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Blue Plague: Rage

Page 33

by Watson, Thomas A

  “Oh I can guarantee that will be addressed but we don’t have Debbie’s control of temper. We’ll address this behind closed doors. I just feel better if I don’t have people staring at me when I’m screaming,” Angela assured her.

  Danny turned to look at Stephanie. “Well pushing himself like that for no good reason is totally unacceptable. When Angela finishes yelling at him, I’ll yell some but I can’t really shout well, yet. But I’m working on it with PJ’s help. After I yell at him we’ll have a long talk about the importance of sleep to the neurological pathways,” Stephanie assured her.

  Danny nodded her head looking at each of them. “Mama chose wisely. You two take care of my Daddy. I love you because Mama did, now I trust you, to take care of my Daddy,” Danny told them.

  “Danny, maybe you shouldn’t talk like this in front of Bruce,” Stephanie said.

  “He’s asleep, you don’t hear the soft snoring?” Danny asked. They both looked around Danny and sure enough Bruce was asleep, standing up with his chin touching his chest. “That was his one hour of sleep,” Danny told them as she closed her eyes shaking her head.

  “Oh his ass is so grass, and I’m a lawn mower. After he gets some sleep of course,” Stephanie growled.

  Danny smiled and hugged and kissed each of them. “You may count on my help with Daddy now,” Danny said turning around. “Dad!” she yelled.

  “Storm troopers! Where?” Bruce jerked awake reaching for his pistol but his vest was on the ground.

  “Buffy’s asleep in the RG and I can’t wake her up. Get someone to carry her,” Danny told him.

  “Leave her,” Bruce said looking at his gear on the ground.

  “Dad, the Wookiees will get her,” Danny told him.

  “Damn Wookiees, that one almost got us at the state line,” Bruce said slowly turning around.

  “That was a deer dad,” Danny told him.

  “I have eyes, it was a Wookie!” Bruce yelled moving to the RG.

  “Dad you’re too tired to carry her!” Danny yelled at him. Looking at Angela, Danny admitted, “I have no idea why he’s on this Star Wars hallucination but it has been kind of funny.”

  Carroll came over to Stephanie taking PJ out of her arms. “Go and remember he’s been doing stupid man shit and be tired, you be firm. Tell him, don’t ask, I’ll watch the kids,” Carroll coached her, and then Carroll held out her hand for the twins and Cade.

  Angela bent down to grab Bruce’s gear but Danny stopped her. “It weighs almost as much as you do Angela,” Danny told her.

  Angela grabbed the vest and found out Danny was so right. “Holy shit and he wears this all the time?” Angela grunted lifting the vest up. She was just going to carry it but that idea was out of the question. Putting the vest on, the P-90 on the right drop platform almost touched the ground. The drop platform on the left that carried magazines stopped at her calf.

  Danny chuckled watching her struggle putting the vest on. “Yes he does and carries a pack. The vest weighs over eighty pounds when the camel back is full and full combat load. I weighed it, so I know,” Danny told her.

  “How much does your vest weigh?” Angela asked looking at Bruce’s SCAR knowing if she bent down, she was going to face plant. When Stephanie picked up the rifle, Angela wanted to kiss her.

  “Mine only weighs sixty and that feels like a house. For some reason Dad wants to wear his heavy vest all the time. I don’t feel that need,” Danny told Angela as Stephanie headed after Bruce.

  Angela was so glad she hadn’t worn her vest as she moved her AUG to her shoulder. “This is a bit much,” Angela told her looking at the RG.

  “Well maybe you can fix that as well. His heavy vest has forty-eight, thirty round magazines for his SCAR, four for the P-90, the P-90 with suppressor, ten 40mm grenades, the XDM with suppressor, four magazines for it, two flash bangs, five fragmentation grenades, the tomahawk on the back, machete on the left, radio, Taser, NVG monocular, ballistic plates and camel back. His binoculars are in the RG and he usually wears them and when he gets out, he carries his sword on his back also. Dad pushes himself too hard taking care of everyone else. Mom was the one who made sure Dad was taken care of. Mainly from himself but if you two can do that, then I’ll love you for my own reasons,” Danny told her.

  “So he really doesn’t need this much shit?” Angela asked, getting really mad as the weight pressed down on her.

  “At times, yes like when the horde hit us here. But he could use a lighter vest on patrols. We’re never that far away from the vehicles so ammo is there for us,” Danny told her.

  “It’ll be at least twenty pounds lighter the next time he goes out,” Angela promised.

  Danny smiled, “That’ll be a battle but thank you,” Danny told her.

  Angela leaned over and kissed Danny on the cheek. “I love you Danny and you know Stephanie does too. Now go shower and get some sleep. If you need us let us know,” Angela told her.

  “Just take care of Daddy. He’s acting really weird,” Danny told her as she turned and headed to the house.

  Angela headed to the RG to check on Bruce and Stephanie. Walking over she could feel her legs straining with the weight of the vest. Walking around the front of the truck she heard them arguing. “Damn it Bruce! I swear if you try to carry Buffy and your backpack I’ll scream for a week!” Stephanie yelled. ‘Oh she’s getting good’ Angela thought.

  “I can do it,” Bruce told her as Angela came around the back of the RG and stood beside Stephanie looking in the rear troop door.

  “Oh I know you can but you’re tired and refuse to take care of yourself!” Stephanie yelled as she climbed inside the RG. Reaching beside Buffy, Stephanie picked up her rifle, slinging on her shoulder. Now carrying her AUG, Bruce’s SCAR and Buffy’s M-4 she was having trouble keeping all of them on her shoulder. “Now get Buffy and get inside!” Stephanie shrieked at Bruce as she grabbed Buffy’s vest.

  Bruce bent over and picked up Buffy in his arms and Stephanie helped him walk down the steps out the back door. When Stephanie was on the ground she grabbed the radio off her belt, “I want a fucking work crew now to carry Omega’s gear out of the vehicles. I want it placed in their rooms neatly. I swear if I see one member of Omega carrying a vest or backpack I’ll shoot the first ten people I see. This is Little Red and I mean right fucking now!” Stephanie screamed into the radio.

  “We can get our gear,” Bruce told her heading to the house.

  “I wasn’t talking to you! You have your orders so move your ass and shut your mouth!” Stephanie yelled.

  “Yes baby,” Bruce replied.

  When they reached the bedroom Stephanie pointed at the bed. “Put Buffy there and start undressing,” she told him. Angela dropped the vest on the floor and felt like she could float.

  “How do you want to do this?” Stephanie asked her.

  “You go start the shower and when Bruce gets ready throw him in. I’ll strip Buffy down and drag her in,” Angela replied.

  Stephanie went and turned on the shower as Angela went and started stripping Buffy. Looking down at what she knew was a pretty girl Angela was shocked with Buffy’s appearance. Buffy’s face was black like everyone else’s but her normally bright blond hair was dark brown. When Buffy was stripped down Angela was more shocked, seeing Buffy’s body looked the same as her face.

  Turning around to check on Bruce, Angela saw him just looking at his boots. Walking over to him she realized he was asleep. ‘That’s totally cool, being able to sleep on your feet,’ Angela thought walking over and untying Bruce’s boots.

  When his boots were undone Stephanie came to see what was taking so long and found Angela working on Bruce’s boots. Angela slapped Bruce’s leg, “Lift your leg!” she snapped at him.

  Stephanie ran over to steady Bruce as he lifted his leg up. Repeating the slap Angela took off the other boot. “You want to do them one at a time?” Stephanie asked.

  “No let’s get this over with. I would like to but ju
st washing them one at a time is going to wear us out. That shower’s big enough and Bruce sleeps pretty well on his feet,” Angela told her.

  Stephanie nodded leading Bruce to the shower. Angela took off her clothes and went to Buffy and finally got a response. When Buffy stood up, Angela dragged her to the shower. Opening the door Angela saw Bruce backed up to the wall and Stephanie scrubbing him down. Angela led Buffy in and joined the scrub down.

  It took them scrubbing each of them three times each but they were both cleaned. Bruce slept standing the entire time and Buffy finally just sat down and slept on the shower floor as the two scrubbed. Leading both of them out Angela and Stephanie stood them in the middle of the bathroom and dried them off. Angela laid a towel over the toilet seat and lifted Buffy’s face up.

  “Buffy, go to Daddy’s drawer and get boxers and a t-shirt. Then get in the bed okay,” Angela told her.

  “Okay,” Buffy replied softly with her eyes closed and walked out of the bathroom.

  Stephanie looked at the towel on the toilet then Angela with a quizzical look. “Sit Bruce on the toilet. We’re shaving him, I can’t deal with the stickers,” Angela told her.

  Stephanie led Bruce over and made him sit down. They both grabbed razors and went to work. “He’s lost a lot of weight,” Angela said as she worked on his goatee.

  “At least twenty pounds I’d say. He’s toned as hell and he has the full pack but his muscle size is way down. I bet his chest is three inches smaller,” Stephanie noted.

  “Debbie would really be mad. Are you?” Angela asked.

  “Hell yeah, aren’t you?” Stephanie replied.

  “Yes very,” Angela admitted with steel in her voice.

  When they finished, they led Bruce out of the bathroom and found a naked Buffy on the floor in front of the dresser. “Let’s get Bruce in the bed first. He’s starting to wobble more,” Angela said.

  After Bruce was in the bed they grabbed Buffy by the wrist and ankles lifting here up in the bed. Grabbing t-shirts and boxers they put on some, and then dressed Buffy. They left Bruce naked. Then they crawled in bed. With Buffy on one side the both laid beside Bruce.

  “Angela, I’m going to ask Bruce something. I have to know and with him this tired he’ll tell the truth. Go step outside in the hall,” Stephanie told her.

  “What if it’s not what you want to hear?” Angela asked.

  “Then I’ll know but I can live with it,” Stephanie told her.

  “This is kind of cheating,” Angela told her.

  “Debbie did the same thing when Bruce graduated Ranger school. That was when she found out when he is tired, he tells you what he really thinks,” Stephanie informed her.

  “I’m staying so go ahead,” Angela replied.

  Stephanie sat up and turned to Bruce. Patting his chest, “Bruce baby, I need to talk to you,” Stephanie said in a gentle voice.

  It took a few times but Bruce finally responded, “Yes baby.”

  “Bruce, do you love Angela and I like a wife?” Stephanie asked.

  “Yes baby red,” Bruce mumbled.

  Stephanie smiled and let out a long breath. “You do know we love you don’t you?” Stephanie asked rubbing his chest.

  “Yes I do,” Bruce replied wearily.

  Smiling with tears of joy on her face Stephanie asked, “Do you think in time you’ll love us as much as Debbie?”

  “Don’t know, but it’ll be close,” Bruce mumbled.

  Angela sat up smiling with watery eyes. Stephanie looked at her smiling then back at Bruce. “Why haven’t you tried anything yet?” she asked.

  “Not time, deserve all of me, have to finish task,” Bruce mumbled quietly.

  “Sleep well Bruce I love you,” Stephanie said kissing him on the lips.

  “Love you too, Little Red,” Bruce replied.

  Angela leaned down kissing him, “I love you too,” she told him.

  “Love you too Little Foot,” Bruce mumbled. In a few minutes he was snoring really loud.

  Stephanie looked at the clock reading 1410. “We have a lot of work to do,” Stephanie said getting up. Angela followed and they got dressed. They cleaned Bruce’s gear first then Buffy’s. Mike and Nancy saw them and joined in as they cleaned the kids. Paul and Cheryl joined in helping, then they went and started on the rest of Omega team’s gear. Others in the clan joined in and by supper the entire team’s gear was cleaned along with the vehicles. The clan would take care of its warriors.

  Chapter 25

  Bruce opened his eyes and noticed his ceiling. Blinking his eyes, Bruce sat up and confirmed he was in his room. Looking at the clock reading 0918, Bruce noticed Buffy snoring softly. Throwing the covers off Bruce noticed he was naked. ‘How the hell did that happen?’ he wondered.

  Getting out of bed, every joint in his body popped as he stood up and stretched. There wasn’t any part of his body that wasn’t hurting. The body complaint department was full so Bruce headed to the bathroom. Looking in the mirror Bruce felt his face and head. ‘Don’t remember doing that,’ Bruce thought looking at his face in the mirror.

  Looking down Bruce saw his abs. “Damn,” he said out loud rubbing his abs. He could see a full eight pack.

  Looking at the rest of his body in the mirror he grinned. Bruce cold see the striations in every muscle group on his body. Even on his forearms he could see the individual muscles. Bruce moved over to the scales and stepped on seeing two hundred and forty-two pounds. Looking down Bruce couldn’t see any smooth areas that identified subcutaneous fat. The only time he looked half this lean was when he entered in an amateur bodybuilding contest.

  After showering and brushing his teeth Bruce headed out in the bedroom. Not finding his heavy vest, Bruce just grabbed some shorts and tennis shoes. Picking up his rifle Bruce saw it was clean. ‘Don’t remember doing that,’ Bruce thought grabbing his messenger bag with magazines and boonie hat. Looking back at the bed, Bruce let Buffy sleep.

  Walking outside the sunlight almost blinded Bruce as he dug in his bag for sunglasses. Putting on his Oakley’s, Bruce walked to the Center. Stomach was the first on the complaint list so Bruce had to make it shut up. Walking in Bruce saw only kitchen staff.

  Millie saw Bruce walk in and took off running toward him. Wrapping her arms around him, “Bruce, I’m so glad you’re back and okay,” Millie told him.

  Bruce returned the hug, “Thank you Millie. Can I please get some food?” Bruce asked.

  “Sure baby,” Millie said, letting Bruce go then looked at him. “Bruce what happened? Isn’t Cook feedin’ ya out there?” Millie asked.

  “Yeah and good but we were a little busy. He had the kitchen going twenty four hours a day. That man can’t cook as good as you, but damn he can cook,” Bruce told her.

  “I was fixin’ to find ‘im and beat ‘im. Thank you for the compliment Bruce, but I can be seein’ your muscles. You’re all bumpy,” Millie told him.

  “Like I said, we were busy,” Bruce told her heading to his chair.

  Millie headed to the kitchen as a young man brought Bruce’s coffee mug out setting it on the table. Bruce sipped his coffee as Millie came out with a bowl of oatmeal and a bowl of fruit setting them on the table for him. “Thank you Millie,” Bruce told her.

  Millie patted his head and headed back to the kitchen. The bowl of oatmeal was gone in seconds and Bruce started on the bowl of fruit when the door to the Center opened. Looking up Bruce saw Angela and Stephanie come in and run toward him. Bruce shoved one more mouth full in and stood up with his arms open.

  Wrapping his arms around both Bruce squeezed them tight, “Hey girls,” Bruce said, kissing both.

  “You feel better big guy?” Angela asked.

  “Boy do I,” Bruce said letting them go. “I take it I have you two to thank for the shower and shave?” Bruce asked.

  “We sure as hell weren’t going to let someone else do it,” Stephanie snapped.

  “Thank you,” Bruce said kissing them again. Bruce sat down
and they both sat down in their usual chairs, Stephanie on his right and Angela beside her. Looking at the two Bruce stood up and moved the empty chair from Debbie’s spot. Walking around the table, Bruce grabbed Angela’s chair, picking it up with her in it and carried her over to the empty spot. Setting the chair down Bruce scooted her up to the table.

  “Bruce, this is Debbie’s spot,” Angela said.

  “Duh,” Bruce said. “It is yours and Stephanie’s spot beside me at the head of the table. Debbie is with us,” Bruce said sitting down and tapping his necklace.

  Angela smiled and watched Bruce inhale the bowl of fruit. As he finished Millie sat down plates of bacon, eggs, sausage, grits and pancakes. Bruce dove in as Millie stood back watching Bruce eat.

  “So you really feel better baby?” Stephanie asked.

  “A lot,” Bruce said between bites.

  “Slow down please baby,” Stephanie asked nicely and Bruce did. “Well you should, you slept almost twenty hours,” she told him.

  “Damn, I must’ve been tired,” Bruce replied as he slowly ate.

  “Yes you were baby,” Stephanie said, smiling. Then the smile fell off her face, “Now maybe you can explain why in the fuck you slept one fucking hour a day, on your feet!” she asked in a loud voice. Millie spun around and headed to the kitchen knowing what was coming.

  “We were in combat,” Bruce snapped back.

  “Not the entire time. I watched Danny’s and Buffy’s cards off their cameras that’s just like yours sitting on your head now. I didn’t watch yours because you said you didn’t want anyone to. So I went to them and they let me watch. Granted it was a lot of fast forwarding but I watched you make everyone sleep at least four hours a day. Danny begged you two days ago to rest and you yelled at her!” Stephanie slammed her hands on the table standing up. “What the fuck are you trying to do to yourself? That nearly killed us last night seeing you like that. If you would’ve been in a constant battle it would be different, but you did it to look like a bad ass!” Two people walked in as Stephanie was yelling and turned right back around and left. “That’s not right and you know it! If we would’ve been hit here you would’ve died!” Stephanie yelled out.


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