Aspens Vamp

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Aspens Vamp Page 9

by Jinni James

  Daniel gives a half smile as I lay my head on his shoulder.

  "I couldn't have done any of this without you Daniel. I owe you everything."

  He lifts up, making me go with him then as we are standing he pulls me into a big bear hug.

  "I know Jaci. If you want to help me then you can help me with Iris."

  I don't even try to hide the smile that I feel spread across my face.

  "Sure Daniel. Anything."

  Just as we let go of each other I look up to see Iris's shocked face standing in her doorway.


  It is clear as day that she just heard every word we just said to each other! Oh God how is she going to react? Daniel rushes to her side.

  "I can explain. I can explain everything."

  Iris backs up with her hand on her head like she has a headache.

  "You want to turn me into the same monster that put me here?"

  I can tell how much that kills Daniel just to hear.

  "Iris, do you think I am a monster? I am the same as JR but I don't harm people. I would rather die than bring harm to an innocent person. Especially to you. I love you."

  I see Iris's beautiful green eyes look over at me.

  "Are you the same?"

  I nod as she backs up farther into her room. Daniel and I follow her in then close the door behind us.

  "I knew you all were different. I knew you were like JR. I knew it when you saved me. No, I do not feel as though YOU are a monster. But what if you change me and I turn into JR?"

  Daniel sits down next to her.

  "It doesn't happen like that. You will still be you. You will still have your same personality, same beliefs, same beautiful smile; you will just be immortal and have to live off others’ blood supply."

  Iris is taking this better than I thought she would. She must have realized what they were when they saved her.

  "I cannot bite people."

  I sit down next to Daniel and take her hand into mine. "Iris, I didn't think I could either and I'm not going to lie to you, it isn't pleasant, but you’re not hurting them when you do it. We will teach you everything you need to know. We will all be here with you. That is if you decide to change. This is a huge decision, Iris. You are deciding to leave your human life behind. I didn't have a choice; I want to make sure you do."

  Iris looks up at me then looks again at Daniel. I can see the questions in her emerald eyes but I can also see the love she has for Daniel in them as well.

  "Something drew me to Daniel as soon as he picked me up off of the floor at that awful house. My heart was his as soon as I looked into his eyes. I can't explain it at all. But if he loves me as well then I want to be with Daniel."

  The smile on Daniel's face is undeniable. He is ecstatic that Iris wants to be with him. However, I am still worried.

  "Are you sure about this Iris?"

  She finally peels her eyes away from Daniel.

  "I heard both of you in the hall. This is the only way to be with Daniel, plus I'm starting to feel like myself again. All of you are going to be worried about keeping me safe. If I am a vampire you won't have to worry."

  I am still unsure.

  "Don't do anything yet okay? Let’s talk to everyone else first, maybe get some input. I know it wasn't easy for me but whatever those meds were that Michael gave me helped. She shouldn't have to suffer if she doesn't have to." Daniel and Iris both nod in agreement.

  "Okay. I'm going to leave you two alone for a few minutes while I go downstairs and meet with the guys. I'll be back."

  I walk out of the door not knowing how Avalon, John, or Michael is going to react to this news.


  I explain everything to the guys who all look a little shocked. Michael doesn't seem too pleased.

  "Hold up. You are trying to tell me that Daniel is in love with Iris? The man who was just all over you not even three days ago? How does that happen?" Avalon looks over at Michael, disappointment written all over her.

  "I don't know Michael. How did it happen for you and Jaci?" Michael drops his head.

  "Good point."

  Avalon always has a point.

  "Alright you guys. We still have to figure out what to do. Iris wants to be turned; can we get some meds for her and get things ready? We have a little time because I do think we need to wait until she is stronger."

  Everyone nods so I am guessing everyone is in agreement with me.

  "I think that's a good idea Jaci. No one should go through what you went through unless they are strong enough to handle it and after what we found in that house it's going to take her a few days to be at least strong enough to go through all of that. Michael can get the meds and we can get IVs to get blood in her so she isn't hungry when she wakes like we did with you and it should be fine. Just tell her we need a couple days to get ready and maybe we can get more food in her to build up her strength."

  Avalon is right. Nobody needs to go through that unless they are strong enough to take it. I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, well, actually, I take that back.

  I can feel the morning hours approaching now where I couldn't before. I think the schedule is starting to grow on me, especially since I am so tired but then again, that could be from all the fun I've been having. Avalon and John sneak off to be alone just as I see Michael walking towards me.

  "You look tired Jaci."

  Well, duh.

  "Yeah. This night has worn me out."

  I can see concern in his eyes.

  "I'll be fine Michael. I'm going to go talk to Daniel and Iris then I am going to bed."

  I see a smile begin on Michael's face.

  "Correction, I will be putting you to bed." I smile back at Michael. We both know now that Daniel has fallen for Iris that the problem of him and me is no longer a problem. We are free to be together. That thought alone is enough to make me want to forget about talking and run upstairs with Michael right now. But they are waiting for me so I will go. The sooner I talk to them the sooner I can be with Michael.

  I race up to see Daniel and Iris in a bit more of a hurry than normal. Not only is the day approaching but now, more than ever, I want to be with Michael. I want to lie in his arms and feel totally complete. I want to look into his eyes and finally feel some peace. I make my way to Iris's room then place my hand around the knob before deciding it may be a better idea to knock first. As soon as I hear the "Come in" I open the door slightly, peek in and see Daniel and Iris both sitting up on the bed next to each other.

  "How are both of you?"

  Daniel cannot hide the smile on his face. He is happy now. Sure, he was happy the few days we were together but his eyes didn't sparkle like this.

  "We are doing well, Jaci. Thank you. We were just talking about what the change might be like for Iris and what to look forward to afterwards."

  I see the smile spread across Iris's face, this is the best I have seen her look yet.

  "About that, we have decided to gather up everything we may need for her turn. However, we would like to wait a few days until she has had enough time to gain some strength. The turn can be excruciating and can take a lot out of the body. She is going to need every bit of strength she can manage."

  I see them look at each other. Daniel's face is full of understanding while hers is full of disappointment.

  "This is a good idea, Iris dear. You will need every ounce of strength you have and then some. Some people have died from turning simply because they did not have the strength to endure it. We can wait a few days."

  Iris places her hand against Daniel's chest.

  "I want to be with you. I also don't want to be human when JR shows back up. I can't defend myself against him and I cannot help any of you like this."

  She looks down at her human form and I can feel her pain. I can't even imagine trying to go up against any of these people as a human and I know more about them than she does. Daniel takes her hand and the look they give each other makes me feel as th
ough I should leave the room.

  "It won't be long my dear, just a few days. We will eat and get you stronger and then you can turn and we will be together."

  Iris just smiles.

  "Yes, my love."

  Now that the decision is made I am relieved. I cannot get to Michael soon enough. As I turn to walk out of the room to leave Daniel and Iris to get more acquainted with each other I find myself at a sudden stop. I cannot seem to move. I can sense something that isn't right but I can't put my finger on it. I cannot smell anything out of the ordinary; I can only feel a presence that is not any of us. Within minutes I know who it is that I am feeling and within seconds I see him standing in front of me.

  Chapter Fourteen

  With the sound of a crash, with wood and shingles surrounding me, I now see JR standing in front of me. His eyes are redder than ever, fangs fully out, he is ready for a fight. He steps towards me then turns back to see Iris behind Daniel on the other side of the room.

  "You stole something from me. I want it back."

  Daniel stands in front of Iris guarding her with his body.

  "Why her, JR? I'm sure you can get what you need from anyone else. Leave her be. It is us you are seeking revenge on anyway, is it not?"

  JR lets out a hiss as he stalks towards Daniel.

  "This is true. However, I stole her first. She is mine now give her back."

  I race over to Daniel and stand in front of Iris with him. There is no way in hell I am letting JR back anywhere near Iris.

  "You can have her back over our dead bodies and we all know how difficult that can be for you JR."

  He smiles showing his bright white fangs.

  "You know nothing, my dear. Daniel has not taught you everything. Nicholas, however, taught me enough, the rest I had to learn on my own, although you know that already, don't you."

  I look over at Daniel. The look in his eyes tells me that JR is right but I know not to press it right now. JR looks towards Daniel and I then towards Iris.

  "What is your connection to this girl anyway? Why do you care? Are you two feeding off of her as well? You know we could all just share."

  Daniel jumps towards JR. I see his fangs extending as he goes to grab him, unfortunately JR vanishes once again and reappears in the corner on the other side of the room, close to what little of the roof is still standing.

  "Ah Daniel, you love her. You all plan to change her, do you not? Now I cannot allow that to happen."

  JR releases his hands from the wall then flies down to stand in front of us again. Daniel takes a step towards him as JR does the same.

  "She is mine!"

  JR spits out as Daniel crouches down ready to attack.

  "You cannot have her JR!"

  Daniel springs towards JR right as JR jumps towards him. Daniel attempts to grab JR around the throat just when JR vanishes and reappears behind him, grabs him by the throat instead and tosses him across the room causing him to crash into the wall. I hear Iris scream. Daniel looks towards me.

  "Jaci get her out of here!"

  I am torn between wanting to help Daniel and getting Iris somewhere safe. I feel Iris grab my hand. I know I have to get her out of here. We begin to run towards the bedroom door as I try to remember that she cannot run as fast as I do. Just as we make it to the bedroom door JR appears in front of us, with one swipe of his hand we are flying backwards and falling against the bedroom wall. I see JR coming towards us just as Michael, Avalon, and John show up in the hallway outside the bedroom. JR turns towards Michael.

  "Michael! No!"

  JR begins to head toward them. They all three phase into their wolf forms and charge toward JR. Just as I think they have him pinned he is gone again. How does he do that? I look around the room but I don't see him anywhere.

  I hear Daniel's voice cut through my thoughts. "Jaci, get Iris out of here now!"

  I take Iris by the hand and run as fast as we can toward the bedroom door. This time we make it out and run downstairs. I can hear rustling and crashing upstairs. I know JR is back. I have to help them.

  I get Iris into a closet in one of the bedrooms downstairs before heading back towards the guys and JR. Before I could even get onto one step I hear a crash. I look up to see the ceiling falling through along with my wolves. Daniel! Where in the hell is Daniel?

  "I'm right behind you."

  Thank the heavens Daniel is here. I look toward my wolves to see each of them standing on all fours and seem to be fine. JR begins backing up as we all stalk toward him. His evil laugh sends shivers down my spine.

  "You cannot defeat me. None of you can defeat me. I am more powerful than you can even imagine."

  Just hearing his voice scares me but I can't let him see that. John crouches down as if ready to attack.

  "Individually we may not be able to defeat you JR, but all of us can!"

  John flies through the air, ready to take JR's head off when he vanishes again. I am starting to believe that we can't defeat him at all. Within seconds I see him again on top of Michael. Michael twists and turns, trying to shake JR off of his back but it is no use. John, Daniel, Avalon and I all run towards JR but he throws his hand forward and we all go flying backwards, hitting the wall on the other side of the living room. Just as I am able to shake it off I see JR sink his teeth into Michael's back!


  I run toward JR determined not to let him harm Michael but just as I get near he throws me back again with the same force as before. I see Michael fall to the floor before my very eyes. My heart begins to ache. This can't be happening. It just can't be. I look to my right to see Avalon and John finally able to stand. Once again we all run toward JR just as he bites his wrist and I see blood drip down into Michael's mouth! As soon as we reach JR he disappears, an evil, horrible, laugh still lingering in the air.

  What do we do now?

  This can't be happening. Can a shape shifter even turn into a vampire? I really don't know what I am more worried about, Michael dying or becoming a vampire. I watch as he phases back into human form then as he begins thrashes around in pain. I try to hold him down but it is proving very difficult. Avalon and John phase back then throw some clothes on as Daniel helps me hold Michael.

  "Have you ever seen a shape shifter turn into a vampire Daniel?"

  Daniel looks down at Michael. Without a word he shakes his head and I have my answer. Of course he has never seen it before. How often would this even happen?

  What feels like forever have only been a few minutes as Avalon and John come running back into the room.

  "I found us a townhouse to rent since this house has been completely destroyed. I tried finding another house but they are all taken. We will have to be even more discreet than usual which means we will have to try and make sure that Michael is as silent as possible during this change."

  We all nod in agreement. Avalon looks over at me, I am sure she can see the concern all over my face.

  "Everything will be okay, Jaci. You, John, and Daniel take Michael to the townhouse, Iris and I will get our stuff together and will meet you there."

  I nod my gratitude to her as John and Daniel begin to pick Michael up off of the living room floor. Michael cries out in pain again. I can barely stand it. I grab a blanket and wrap it around him. I follow John and Daniel out to the car.

  It is full blown day light now which means sun and people everywhere. We lay Michael in the back seat of John's black Escalade. John jumps into the driver’s seat as Daniel takes the passenger side and I get in the back with Michael and place his head into my lap. I rub his head the entire drive which wasn't long at all.

  The townhouse is in Aspen's core, only two blocks away from the gondola. It is beautiful red brick and wood. The downside is people are everywhere around us, after all it is a townhouse so being discreet is going to prove difficult.

  We settle Michael into the guest bedroom. I pull a chair up to the queen size bed and settle myself in because Lord knows I will not be leav
ing his side. Avalon and Iris quickly get to the townhouse with all of our things then they all settle in to their rooms as well.

  I sit next to Michael for what seems like hours. Every time he starts to toss, turn, and thrash around on the bed screaming in pain I have to sit on top of him to stop him from falling off. The worst part is having to cover his mouth while he screams so no one can hear him. It feels like torture. Every time he screams my heart breaks. I know the pain he is going through. It's agony. It's like burning from the inside out and you are paralyzed. I'd give anything to switch places with him.

  I can sense when he is about to start screaming again and brace myself. I jump on the bed and place one knee on his left side on top of his arm while the other knee does the same on the other side of his body. His eyes stayed closed but his brows are extremely tense. I place one hand on his chest as I place the other hand over his mouth. This is killing me.

  He begins fighting against me. I can feel him trying to buck me off the bed. He is screaming so loud even through my hand that I am afraid neighbors still might hear. John and Daniel come in to help by holding his feet down. I can hear them as they stand behind me even over Michaels's screams.

  "We have got to get some rope or chains or something so Jaci can stop sitting on him." Daniel has a point there.

  "Do you think it will be any easier on her with him tied up?" John has a point as well.

  Michael begins to calm again. Once I am sure he is done screaming I climb back down off of the bed and resume my place in my chair. John and Daniel both place their hand on my shoulder as they leave the room as if trying to console me. I appreciate the gesture however; it is lost on me right now.

  Soon Avalon comes in the room holding two coffee cups.

  "I thought you might need this."

  She hands the coffee cup over to me. At first I wanted to turn her down but just the smell of the sweet aroma is making my mouth water. I take a sip of the very hot coffee perfectly fixed with just the right amount of cream and sugar. The taste explodes on my tongue. I almost forgot what coffee tastes like. Almost. I savor the caffeine fix as I look over at my best friend. She looks just as exhausted as me. She brushes her beautiful black hair away from her eyes and I can see the circles beginning to form.


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