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Disorder (The Stellar Series Book 2)

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by Rebecca Clark

  The image of my father as Mr. Riley, my science teacher, pops into my head. He has been at the high school teaching for the last three years. I did see him daily. He was there. It wasn't the way I needed him to be.

  "That doesn't change the fact that he could have told me the truth. At any point, he could have approached me and told me who he was," I quickly dispute, leaving Jax speechless.

  Silently, we walk into the dense forest, escaping the others as well as our conflicting conversation. A mix of floral scents welcomes our entrance. Playfully, Jax squeezes my hand, reminding me that he's still here, and he's here for me.

  "We'll get Miri back, I promise," Jax whispers.

  "I know we will." I stand tall and continue forward.

  Chapter Two

  Over the next three days we held endless meetings. I viewed drawing after drawing that showed all the possible ways to enter the castle. Michael made sure we were aware of all of the guards and their weapons. Anger pulsed through me as I thought about what could be happening to Miri. Is she safe? Is she scared? Thankfully, when I mentally withdrew myself from the conversation, Jax took note and always filled me in during the short breaks.

  Overall, Jax did most of the talking. He used his knowledge of their army and defense to help draft a way in. Kalus mostly listened. During these meetings, I studied my father's face. His lines of worry, the way he would massage his temples while in deep thought. Most of the time he appeared pained, as if he fought a battle within himself. One time he caught me watching him. I didn't turn away or try to hide it; instead, I nodded and gave him a hopeful look. I knew he was as worried as I was. Miri is like no other being. She's special.

  Michael sat in on most meetings, providing us with important intelligence of the castle and underground passageways—one of which leads straight out onto the beach. We argued a bit about entering that way. Personally, I think it's too obvious, but what do I know?

  Back before I came to Pumalia, I was in search of something more exciting and bigger than the life I knew. Well, I found that and more. Now, part of me yearns for the days when life was boring. Often I find myself thinking about Elena and our mother-daughter memories. Some nights I even awake with a damp face, thinking of her intentions and how she had changed her whole life to look after me. I hope someday I have the opportunity to thank her. I don't even know for sure if she's still alive. Jax insists that she is, but I think he's telling me what I want to hear. At this point, no one wants to upset me. My abilities are within me but controlling or using them on command is difficult. Everyone knows when I get angry I will most likely light my hands up.

  I need to focus on coming up with the perfect plan. Since the revelation of the opalescent stone my powers have taken a front seat. Michael surrendered the stone to Kalus willingly. Kalus didn't say much but he did mention that my gifts would slowly return as soon as he properly disposed of the ability-drawing stone. I feel useless while I wait for my inherited gifts to kick in, I won't be able to get Miri back until that happens. That's my plan—dethrone my mother and rescue Miri.

  Kalus has taken it upon himself to figure it out. He has some knowledge of the stone and its properties. I'm not sure how, but he has contacted a being from Plito. Plito is where Kalus' mother was born, my grandmother. That planet is the reason for my supernatural talents. Kalus believes the stone is also from Plito, and this alien could have the answers we seek.

  I watch as Jax and Michael discuss strategy. Michael's tense stance may be an indication of his comfort level. Jax towers him and uses his muscular arms to prove his points, occasionally bumping into Michael. I'm guessing they are both uncomfortable but Jax is having a bit of fun with him. It's odd to see my sort of ex-Earth boyfriend with Jax, the one I was still dreaming about when I was seeing Michael.

  I need to get away from this weird bonding that they're doing and get some air. This is the perfect time for me to sneak away. I'm sick of how everyone looks at me like I'm about to break into a million pieces. I need to be alone but I know that's going to be challenging. Since the Miri's kidnapping in Aurora, I haven't had the privilege of doing anything by myself.

  I survey the room and notice Kasper is no longer here.

  "I'll be back in a bit. I'm going to find Kasper. I have a few questions I want to run by him." I head toward the door hoping no one will stop me. I doubt anyone will think this as odd. Kasper and my relationship was bumpy at first but since I've been back it's improved a lot. He challenges me, without criticizing me. He has definitely grown on me, and since Miri's kidnapping he has been a great sounding board.

  "Sure, do you want me to come with you?" Creases form on Jax's face as he waits for my response. His general concern for me is adorable. Especially when he bats his gorgeous eyes at me. I still can't believe we kissed. I try to not dwell on how happy that kiss made me but it's hard. But this isn't the time. We both don't have the time. We are working on getting Miri back and saving the galaxy. I wonder what he thinks about me though, does he like me the same way I like him?

  Jax clears his throat.

  "Sorry, my mind was wandering. Thanks for the offer but I'm good. Thanks for asking though." Quickly, I exit the room so he can't insist on tagging along. I don't need a babysitter. Even if he resembles a Greek god.

  As I dash out the door, the fresh air assaults me. Inhaling the floral scents from Kasper's miniature garden immediately calms my anxiety. I hate being stuck here while Miri is somewhere out there. I can't believe how much I miss her and that infectious giggle.

  Alexa, Alexa, Alexa… The breeze tickles my ears and chants my name. Am I hearing things now? Maybe I'm tired. I nod away the nagging feeling that someone is saying my name and continue walking away from civilization.

  I need to focus on my lack of magical tricks and work harder on using the ones I have, but I can't get Miri's smile out of my mind. My heart aches for her. All I want to do is find and protect her. But first I need control over my abilities.

  Carelessly, I catch my shoe on a rock and stumble forward. I close my eyes and grit my teeth, preparing to land face down on the mossy speckled floor beneath me. When nothing happens I squint, and to my disbelief, I'm hovering over the spot where my face should have hit. Relief surges through me and then it's quickly replaced by sheer panic. I'm happy I didn't fall, but not knowing how to control what I'm doing is a tad startling.

  Gradually, I place one foot on the ground at a time. I find it pretty easy to move my legs. However, my body is bent in such an odd angle that I'm sure if anyone is watching they'll think I look ridiculous. As soon as both feet are safely placed below me, I slowly stand upright.

  "Interesting. My powers are there, but I don't know how to use them unless I'm desperate, like when I went flying out of the Pumalian compound up over the guards. I was in distress then as well," I murmur to myself. A wide grin finds it way to my face. "Maybe if I focus hard enough…" I stare at the giant rock before me. Its daunting size mocks my inferiority.

  I imagine the stationary rock sailing across the forest. I move my arms and swirl them above my head, trying to initiate some magical power to levitate the boulder. It doesn't move. A giggle escapes me, and the feeling of helplessness fades. "I can do this. I have to do this. Miri's depending on me," I remind myself not caring who hears me.

  Alexa, you're trying too hard.

  Is that the wind mocking me?

  "Who's there?" I demand.


  Who's taunting me?

  "I'm trying," I argue out loud to no one in particular.

  Forget everything else. Focus.

  "I must be crazy."

  Enough! Listen to yourself. Listen to your ability.

  I clench my fists and close my eyes. A slight hum from within me emits. I try to hone in on that sound. I pull at it with my mind, manipulating it, making it louder. The hum soon becomes a buzz that vibrates in my ears. I squint and almost fall over when I see that the rock is levitating.

  You did

  No longer did the noise sound like the bothersome wind. Instead, it's clearly an older male. A voice that sounds somewhat familiar.

  "Who are you?" I falter with my concentration and the rock quickly plummets. The loud thump signifies my lack of talent. Apparently, doing two things at once requires more skills than I currently possess.

  No answer.

  A feeling of accomplishment washes over me and I can't help the smile that forms. We're one step closer to rescuing Miri.

  But that voice, is it only in my mind? Great, I hear random murmurs. Another mysterious element I must add to my growing list of oddities. At least the voice was helpful and encouraging. I turn away from the deserted forest and head back to Kasper's house before someone realizes I'm not with him.

  Chapter Three

  At least I was able to enjoy a few hours by myself. After my walk to the falls I hung out, alone, at Kasper's place and it was amazing. After I snooped through the few belongings he has I was tired. I napped for a few minutes before Jax came barging in with news waking me from a sound sleep. Jax felt terrible for waking me but he wanted to make sure I heard about Kalus' trip aboveground from him.

  "Kalus made it very clear that we do NOTHING until he returns." Jax emphasizes his delivery with a stern look. He knows me too well. My eyes fall to his mouth and the memory of his lips on mine disrupts my thoughts. I shake my head in an effort to clear out the mild obsession I have with Jax.

  I inhale sharply and ask, "Why do we have to wait for Kalus?" Rocking back and forth on my heels anger builds in my body. "We don't even know for sure when he'll return, or if he will. It wouldn't be the first time he's left me." I can't help but make a dig at Kalus. Why would he leave and not tell me?

  "We need his level of expertise. He should be back any day. He was making a quick trip aboveground. Retrieving a being that he's been trying to communicate with. He should be able to help you." Jax sighs. I know he's as anxious as I am, but I can't comfort him when I'm also a complete mess.

  Jax lowers his eyes to meet mine. "I'm sorry, Alexa, Kalus didn't give me too many details. All I know is that this being will be helpful, if not instrumental, in getting Miri back."

  Jax paces in front of me. His usual calm demeanor is absent. His stiff stance and military-style march has me concerned. This is not only my fight. The extraction of Miri is the catalyst of the galaxy's freedom. Lines of worry are etched in his beautiful face. That doesn't change any of his godlike features. Instead, it enhances them. I shake my head, trying to rid it of my thoughts. I need to focus on something other than this beautiful being before me.

  Since Miri's kidnapping we haven't spent any time alone together. We've been so busy. I've been working on my powers with Kasper. Jax has been working on rallying an army of beings that all have a different background, some of which include no combat training or war preparedness. However, this doesn't stop me from obsessing over our kiss. The girl in me can't help but wonder if he remembers our kiss and the undeniable connection.

  "Alexa, stop it. You're being ridiculous," I sternly whisper to myself.

  "What's that?" Jax asks.

  "Oh, nothing, I'm thinking out loud." My face heats and I try to hide the redness that is sure to follow. Talking to myself is probably a character flaw I should try and disguise. Especially in front of the guy I'm interested in impressing.

  "Oh, okay. Do you want to talk about it?" He halts his pace and pulls up a chair next to me. He takes my arm and sandwiches it between his two strong, capable hands. Butterflies flutter about in my stomach.

  "Um, no. No thanks." I stutter a bit but who can blame me? Those aquamarine eyes and that chiseled Greek god of a chin drive me crazy. Quickly I distance myself from him.

  We both watch my fingertips change from a pale white, like the rest of my body, to a glowing yellow. Clearly being this close to Jax initiates some sort of reaction. If only I could control it.

  Swiftly I jam my hands into my pockets and stride out of the room. Embarrassment finds me no matter what planet I'm residing on.

  "Wait, Alexa, come back," Jax hollers.

  "I'm going for a walk. I'll see you in a bit," I reply.

  I need to get control over myself. I know I have abilities, but this needs to stop. Tam will help me. Not because she wants to. She barely tolerates me. But she will help because she knows I need leverage against my psychotic mother and she would do anything Kasper asks. I'm not sure why they don't tell each other how they feel. It is apparent that both of them try to hide their feelings but anyone can see they have chemistry. I see how he is always smiling at her. I also catch the moments when Tam doesn't think anyone is watching and she's always looking for Kasper, that's if he's not standing next to her.

  The breeze churns my dark hair as I jog to Tam's house. It's still hard for me to see my hair as dark brown. On Earth my hair was white blonde and now it couldn't be further from that. My true form will always have dark hair and that's something I'll have to get used to.

  I notice the artificial light is darkening, which indicates that night is upon us. The beings that are currently wandering around Aurora will all look very different in a few short hours. The thought of this once bothered me, but after the first few nights of remaining out while the artificial light darkened, the variety of aliens no longer scare me. Everyone's here for the same reason—to avoid the crazy queen.

  Without hesitating, I pound on the door and then wait.

  Tam opens the portal and silently gestures me to enter. The usual scowl is at bay. She offers me a fake smile and I step over the threshold.

  "I don't mean to interrupt whatever you're doing right now but I need some help." My voice quivers, making me more vulnerable than I wish to appear.

  "What can I do for you?" She scrunches her nose into a less-than-pleased face. It's like a punch to the gut. Does she realize how hard it is to be here, asking her for help?

  "Remember when you and Kasper were teaching me about my powers?" I ask.

  Tam rolls her eyes. "Yes, I do. I also remember you asking us if it was really necessary."

  Ouch, I did say that. "I'm sorry, Tam. I didn't realize that all of this," I frantically wave my arms around like a lunatic, "was dependent on my powers and what I do with them. I need help now. I want to get my sister back. I'm so thankful that Kasper has given me another chance. The past few days have been invaluable. He's helped me with so much."

  "I get it. Why don't you come sit at the table and we can talk." Tam's expression lightens up and I'm hopeful that she won't dislike me forever. I know I'm not the easiest to get along with, but I've been through a lot.

  "Do you hate me?" I blurt as I take a seat. The cool metal helps soothe my embarrassment. I have no filter; maybe I should work on this.

  Tam shoots me an if-looks-could-kill glare. "I don't necessarily hate you. You're just…just a lot of work. You don't listen and you think burying your head in the sand will make it all go away." Another punch to the stomach, that's what her admission feels like. The wind is momentarily knocked out of me and I have no response.

  "Now that Miri has been taken, I think you realize how serious this situation is. Am I right?" Tam waits for my rebuttal, but all I can do is nod in agreement.

  Before the conversation continues, her door swings open with a gust of floral fragrance. Kasper slinks in. "You're both sitting at the table? No bloodshed, what's going on here?" The sarcasm is so overdone, it's obnoxious.

  "Ha-ha-ha, Kasper," I say through gritted teeth.

  "Alexa and I were about to practice her abilities. I think she's ready." The statement itself was positive, but her glare ruined the sentiment.

  "Great. Alexa, stand up and move into the center of the room," Kasper directs.

  My feet move one foot in front of the other. My body slowly follows suit. "Sure."

  "Now close your eyes," Tam instructs. "Focus your energy."

  Here I am, standing in the middle of the room with both Tam and Kasper's ga
zes boring holes through me, yet this isn't uncomfortable. I follow her directions and find myself blind to my surroundings. Quickly I use my other senses to gauge where they are.

  I take a quick peek to see if I'm right in guessing where they both stand. The intense look from both is frightening. I quickly close my eyes and wish I had the power to disappear.

  "See, she's not taking this seriously," Tam whines loudly enough for me to hear.

  "I'm not doing this," I respond out of pure frustration. "I can't do this when you're staring at me waiting for me to fail and finding fault with everything I do."

  There's no satisfying Tam. I can't help but lose all concentration and I instead focus solely on her face. She always has this unsatisfied grin. I'm not sure if it's a regular fixture or if it's something that only appears when I'm present. I should ask Kasper about that.

  "I don't know what you mean." Wasting no time Tam reveals a smirk. Her gaze darts from my head down to my toes, sizing me up. Maybe it's not on purpose; the thought blinks in and out of my mind. No, it's on purpose. She loves to watch me squirm. I'm not sure how we got off on the wrong foot anyway. I think she's still mad because unbeknownst to me at the time, I threw a chair at her while I was sleeping. It's not like I had control over my powers back then. Now I can somewhat do things, but then again, definitely not purposefully.

  "Sure you don't." I sigh. "You always look like you can't stand the sight of me. That's okay. I'll get over it."

  She throws her arms up like she's going to have a meltdown. I didn't mean for my response to be so sharp. However, I think Tam appreciates my honesty.

  "Enough, you two," Kasper says with his arms crossed against his chest. "We actually do have work to do."


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