flying if we tried to coop the two of them up in the same small jet for an hour.”

  “You don’t think they’ll just get along for the weekend, for your sake?”

  Dan shook his head. “I doubt it. I’m more concerned about keeping them away from each other.”

  Missy sighed. “Like Ben and Charlotte.”

  Dan nodded. “Yeah. I feel sorry for all of them. I can’t imagine what it must be like.”

  “Me neither.” Missy reached up and pecked his cheek. “I’m just glad I found my hero and we got it right the first time. I can’t imagine losing you.”

  “That’s okay, you won’t ever have to. You’re stuck with me. You’ve promised me forever, and I intend to hold you to that.”

  “I intend to hold you to it, too.”

  They’d reached the Boathouse now. Dan smiled when he saw Jack and Emma sitting out on the back deck. “Looks like we’re early.”

  “Good. I want to talk to those two first.”

  Once they were settled at the table Jack grinned. “Did mom manage to get hold of you, Dan?”

  “No, why? Have you talked to her?”

  “Yeah, she’s so excited. She’s excited about the wedding. She’s excited about the baby; she’s been talking to Lexi and she’s thinking about making the move.”

  “Making the move?” Dan grinned back. “You mean coming to live here?”

  Jack nodded. “Yep. Pete and I are about ready to start operations out of the mini-HQ here. Lexi’s moving up, Nate’s coming after the wedding. Mom’s thinking it’s time for her to be near her boys—and grandkids.”

  Dan looked at Missy. He’d taken her and Scot to Texas to meet his mom after they got engaged. He knew Missy loved her, and she and Scot had developed a surprising friendship. Missy said it was because he’d never had a grandmother figure in his life.

  She grinned. “We need to start looking for a place for her!”

  Emma nodded. “That’s what I said.”

  Jack laughed. “Because neither of you want your mother-in-law coming to live with you?”

  Emma slapped his arm. “It’s not that and you know it! Your mom would hate to have to stay with any of us. She’s used to living her own life—just as much as we are.”

  Missy nodded. “She’s more than welcome if she wants to stay with us for a while, but I can’t see her wanting to live with any of us long-term. I’m just excited to go house hunting with her. It’ll be a good chance to get to know her better.”

  Dan looked at Missy, “How would you feel about her staying at our place while we’re gone?”

  “Of course! If she’s ready to move right now, then that makes all kinds of sense.”

  Dan looked at Jack. “What do you think?”

  Jack nodded. “She said she’s thinking it’s about time, but you know what she’s like. That just means she’s already thought it over and she wants to do it; she just wants to make sure we’re okay with it before she does.”

  “That’s what I think,” said Dan. “So if we ask her to stay at our place—to look after it—that will give her chance to be here and get to know the place. It’ll give her a reason to be here that’s not just about doing what she wants to. You know she’s uncomfortable just doing what she wants.”

  Missy smiled up at him. “You’re so smart.”

  Jack laughed. “Yeah, not bad for a guy who’s not supposed to get people.”

  “She’s my mom!”

  He looked out at the parking lot where a familiar truck had just pulled up and three people were getting out. “Jack, didn’t you say Nate was coming up here after the wedding?”

  “Yeah. We’re done with all the outstanding projects for a while. HQ is here now, and I want him working on Four Mile. Why?”

  “Because there’s a guy who looks an awful lot like him, who’s headed this way.”

  Missy followed his gaze. “That is Nate. It must be. He’s with Smoke and Laura.”

  “What the…?”

  Jack grinned and held up a hand to greet them. “Nate! What are you doing here?”

  Nate laughed as he approached the table. “People keep saying that to me! How about, Hi, Nate. What a nice surprise.”

  Emma laughed. “Hi, Nate. What a nice surprise!”

  Nate leaned down to kiss her cheek. “Hey, Em. Good to see you. I knew I could rely on you.”

  Dan had to laugh as Jack scowled. “Hands off my wife!”

  Nate laughed as he straightened up. “Don’t worry, boss! I’m just showing affection to the only person who’s been pleased to see me since I arrived.”

  “When did you arrive?” asked Jack.

  “Last night,” said Smoke. “He landed on our doorstep after dark and expected bed and board. We’ve brought him down here to see Ben—he’s the one who provides those.”

  “See what I mean?” asked Nate. “Nobody wants me.” He sat down next to Missy who patted his arm.

  “Aww, poor Nate. We all want you. We’re very happy you’re here.”

  Nate winked at her. “Thanks, Miss. At least you still love me.” He grinned at Dan. “Just unlucky for me that the best man got to you first.”

  Dan laughed. He liked Nate.

  “Sorry. Nate. You never stood a chance,” said Missy.

  He shrugged. “Story of my life.”

  Dan looked out at the parking lot again. Here came Kenzie and Chase. He looked at Missy, “Did you say you were going to bring the lists of songs you wanted the band to play?”

  “Oh, crap! I forgot!”

  He smiled. “I’ll go get them if you like?”

  She shook her head. “You stay. I’ll go.”

  “But we don’t have the car here. I don’t want you walking back by yourself.”

  Missy laughed. “It’s lunchtime, Dan. Not midnight!”

  “I know, but still.”

  “I’ll tell you what. After we’ve eaten, you can walk me back. Then I’ll come back in the van to talk to Chase and go on up to see my dad. I got him some goodies from the bakery this morning. I want to drop them off and check in on him.”

  Dan nodded. “Okay. Whatever you say. I’ll come with you if you like?”

  She shook her head. “You wanted to work this afternoon.”

  He nodded, he did. But she was his priority.

  She smiled. “And you might want to call your mom, too? Ask her about staying at the house while we’re gone.”

  “Yeah. I’ll do that.”

  As the others arrived, they needed to pull two of the picnic benches together. Michael and Megan arrived shortly after Kenzie and Chase. Megan seemed troubled about something, but Kenzie was doing her best to keep her chatting and smiling. Gabe and Renée came next. Dan watched as Missy chatted with Renée. He liked that the two women seemed to be getting closer after Chance’s visit. Their family history tied them together, but Missy said they’d never been close. It seemed like that was changing now, though. Pete came wandering out of the bar after they’d already started to eat. Holly wasn’t with him.

  “Hey, partner,” called Jack. “I didn’t think you were coming? Are you going to eat?”

  Pete shook his head. Dan had never seen him look so miserable. “Nah. I
just came out to say hi. I’m hanging at the bar with Ben.”

  So Ben was here, but not coming to join them either? Dan didn’t like that. Missy had said that she’d talked to Ben and he wasn’t going to avoid them anymore. This sure felt like he was avoiding them. He couldn’t imagine how it would feel to be Ben. Not to be with the woman he loved. He felt bad that his and Missy’s happiness was causing Ben so much sadness. Charlotte and Renée had been the two wedding guests he wasn’t sure about. Things with Renée had worked out just fine since she and Chance had already made their peace. Charlotte and Ben? Dan doubted they would ever make their peace. There was only one way Ben would be happy, and that could never happen because Charlotte was already married to someone else.

  “Where’s Holly?” asked Missy.

  Pete scowled at her. Dan himself wished that she didn’t always have to be so forthright.

  “She’s gone horseback riding apparently. I thought she might have come for lunch.”

  That wasn’t good, that he didn’t even know what she was doing for lunch. Everyone made plans to meet up here. All the couples. Dan rubbed his hand over his cheek. That was Holly’s problem with Pete though, wasn’t it? She was sick of his plans.

  “Looks like she’s coming now,” Emma said. She waved her fork toward the parking lot where Holly was getting out of her car and another woman climbed out of the passenger seat. Dan chewed the inside of his cheek. He knew her name. Missy had introduced them. She’d grown up here, too. She was friends with Chance and Gabe and Renée. Lily! That was it.

  He watched Holly and Lily approach. They were chatting and laughing as they walked across the parking lot. It was the first time Dan had seen Holly smile in weeks. He looked up as Pete turned on his heel and went back inside. Dan felt bad for him. She certainly never seemed to smile at Pete anymore.

  Holly looked around them. “Well, hello! Why are you all looking at me like that?”

  “Because Pete was out here looking for you,” said Emma. “He just went back inside.”

  Holly shrugged. “Well, I’m here to have lunch with my friends.” She plonked herself down on the end of the bench.

  Lily looked around apologetically. “Hi!”

  Everyone greeted her. “I’m glad you’re here,” said Renée. “I want to talk to you about the center.”

  As they started to chat about riding and horsemanship lessons, Dan looked at Missy. “Do you think Pete’s okay?” he asked.

  Missy shook her head. “No. I’m going to go talk to him.”

  Dan nodded. “How about while you do that, I’ll walk home and bring the song lists and your van back?”

  He loved the way she smiled up at him. “You really are my hero! Will you bring that cheesy loaf and the doughnuts for my dad?”

  “Yep. They’re in the pantry, right?”

  She laughed. “Unless Scotty found them.”

  Dan stood. “I’ll see you back here in a little while then.”

  Missy got up and placed her hands on his shoulders as she reached up to plant a kiss on his lips. “Thanks.”

  He watched her make her way across the deck and into the bar. She cared so much about her friends. He loved that about her.

  Chapter Seven

  Missy pulled onto her dad’s street. She was even more worried about Pete and Holly now than she had been. She’d never seen Pete so defeated; in fact, she’d never seen him defeated at all before—about anything. Yet there he was claiming that the best thing that had ever happened to him—his relationship with Holly—might be over. Missy just couldn’t believe that. They were made for each other. It was plain to anyone with eyes in their head! Pete had almost messed them up before they even got started with his insistence on sticking to his stupid plan. Why couldn’t he see that he was making the same mistake again? And why couldn’t Holly see it? Why wasn’t she bringing him back to reality? Reminding him what was most important, instead of taking it so personally and making matters even worse. She pulled up in front of her dad’s house. That was easy to say as an outsider. What woman wouldn’t take it personally if her fiancé was ignoring her and her wishes in the planning of their wedding?

  She shrugged to herself and reached in the back for the loaf and the doughnuts. She wanted to bang their heads together! All she could do was hope that maybe a weekend in Vegas with all their friends, watching her and Dan and Michael and Megan get married would remind them both of what was really important.

  “Hey, Dad! It’s that pesky burglar again!” she called as she let herself in the back door. “Dad?” she called when he didn’t reply. He must have the TV on too loud again. She could hear it murmuring away to itself in the living room. She went through. He was sitting in his chair staring at the box. Something wasn’t right. She knew it immediately.


  He turned his head toward her slowly. “I’m not right, Miss. I feel a bit off.” He didn’t sound right.

  She knelt down beside his chair, her heart hammering in her chest. “What is it? What do you feel?”

  He gave her a puzzled look. “Confused.”

  Oh crap! One side of his mouth was moving fine, but the other seemed to be having trouble keeping up. She thought she knew what was going on. She grabbed the phone and dialed 911. She told the dispatcher she thought her dad was having a stroke. At least that was one good thing about living in a small town, the ambulance would be here in a few minutes. The hospital might be half an hour away, but at least he’d be under the care of the awesome paramedics on his way there.

  She hung up. “Can you lift your arms up, Dad?”

  He gave her a puzzled look and lifted his arms. His left arm came up above his head, his right reached shoulder height before drifting back down, causing his expression to become fearful.

  “Talk to me,” she said. “Tell me when I’m getting married.”

  “Next week.”

  The words came out okay, but the right side of his mouth didn’t move in sync with the left. At least it moved.

  “You think I had a stroke?”

  She nodded. “Maybe. Just a little one. You’ll be fine.” How she hoped she was telling the truth! “So smile, would you?” It was another test. And it confirmed what she feared. The left side of his face was his usual self, the smile gruff, but there. The right side drooped, but there was some movement. It gave her hope; she knew the effects of a stroke were reversible if they were caught in time. “When did you start feeling like this?” she asked.

  “Just right now. Before you came.”

  A wave of relief rushed through her at the sound of a siren. Thank God! She knew every minute counted with a stroke. She smiled at her dad. “That’s good. You’re going to be just fine.”

  “I don’t need an ambulance,” his speech was worse now. He tried to stand but his right leg gave out and he slumped back down in the chair.

  “Yes, you do! I’m going to let them in. You stay there.” She rushed to the front door to let the paramedics in.

  Not five minutes later she was in the van following the ambulance to the hospital. She kept trying to calm herself. Thank God she’d gone to see him! He’d be fine. He had to be. She dug her cell phone from her purse, grateful for the first time for the hands free system Dan and Scot had rigged up in the van for her. She called Dan.

  “Hey, beautiful,” he answered.

  “Dan can you come to the hospital? I think my dad’s had a stroke. They’re taking him in an ambulance; I’m going after him.”

  “I’ll be right there. I’ll get Jack to come hang with Scot.”

  “Thanks, honey.” She loved him all the more in that moment. With Dan there was no panicking, no asking a million questions. Just straight down to business. He’d make sure Scot was okay and he’d be there for her. She realized she was gripping the steering wheel tight as she drove. She needed to make another call, too. Maybe there was no need, but it wasn’t a risk she was prepared to take. It wasn’t her place to decide what her brother might want. She hit
Chance’s number and waited.

  “Hey, little Miss. This is a nice surprise.”

  “Chancey.” She swallowed around the lump in her throat. She was probably overreacting.

  “What is it? What’s wrong, honey?”

  “It’s Dad. It might not be anything. But I think he just had a stroke. He’s in an ambulance. I’m following him to the hospital. He’s probably going to be just fine. I don’t want to worry you, but I had to tell you.” She swallowed again. “You just never know, and I…” she bit back a sob. She felt stupid. He was going to be fine; she was pretty sure of it, but just the thought that he might not be….

  “I’ll get there,” said Chance.

  “It might be nothing, though. I don’t want to worry you.”

  “Yeah, but Miss, we both know you had to call me. Because…well, what if he’s not okay? You drive. I’ll figure out a way to get there as fast as I can. Is Dan with you? Are you all right?”

  “He’s on his way.”

  “Good. I’ll call you back when I know what I’m doing.”

  “Thanks, Chance, bye.” As she hung up and concentrated on following the ambulance down the two-lane highway she knew she’d done the right thing. Her dad was going to be just fine, she had to believe that. But she’d never forgive herself if he wasn’t and she hadn’t called Chance right away and at least given him the option to get there if he wanted to.

  When she made it to the hospital she rushed in through the doors and straight to the desk. She was relieved to see a familiar face sitting there. She’d gone to school with Rachel.

  “Hi, Missy. You’ll have to wait here. They’ve taken him straight through. Doctor Morgan was here this afternoon visiting some of his patients. He’s gone in with him.”

  Thank God for that! She knew her dad would be a lot more comfortable with Doc Morgan than someone he didn’t know. “Thank you.”

  Rachel smiled. “It sounds as though you did great. Time is one of the most important factors with a stroke.”

  Missy nodded. She hoped so.

  “The waiting room is empty; someone will be with you as soon as there’s any news.”

  Missy went to the waiting room and sat down. Then stood up and began to pace. Why was it always like that when something bad happened? You had a mad rush and then had to sit around and wait for hours. Her phone rang and she fished it out of her purse.


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