The Wedding Dance

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The Wedding Dance Page 7

by S. J. McCoy

  “Hi, Dan. Is everything okay?”

  “Everything’s fine here. Jack’s on his way to get Scot. I’m on my way to you. Are you okay? Have you talked to Chance?”

  “Yeah, I called him. I had to Dan.”

  “I know, Miss. I was going to call him myself, but I wanted to ask you first.”

  “Ask me what?”

  “If you want me to send Smoke to get him?”

  “Oh, yes! Yes, please! If he can. Chance was going to try to figure out the fastest way to get here.”

  “Well, I can’t think of anything faster than sending Smoke up to get him. I’ll call them both, okay?”

  “Thanks, Dan.”

  “It’s going to be all right, Miss.”

  “I hope so. I just hate this waiting.”

  “I’ll be there as soon as I can. I love you.”

  Missy had to swallow the lump in her throat again. “And I love you, so much.”

  Once she’d hung up she swiped at her eyes feeling a little ridiculous. She didn’t need to go making a fuss.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dan hung up with Missy and dialed Smoke. It rang and rang and then went to voicemail.

  “This is Smoke. You know what to do.”

  “Smoke, it’s Dan. Can you call me back as soon as you get this? Missy’s dad’s been taken to the hospital. I’m hoping you can fly up to Montana to get Chance. Call me back?”

  He hung up. He knew Smoke and Laura had been hoping for a couple of quiet days together before the wedding, but this was an emergency.

  It was only a couple of minutes before his phone rang.

  “Hey, Dan. Where is he? When do I need to be there?”

  “I’m guessing the Bozeman airport will be the closest place you can land Papa Charlie, and I haven’t set anything up with him yet, because I didn’t know if you’d be up for it.”

  “Of course I am. How’s Missy’s dad? What’s happened?”

  “She doesn’t know yet. She thinks he’s had a stroke. They’ve taken him in and she’s just waiting to hear. I’m on my way there.”

  “Okay, well do you want to give me Chance’s number and I’ll figure things out with him?”

  “Yeah.” Dan told him the number from memory. “Give it ten minutes before you call him though? I’ll call himself and tell him to expect you.”

  “Great. Talk to you later.”

  Dan hung up and called Chance.


  “Yeah, it’s me. No news yet. I just wanted to let you know that Smoke, the pilot, is going to call you to arrange to come get you.”

  “Oh. Wow. Great. Thanks.”

  “Is that okay?”

  “It’s great! I was just checking flights and there’s no way to get there before tomorrow afternoon.”

  “Well, there is now. I’m going to hang up because I’m almost to the hospital. Expect a call in the next few minutes. You and Smoke can figure where and when is best for him to come get you.”

  “Thanks, Dan.”

  “No, worries. I’ll see you tonight. We’ll call you if there’s any news before then.”

  “Okay. See you later.”

  Dan found Missy pacing in the waiting room. She flew toward him and he wrapped his arms around her. “No news?”

  She shook her head. “It’s frustrating as hell! There’s hardly anyone around since it’s Sunday afternoon. Rachel on the front desk is getting sick of me, and she’s about to go home soon anyway.”

  Dan nodded. “I’m sure he’s going to be fine.”

  She nodded. “I think so, too. It’s just that I wish someone would come and tell me that! Apparently Michael’s dad is here, so he’s with him.”

  “They will, as soon as there’s anything to tell. Right now they’re better in there with him.”

  “I know. I’m just impatient. Did you talk to Chance?”

  “Yeah, I put him in touch with Smoke and they’re going to figure it out between them.”

  “Thanks, Dan. It’s probably wrong to bring him all this way. Especially when he was coming on Thursday anyway, but I just couldn’t…I hate the thought of…”

  She didn’t need to say it; he understood her fear. He hugged her close to his chest. “I know, Miss. It’s better to get him here for this, than to risk him not being here.”

  She nodded. “That. Yes.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Chance hung up the phone and went into his bedroom. He opened his bag and threw in the suit he had ready for the wedding. He wouldn’t be coming back before next weekend; he was sure of that. He’d need to take everything. He knelt down and pulled out the wedding gift from under the bed. He didn’t want to forget that! His mind was racing. His dad was going to be okay by the sounds of it. He had to be! Maybe he didn’t need to go at all, but he was grateful Missy had called him. What if she hadn’t and the old man had…Nah. He wasn’t going to think about that. He was just going to get his shit together and go talk to the hands. He had a good team. He knew he could leave Brody in charge, no worries. That had been the plan anyway while he was away for the wedding. This was just moving things forward a few days. He’d call Mason and Shane on his way to the airport. Let them know the score. And that was it. He closed up his bag and looked around. He had everything. And what he didn’t have wouldn’t have to matter.

  He heard a knock on the front door of the cabin. Who the hell could that be? He went to open it and found Shane and Cassidy standing there grinning at him.

  “What are you guys doing here?”

  Shane grinned. “We were out riding this morning. We’re headed to the Riverside for a late lunch and came to see if you want to join us for a beer and a burger? I would have come right on in, but the princess here says that’s rude of me.”

  Chance stared at them. “I can’t, I’ve gotta go.”

  Shane laughed. “Now that is rude!”

  Cassidy picked up that something was wrong. “Got to go where, Chance? What’s going on?” she asked.

  “My dad’s had a stroke. I need to get to the airport.”

  “Oh, shit! I’m sorry, dude. Let us take you.”

  “Are there any flights?” asked Cassidy. “Have you checked?”

  “There’s one coming to get me. My brother-in-law sent his pilot buddy.”

  “Great. Well, at least let us take you?” asked Shane. “There’s no point leaving your truck at the airport until you come back.”

  Cassidy nodded. “You can’t even know when you’ll be back. It’s your sister’s wedding next weekend, isn’t it?”

  He nodded.

  “Is there any news on how your dad is yet?”

  “Not yet. It might not be that bad. But I want to be there. You know?”

  Cassidy hugged him and for a moment it felt good to know that someone cared. “Of course you do,” she said. “Now let’s get going. Have you got everything?”

  He nodded. “Everything I’m taking.”

  “Come on then,” Shane walked into the cabin and grabbed his bag. “Let’s get you out of here.”

  As they approached the airport exit, Cassidy turned to Shane. “Don’t go to the main passenger terminal. You need to go to General Aviation.”

  Shane scowled at her. “Of course you’d know all about that, wouldn’t you?”

  She laughed. “Get over yourself, cowboy!”

  Chance had to laugh at the look on Shane’s face. “Anyone want to tell me the story?” he asked.

  “Ask Cassidy about her pilot friend,” said Shane. “Can you believe she dated a guy named Justin? Just in!”

  “I did not date him! Asshole!”

  Chance laughed at the two of them as they bickered. They were such a good match—and such good friends to him. He realized now that the drive over here had been a lot less stressful in their company than it would have been by himself. “You can just drop me in front of the building,” he told Shane as they approached the building.

  “No way!” replied Shane. “You get to fly off in a private
jet? I want to at least see it.”

  Cassidy turned and rolled her eyes at Chance. “Do you want the company while you wait?”

  He nodded. He did. And if it gave Shane a kick, then why not.

  Shane parked the truck in the little parking lot and they walked over to the building. Once they were inside Cassidy headed for the ladies’ room.

  Shane grasped his shoulder. “Are you all right?”

  Chance nodded. “Yeah. I really do think he’s going to be okay. I think this trip is going to be more about making my peace with him. I’ve kept thinking I’m not ready to, but maybe this is life giving me a kick up the ass, you know? You can only put it off so long before you miss the opportunity completely.”

  Shane nodded. “Your last trip back to Summer Lake seemed to do you a lot of good. Hopefully this one will, too. I hope your dad’s okay.”


  Cassidy came back out to join them. She pointed out through the windows. “I saw a Learjet just land. Is that you?”

  “Damned if I know.” All Chance knew was that he would recognize the pilot, Smoke. He remembered him from Missy’s birthday party. The guy had made it pretty clear that the girl with the long dark hair was with him. Chance smiled. They were engaged now—good luck to them!

  A few minutes later they walked in through the door from the ramp. Smoke and…Laura, that was her name. She was Dan’s cousin. Chance waved and went to greet them.

  “Thanks for coming to get me guys.” He shook hands with Smoke.

  “We’re happy to help,” said Laura who leaned in for a hug.

  Smoke nodded. Chance would guess that he was less happy, though whether that was about coming to get him or the fact that Laura was hugging on him, he wasn’t sure. He turned back to Shane and Cassidy. “Thanks for bringing me.”

  Laura smiled at them and Chance knew he should introduce them all. It felt weird though. There had never been any crossover before between his life here in Montana and the life he’d left behind in Summer Lake.

  Shane took matters into his own hands. He smiled back at Laura and tipped his hat. “Pleasure to you meet you. I’m Shane and this is my fiancée, Cassidy.”

  Smoke extended a hand and shook with Shane. “I’m Smoke and this is my fiancée, Laura.”

  Watching the four of them, Chance realized that if ever his two worlds did collide, this bunch would probably become fast friends. But right now, what he wanted to do was get out of here. He didn’t know how to move the conversation along, so he didn’t make any attempt to. “Thanks for bringing me,” he said to Shane. “I’ll let you know when I’m coming back.”

  “Let us know when you get there, please,” said Cassidy. “We want to know how your dad is doing, okay?” She hugged him again and Shane smiled at him over her shoulder. Once again it felt good to feel like someone cared. He hadn’t needed anyone to care—hadn’t wanted anyone to—for years. It seemed as though things were changing; he was changing.

  Twenty minutes later he was sitting in one of the big club seats in the jet, staring out of the window as they banked to right. The Gallatins sparkled with snow; he caught a glimpse of the valley beyond them before the plane headed south.

  Laura popped her head out of the cockpit. “Are you okay?”

  He nodded. “Just fine.”

  Chapter Eight

  Michael put the phone down and looked at Megan.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “That was Dad. He’s at the hospital. They brought Missy’s dad in this afternoon. He’s had a stroke.”

  “Oh, no! How bad is it? Is he going to be okay?”

  “They hope so. Missy found him almost straight away by the sounds of it and called the ambulance. Time is so important with a stroke.”

  Megan nodded. “I know. I remember one of the men who used to come into the library where I worked before had a stroke. His face was all droopy afterwards, it was hard to understand him. You could tell he got so frustrated; he knew what he was saying, but his mouth just couldn’t form the words properly.” She stopped short and looked at Michael. “He couldn’t walk very well, either. What do you think? Will Missy’s dad be able to even go to the wedding? He’s supposed to walk her down the aisle—well, out onto the balcony.”

  Michael hoped so. He knew how important it was to Missy that her dad should give her away. “I don’t know, little one. All we can do is hope and wait for news. If they got to him in time he might be just fine. Missy and Dan are there with him.”

  “Where’s Scotty? We can have him come stay here, if they want.”

  “I reckon they’ll have something sorted out for him if they’re both at the hospital already, but I’ll call her and check.” Megan seemed distraught. “It’ll be okay, Meggie.”

  “I hope so, Michael.” She wrung her hands together.

  He gave her a puzzled look. She seemed more upset than he would have expected. “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, of course.”

  He wasn’t convinced. “Come here and give me a hug, then.”

  She stepped into the circle of his arms and he held her close, loving the way she felt—the way she always felt—as though she was made to measure, just for him. “Even if her dad can’t get there, maybe Ben can do double duty. After he gives you away, he can do the same for Miss.”

  Megan looked up at him, her eyes big and troubled.

  “What?” He knew something was bothering her.

  She shook her head and buried her face in his chest. He waited, knowing she’d speak only when, and if, she was ready.

  “It means the world to me that Ben is going to walk me down the aisle, but I think Missy would be more likely to ask her brother, if her dad can’t.”

  “Yeah,” Michael nodded his agreement and waited some more. He wanted to know what was really troubling her, but she didn’t speak again, just squeezed her little arms around his waist and rested her cheek against his chest. She’d tell him when she was ready—he hoped.

  ~ ~ ~

  Missy stood up as Doc Morgan came into the waiting room. Dan stood, too, and put his arm around her shoulders.

  “How is he?” she asked.

  “He’s comfortable. He’s going to be okay. You did a good job getting him here so quickly.”

  A rush of relief swept through her. She’d kept telling herself he was going to be okay, but the nagging doubt had refused to go away. “How bad was it?” she asked. “His face was droopy. He couldn’t hold his arm up.” She took a deep breath. “His leg gave out on him.”

  Doc Morgan nodded. “His right side is affected.”

  “Is that hemiparesis?” asked Dan.

  Missy looked at him. He’d been reading up about strokes on his phone while they waited.

  Doc Morgan nodded. “The left side of his brain was affected and that is reflected in the right side of his body.”

  “Will he be able to get back to normal?” asked Missy. She didn’t need to know the why. She needed to know the practical.

  Doc Morgan’s face gave her less hope than his words. “We’ll have to wait and see. There’s a lot that can be done to regain strength in the affected muscles. He’ll have a lot of work ahead of him.”

  Missy nodded. Her dad wasn’t afraid of hard work, especially if it would get him back to normal. She had to ask the selfish question that had been plaguing her while she’d been sitting here waiting. “Will he be able to walk me down the aisle next week?”

  Doc Morgan patted her shoulder. “I wouldn’t get your hopes too high for that, Missy. He’s going to have to learn to control his muscles. It’s going to take a little while, but knowing your dad, he’ll be quicker than most.” He gave her an encouraging smile. “He might have to wheel you down instead of walking.”

  Missy’s heart sank. She knew her dad. He was too damned proud and too damned stubborn. No way on earth would he go down the aisle in a wheelchair!

  Dan tightened his arm around her shoulders. “We’ll figure something out.”<
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  She nodded. “I know. What matters is that he’s okay. Can we see him?”

  Doc Morgan nodded. “You can. Come on through.”

  It was a shock to see him looking small and pale in a hospital gown. Missy went straight to him and hugged him. He grunted, but didn’t push her off. She leaned back and smiled at him. “I think I might make the most of this, I can hug on you and you can’t stop me.”

  The left side of his mouth lifted in a smile, the right tried to follow. He pushed at her with his left arm. “This side still works just fine,” he said. The words were a little slurred, but perfectly understandable.

  Missy smiled. “I won’t push my luck then! Doc Morgan says you’re going to be back to normal in no time.”

  He frowned at her. “Don’t get carried away. I’m not going to be walking for a while.”

  She knew he was thinking about the same thing she was. “So, you can use a wheelchair if you need to.”

  His eyebrows came down. “You know better than that, Melissa.”

  “We don’t need to decide right now,” said Dan. “Who knows how you’ll be by next Saturday.”

  Missy hated the sadness in her dad’s eyes as he said. “I’m not going to be able to do it.”

  “Don’t say that, Dad! We’ll work something out.”

  “I already have.”

  “What?” she had no idea what he might mean.

  “Your brother should do it.”

  Missy met his gaze. He nodded. “I want him to.”

  “Well I want you to!” She knew she sounded petulant. She was stunned and pleased that he would even suggest Chance should do it, but didn’t every girl want her dad to walk her down the aisle?

  He chuckled. “It’s not always about want; is it, Melissa. It’s about what can happen. What should happen. If I can’t then your brother should.”

  His words reminded her of how Scot had talked about making the best man’s speech. She stared back at him. “Well, since you’re so keen for Chance to do it, you can talk to him about it later.”


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