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Page 2

by Blake Haugen

  “Persephone, I’m being serious. I’m serious about us, and I don’t want this to mess it up.”

  “Well, I’m being serious, too. You can’t promise me that you won’t let a bad thing happen to me. I understand you’re mad and upset. I am, too. You don’t have to throw around promises you –” she shut her mouth suddenly, as if remembering not to let go of some secret she was obliged to keep.

  Vanya’s brow furrowed at her non-topical admonition. Why was she trying to discuss and break down his words right now? He decided to ignore the comment.

  “Look, Persephone, I just want to know that you’re okay. You don’t have to be contained; you can let it out. Just let it out. Yell at me, cry, anything. I don’t want to argue about what I do or don’t promise. You can ask me anything.”

  Persephone finally turned to face him full on, pinning him with an angry glare, “I cannot ask you anything. Don’t even say that.”

  “You might not always like the answer, but you can ask. Those guys –”

  “Nope, nope!” Persephone interrupted, waving her hands in protest, “I don’t even want to know. I slept through the whole thing. I think that’s best for both of us, right?”

  Vanya was temporarily dumbfounded. Persephone had beaten him to the punch, stealing his lines again. He just stared at her, mesmerized as she went on.

  “I probably would have if you hadn’t woken me up. Honestly, I’m more upset about that than anything else.”

  “What? I had to wake you up. I had to get you out of harm’s way. You’ve seen the way you just pop up awake sometimes. I didn’t want to alert him,” Vanya tried not to get upset as he gestured to where a dead body had lain just two hours before.

  “I’m not a wild idiot spaz or something though. You didn’t have to shake me out of my mind and then yell at me. No one was here, you didn’t have to freak out on me. Don’t yell at me like that. I mean it, for real. That made me so upset; I was so pissed at you then.”

  Vanya’s first thought was that she had no idea if no one else was in the apartment or not, but he thought better of mentioning it when he noticed the timbre of her voice take a deep, warbled turn. Her eyes were filled with tears and she tilted her head back in an attempt to keep them from spilling down her full, brown cheeks. He immediately felt contrite for his behavior. When he moved to take her in his arms she shirked from him.

  “Percy, I’m sorry. I’m really am. I was freaking out. Hell, I’m still freaking out. Honestly, I’d probably do it again. I wouldn't ever hit you if that's what you're thinking. I wanted you in the bathroom as soon as possible. Having you a little pissed at me is preferable to say, an asshole coming through the door and hitting you with a stray bullet, or some goons trying to carrying you off.”

  She let him take her face in his hands and wipe away a few tears that threatened to slide past her cheekbones. She smiled humorlessly and met his eyes. “Well, I was a lot pissed, not a little pissed.”

  Vanya beamed down at her, amused at the range of emotions she had just displayed. He gave her gentle kiss. “I’m sorry, and I’ll try not to do it again.”

  “Good. I mean, I like dominance in bed or whatever, but that shit will seriously piss me off in real life.”

  “In real life? Our bed isn’t real life?” he arched a skeptical eyebrow.

  “You know what I mean. Your bed, sex; it’s fine for you to be dominant when we’re intimate because I’m sexually submissive and I enjoy that, but you don’t get to scare away my friends because you have other plans for me in mind.”

  “Really? I’m not sure I do know what you mean, Persephone. I want you all the time. And what we do here,” he emphasized the bed by pointing at it firmly, “translates to how I feel about you. I thought I made that clear last night. Besides, I think I have a right to ward away Tim Kim and Finn if they’re trying to get into your pants. I do now at least.”

  Persephone sucked in a breath and looked at him incredulously, “Finn is not trying to get into my pants! That is totally absurd.”

  “So, you admit Tim Kim is by omission.”

  Persephone gasped and playfully slapped his arm, “Oh, my gosh!”

  “Gotcha,” Vanya smirked arrogantly and deflected the swats she tried to give him.

  “I cannot believe I walked into that! Ugh, Gigantor! I’m gonna get you for that!”

  They rolled around chastely and playfully until Vanya decided to arrange her under him. Persephone smiled, bit her lip, and averted her deep, dark eyes from his searching ones when he settled himself between her thighs. She seemed so innocent at times like these, as if she had just discovered that she liked to be a sexual being. She smiled up at him coyly, as if she hadn’t just seen him shoot a man a short while ago. The thought alarmed him slightly, but his newly hard cock implored him to ponder that later. It wanted more of the tight, wet pussy it was sliding up against.

  “Who’s got who now, hmm? I think Gigantor wins this round. Where’d you come up with that little name, anyway?”

  “Actually, Gigantor is a big name. I made it up before I knew your actual name, Ivan.”

  Vanya scrunched his face, “No, I don’t like it when you call me that. Only people who don’t really know me call me that.”

  Persephone paused, thinking his statement over. “Finn calls you ‘Ivan.’”

  “Yes, and she knows nothing about me.”

  “And apparently she wants to ‘get in my pants.’ As if,” Persephone said sarcastically, making air quotes with her hands.

  “She told me herself yesterday while you were in the bathroom at the mock trial.”


  Vanya relayed the conversation he’d had with Finn to Persephone, all the while studying her face, watching the gears turn in her head. He knew it was selfish, but he did not want to have this conversation right now. He wanted to –

  ‘Fuck’ was not the right word. ‘Have sex’ was too blasé and ‘make love’ seemed corny. Vanya was just determined to put an end to the issue as soon as possible. He waited for her response, expecting her to chalk up his legitimate jealously to irrational jealously. He was surprised when she frowned in acceptance.

  “Well, I guess that kind of makes sense. After we started seeing each other she became way more affectionate and never had anything good to say about you.”

  “Yeah, it made a lot of sense to me, too. How could she possibly resist you, anyway? You’re so damn hot.”

  “Mmmhmm, yeah, I see someone’s joined our party,” she gave him a wry smile, jutting her pelvis up, rubbing her labia against his hard dick.

  “Are you trying to tease me, little girl?” Vanya asked, constraining a groan. He shifted his weight to her body, taking her small wrists into each of his hands. As he rolled his pelvis in kind, he began to feel her slickness against his cock.

  “No, sir,” she replied, wrapping her thick thighs around his taught hips, “I just know you ‘want me all the time.’ I only want to oblige," she mimicked his deep voice, quoting what he'd said to her earlier.

  That lit a fire in Vanya he didn’t know was there. He quickly withdrew from her, ignoring the look of confusion she gave him. He turned her over, pulled her hips up and inserted his long, thick middle finger in her pussy. He stroked diligently until she began to moan, culling her juices about his digit and then pulling it out to flick it rapidly against her clit. When she began to rock her hips, Vanya stopped abruptly and pressed his front to her back side.

  “Don’t mock the way I feel about you,” he whispered into her ear.

  “Okay, I won't,” Persephone replied quickly and breathlessly. Although he had ceased playing with her pussy, she had yet to stop rubbing her ass against his now turgid cock.

  “Say ‘sir’ again.”

  “Sir, I won’t, sir.”

  “Mmm, good girl.” Vanya resumed playing with her clit, rubbing his finger against it as fast and as slickly as possible; the way he knew she liked it. “You want me, too, don’t you?”

  “Yeah, yes…yes, sir.”

  “That’s right, sweetpea. My sweet little pussy wants to get fucked, doesn’t it? Just as much as I want to fuck it.”

  Vanya heard her mumble a soft and desperate ‘oh, shit’ and felt the sheen of sweat on her back against his chest. His prick now wept pre-come; he was sure Persephone could feel it as he ground against her full, round derriere. Reminded of its perfection, he grabbed it roughly after delivering a firm slap. He kissed the salty, ebony flesh at her neck and demanded an answer. “Tell me,” he grunted.

  “Yes, sir, please.”

  “Please what, sweetpea?” He teased her with the head of his penis, pushing just the tip into her dripping center.

  “Please fuck me, sir. Please put your cock deep in my pussy and fuck me,” Persephone whimpered.

  “You mean my pussy, Percy,” he said, pushing further in. His body shuddered as she enveloped his cockhead. “My pussy and your cock, sweetpea; that’s the way it is from now on, right?”

  “Yes, sir, your pussy. Please fuck it.”

  Vanya knew he wouldn’t be able to hold out long, not when she was giving herself to him so completely. He surged in to the hilt, Persephone’s cry of ecstasy barely reaching his ears as he moaned aloud. He dropped his head and sucked on her earlobe, trying not lose control and rut into her straight away as his dick commanded. Knowing this was the most possessive he’d ever been with her, he checked in, attempting to convey a calm that he did not feel.

  “You okay?”

  Persephone let out a chuckle that Vanya felt throughout his body, “Oh, fuck yeah.”

  A shiver ran down his spine, finding its way to his cock. He smiled broadly and began to stroke in and out, “You’re such a good girl, wet for this cock.”

  “Harder, please, sir. Faster.”

  “Yeah, ugh, fuck. My girl knows what she wants.”

  Vanya ceased talking as he picked up the pace to screw her the way she insisted. Each time he hit home he felt Persephone’s pussy attempt to clutch and trap his cock. With each devastating squeeze she let out the most precious little moan. He grunted in pleasurable thanks when she pushed back into him, creating a sweet friction between his veins and her slippery, swollen walls.

  Through the smell of their sex and the sounds of their bodies rubbing and pounding into one another, Vanya heard Persephone muffling her cries of ‘yes!’ into a pillow she clung to. He quickly removed his finger from her clit, pausing only to sample a bit of the essence that had gathered there. He licked his finger and then grabbed her hair with his other hand, pulling her up. He placed his finger on her lips.

  “Suck it. See how good you taste to me,” he breathed hard, standing on his knees with his cock still embedded snuggly within her. Persephone complied eagerly as she straddled him, facing forward and sucking his finger with gusto. All the while she tried to encourage him to resume his rough fucking by rocking back and forth.

  “Don’t hide your sounds from me, sweetpea. Don’t hide from me. I want to hear you. I want everything. Do you understand?” Vanya didn’t realize he had started to stroke in and out of her in earnest. He was the one begging now, putting the force of his feeling into each thrust. When she moaned in the affirmative around his finger he withdrew it and grabbed both of her hips to gain more purchase.

  “I want everything, Percy. Get on your hands and knees and answer me aloud. Do you understand me? ”

  “Yes, sir,” Persephone gasped out loud, assuming the position he had designated for her. She began to whimper again as he hammered away, “Oh, yes, yes. Fuck, please let me come. Please may I come?”

  “Aww, fuck,” Vanya swooned as he registered the fact that she was asking him permission to have her release. He felt woozy and knew he was going to come. The fact that he would do so with her simultaneously only heightened his pleasure. His finger resumed its rapid flicking of her clit. Persephone began her high pitched moan. It was never loud; just desperate, ecstatic, and genuine.

  “Ahh, yes, Vanya, yes, yes!”

  “That’s right, you’re such a good little girl and for that I’m gonna put my load inside you. Come on, baby, come. Make your cock spill inside my sweet, little cunt.”

  “Yes, Vanya, yes! Come, come inside me. Oh, ah!” Persephone cut herself off with a small shriek. Her body went rigid as her pussy spasmed again and again around Vanya causing him to roar as he flooded her with his seed. He growled with each subsequent thrust that delivered semen from his body to hers. When Persephone was spent and made to collapse to the bed, he held her hips fast, keeping them connected. His cock had not yet lost its tumescence, and he used her body to stroke himself down to softness.

  The warm, sticky heat of their joining contrasted with the chill of the air conditioning against Vanya’s sweaty back, chest, and forehead, heightening the sensation of the aftershocks that coursed through his muscles. Persephone was limply resting her torso on the bed, her head now buried into the pillow she’d held onto when Vanya gave her the power of his body. Her vagina still squeezed him every few seconds. The sweat on her body cooled. Whereas his own perspiration resembled water, hers made glorious gold highlights appear on her skin. Although he had begun to wilt, Vanya recognized the physical reaction of want that the thought garnered throughout his body. He made a mental note to explore all of her skin later.

  “Fucking unreal,” Persephone mumbled, her comment bringing him out of his reverie. She had turned her head to the side in order to become audible. Her eyes were closed and she wore a small smile.

  Vanya collapsed to her side, finally able to separate from her tempting body. He laid on his back and felt their fluids drip from his cock. He didn’t mind just falling asleep, but he knew Persephone felt uncomfortably gunky, so he jumped up to fetch a washcloth from the bathroom.

  “Come baaaack,” Persephone called in a bleary, sleepy voice. She pathetically raised her hand to beckon him to her, only to let it plop back down on the bed. Vanya smiled as he turned on the water, soaked the cloth, and cleaned himself. “I’m coming right back.”

  A faint giggle reached his ears. He smiled with pride; he had definitely worn her out. There were times when she was ready to go again, handling him and taking what she wanted until she was satisfied. There were also times like now though, when she hovered over the edge of sleep, quietly giggling, caressing her nipples and stretching in a distinctly feline manner. Vanya rinsed and rang out the towel and brought another to dry her with, eager to join her again.

  Returning to bed, he carefully arranged Persephone on her back and spread her legs. He gently wiped away the evidence of their mutual pleasure. She hummed in satisfaction, “Mmm, thank you.”

  “Believe me, you do not have to thank me for letting me play with your pussy. I’m pretty sure I enjoy it as much as you do.”

  “But this isn’t playing. This is washing.”

  “Hmph, says you.”

  “You are such a dude.”

  “Hell, yeah,” Vanya finished up, throwing the towels to the floor. He kissed and suckled each of her nipples, promising himself not to neglect them during their next coupling. When he arranged his body behind hers, he drew the scattered covers over their hips and pulled her into his chest. She was too sleepy to wiggle around. When he thought she had almost nodded off, he felt more than heard her chuckle.

  “What’s up?”

  “I was just thinking of how I thought we were going to have soft, sweet comfort sex, but we ended up having rough, caveman, ‘obey me’ sex.”

  “Hmm, yeah, I’ll just have to go for sweet comfort sex when you wake up.”

  “Mmm, yay. We’ll just have to follow it up with more of the caveman sex, and then talking about tonight and our relationship, and then breakfass…”

  Persephone had turned over to face him but could no longer maintain consciousness. Vanya gathered her close to him once again. He played with her hair while he thought about what answers he might want to give during their ‘talk.’ The straight lock of he
r hair he twisted between his fingers kinked up at the end near her scalp. Vanya knew she’d be perturbed at having to flat iron it the next morning.


  They slept until noon. Persephone was irked because she had to get out of bed and go to her apartment to retrieve some clothing and her flat iron. Vanya piddled around her small abode as she used the bathroom. She was thankful all this hullabaloo had happened on a Friday night. She had the whole weekend to recover and get back on track with her studies. They hadn’t really talked about it yet, but if asked, Persephone had decided she would say that she slept through the "burglary." Persephone was pretty much okay with that. It fell within the realm of ‘things that could be handled.’ She was more concerned with Vanya’s current mood.

  After waking up earlier that morning he had resumed being cuddly Gigantor, one of Persephone’s favorite versions of him. He had run the fingers of one hand along her curves as he held her. Every so often he kissed her hair or her forehead. When they had finally made their way out of the shower and his apartment, he’d seized her hand on the way to his parking garage, swinging their entwined fingers back and forth.

  While they had waited to cross the street at the end of the block, two men on Persephone’s left began yelling at one another. Both men were old and drunk. At first, Persephone had wondered how they came to be on Vanya’s swanky street. Their loud bickering escalated when old man number one got in number two’s face and declared, “You just fuckin’ chickenshit. Chick-n-shit.”

  Number two couldn’t tolerate that kind of slander, and he had risen and pushed number one out of his face. Before Persephone had time to react and move out of the way, Vanya moved her to his right side. He hugged her tightly to his body, albeit more gently than he had the previous night. Luckily, the light changed and they were able to cross the street, escaping the elderly curmudgeons. Vanya hadn’t removed his arm from around her shoulder until they were seated in his car.

  Persephone had noticed that Vanya was reflective during their short ride to her place. He had tried – and failed – at hiding his security-like perusal of her apartment when she unlocked the door. He had swept in before her and laid his coat on her bed rather than hanging it on the rack adjacent to the front door.


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