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Scandalous Twists (Entangled Love: Seduced Into Forbidden Passion Book 2)

Page 20

by Boadi, Lilly


  It has been four months since they got married, and for two months now, Osborn had not touched Meg. He came home drunk most of the time, and sometimes, he refused to eat her food. Several times, he smacked her when she made the mistake of questioning him of his sudden change of attitude, which began ever since Haida left the country. It was only then that Osborn himself realized how much Haida was his major drive, pulling him into staying in his marriage. For, his father, the main reason for entering into this marriage, had died some few days after Haida left the country. He felt life gone out of him several times and Meg could not resurrect him, for he saw her as a disgusting piece of meat most days. He really didn’t love her! Meg’s marriage was on the rocks and often times, she wailed herself to the point of catching a fever. Apparently, she started growing lean and her mother noticed this and was extremely worried about her. But Meg defended her husband when Mrs. Dapaah questioned her about the progress of her marriage. She never gave the impression that he was the cause of her condition. Mrs. Dapaah wasn’t aware her daughter was the one who pushed this marriage into existence despite her husband’s indifference. She always gave the impression that the young man was crazily in love with her, and Mrs. Dapaah believed the façade.

  Meg talked with Kelly on the phone several times about the status of her marriage. And every now and then, Kelly called to give her encouraging and inspiring words. Meg made her aware of the temporary absence of Haida from the country, and the fact that Osborn’s recent attitude began when she had left. Kelly couldn’t comprehend why, because to her, the opposite should have been the case. ‘Osborn should have more time to focus on Meg now that fatty was gone,’ Kelly thought after she hung up with a sobbing Meg once more. ‘Well, for me, it was good news that that chubby was out of the country, far from my Mellis. Yet, somehow, it seems that Mellis is acting the same way! He is suddenly cold and distant towards me again. All of a sudden, he doesn’t want to get married until after a year! That is the exact same time Haida should be back in Ghana. But does Haida have anything to do with Mellis’ decision?? I don’t know…It doesn’t make sense though…ahh…oh, well! I am convinced Mellis is over that girl anyway. Especially after all that she has put him through…thanks to me…haha…I know my Mellis. He does not put up with cheating from any woman! Now, Mellis thinks she’s nothing more than a two dollar tramp! Ha Ha! Where do I get these schemes from???’ Kelly began to laugh out loud to herself. ‘Well, if Mellis insists on a year, then a year is what he will get. But I must make sure that we stay close together especially at the end of the year to make sure he has no more excuses to give concerning our marriage. I will make myself available, loving and ready, and that will make it impossible for him to refuse me.’ Kelly smirked as she mentally mapped out her conspiracy.

  ‘Everything is all sown up, except for one thing. What if Mellis finds out about my plot to get him away from Haida? Especially, now that Haida knows the truth about my intentions towards her, even though Mellis doesn’t want her anymore, she can tell him everything. I cannot let him find out about my mischief. He might be so mad that he will break up with me immediately. Besides Haida, there is also Carlos and Bambi who could possibly rat on me. Carlos is not on my side anymore, he won’t even speak to me. I don’t think he knows that I’m back with Mellis, and I pray he doesn’t know, for if he knew, he would go straight to Mellis and tell it all to him in a bid to mop the floor with me. Bambi is all taken care of, he got some more “hush money” before I left the country – the usual sop to Cerberus was such a huge sum of money, he could hardly open that thick mouth of his even if he wanted to. As usual, my plans are flawless except for one more thing. I need to have ample time to get Mellis to marry me. I need to have a two month stay with him. I can work through the rest of this year without leave. Then I can take my annual one month leave in January. I can also put in a request for the subsequent year’s leave for it to be granted in February. That would give me from the middle of December-Christmas Break to February, three months to work out my aim. Yes! By hook or crook, I am going to be Mrs. Mellis Hansen by the time I resume work next year!’ Apparently, in her bid to be close to her fiancé and have ample time to get him married to her, Kelly was thinking of, at least, an incessant two months stay with Mellis. She decided therefore to work through the rest of the year without a leave, with the intention of taking her annual month-leave early next year; January precisely. She would also put in a request for the subsequent year’s leave to be granted her in February. Since mid December was Christmas break, she would have almost three months to work out her aim – yes, by hook or crook, she was going to be Mrs. Mellis Hansen by the time she resumed work. Kelly held out her wine glass to an imaginary wine glass. “I propose a toast to the new couple, Mr. & Mrs. Mellis Hansen!!” Kelly sucked in the red wine and gave a devilish giggle and dialed up her friend Laura to tell her the details on her future manipulations.

  Meanwhile, Haida’s relationship with Alex blossomed from strength to strength. She had grown to like him more than before and each day, he got closer to her heart. Though she knew she didn’t love him like she loved Mellis, she was sure she had a considerable amount of love for him and that he could capture her whole heart very soon. Alex was very gentle and respected her so much. And above all, he loved and understood her. So far, she believed he was the one who deserved everything she had given to Mellis. In her thoughts, Mellis was a faded memory, and in her heart, he was a disgusting moron she would love to break into pieces. Getting to know Alex the way she knew him, Mellis had become someone she despised so much and had even been fretting about why she didn’t meet Alex first and gone out with him instead. Alex was calm and good-natured, he was morally upright and quite godly, and he was disciplined and focused. He understood and respected people and very down-to-earth. He knew how to treat a woman and was apparently, the ladies’ man on campus. Yet he was too respectable for any of the ladies to make shameless advances at him, except for the extremely daring ones. This good-natured character was something he attributed to his dear brother. “We are only two brothers among four sisters and I am so thankful I had such a brother,” he had said. “He is the one who brought me up, I would say. He imparted his good nature to me. I do respect him a lot and love him so much. I practically, deify him.”

  “I guess he is a wonderful man, then,” Haida said. “He must be very handsome too, just like you,” she teased.

  “He is more handsome than me.”

  “He must be a god, then. No wonder you deify him,” she said, and they laughed together.

  Alex knew how to make her happy, even without much intimacy between them. He wasn’t a prurient person, and apparently, he readily understood her values on chastity. He kissed her a few times and had a few romances with her. Though she enjoyed his kisses and touches, she couldn’t deny the feeling was nowhere close to how Mellis made her feel when he kissed and touched her.


  Ten months had passed, and Haida had successfully completed her course and received her certificate. She had decided to spend the Christmas season with her family in Ghana. Before she left the US, she spent one and half months with her auntie at Houston, deciding to come down not later than the 15th of December. Alex likewise was done with his course, and intended to come down and spend the holidays in his motherland. Besides, he had important things to take care of in the country. Upon hearing Haida’s decision to spend the holidays in Ghana, he was delighted, and decided to come down together with her. Haida was more than glad about this. She was delighted her guardian angel was going to be beside her throughout the festive season. She was happy to know he was going to be around her and lavish her with all the happiness and companionship the coming season called for. But most importantly, she was glad a man, and one like Alex, was going to be close by her side for the whole world to see, especially Mellis. That even if she fell, a strong wonderful man took her in his big arms like a babe and pampered her with much love and care. He ma
de her feel stronger than before. She was a new person, coming down in the name of a new Haida. The past was gone and she would face the present and future with a new and improved self and the right man by her side.

  The vicar and Jolly went to the airport to welcome and pick Haida up. Jolly looked through the crowd intently, now and then, hoping to catch a glimpse of her sister. When she finally did, she couldn’t believe it was her – Haida had trimmed down and was looking quite sexy in that sleeveless jean top and hat. Then, suddenly, her eyes fell on a young man who was pushing his luggage beside her ‘Oooohh, he’s so cute,’ she thought. ‘Wish he’d come and sweep me off my feet!’ Jolly fantasized as she gazed at the man in rapture. She was awakened by Haida’s loud call “Hi dad! Jolly!” said Haida in excitement.

  “Haida baby!” said Jolly, hugging her sister so tightly. She wouldn’t let go, until the vicar said, “Welcome daughter.”

  “Oh, dad, I missed you all,” said Haida, giving her dad a gentle hug. “Where’s mom?”

  Jolly looked behind Haida and saw her crush. He stood, watching them with a grin on his cute face. She stared at him and smoothed her hair. It was then that Haida realized she was leaving someone waiting. “Oh, excuse me,” she said, turning to Alex, “Dad, Jolly, this is Alex, a very good friend; Alex, my father and sister.” As Alex shook hands with Jolly, for a moment, she thought he looked like Mellis. He had his height, eyes, and even his smile. How coincidental! The only difference was that he had innocence in his eyes and was thinner.

  Haida exchanged pleasantries with Alex and bade him farewell. She followed her father like a sheep who might be spanked if she didn’t keep the pace with the fold. Then, he understood all that she had said about her father. It was obvious the vicar was quite strict and really a disciplinary. He also understood why she had said they kept their relationship a secret from her family, especially her father, for some time. She needn’t worry. He knew how to cope with a stern father like the vicar, his own being no different, and he wouldn’t cause her problems. In fact, for the first meeting, Alex saw his father in the vicar.

  The following day was a Saturday, and Kiara couldn’t wait seeing her best friend again after such a long while. She came over to Haida’s early in the day, and during the evening, the two friends went out. They went to a mini bar/restaurant and chatted over a few soft drinks. They talked about Haida’s trip and studies. Then, they shifted their focus entirely on Alex. “So, where is he now?” asked Kiara.

  “He’s at his brother’s at Sakumono. He talks about no one but his favorite brother, as if he doesn’t have any other family!”

  “When will you allow me to meet him?”

  “Very soon, don’t worry. I’ve talked so much about you to him and he is yearning to see you, too.”

  “Oh, yeah? How sweet of him. I hope you didn’t say bad things about me?” said Kiara amusingly.

  “How can I? What bad thing is there anyway to say about you?”

  “My unfortunate encounters with men!” said Kiara blatantly.

  “Stop being cynical about yourself! Anyway, he wouldn’t have listened to that.”

  “Why is that?”

  “He actually hates to see me talk about the imbecility of men. I found myself telling him about Mellis one day, and it was when he kissed my lips that I realized how emotional I was being. He told me not to recall and talk about something that hurts so much, especially something to do with jerks; you know what I mean? He was aware of how callous some men could be towards women and he hated such men. He would prefer not to hear about them, promising to make me forget all about Mellis and all the pain he caused me. And with no doubt, he did more than I expected him to. He’s so cute and such a lovely person inside. I’m so glad I met him,” said Haida with sparks in her eyes.

  “Are you in love again?” whispered Kiara.

  “I think so Kiara, I think so. I have fallen for him unanimously.”

  “Are you really over Mellis?” asked Kiara hesitantly.

  “Completely!” said Haida unquestionably. “The thought of him disgusts me!” she said with contempt, very jaunty about how she felt towards Mellis. “And you? How are things with Chad? I hope you haven’t given him a bright green light!?”

  “It would have if I had not been listening to you.”

  “So, it is still the blinking amber? Hope the light turns red very soon,” said Haida, impetuous of Kiara’s feelings.

  “There is really something different about him,” said Kiara thoughtfully and Haida flinched.

  “Is it because he has been lavishing you with expensive gifts?”

  “Not that. He’s gentler towards me, and somehow, very patient…”

  “Patience? Humph! He can’t go without if he is bent on fructifying his schemes!” said Haida implicitly.

  “Don’t you think his patience is worth taking a look into? What if it is a sign that he is growing up?”

  “Kiara?” said Haida, finding Kiara impossible. She watched her for a second and realized the look of worry and upset on her face, “Are you still in love with him?” she asked softly and Kiara nodded sheepishly. Haida sighed deeply and remained silent. “Do you want to give him another chance?” she asked eventually.

  “At least, I want to try,” said Kiara pathetically. “You see, all my prayers and wishes have been to see Chad with this kind of affection and attitude. Now that he is displaying them, there seems to be a dark spot somewhere and I can’t accept him completely. It’s irritating to see him lay utterly before me what I have always craved for, and simultaneously what I still yearn for. And yet, I can’t even take it because there is a question mark somewhere! It’s so tempting and yet so devastating. I’m rejecting this affection because I don’t believe him anymore. And I don’t believe him simply because he is a friend to Mellis!” Kiara fretted, “What if he has really changed, and for that matter, Mellis isn’t as we are thinking? What if Mellis has fair reasons for his acts and that he truly loves you…?”

  “Kiara, just stop it!” snapped Haida. “You can label your what-ifs on Chad, yes, go on…but never do so with Mellis, at least not in front of me! And please stop attributing love to him because he has no idea what that word means!” Haida scoffed.

  “Haida, I think you are taking this too personal!” retorted Kiara.

  “Oh, yes?!”

  “You both never even had the chance to explain yourselves and sort things out! Don’t you think the same way you lied about Carlos just to hurt him was the same way he put up with Kelly for the same reason?”

  “Did he ever see me with Carlos? No! But I saw him with Kelly, and not only that, but even in my very presence, they were shamelessly necking each other. They were so intimate no one had to tell, indeed, they were lovers!” Haida burst. “And for Christ’s sake, I actually saw him kissing that girl and flirting with all those women that day!” she was furious.

  Kiara stared at her skeptically. “If you have really gotten over him, then why do you talk about him with such emotion? I thought you said Alex has taken care of all the pain and anger?” she said quite cynically.

  “Of course he has! It’s only logical Kiara that I am this mad, because you and I know I really loved him – the first man I ever loved – and he hurt me really bad!” snapped Haida.

  “So much so that you have not been able to forgive him all this while, and after a whole year, you still talk about him with such detestation?!” retorted Kiara. “Can you ever forgive him?” she asked, lowering her voice.

  “How do you expect me to forgive him when he hasn’t asked for any forgiveness nor shown any form of penitence to that effect?! Whoever told you he is remorseful about all that he did?!”

  Kiara stared speechlessly at her for a while; this girl has really changed! She looked stronger, more matured and in control. “Do you know the number of times he came to me asking for your number, and the several excuses I gave so not to grant him his request?” she said softly. “Do you know the many times he had wanted
to talk to me about you and the many times I had shun the idea just for your sake? No, you don’t, because you never got the chance to know! Now, will you say I should have told you, because you are still in love with him but you are acting this way just because you still think he never loved you?!”

  Now, it was Haida’s turn to stare at her incredibly, “What are you insinuating?” she whispered.


  “Look! I think we had better stopped talking about him before he spoils our evening.”

  “Yeah! You are right! I think he has the ability to because he has gotten a huge influence on one of us here!” said Kiara sarcastically. She has been in love before and knows Haida too well to think she has really gotten over Mellis. How naive of her to think she was really over him. Her love is probably made cold by the hurt and anger she still felt inside, and until she got rid of that from her heart, she would still feel disgusted about him and out of love with him. Kiara was about to tell her this when her eyes fell on familiar faces a mile away “Look who we have here. Do you see what I am seeing?” she asked, staring at the eighth table after them. Haida looked at her direction and couldn’t believe what she saw. There sat Kelly and Meg over bottles of beer, chatting like old times friends and crackling with laughter. “What the hell…” said Kiara, short of words. “Did you know they were friends?” she asked.


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