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Scandalous Twists (Entangled Love: Seduced Into Forbidden Passion Book 2)

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by Boadi, Lilly

  Table of Contents

  Title Page


  Other Books By This Author



  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11


  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16


  About Author

  Lilly Boadi


  (Sequel to Trapped)

  Copyright © 2016 by Lilly Boadi

  All rights reserved. No portion of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means - electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording, scanning, or other without the prior written permission of the publisher.

  Published in Orlando, Florida, by Nu Image Publishing. Nu Image Publishing is a registered trademark of Nu Image Publishing, Inc. Nu Image Publishing, Inc. titles may be purchased in bulk for educational, business, fund-raising, or sales promotional use.

  For information, please e-mail

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business, companies, event or locales is entirely coincidental.



  Ultimate Rescue

  For my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ

  And for my spiritual father,

  Reindorf Mantey, for his mentorship and

  profound revelatory teachings this novel embodies

  And my Mama,

  Pamela Mantey for her unending encouragement


  Mellis knew hell would break loose if Kelly, the girl he had left in the UK, set foot in the country. She certainly couldn’t come down and ruin everything, now that Haida was his girlfriend, thinking of getting married, and they were really having a wonderful relationship. She couldn’t make him lose the woman he loved, for he imagined how Kelly’s outburst would push a vulnerable Haida far away from him. He also knew he couldn’t stop this crazy girl from coming down. His assurances to her of an ok situation had been unavailing.

  “I just want to see you my love; I won’t disturb your work” Kelly had said.

  “It’s not necessary Kelly, to come down here just to see me, I can….”

  “My love, don’t worry. It’s ok with me. I’ve counted all the cost and you’re worth it” she had said, and left him exhausted with all his ideas to stop her from coming.

  He knew anytime, he would see her face in the country. He had to act fast. How he wished he could leave an important task undone and catch up with her up there instead. But eventually, he had no other choice than to entrust the task into Chad’s hands. Anyway, Chad looked very much like he could be counted on. Mellis had not mentioned anything about Kelly to Chad. In the same way, Chad had not mentioned to Kiara anything about his new job or Mellis as a close friend; he wanted to give her a big surprise, by gathering up enough money and buying her expensive gifts concurrently, just to convince her he had really changed. But few days to his travel, Mellis couldn’t hide the issue of Kelly anymore from Chad.

  Chad had been suspicious Mellis’ sudden plan of a visit to the UK was more than just seeing his family; he knew his boss-friend wouldn’t take such an impromptu decision for he was not the impulsive type. Besides, he had noticed the pensive mood Mellis had been wearing recently. Knowing something could not be right somewhere, Chad queried and it was then that Mellis told him about Kelly, and his intentions of breaking up with her.

  “Are you sure you want to do this?” Chad asked

  “I haven’t been so sure about something in my life” said Mellis soberly “Haida is worth it. I simply cannot afford to lose her”

  “But Mellis, the girl has done nothing wrong to you. How do you just go to her and tell her it is over between the two of you?”

  “I know it doesn’t sound fair, but I simply don’t love her enough for a wife. You understand? Like I said, you’ve got to be honest with women as much as possible. Moreover, I cannot beat about the bush anymore with her now that I have found what my heart has always desired for. Don’t you know how much I love Haida?”

  “I know” said Chad undoubtedly “But do you have to go all up there just to break up with that woman? Can’t you just talk things over with her on phone?”

  “That will only speed up her steps down here and that is a sure way of telling me I have lost Haida forever!” said Mellis blatantly and Chad sighed indifferently. “Look, you might think it is a waste of resources having to go up there just to quit with Kelly, but that is just a peanut, considering the total cost of loving Haida; a cost which is far lower than the profit therein” he leaned forward on the desk with enthusiasm “Haida is simply worth any price I’d have to pay for her love. Besides, there is no way she must know anything about Kelly before I officially break up with her – that one will cost me too much! I do have to go and sort Kelly out as soon as possible.”

  Mellis gave Haida a smart lie, few days to his trip. It had to do with the company; he wanted to affiliate the co with a bigger one in the UK, and eventually enter into joint venture or if possible, buy-in into it. He would spend only a fortnight, or possibly a week, if things went his way.


  It was a balmy summer afternoon, and immediately he arrived in the UK, Mellis went straight to Kelly’s and met her absence. News reached him that she was at his end - probably paying a visit to his family as usual. He was greeted with smiles and hugs from his younger siblings and a couple of uncles. Why were they there; any celebrations? He wondered.

  “You intended to surprise us huh?” asked Kelly. “I didn’t know you were coming over so soon” and hugging him tightly, she kissed his lips which Mellis didn’t return. “Welcome sweetheart. I’m glad to see you. How are you?” she asked, helping him with his small luggage, and added, “Your mother’s over there.”

  “Hello son. Did you come to see me?” said Mrs. Hansen, as Mellis made his way to the balcony. She was lying on a long arm chair, long and tilted enough for a bed. Mellis gave her a hug and felt she was very warm.

  “God, you have fever” he said, “When did it start, mom?”

  “About five days ago” said Kelly, coming to the balcony with a glass of cherry in her hand.

  “Five days ago? Thanks” said Mellis, taking the glass from Kelly. He gulped down half the glass. “And why didn’t you tell me Kelly, when I called?” he snapped.

  “She was being taking good care of and her condition has been improving. Besides, I thought it not necessary to send you through torments, inasmuch as I knew you’d be worried over there if you knew” she explained softly.

  “Whatever! But you should have told me!” he said raising his voice, “She’s my mother, and I have the right to know if she is not feeling well!” he was seeing red.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, but I don’t think I did anything wrong….”

  “Cut it out Kelly! And learn to accept it when you go wrong!” he burst. “This is the problem with you; you’re never wrong even if you do something ridiculous!” he shouted.

  “Oh please spare me!” retorted Kelly. “Th
is doesn’t call for such an outburst from you!”

  “Oh sure? You think this is nothing that should make my hackles rise simply because I am wrong and you are right since you are the more sensitive one here?!”

  “Give me a break Mellis! For goodness sake I didn’t say that?”

  “Well that is what you mean; that I am insensitive, even if the issue at hand has gotten to do with the ailment of my own mother! Afterall that is what you have been trying to tell me for the past few months!”

  “Oh don’t give me that hypocritical accusation! You and I know very well what I said means the direct opposite! And sure you know it that you have been insensitive towards me for the past few months! I wonder what games you’re playing Mellis! Whatever is inside of you, don’t you think it’d be fair to let me know?! I’m sick and tired of your carping and sultriness….” then lowering her voice, “You can please yourself!” and she ran to the hall, sobbing.

  Mellis stood, watching her and breathing so hard with so much fury. Mrs. Hansen had had her eyes on Mellis throughout their quarrel. With an offensive look in her eyes, she lied calmly without uttering a word to either of them. Her gaze made Mellis feel uncomfortable and ashamed.

  “I’m sorry mother…” he stammered

  “You didn’t even respect my presence!” Mrs. Hansen cut into him with disappointment in her tone “What is happening to you both, son?” Mellis sat and looked away with shame. “I have in-depth knowledge of all that’s going on between the two of you, for the past few months. Why are you treating the poor girl this way? To refresh your memory, she has been taking good care of your siblings and me, all these while that your father is in the States, and you are in Ghana! She’s been good to you too. She is a good girl and doesn’t deserve such treatment from you! You are behaving as though you’ve fallen out of love with her…” he wanted to say he never loved her at the first place, but he knew how worse it’d make things and thought it wise not to, “…but if that’s what is happening, you’d better revived that, and make up your mind when you both want to have your wedding, and that should be very soon!” she said and got on her feet. “The both of you aren’t getting any younger!” and she was gone.

  He couldn’t believe it - his mom getting angry with him because of Kelly! Her last words were like a threat in his ears. She made him know he had no choice when it came to marrying Kelly. Some few months ago, he’d been considering marrying her, but now, he knew he didn’t have to anymore. He was going to marry her for his mom’s sake. He was subservient to his mom. He loved her and respected her words. He knew she wouldn’t give him wrong advice. She had enlightened him on how inhumanly evil it was to use a woman and damp her for no good reasons and how sinful it was in the sight of God. But no! He couldn’t marry Kelly. She had not given him the chance to explain how good his reason was however - that he didn’t love her - for she had gone on to exult Kelly in such a manner that, if she knew he didn’t love her all these while, it would be just like he hadn’t been taking her advices, and he knew she’d be very disappointed in him.

  Kelly, despite her stubbornness and craziness, has been a woman good enough to have made him feel more than just attracted to her. He felt happy and comfortable with her, and he thought that was enough to marry her. Her longsuffering, patience, compromises and endurance, despite how bad he treated her most of the time, had stolen a part of his heart which he knew was nothing more than strong passion and affection. He knew he was in love with her, but didn’t love her. He had experienced true love before, and the one he had with Haida was far greater than he had ever experienced before - something he’d never forgive himself if he made it slip away. The old woman seemed fond of Kelly and was on her side.

  Of course, Kelly has been like a part of the family; she’s like a daughter to his mom and most of the family members saw her as a part. So far, almost everyone seemed ok with her being his wife, for she had shown the character of a real helpmate to their Mellis. His little niece, Debbie, was so fond of her and vice versa. One of his uncles, the older one, came to him. “Are you alright, Mellis?” he asked. “I’m not sure” said Mellis, dazed. “Why don’t you take a nap? You must be tired” but Mellis didn’t respond, looking more dazed. Then sitting by him and putting a hand on his shoulder, “or you want to talk?” his uncle asked softly. Mellis glanced at him and saw the concern in his eyes. He knew he could trust him and wished he could pour his heart out to him. But as at that moment, he needed to think through certain things and wasn’t that ready to talk about Haida. So, it was that his first day of visit had been sour, with his ailing mother being upset with him and by going about things the wrong way with Kelly. He thought that wasn’t the best way to get the girl off his back.

  At night, Mellis couldn’t sleep. He thought of how he was going to fructify his intentions - he must placate Kelly and be soft with her, believing that would work better than using harsh means to put her off. He was aware the harsher and mean he was towards her, the more she’d cling to him. Besides, his mother was a factor, and he wouldn’t want to be rude towards her or worsen her ailment, considering her hypertension status. Left to him alone, he’d have gone about things in his own way. He had to sit his mom down and explain things thoroughly to her, believing she’d understand. But he’d do so when she was hale and hearty. Thank God he had told Haida he’d be away for at most, a fortnight. Hopefully, by next week, Mrs. Hansen would be better, but he’d work his way out and quit with Kelly before he talked heart to heart with his mom. So, the next day, when she came over, Kelly ended her day with a passionate lovemaking with Mellis, and for that matter, a reconciliation of a sort. What happened next however, got Mellis bemused - Kelly insisted she’d spend the days he’d be around with him, and it was clear what she meant. But he was the least prepared to see her face the first thing in the morning and the last thing at night. Besides, with Kelly beside him on his bed, he knew he could hardly call Haida and wish her goodnight. He didn’t want to cause any more unpleasant scene with Kelly, neither did he want to hurt her before he proposed quits with her, therefore, he had no other choice than to say yes to her.

  For three days, Haida had not had a goodnight call from Mellis. His first excuse was that he attended a program which lasted late in the night, and didn’t want to disturb her sleep. His second one was that he was overtaken by sleep, only to wake up and find out that it was past midnight, and again, he didn’t want to disturb her sleep. She wondered what excuse he’d come up with this time. She’d not hide her displeasure when she talked to him. She had complained to Kiara and had shown her mistrust for Mellis, but Kiara had asked her to stop her fumbling and unnecessary imaginations.

  “A relationship that can grow, especially in trust, is one where communication is key. The best and right thing to do is to talk about your doubts” Kiara had said.

  “What if he lies to me? How can I get to know the truth?” asked Haida, worried.

  “With time. It’s only with time. But if you want to know the absolute truth about everything your partner says, then you’ll have a long way to go. Sometimes, you’ll only have to build trust in them, because when doubts set in, the relationship will suffer.”

  Kiara’s last words made little sense to her anyway. She seemed to talk from experience; no wonder she’s been with deceitful guys all these while. She had agreed anyway, that it was best to talk about her doubts. For Mellis, he was himself getting tired of lying to Haida. At this moment, he wished he had told her about Kelly, but he had wanted to break up with Kelly before Haida knew about her. He knew sooner, he would have to let the cat out of the bag, and that would have to be done with caution. He had grown to love Haida more and more, and realized how much he didn’t want to lose her. He’d give up everything for her.

  It was with calculated words that Haida talked when Mellis called.

  “I’m sorry sweetheart, that I couldn’t call you the previous night too” he apologized without being questioned

  “And may I know wh
at hindered you once more?”

  “Err…nothing really. I…” he stammered, “…I was…nothing sweetheart…”

  “You only took that for granted?” she asked to save him more tension.

  “Not at all sweetie. I could never take you for granted” he said with a whisper at the edge of his voice.

  “Mellis, I don’t know what is happening, but I must confess you’ve been leaving me in doubts and I think if there’s anything, I have the right to know”.

  “I understand lovey. I’m having some few problems here. I’d talk about that when I’m back ok? There’s nothing to worry about, trust me. Please don’t be thinking too much, I can’t afford to see you sad and worn out. Anyway, I’ll be back next weekend so don’t miss me too much” he added to create humor.

  “Please do, because I’m missing you so much”.

  And at least, that cleared a greater percentage of her doubts, for he had accepted there was something amiss and he’d talk about it to clear her doubts.

  It was the tenth day, and Mellis had only four days more to leave the UK. He had to act fast, and come-what-may, today, he’d tell Kelly about his proposal. Unfortunately, she came back from work, elated, with the new contract the construction firm in which she worked had received from the government of Ghana. She would not tell Mellis about this yet. She had intended to surprise him with her presence in the country when the time was due. Though she refused to tell him why she was so happy, he didn’t want to adulterate her good mood, and so he definitely couldn’t tell her about breaking up.

  The next evening, Mellis committed a serious blunder; he shouldn’t have slept with the girl before attempting to break the news to her.

  “Kelly” he said softly, “I have something very important to tell you…. I want us to….”


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