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The Wedding Dance

Page 20

by S. J. McCoy

  She smiled at him as she emerged from the bathroom. “Shall we go up and say hi to Missy’s dad later?” she asked.

  He nodded. They should. But he didn’t want to leave it until much later—for a number of reasons. “Yeah, let’s go there first shall we?”

  “Oh, okay. I was thinking we could go out and walk down the Strip. I haven’t had a chance to do that yet.”

  “Then we will. Why don’t we stop in to see him on the way out?”

  “Sounds good to me.”

  After they’d seen Missy’s dad they wandered through the grounds. Holly looked up at the balcony where later this afternoon Missy and Dan would take their vows.

  Pete watched her, wondering what she was thinking. “Penny for them?”

  She smiled. “Just thinking about this afternoon.”

  He nodded. He was too!

  “And yesterday was pretty cool, wasn’t it? Kenzie and Chase were thrilled that we all showed up like that.”

  “They were. It was quite surprise for them. How do you think you would have felt if you were in their shoes?”

  She laughed. “I don’t know. And it’s not a scenario I need to worry about, is it?”

  He shrugged. “But how do you think you would have felt?”

  “I don’t know, Pete. It’s different for me, isn’t it? I mean we would never sneak off by ourselves. I wouldn’t want to get married without my family there. It’s just not the same situation at all. Why do you even ask?”

  Pete backed off. “I don’t know, I was just wondering, that’s all.” He took hold of her hand as they walked and she smiled up at him.

  “Sorry, I know you’re only trying to get ideas, and it’s sweet of you. But come on, we’re not into spur of the moment stuff or surprises, are we? We’ll figure out what we’re going to do. For now, let’s just enjoy being here.”

  He nodded.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ben stood on the walkway watching Pete and Holly wander through the grounds. He hoped to hell they were going to be okay today. He sighed. He hoped he was going to be okay today. He was skulking around trying to stay out of everyone’s way. He turned at the sound of his name being called.

  “Hey, Ben!”

  It was Chance.

  Ben smiled. It was hardly surprising to run into Chance when he was avoiding people. Chance was the master at that. “Hey. How’s it going?”

  Chance nodded. “It’s going. You know me, I’m keeping a low profile until showtime.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Yeah. Charlotte’s here, right?”

  Ben nodded.

  “That’s got to be tough.”

  He nodded again. He felt bad admitting that to Chance. Things were a lot tougher for him. Whatever Ben’s history with Charlotte was, however much pain he felt, it had to be so much worse for Chance. Charlotte was here, much as that hurt Ben. Chloe was dead.

  Chance shrugged. His words made clear he was thinking the same thing. “Where there’s life, there’s hope.”

  Ben sighed. “Yeah, sorry.”

  “Don’t go feeling sorry for me. But don’t go feeling too sorry for yourself either. No matter how black things look, there’s always the possibility that something might change.”

  Ben didn’t see it that way. It was too late.

  “Anyway. Since we’re both hiding out, want to hide together?”


  “Then, follow me. There’s a little café a couple of blocks over. This lot will all stick to the Strip if they venture out at all. We should be safe.”

  Ben fell in step beside him. If his parents called to say they were here, he’d come back. He wasn’t going to stick around just in case.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jack smiled at Dan. “Are you all ready for your big day?”

  Dan nodded. “I am. I just want five o’clock to be here now.”

  “It’ll come soon enough,” said his mom with a smile. “I can’t believe that I’m going to be the mother of two married men.”

  “And grandma to two, soon enough,” said Jack.

  “Nanna,” she corrected him. “I’m too young to be a grandma. I mean look at Emma’s Gramps, he’s a lovely man, but he’s twenty years older than I am.”

  Dan grinned as he watched Gramps and Joe take their place in line at the cash register. They were sitting in one of the self-service restaurants having a late breakfast.

  “He is, but he’s going to be a great grandpa to our baby,” said Jack.

  “And I’m going to be a wonderful nanna,” joked their mom. “How are the girls doing this morning?” she asked.

  Dan nodded. “Missy’s great. She has no idea about her dad. She and Em are having a girly morning.”

  “Charlotte’s with them, too,” said Jack. “I think they’re trying to keep her out of Ben’s way.”

  “But how are they going to manage that this afternoon?”

  Jack shrugged. “I don’t know. I don’t think they’ll be able to.”

  Dan nodded; he was worried about Ben. He waved when he saw Laura and her mom come in. Smoke must be on his way to LA by now. Dan had to wonder how that surprise was going to go down.

  ~ ~ ~

  By eleven thirty, Pete couldn’t contain himself any longer. He and Holly had spent the morning wandering up and down the Strip browsing the stores. Now they were back in their room and it was time to do it. Smoke had texted him to say he was back. The VIP lounge where Missy’s dad was hiding had to be pretty crowded now.

  He had a bottle of champagne waiting and wished he had a bottle of whisky in case this didn’t go the way he hoped.

  Holly came to stand before him and took hold of both his hands. She looked up into his eyes. “What is it, Pete? I know something’s going on with you. You’ve been on edge all morning.”

  And he thought he’d hidden it so well! He relaxed and smiled back at her. “You know me so well.”

  She nodded. “I do. So out with it. What’s bothering you?”

  It was time. He dropped to one knee in front of her and took hold of her hand. “I want you to marry me.”

  She gave him a puzzled look. “I’m going to. We’re back on track. We’re going to be okay.”

  He smiled up at her. “I mean today.”


  “You heard me. Holly Hayes, would you do me the honor of becoming my wife, today?”

  “How? Pete I know I said I wanted to do something spontaneous, but a Vegas chapel isn’t quite what I was thinking of.”

  He grinned. “I know. It’s not what I’m thinking either.”

  “What then?”

  “There’s a wedding already set up for this afternoon. The chapel right here at the Bellagio. The reception afterwards. We can even go off to Aruba for ten days afterwards if you want to.”

  She stared at him. “Michael and Megan’s wedding?”

  He nodded. “When Michael said they were going to cancel I asked him not to. I took over all the deposits.” He held her gaze. “And I’m perfectly fine to lose them, if you don’t want to do this. It’s just an idea, sweetheart, that’s all.”

  She looked sad. “I love the idea, Pete. I really do. It’s so sweet of you. But I don’t know if I can. I’d want my family here. I’d want my dress. I’d…”

  Pete grinned and got to his feet. He led her to the closet and opened it. Her dress was hanging there ready.

  “How the hell did you do that? I know you didn’t bring it with us!”

  “I had Ben go pick it up last night when he was back at the lake.”

  She was beaming at him. “But what about…”

  “Your family?” he asked. He couldn’t help grinning at her. “There are some advantages to being a planner, you know. Every time you’ve gotten pissed at me for being on my phone, I’ve been taking care of details. Your family are hiding out in the VIP lounge with Missy’s dad. That’s why I needed to get you in and out of there before they arrived.”

  Tears were glistening in her eye
s. “Oh, Pete!”

  He wrapped his arms around her. “Roberto and John are here, too.”

  She let out a sob as she hugged him tight. “Pete! You never cease to amaze me!”

  He planted a kiss on the top of her head. “I know; I’m just hoping that this time it’s in a good way?”

  She nodded as she sniffed. “In the best way.”

  “So what do you say? Do you want to marry me?”

  She nodded as the tears streamed down her face. “You can bet your ass I do!”

  He kissed her again, before he popped the cork on the champagne.

  When he handed her a glass she raised it to him. “Here’s to being spontaneous.”

  Pete grinned as he raised his own glass. “I’ll drink to that. And we won’t talk about all the sneaky planning I did.”

  She laughed and shook her head at him. “I love you.”

  “And I love you, sweetheart. Shall I call your family and the girls, tell them you said yes and they can come help you get ready?”

  Holly wiped at her eyes again. “Yes, please.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ben took his seat with his parents. He could do this. He just needed to focus on being happy for Pete and Holly that they’d finally managed to work it all out and they were here. About to get married.

  His dad put an arm around his shoulders. “How much longer are you going to make us wait, Ben?”

  His mom leaned over. “Yes, just look how happy Anne and Graham are.”

  Ben did look to where Pete’s parents were sitting at the front, beaming. He knew how shocked, but also happy they were to be seeing their son get married today—in Vegas of all places! It was hardly their style, but they were so supportive of Pete. He knew Anne especially was thrilled that Pete had let go of his need to plan the big traditional wedding up at their house at the lake and instead follow his heart, and more importantly Holly’s heart. He looked at his mom and was shocked to hear the words that came out of his own mouth. “They’re happy that their son is doing what makes him happy. You should try it sometime.”

  His mom shook her head at him. “All we wanted was for you to do what made you happy. But what made you happy was Charlotte. And you still won’t admit that.”

  Ben took a deep breath. He couldn’t handle much more of this. “I admit it, Mom. She did! But guess what. It’s over. It’s been over for years, and you keep talking about it, rubbing my nose in it, makes me even more miserable. So would you do me a favor and leave it?”

  They both stared at him.

  “I’m sorry, but this is hard enough for me. Why won’t you see that?”

  His mom patted his arm. His dad squeezed his arm a little tighter around his shoulders. “We do, Ben. We just feel helpless. That’s hard for a parent, you know?”

  Ben nodded. He just wished they’d at least try to understand how much harder it was for him.

  “There she is!” said his mom.

  Ben didn’t even want to look. He’d been dreading the moment he would see her. Now it seemed it was finally here. He stared straight ahead. Hoping Holly would make her entrance soon and they could get on with his, so he could get out of here.

  He must have wished so hard that someone heard and took pity on him. The first chords of the Wedding March sounded and everyone turned to look at the bride.

  ~ ~ ~

  Holly clung to her dad’s arm. She couldn’t quite believe this was really happening! This morning she had been out walking the Strip. Now here she was getting married. Her family was all here. She was wearing her dress. And Pete was standing up at the front waiting for her. Waiting to make her his wife. She smiled through the tears that welled up when he smiled at her. He was such a good man. He was her man, and he was about to become her husband.

  “Are you ready?” asked her dad.

  She nodded and they began to walk down the aisle. She held Pete’s gaze the whole way. His smile was so full of love. She hoped hers told him she felt the same way. She realized as they got closer that they didn’t even need anyone else here. It was just about the two of them. She felt the love and support of their family and friends. She loved Pete for making this happen. But she loved him even more just for being him.

  When they reached the front, her dad smiled at her. She smiled back and kissed his cheek. He took her hand and placed it in Pete’s.

  Pete smiled at her and she couldn’t help it, she pinched him.

  He laughed out loud.

  “Are you sure you’re for real?” she whispered.

  “I am. And I’m about to prove it.”

  The minister looked from her to Pete and back again. “Are we ready?”

  They both nodded. They were. Holly knew that they hadn’t left all their troubles behind them. Life didn’t work that way. It would no doubt have more storms to throw at them. What she did know now was that they would be able to weather them together. They’d learned so much from what they’d put each other through the last few months. One of the vows she was making today was to make sure they didn’t do that again. As man and wife they would work together, not against each other.

  ~ ~ ~

  Jack slid his arm around Emma’s shoulders as they stood off to the side. She smiled up at him. She knew he was as glad as he was that their friends had finally worked it out. By tonight all but one of her group of childhood friends would be married.

  All but Ben.

  She scanned the faces sitting there watching. She found Ben’s. He was smiling, but his smile looked as though it was frozen in place. He stared at Pete and Holly taking their vows as though he didn’t dare look away.

  Emma understood why. She kept on searching and spotted Charlotte a few rows farther back, sitting with Lily. She, too, was smiling, but hers was a sad smile, and her focus wasn’t on Pete and Holly. She kept stealing glances at Ben.

  Emma wished with all her heart that somehow she could bring the two of them back together. Growing up, they’d all believed that Ben and Charlotte would be the first of them to get married. Who would ever have believed that it would turn out like this?

  Jack poked her in the ribs. She gave him an apologetic look and turned her own attention back to Pete and Holly. She was so happy for them!

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chance looked around the function room. It was weird for him to be in the same place with so many residents of Summer Lake. He watched Pete and his fiancée, Holly, for a moment, as they stood hugging their parents. He was pleased for Pete; he’d always liked that guy. Last time Chance had been back, things had been looking strained between him and Holly. He was glad they’d worked it out. He smiled as he corrected himself—she wasn’t his fiancée anymore—she was now his wife.

  It seemed that he was surrounded by wedding fever wherever he went these days. Back at home in Montana his friends were finding good women and getting engaged. Pete just got married, and in a couple of hours, Missy would do the same.

  As he looked around the room, observing all the happy couples and smiling faces, he saw one couple he wanted to check in with. He hoped that they’d be joining the ranks of the married someday soon.

  Gabe caught his eye and raised a hand. Chance made his way over to where he and Renée were sitting.

  “You made it then?”

  Chance nodded. “We got in last night. But I’ve been keeping a low profile.”

  “How’s your dad doing?” asked Renée.

  “Better than you might think. The Doc is pleased with his recovery so far. I think much of it has to do with the fact that he really wanted to be here for Miss.”

  Renée grinned. “She’s going to be so happy when she finds out he’s here!”

  “She is.”

  “Is he going to be able to walk her down the aisle?” asked Gabe.

  Chance shrugged. “We’re going to play it by ear. I don’t know yet.”

  Gabe nodded. “That makes sense. And how long are you sticking around for?”

  Chance shrugged again. “Same answe
r. He’s doing well, but…” He turned to Renée. “It’s done us good to spend the last couple of days together. I’m not sure I want to leave straight away.”

  Renée grinned. “That’s great, Chance! Stay awhile. It’ll do you good.”

  Maybe it would.

  “And besides, if you do, you can come to the grand opening of the women’s center.”

  Chance raised his eyebrows. “You still haven’t come up with a better name?”

  She made a face at him. “No. I thought you were going to help me!”

  He laughed.

  “Sorry to interrupt.” Dan had come to join them. “But can I steal you for a minute, Chance?”


  “We’ll catch up with you later,” said Gabe.

  Chance nodded at them as he walked away with Dan.

  “What’s up?”

  “Nothing’s up. I just want to make sure we know what we’re doing later?”

  “We sure do. While Miss is getting ready, I’m going to bring Dad down. We’re going to wait in one of the little dressing rooms. Emma is going to text me when Miss is ready, and I’m going to meet her to walk out onto the balcony.”

  Dan looked concerned. “And what’s he going to do?”

  Chance shrugged. “We’re still working on that.”

  “Okay. But let me know if you need me to change anything up, won’t you?”

  Chance smiled and grasped his shoulder. “Relax, Danny. It’s all going to work out. Don’t worry.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Dan blew out a big sigh. “I know, you’re right, but I don’t think I can relax. I want so badly for it to be perfect for her.”

  “It will be,” Chance reassured him.

  “I’m working on it,” said Dan. He was, too. He needed to get back to Missy. They needed to go and congratulate Pete and Holly and then he needed to round up Scot so they could go and get ready.

  Scot didn’t seem to be nervous at all. At least not yet. Dan still had to wonder about how he would do tonight. At the reception. When the time came for him to make his speech. He kept saying he was fine about it. He was going to sit next to Jack, and Jack was on standby to help him out if the need arose.

  Missy smiled up at him when he made it back to her. “It’s nearly our turn.”


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