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The Wedding Dance

Page 22

by S. J. McCoy

  She looked up at Dan. He stood there with Scot at his side, smiling at her. Waiting for her. He was the one who had made it all possible. And she could not wait to marry him! “Come on, then,” she stood up. “Let’s go.”

  Missy stood to the left of her dad, so she could hold his good hand. He smiled up at her and squeezed her hand. Then the music started and Chance pushed the wheelchair forward. Missy had to hurry so she wasn’t left behind. She looked up at Chance. She wanted to savor every step of this walk the three of them were taking together.

  Chance understood and slowed down.

  She felt her dad run his finger over the ring on her hand. He looked down at it and then up at her. The happy tear that rolled down his face brought a fresh wave of her own. She wiped at her eyes with her free hand and then smiled at her friends as she passed them. She really wished Ben wasn’t sitting all the way at the back here. But she knew why he was. Gramps and Joe sat with him. Other faces went by in a blur; she could only pick out some of them here and there.

  Michael winked at her a she passed. His mom, who had been like a mom to Missy, blew her a kiss, and then wiped the tears from her eyes. Pete grinned at her. They’d shared all their major life events since Kindergarten and now they were sharing their wedding day.

  As she got closer to the front she saw Dan’s mom, Chris. She was such a wonderful lady. Missy was looking forward to getting to know her better—to having her become a part of their lives. Chris’s smile was so encouraging, so loving. Missy knew how thrilled she was that Dan had surprised them all by falling head over heels in love.

  And then she was there. Standing face-to-face with Dan. Scot stood by his side. His smile was solemn. He was taking this very seriously.

  Her dad squeezed her hand again and she bent down to kiss his cheek. He smiled at Dan as he placed Missy’s hand in his then looked up at Chance. Missy had to kiss Chance’s cheek, too, before she’d let them go. When she had, Chance wheeled her dad a little way to the side then squatted down beside him and held his hand as they watched. Seeing that, Missy had no idea how she’d be able to hold in the tears.

  Dan smiled down at her. He was so handsome! His eyes twinkled. As the minister began to speak, Dan ran his hand over his cheek and Missy realized for the first time that he hadn’t shaved. She grinned, and he grinned back, knowing that she’d understood what he was telling her. She loved his sexy scruff, and he always said he didn’t feel like himself without it. He used to feel he had to shave for any formal occasion, but she’d kept telling him that he didn’t. That what mattered was how the two of them felt about it, not what anyone else might expect. The fact that he hadn’t shaved it off today told her that all he cared about was the two of them and what they wanted.

  ~ ~ ~

  Charlotte slid into the last row of seats. Arriving with Missy as she had meant she was too late to take a seat up the front. This was probably better anyway. Miss and Dan had so many friends and family members here, people who were part of their everyday lives. She knew she herself was just a blast from the past. In that moment she wished she was more than that. Wished she could return to life at the lake. Wished that she’d never taken the detour that had led her so far away from the place she still considered home. She felt tears prick behind her eyes when Missy’s dad placed her hand in Dan’s. She took out her hanky when Chance pushed his dad’s wheelchair to the side and squatted down beside him. When he took hold of his dad’s hand, the tears began to stream down her face. If the two of them could put the past behind them, then anything was possible. Well, almost anything.

  As the minister led Missy and Dan through their vows, Charlotte let her eyes rove over the guests. Where was he? He wasn’t with his parents up near the front. He wasn’t with Pete, where she might have expected to find him. As she worked her way back down the rows, her heart started to race. Please let him be here! He’d managed to avoid her ever since she’d arrived. She understood that. But she’d never forgive herself if he missed the wedding because of her.

  Then she spotted him. In the second to last row. He was almost directly across from her. God he was gorgeous! The years had been kind to him. His dark blond hair skimmed his collar. He’d always liked to wear it a little long. He was well muscled, the cut of his suit made that very clear. He was beautiful. That was the only word to describe him. He was watching Missy and Dan with the tiniest hint of a smile on his lips, and the tiniest hint of pain in the lines around his eyes. How she wished they could turn back the clock, go back in time and change the decisions they’d made. The decisions that had changed both of their lives and caused them both so much pain. She brought her hanky up to her face and tried to blow her nose quietly.

  Of course that was the moment Ben chose to turn her way. His gaze locked with hers. She felt frozen in time and space. She tried to tell him with her eyes all the many things she wanted to say to him and had never had the chance. She felt as though he was doing the same, but she had no idea what he wanted to tell her. The seconds felt like hours as they stared into each other’s eyes.

  “And now, you may kiss the bride.”

  Ben turned away to look at Missy and Dan. Charlotte turned, too. They looked so perfect together, standing there in front of the stone balustrade along the balcony with the grounds stretching out behind them. Dan took Missy in his arms and as he kissed her, the famous fountains sprang to life, shooting high up into the air.

  Charlotte looked back at Ben, but the seat he’d been sitting in was empty.

  ~ ~ ~

  Dan smiled around at everyone as he sat there at the reception. The day had been even more perfect than he’d hoped. He’d never forget the expression on Missy’s face when she’d seen her dad. It had backed up his firm belief that you should never accept the impossible. It was a lesson he’d faced so many in times in life. As the awkward geek in high school, as the quiet shy guy who’d needed financial backing for his first business. As the unlikely suitor for Missy’s hand. So many times the outcome he’d desired had seemed impossible, but he’d always pursued his dreams and won out in the end. His dream for today had been that it should be perfect for Missy. He was so glad that he hadn’t accepted defeat and they’d found a way to get her dad here.

  She leaned her head against his shoulder and smiled up at him. “You once told me that you never would, but you can’t argue that you achieved superhero status day.”

  He smiled back down at her and dropped a kiss on her lips. “I don’t know about that. But I did achieve husband status today and that’s what I wanted most.”

  Scot leaned in from his other side. “Guys!” He said with a laugh, “You’re married now, you really do have to stop that!”

  Dan shook his head. “You’d better get used to it, champ. We don’t ever intend to stop.” He wrapped his arm around Missy’s shoulders and pulled her to him to kiss her deeply.

  “Ew! Enough already!” laughed Scot.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ben sat with his parents. He was happy for Missy and Dan, but all he was doing was biding his time until he could leave. If it weren’t for Scot, he would have slipped away already. He knew how important making the best man’s speech was to the kid. He couldn’t bring himself to miss it.

  He looked up as Jack stood and dinged his spoon against his glass to get everyone’s attention. It was time for speeches. He’d only have to endure a little while longer. He risked a glance over to where Charlotte was sitting with Michael and Megan. She was beautiful. She’d grown even more beautiful with the years. She turned in his direction and he looked away quickly. He couldn’t afford to let his mind go to all the could-have-been, should-have-beens. He’d destroy himself if he did that. Instead he tried to focus on Scot as he stood up and looked around the room nervously.

  The kid pulled out a bunch of notes and looked down at them. Then he sighed and looked up.

  “Thank you all for being here today. It means a lot to me, and it means a lot to my mom…” he shot a glance at Dan, “…and dad

  A round of applause rippled around the room at that.

  “My speech is going to be short, because I’m not very good at this.” He smiled at Jack. “My Uncle Jack is up next and he’ll say all the right things and make you laugh. I just wanted to stand up today and say thank you. Thank you for being here with us as we make our family official. Life hasn’t always been easy…” Scot looked at Missy, and Ben had to swallow as he watched her wipe her eyes. She got rid of the tears, but the love and pride in them shone strong. “…for my mom. She’s been the best mom on earth and she’s made life as good as she can for me. And then she met Dan. Life hasn’t always been easy for him, either.” Scot hesitated then looked out at Ryan and grinned. “Even though you might find that hard to believe of a guy who owns a Lamborghini!”

  Ryan nodded and everyone laughed.

  “But what I’ve learned from both of them is that just because life isn’t easy, that doesn’t mean that it’s not good. And if you work at it, you make it great. It isn’t about what you’ve got or what you don’t have. It’s about who you have in your life and how you treat them. I’ve learned from my mom and dad that the way you care about the people in your life is what matters. The way you care for and look after the people you love is what makes life great.”

  Ben was surprised to see the kid turn toward his grandfather and then Chance. “And even when things have gone bad between you and someone you love, it’s never too late to put it right if you still love them.”

  Ben swallowed hard. Scot’s words for his poppy and his uncle, were hitting him hard. If only they were true in his case.

  Scot looked around the room. “I know I’m not doing a very good job of this, so I’ll shut up in a minute and let Uncle Jack take over.”

  “You’re doing great, shortie!” called Chance.

  Everyone clapped again in agreement.

  Scot smiled and looked down at his notes. “I wrote this whole speech, and that might have been better.” He looked out into the crowd. The expression on his face sent goosebumps racing down Ben’s spine. “But I’m telling you what I’ve seen and learned. I hope that you all might learn something too. And that is, that no matter how hard life is sometimes, it will always get better if you believe in yourself. And if you’re lucky you’ll meet someone who believes in you too. And then, if you love each other, anything and everything is possible. That’s what I’ve learned from my mom and dad. They are the best people I know. I’m proud of them both.” He looked around the room and shrugged. “And I guess that’s all.”

  He sat down, then stood back up again quickly and held up his glass of orange juice. “To Mom and Dad!”

  “Mom and Dad,” the whole room echoed.

  Ben knocked back his own drink. That may not have been your standard best man’s speech, but it had certainly hit home. Everyone was smiling and nodding.

  When the chatter had quieted down, Jack stood. He smiled at Scot. “My nephew is a tough act to follow.”

  Ben didn’t hear most of what Jack had to say. He was still pondering Scot’s words: …even when things have gone bad between you and someone you love, it’s never too late to put it right if you still love them.

  He sighed. It was too late for him though, wasn’t it?

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Pete made his way over to Ben; he could tell that his friend was watching the door and judging the moment when he might make his escape.

  “Come on, bud. Let’s go congratulate them and then you won’t feel bad about it when you sneak out.”

  Ben met his gaze. He didn’t make any attempt to deny that was his plan; he just nodded.

  Michael tapped Pete’s shoulder as they passed him, on their way to congratulate the happy couple.

  “Did you get the tickets transferred all right?”

  Pete grinned. “Holly wasn’t keen on the idea of Aruba. We’re going to head home with everyone else and take a couple of days. She still likes the idea of the Seychelles, so we’re going to put the travel agent on it.”

  Michael grinned. “Good on you, mate. Let her do exactly what she wants to.” His grin faded. “But let me give you the money back for the tickets. You shouldn’t have to lose out on the deal.”

  Pete shook his head with a grin. “Don’t worry about it. I was thinking we should give them to Kenzie and Chase.”

  Michael laughed. “You’re right. We should. They’ll love it. Let’s at least go halves though?”

  Pete nodded. “Sure. Hit me up when we get home.”

  Ben smiled at him as they continued on their way to the happy couple. “That’s pretty decent of you.”

  Pete shrugged. “I’m not the asshole people make me out to be.”

  Ben smiled. “I know, asshole!”

  When they got to Missy and Dan, Jack and Emma and Holly were standing with them. Missy smiled. “I was wondering where you two were. Now we’re all together again.”

  “Yeah, the gruesome foursome reunited,” said Emma with a laugh.

  “And all happily married,” said Ben.

  Missy gave him a worried look, but he laughed. “Don’t worry. I’m happy for you. I’m here to say congratulations.”

  Pete watched Missy hug him tight. “Thank you,” she said. “Thanks for everything, Ben.”

  He nodded. “I’m glad to have been a part of it.” He looked around, “But if you don’t mind. I’m not going to stay long.”

  Missy nodded sadly. “I wish you would.”

  “I wish I could. I’m going to go have a quick word with my folks and I’ll be on my way.”

  Emma hugged him. “I’ll call you later, okay?”

  He nodded. “And when we’re all home, can we do a whisky night soon?”

  They all nodded.

  Pete shook his head as they watched him walk away to go to look for his folks.

  “Is he okay?” asked Chance as he came to join them.

  “I don’t think so.”

  “I’m going to go after him,” said Chance.

  Missy nodded. “Thanks, Chancey. If anyone can get through to him, you can.”

  Pete realized that was true. Chance would understand better than any of them how Ben was feeling.

  ~ ~ ~

  As he followed Ben, Chance did understand how he felt—at least to some extent. It was different for him. Chloe was dead. It wasn’t as though he’d ever find himself in the situation Ben was in right now. And hard as it was for Ben, Chance would give anything to be in the same room as Chloe again. He wanted to help Ben, but a part of him wanted to shake him, too. Charlotte may not be his anymore, but at least she was alive.

  He watched as Ben joined his parents. He decided to give them a minute. He’d follow when Ben made for the door. He turned around when someone tapped his shoulder.

  It was Renée. She grinned at him. “I’m so happy for you, Chance.”

  He knew what she meant. He’d caught her gaze when he’d been walking down the aisle with his dad and Missy this afternoon. She of all people knew the history. The pain they had overcome to make that moment possible. He nodded. He’d thought he was done with the prickly eyes for today. “Thanks.”

  “Do you want to come sit with us?” she asked.

  He shook his head. “I can’t. I need to….” He needed to follow Ben and make sure he was going to be okay. “I’ll catch up with you when we’re back at the lake.”

  She smiled. “I’ll look forward to it. And don’t forget, I still need your help naming the center.”

  As it hit him, Chance knew that his scratchy eyes and lumpy throat were far from over. He swallowed and wiped his sleeve over his face.

  Renée touched his arm. “Chance, are you okay?”

  He nodded, “It just hit me what you need to call it. It made my eyes leak.” It was true, two fat tears rolled down his cheeks.

  She looked worried. “What do I need to call it?”

  “Prepare yourself, it’s going to make you cry, too.”

st tell me then! What?”

  “Chloe’s Place.”

  He watched her face crumple as the tears came. “Oh, Chance! It’s perfect.”

  He nodded. “I know. I’ve gotta go.”

  He walked away, leaving a startled Gabe to comfort his sobbing girlfriend.

  He couldn’t see Ben anywhere. His parents were talking to Dan’s mom, but he was no longer with them. When he finally spotted him, he was almost to the double doors that led out into the corridor. Chance froze. He wasn’t the only one following Ben.

  ~ ~ ~

  Ben had no idea where he was going. He had half a mind to go up to his room and pack his bag. Head to the airport and catch any flight he could, just to get out of here. He’d done what he said he would, he’d been here for Missy. In the process he’d managed to be here for Kenzie and Chase and for Pete and Holly, too. But enough was enough. He couldn’t stand anymore. Ever since he’d locked eyes with her out on the balcony this afternoon he felt like he couldn’t avoid Charlotte any longer. He needed to talk to her, he needed to touch her, to hold her, to kiss her. He needed to put the past behind them, and get on with the future that was supposed to have been theirs.

  He shook his head. What he needed was to get a grip and get out of here! As he reached the double doors that would open up to the cool corridor and to his escape, he felt a tap on his shoulder. He didn’t want to turn around. He grasped the handle and began to open the door before his body betrayed him. He did turn around, and there she stood. He was face-to-face with Charlotte…his Charlotte. All he could do was smile.

  “Hello, Ben.”

  ~ ~ ~

  Missy nudged Emma and pointed toward the door where Ben and Charlotte stood smiling at each other. Emma watched wide-eyed, then turned back to Missy.

  “What do you think is going to happen now?”

  Missy shook her head. “All we can do is wait and see.”


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