Aspens Vamp

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Aspens Vamp Page 8

by Jinni James

  I begin to examine what I can of her without moving her from the position she is in. The blood has emptied from the IV which means she should have plenty of blood in her system now. I reach over and very carefully press some gauze onto her arm them slip the IV out. Now maybe she will feel well enough to eat once she wakes up.

  I pick up the candle then hold it over her trying to see if her bruises look better. To my surprise they are healing very nicely. I place the candle back on the table then sit back in my chair. What are we going to do about her? She is so frail and has no one from Avalon has told me. Just then I hear a quiet knock on the door then see Avalon sneak into the room.

  "How are you Jaci? Daniel told us what happened. I am so sorry."

  I let out a very long sigh.

  "I've been better. I am just worried about her." I nod towards Iris.

  "How are we going to keep her safe Ava?"

  Avalon places her hand on mine.

  "We will Jaci. We will fight JR. We will take him down. He will not harm her. Come on. Let’s go downstairs so you can relax a bit with some coffee and let her rest."

  I nod then follow Avalon back down stairs. We walk into the kitchen to find John and Michael talking quietly while Daniel finishes up some coffee.

  "How is she Jaci?"

  I could not help but notice the sadness in his eyes.

  "She is doing well Daniel. The blood is in her system and now we just need to wait for her to wake up so maybe we can get her to eat."

  Daniel gives a slight nod then hands both Avalon and me a cup of coffee. Avalon walks over to John while I go sit on the couch in front of the fireplace.

  I feel exhausted and I haven't even been up that long. Maybe it is because I didn't feed as much as I needed. Maybe it is because this entire situation is just exhausting. It seems as though a week ago everything was just fine. Daniel and I were carefree and living it up. Now JR is putting all of our lives in danger, we have a rescued girl upstairs trying to recover, we have to keep her safe from JR, Michael is back in the picture, and now I am confused as to what to do between Daniel and Michael.

  Just trying to think about what is coming next just makes my head hurt and vampires aren't supposed to get headaches. I finish my coffee then lay back on the couch, stretching my legs out and placing my arm over my eyes to shield the light. I'm tired in general and just want to not think for a while. That does not seem to last long though as I feel someone's hand on my shoulder.

  "Jac, are you okay?"

  It's Michael. Michael is the only one who really calls me Jac. Ava does every now and then but then again, I would know if it were her. I move my arm from over my eyes to see Michael towering over me with concern on his face. I move to sit up then bring my knees up to my chest as my stomach is starting to hurt.

  "You didn't feed enough did you?"

  I hear the concern in Michael's angelic voice. "No. I suppose I didn't have a chance before I was interrupted by JR."

  Michael places his hand over mine.

  "You can drink from me Jac. I'm here if you need it."

  I could not help the small smirk that I am sure is on my face.

  "No offense Michael but your blood tastes horrible."

  Michael let his eyes grow wide then held his hand over his heart. "Horrible? Horrible? How can it be horrible?"

  He winks at me as I let out a small laugh.

  "All shape shifters blood tastes pretty bad. Unless I was in a life or death situation I would never willingly drink it. I can tell just by smelling the blood of a shape shifter if he has cut himself how bad it must be."

  Michael lets out a laugh this time.

  "Alright then love, let’s go get you fed. I promise not to watch."

  He places his hand in front of me willing me to take it. I place my hand in his as he stands me up.

  "Okay. But I will hold you to that promise."

  Michael smiles.

  "Yes dear."

  Chapter Twelve

  Feeding had never felt so good. I hadn't realized how badly I needed it until I was actually drinking that hefty guy’s blood. Michael said he wouldn't watch but I had a feeling he was on the sidelines somewhere peeking; just to make sure I was okay. It bothered me but how could I deny him that comfort?

  Honestly, I liked knowing someone was watching over me. Having JR showing up last time had really shaken me up. Now as I walk with Michael back towards the house I feel much more like myself. There was a slight chill in the air but I can still wear my t shirt and feel just fine. It would take an awful lot to get me to feel cold, that I can tell already. As we walk I feel Michael reach for my hand; without thinking I place my hand in his. It feels right. I love the quiet of the night and the view of the millions of stars up in the heavens.

  Just as I am enjoying our quiet walk Michael looks towards me.

  "Feeling better?"

  I look up at him and smile. "I am. Thank you."

  He smiles then looks back towards the road we are walking on. Aspen seems deserted with barely anyone out walking at this hour. It's the dead of night, well past midnight so everyone is probably sleeping, among other things.

  "Have you had a chance to think about you and Daniel? I mean I know a lot has been going on but I just thought maybe..."

  I bow my head.

  "No, Michael I haven't had the chance to really think about Daniel and me at all."

  He can feel the frustration in me, I am sure of it. Suddenly I am racked with anger. I take my hand out of his grasp then stomp forward to stand in front of him.

  "Damn it Michael! What in the hell am I supposed to do? Everything was fine before you came back into my life! Daniel and I could have been just fine and happy and now I have to break his heart? You and I don't make any sense! You are a shape shifter, I am a vampire. Daniel and I make sense! He is a vampire just like me. Hell, he taught me how to live. How am I supposed to just break his heart after that? I owe him!"

  I can see the sadness in his eyes. He cannot deny anything I am saying although it hurts.

  "Jaci, listen to me. You and I make the most sense of all. Yes, I am a shape shifter and you are a vampire. I know this but, damn it, Jac, I love you! I have loved you from the very beginning. I keep kicking myself in the ass because I should have made a move earlier, then this whole mess could have been avoided. I know Daniel taught you everything but he taught it to you before you two became something so I know he would have done so otherwise. He may be like you but you love me. I know you do."

  He reaches for my hand then places it against his heart.

  "You know you belong with me Jaci."

  Damn this man! Damn this gorgeous man who just so happens to be right. I know I should be with him. I feel things with Michael that I don't feel with Daniel. It doesn't make any of it any easier though. How am I just supposed to break Daniel's heart? I let out a sigh as I look into Michael's beautiful ocean blue eyes; there is nothing but love in there. I take a deep breath because these are words I have never said to any man.

  "I love you too, Michael. I just don't know how to do this to Daniel right now."

  I look up to see the biggest smile on Michael's face.

  "Then we just wait a little before you tell Daniel. I'm not a heartless man. I can wait until you can talk to him. I just needed you to make a decision. You are mine."

  Now I can't help the smile spreading across my face either. That sounds heavenly. I am his.

  "Thank you Michael."

  He leans down to place a gentle kiss to my lips then places one on my forehead.

  "Anytime baby. Now let’s get back to the house before they send out a search party."

  I laugh as he takes my hand into his once more and we walk towards the house.

  As we walk through the door I see Avalon and John making out on the couch. I clear my throat to make our presence known then laugh when I see them jump about three feet off the couch.

  "Sorry guys." Avalon apologizes but I see no remorse on her fa

  It's cute actually. I am just over the moon that she is so happy. I would have never seen her like this with Nicholas. I was so happy when she found John. Thank goodness I talked her into seeing him in the first place. Avalon comes over to grab my arm and lead me away as John and Michael run off to the game room.

  "Are you feeling better Jaci?"

  I can't hide the smile that I am sure is on my face.

  "What is it Jaci?"

  I smile wider.

  "You chose Michael, didn't you?"

  Avalon always could read my mind.

  "Yes, I chose Michael."

  Avalon throws her hands together and begins jumping up and down like a five year old.

  "I knew it! I knew it! I knew you two were meant for each other."

  I laugh watching how happy Ava is.

  "Yeah. You called it smart ass. But now tell me how I break this to Daniel." Avalon stops jumping immediately.

  "Yeah, I thought that might get your attention Ava."

  She walks over to hug me. "Daniel will be fine Jaci. He needs to know sooner rather than later though. It wasn't like you two were in love. He will bounce back."

  I know Avalon is right but it is still hard. I look around the room just now realizing I don't see Daniel anywhere.

  "Speaking of Daniel, where is he?"

  Avalon steps back. "He went upstairs to check in on Iris. I haven't seen him since and he went up there a half hour ago."

  Weird. "I think I will go up and check on them both. Thanks Ava."

  Avalon gives me another quick hug.

  "You’re welcome. I am so happy for you Jaci."

  I am happy too for the moment. Now I have to go check on Daniel and maybe let him know what's going on. I am so not looking forward to this.

  I walk upstairs towards the room Iris is in, the entire time thinking about how I am going to break it to Daniel that I am in love with Michael. I mean how does one let down a man they were sleeping with after so much has happened? After everything he has done for me?

  Right when I decide to turn around and go back downstairs I hear something. I hear Daniel talking to Iris through the cracked door. I peek in to see the candle lit and him sitting next to her bed and talking to her. I struggle to see her around the door without making it move, I don't need to alert them to my presence yet. I see Iris lying in the bed listening to Daniel intently. I am surprised to see her so calm. When she saw Michael I thought she would have a heart attack. I decide to stand by the door and listen as he talks to her.

  "I am so sorry this happened to you Iris. I don't know why but I feel like it is somehow my fault. I know that's impossible but it feels that way. When I saw you lying on that floor, chained to the ground, half dead, and my heart broke into a hundred pieces. I can't explain what happened. Oh how I wish you could talk. I wish you could tell me what you are thinking."

  Daniel lays his head down on the bed next to Iris. I can hear his sobs through the blankets. Then it hits me, Daniel loves her.

  As I continue to watch them I see Iris lift her fragile hand then place it on Daniel's head as he cries.

  "It is not your fault."

  Did my eyes really just see that? Iris spoke to Daniel! I see Daniel's head pop right up as if she shocked him and I knew I wasn't hallucinating. She really said something! Daniel leans towards her.

  "Did you actually speak?"

  Iris just nods her head.

  "Please let me hear your angelic voice again. Please." Daniel pleads with her.

  I see the hesitation on her face but she eases him by speaking again. "It is not your fault Daniel."

  The smile on his face is undeniable. He is filled with happiness at the very sound of her voice. He places both of his hands against her face.

  "You're talking! You're really talking."

  Thanks to my excellent eye sight I see a single tear fall down his cheek. He really loves her. I don't know how but he does. Iris begins to cry as well.

  "I feel safe with you Daniel. Please do not blame yourself for what that evil man did to me. It is his fault not yours or anyone else’s."

  Daniel hugs her.

  "I know it is not my fault. I just wish we had gotten there sooner."

  She wraps her little arms around his neck.

  "It is okay. It will be okay."

  Daniel pulls back then sits back into the chair.

  "Now you must eat. Do you think you are strong enough to eat?"

  I see Iris nod so I decide to run back down to the kitchen.

  I race down the stairs as fast as my feet can carry me which, in my case, I am in the kitchen within a second. At the same time Avalon is by my side.

  "What's going on Jaci?"

  I scramble to make something for Iris to eat. I don't know if I am more excited about her talking or that Daniel has found someone he loves, either way I'm taking her food. I throw some eggs in the skillet and some toast into the toaster. I grab some coffee and orange juice and place them on the tray then go back to finish up the eggs that are frying.

  "Iris is talking! She is talking to Daniel. He asked her if she could eat and she said yes so I ran down here to fix something."

  Avalon claps her hands together.

  "This is fantastic Jaci! What made her talk you think?"

  As I finish up the eggs and place them on the plate I turn to face Avalon and see Michael in the back ground. "I think they love each other."

  I can see Michael's stunned expression from across the room.

  "What? Jaci, that makes no sense. They barely know each other."

  I pick up the tray and begin walking towards the stairs.

  "I don't know Ava but it appears they do. I know Daniel loves her, I can tell. Now I'm going to go up there and check on them both." I venture back up the stairs ready to help in any way that I can.

  This time once I make it back to her room I knock quietly before opening the door. Daniel sits back in the chair that is next to her bed as I walk in with the tray.

  "I was hoping you might be ready to eat so I brought up some breakfast." Iris lets out a giggle. Even I have to admit it's a lovely sound.

  "It's the middle of the night, is it not?"

  I laugh as I place the tray on the bed in front of her.

  "There is no better time for breakfast."

  She laughs then sits up to eat. She inhales the scents in front of her then picks up her fork and pops some eggs into her mouth.

  "This is divine."

  Daniel smiles.

  "Jaci is a good cook."

  I smile at Daniel then look towards Iris.

  "Or it could be that she hasn't eaten a thing in so long that anything would taste good right now."

  We all let out a laugh. I stand then look towards Daniel. "Can I have a minute with you?"

  Iris suddenly looks alarmed.

  "Don't worry Iris. It will only be a minute."

  She calms then leans back against the head board as she begins eating again. Daniel stands then follows me out of the door.

  "I know you heard us Jaci. You were standing outside the door." I look towards the door that I just closed behind Daniel.

  "What? How do you know that?"

  Daniel smiles.

  "We are one and the same Jaci. I can sense when someone is near, plus I could smell you." He winks at me.

  "You love her."

  Daniel bows his head.

  "Irrevocably. I don't know how or why but yes I do. From the second I saw her chained up in that horrible house something pulled me to her. I loved her from that very second. From then on I felt guilty. Guilty for loving her while you and I were getting close and guilty for her being there in the first place. JR is clearly upset over us killing Nicholas so he is seeking revenge. In a way it is my fault."

  I place my hand against his cheek.

  "Oh Daniel, we have been suffering the same."

  He places his hand against mine. "You love Michael."

  It is my turn to bo
w my head. "Yes."

  Chapter Thirteen

  I can sense the internal battle Daniel is feeling right now because honestly, I feel it too. He is sad that I am in love with someone else but at the same time relieved because he is off the hook and free to do as he wishes. I am learning rather quickly that you cannot help who you fall in love with. When you meet your soul mate that's it, there is no going back.

  "Daniel, you are not responsible for what JR has done. If anyone is to blame it is all of us, which is why we are all here to help with Iris. We will all keep her safe."

  Daniel places his hand against mine; I can see the tears building in his eyes. He steps backwards to where his back is against the wall then slowly slides down the wall to where he is sitting on the floor, pulling me right along with him. Tears are pouring down his cheeks.

  "How can she and I be together Jaci? How? I am a vampire. She is human. I will live forever, she will not. She doesn't even know! What if I tell her and it scares her so much she runs from me?"

  I pat Daniel's hand that is still holding mine then rub his back with my free hand.

  "I know this seems impossible but you will get through this. Maybe she will want to turn and then you will both be vampires. That seems a lot better than a shape shifter and a vampire."

  I actually see a smile on Daniel's face.

  "Well that's true."

  He begins to laugh as I smack him in the arm.

  "That's not funny, Daniel!" He falls over in the floor laughing.

  "Damn it Daniel!"

  I kick his foot as he puts his hands up in defense.

  "I couldn't help myself. Sorry Jaci."

  I sit back down next to him and place my head against the wall behind us.

  "I tried to fight it. I tried to fight it so hard but he is like a magnet. Something just pulls me to him. Can this be right? How are a shape shifter and a vampire supposed to be together?"

  Now Daniel places his strong arm around my shoulders. "The same way you've been doing it these past few days. He can adapt to your schedule, he's been out with you to feed, and I hate to say but I don't think you even need me anymore."


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